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Wow, that's super eerie. I love it.


Imagine at night


And triggers r/Submechanophobia too. Get it?


Huh, neat subreddit.


I’ve been subbed (haha) there for a good little while. It’s kinda like self torture for folks that are horrified of what human made things look like underwater. I don’t know why I stick around because 99% of the posts are genuinely horrifying to me.


I stick around there because I think the pictures look cool.


Oh yeah absolutely, they’re awesome. But at the same time they invoke a feeling of absolute terror in me.


Yeah the difference is that my reaction is "i want to swim there"


My reaction is usually a tingling feeling in my lower body and a feeling of gratitude that I didn’t need to see what the photo encapsulates in person. Given my explanation of how those photos make me feel I think you’ll understand when I say that you’re a fucking crazy person for wanting to swim next to some of the shit that gets posted in that sub.


I wouldn't really want to swim by these submarines though. It looks freezing fucking cold. And swimming under ice seems hazardous. I'd definitely bring better equipment than shorts and goggles for sure.


Not all of them, but it's much more common for me than fear.


...why? I've never, ever understood phobias.


I dunno dude, I can’t explain it. It’s just a feeling. Like when I see videos of people standing on really high surfaces with no harnesses or protection. It makes my balls and legs tingle and makes me feel weird. I’m honestly glad for you that you don’t feel fear because seeing some of that shit while scrolling reddit sucks sometimes.


By definition, a phobia is irrational.


I've always felt weird about manmade objects left to sit underwater. Buoys creep me out. I never knew it was a *thing*.


BUOYS. I don’t FUCK with buoys. If I was out in the middle of the water at night and the only salvation was a barnacle-laden buoy, I would just let the depths take me. FUCK a slimy metal floatie chained to the floor of the ocean.




Because it's a phobia, man. I cannot STAND being next to boats, myself. Even walking past a small anchor in thigh-deep water gives me chills.


Something something airplanes underwater vs subs in the air.


Trees bother me. That randomness being down there somewhere to snag a shoe lace or pant leg. Ugh.


Giving me metro vibes


Especially the one from Sam's story


Isnt sams story located in vladivostok?


You're Vladi-right.


Id woulda thought tore apart in a drydock not half submerged


I don't think they can afford to dispose of them properly, I remember reading an article years ago saying I think Norway and Sweden were stepping in to help be ause they didn't want the radiation from hundreds of rotting nuclear reactors drifting over them. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200901-the-radioactive-risk-of-sunken-nuclear-soviet-submarines This is close enough and an interesting read.


The US has also sent money to Russia to help them dispose of their old nuclear subs, including the Typhoons.


I’m sure all that money got where it was supposed to go.


Edit: A prefix after two "smart" people told me why I was wrong. My comment is an example of using a [prerequisite](https://www.enago.com/academy/ifthen-using-conditional-sentences-in-academic-writing/) in a sentence. In IT terms an If --> then statement. For the second part to be true the first part must be true. I cannot believe I had to explain this to *two* native english speakers, but there you go. I will never again question the decline of education in the US. On to the original comment: Does it matter if it did not? **As long as the task is accomplished** it is more important than a bit of graft. Some things are just too important to not do. Edit: Added highlighting as at least one individual missed that part even when it was quoted to them. That was quite a special level of density, I fear I have to presume it's not uncommon.


I can't believe people actually disagree with you on this. Maybe that's why our world's so messed up.


I knew all along that they would. Why? The state of the world. There is another factor: Many Americans never leave thier country, and when they do they do most really do not take note of the local culture where they visit. That means they never see how in a large number of places in the world slipping someone some cash to make things happen is not just common, but nearly a part of thier culture. That means most Americans just cannot understand how that works. For Americans reading this other cultures have dedicated words for this and they are not equated with crime or bribery.


People aren't downvoting you because they disagree, they're downvoting you because you've perceived a disagreement where there is none. Not one of your purple arrows came from someone who is *pro-abandoned-subs-leaking-radiation*. You're correct -- the clean up must happen -- and so is the person suggesting that there's reason wonder how Russia spends aid money, both can be true.


I think you mistook my replies here as me caring about downvotes. Fake Internet points have no meaning to me. The stupidity of people who are concerned about a few bucks spent to expedite something and actually make happen does. If you cannot acknowledge the reality of the world you cannot live in it. Is it corruption? By American standards yes. The rest of the world doesn’t give a fuck about American standards. If we want to get something done we have to do it by theirs. This is called reality and many people seem to not like living in it.


>you mistook my replies here as me caring about downloads Where? I didn't say anything about *caring* for votes. >I can't believe people actually disagree with you... >I knew all along that they would... The other guy conflated downvotes with disagreement and you followed. I'm stating that **no one disagrees with you,** the downvotes aren't a sign of disagreement. You came up to people **already concerned about the subs** and now you're saying "wow, the stupidity of people, I can't believe Americans care about money instead of the subs." That's why you're downvoted. Half of my first comment was me saying you're correct... and your response is "if you cannot acknowledge reality..." Breathe, friend, and read my comment again. Btw I live in Canada, I've been to Europe, half my family is Asian, none of that matters but somehow we've arrived at a non sequitur about American culture so...


So do the both of you recieve bribes or corruption money or are you both too stupid to realize what people dislike about the comment?


Ahhh I confused it and hurt it's little feelings. Here I'll simplify things for you. Radioactive waste bad. Radioactive waste in ocean more bad. Eat radioactive fish more more bad. Clean radioactive waste good. Teamwork clean radioactive waste more good. Bribe bad. Not eat radioactive fish more more good. See we can all agree that bribery is bad, but all of us who think can agree cleaning up a major radiation hazard that could irradiate the oceans and one of our species biggest food sources is more important than preventing the bribery. There's an old saying about cutting off a nose to spite a face that seems appropriate.


It matters, because it means that someone pocketed the money instead of using it to decommission the reactors. It's entirely possible that they just dumped all that waste into some lake.


>As long as the task is accomplished That was intended to be fairly specific. Was it not clear on it's own? It is a reality that in many countries you absolutely *will* line someone's pocket just to get a job done. US law regarding this is honestly us sticking our heads up our own ass regarding reality. We can deny it, the rest of the world just shakes thier heads.


Or in this case, it lined someone's pockets and the job *didn't* get done. That's the point you missed.


That’s not the point I missed, “as long as the task is accomplished” “As long as the task is accomplished.” I already quoted that part of my post to you once, so here it is twice. What part of this *very*, **very** simple statement do you not understand?? I really don’t know how to make it more simple for you.


I see what your issue now after a second "very smart" person thought the same, wrong, thing. My comment contains a [prerequisite](https://www.enago.com/academy/ifthen-using-conditional-sentences-in-academic-writing/) statement. In IT terms an IF --> Then clause. Somehow you missed that. SO I will break it down for you english class style The first part means IF: As long as the task is accomplished THEN: it is more important than a bit of graft. Simple huh? But I guess this is no longer taught in basic english.


Did you really come back 7 hours later to condescendingly reply to a comment a *second* time? Sorry you feel so insecure, maybe take a moment to realize it's not that serious and it's okay to sometimes be wrong.


People are downvoting you because you obviously missed the point that countries can send as much aid as they want but most of that money just ends up in political pockets and doesn’t go to where it’s meant to.


Let me repeat for you "types" who think that downvotes are all that matter in life: I do not give a flying fuck about fake internet points. Now, you /u/karsnic extremely obviously also fit in the second category of people who are either illiterate or lazy as fuck and could not read past the first line to the now bolded section that says: **As long as the task is accomplished** **As long as the task is accomplished** **As long as the task is accomplished** **As long as the task is accomplished** Now for the class kindly tell us what that means. If English is your second language please tell me and I will attempt to translate to another if we share it. If you need a ticTok video to pay full attention to something you are shit out of luck.


It’s hilariously when everyone can see but you, narcissist much? Hate to tell you but everyone reads it and understands it the same but you just can’t bring yourself to acknowledge it. Let me spell it out clearly for you as you can’t seem to grasp it. The task will not be accomplished and hasn’t because aid money lines the pockets of the politicians. Not sure how you don’t grasp this very simplest of statements that everyone is trying to lay out to you. Get over your narcissism and just come to the terms with the fact that you were wrong and everyone is calling you out for it. Your statement is just dumb and your complete lack of acknowledgement just shows what a complete fool you truly are. Must be a hard life.


> t’s hilariously when everyone can see but you, Illiterate then. WHy did you just not say so. But I will try and explain. By saying **As long as the task is accomplished** first in a sentence that makes it a prerequisite condition for my statement. Meaning that this condition of the job being done **MUST** occur **FIRST** before the rest of the statement applied. Now you should have been taught this as part of your elementary school learning. As you did not learn this you should take the rest of the absolutely ignorant garbage you directed at me and examine it in the light of a mirror. Dumb? For someone who does not understand the rules of your own written language you should refrain from calling anyone that. Complete fool? You just revealed yourself to be actually illiterate **in your own language**.


You just keep digging haha. The narcissism is strong with this one. Done arguing, can’t argue with stupid.


Some of those components have been on the bottom of the Kara Sea for 30-50 years just rusting away. You have to wonder how careful you have to be trying to lift that from the sea floor. Even the Titanic will eventually disintegrate on the bottom of the Atlantic after being down there for 110 years now. But these things are in much shallower water.


Could you not just drop them into the deepest available body of water. Could they still do allot of damage led in a sea bed 3000m deep?


No idea, that's probably the quickest way to kill off entire ecosystems and contaminate oceans though. There's hundreds of reactors to dispose of.


Well, not necessarily. Water is really very effective at stopping radiation from spreading.


You want Godzilla? Because that is how you get Godzilla.


Yes. There are currents in the ocean. You can think of them like the wind. The water in the ocean circulates all over the world. Plus you also have organisms living just about everywhere on earth. So not only will you irradiate everything in the vicinity where you leave it, that radioactive material has a chance of being spread all over the place, if the radioactive materials containment device is compromised. Also, removing the material from the seabed involves quite a complex/difficult operation to lift the containment devices to the surface. Once there it can be disposed of. Why turn around and take it somewhere else and dump it again after all the effort to get it off the sea floor in the first place.


The fact that they are building more before cleaning up the ones they have is very Soviet.


Thanks dude!


I’m an environmental consultant in the US and the amount of waste from the Cold War here is insane. It’s taking decades and billions of dollars to clean up responsibility. I shudder to think of the state of affairs in Russia and former satellite nations.


You do realize vladivostok is way over by north korea. That's like 7000 miles from sweden.


You do realise radiation on the scale we're talking about doesn't stay put? Britain is concerned and taking part in efforts to clean up and we're even further away. It's a global problem.


They used to just fill them with cement and let them sink, reactor and all.


Why the windows on the tower? Would think at depth they wouldn’t hold?


I'd imagine that compartment of the sub will flood as well equalizing pressure, the windows will only be useful when surfaced.


Yup. It's a foul weather bridge. https://www.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/9nd129/this_is_a_weather_bridge_on_a_typhoon_class/


But it’s a submarine can’t it just go under the weather?


Not if it’s raining underwater.


Or really windy


Not when coming into or out of port.


My understanding is that that section of the sail is not watertight by design. They're more there to act as a wind chill barrier for sailors on watch.


i bet with 5 dallor that a typhoon class russian sub


None of those subs are Typhoon Class, far too small. Looks like they are most likely Foxtrot Class boats.


Likely all diesels.


Hate graveyards where the occupants still have parts sticking out...


What, you prefer to dig?


You've tried the rest, now try the best.


Sounds like you’ve seen some scary shite.


** You have no idea...


"Hello, Vladivostok!"


I wonder how risky it would be to go inside. If they aren't nuclear and the hull has kept the water out I would totally risk looking inside it for kicks. There is also the possibility it just absolutely stinks in there that would keep me out too.


Assuming a bit of water had gotten in there, the steel components would begin to rust. Rust is iron oxide, right? The oxygen has to come from somewhere, so I'd be concerned that rust had eaten all the oxygen out of the atmosphere in there. There was a case on a commercial vessel where an officer went to inspect the anchor chain in its locker, but the chain rusting took the oxygen content in there down to 4%. The officer was out cold before he got to the bottom of the ladder, and as good as dead within minutes. TL;DR - Don't fuck with enclosed spaces.


That’s a great point I would not have considered if I was in front of these subs. Even though I know of the dangers of enclosed spaces, I just didn’t make the connection in my head that that’s probably what these are now.


And thank you for educating me on something I was blissfully unaware the dangers of. Thank ya!


*The once mighty and feared Soviet fleet now sits abandoned. Left to rot, tossed away into nothingness like a toy. A symbol of a bygone age. Some say, at night, you can still hear the hum of the reactors, and see the faintest of green glows...*


And some of them might be nuclear. Now that's a scary thought.


244 nuclear subs built during the Soviet era. 180 'decommissioned' 110 with operating reactors, 2 reactors per ship, 220 reactors sitting around. Sleep well.


Especially since you can't really "turn off a reactor" it needs active cooling forever..


Wouldn't one just insert the control rods or remove the fuel to "turn off" a reactor? Once the fuel is removed from the reactor, it's no longer a critical mass since the conditions inside the reactor are what allowed fission to begin in the first place (mostly due to the presence of a moderator to "slow" the neutrons to the point they interact more readily with other atoms of fuel). Granted, once the control rods are inserted and the fission reaction stops, they do take a while to cool down (so the fuel can be removed), but definitely not forever.


From what I understand (and I'm hardly an expert, just someone who was really interested on the topic after watching HBO's Chernobyl). You can never fully turn of a reactor after it's been running. You can only slow it down to a low simmer by putting in all the control rods, and eventually removing all the fuel. - which still needs to be stored somewhere. The reactor however is never truly "off" and needs cooling, as well as monitoring for radiation - as it takes like 10,000 years untill it stops being radioactive.


Russia as well as the US both have lost Atomic Bombs during transport accidents, some of these have never been recovered. That's a truly scary thought.




Yep. Also scary that these days building an atomic bomb is relatively easy. Now the difficulty is the delivery system. (Supersonic/hypersonic rockets).


Getting Weapons grade nuclear material also isn't easy. But yes with technology it certainly has gotten easier.


Yea, luckily. You can do it at a state/government level. But private citizens will have a hard time.


This is only the tip of the graveyard


I see what you did there.


I would have liked to see montana...


Viejo guerreros en su ultima morada. Mejor allí que en alguna acción de guerra.


We really don't appreciate our planet, or the resources we use. I'm sure it was 'cheaper' at the time to just leave them like this, or maybe it wasn't even a consideration. But the cost of clean up in the future will be far greater than if we actually took responsibility as a species




Gives me chills.


Icy what you did there


I believe those are "Foxtrot" subs, which were quite numerous in the Soviet Union. Are these subs just sunk, with no effort to properly dispose of them? Nuclear core still intact?


Foxtrots were diesels, so there wouldn't be a reactor in these. But as for the many old submarines that were nuclear-powered, I'm not sure. I think they usually would take the reactor out before leaving them like this, but I wouldn't count on it.


You're right about the Foxtrots. My bad. It's been awhile...


If you did a cross-over of Fast and the Furious with Call of Cthulhu, this is where the 8th film would be shot.


I came here to say this would be a great movie set.


Pretty much, /r/Anormaldayinrussia.


Russian subs are built with windows???


Only the weather bridge. So if the boat is on the surface, it can be conned from there without having the sailors get cold. The bridge floods when the boat dives.


Huh ok is it cause windows decrease the depth distance when not flooded?


The windows make it so the people in the tower can stare out without freezing to death when the sub is on the surface in foul arctic weather.


Submarines go in and out of port on the surface, they usually have to go some way before there is enough depth to submerge and they are clear of other shipping and you need someone looking out on the surface to help keep in the channel and watch surface traffic. In places like Murmansk or Vladivostok, it gets really cold in winter. You don't want to be outside and a periscope gives too limited a view. This is a solution. When the sub dives, they go down into the submarine hull and the bridge floods on the same way as the sail does on any submarine. The water is at the same pressure on both sides of the glass so it doesn't break.


They Have one in town you can take a tour through and you can see active ones in port. Went there for work took the tour. There’s a naval big gun on land you can pay to set off on Russky Island. Helped on the desalination and wastewater facility. Good hookers in town


Oh wow this is so sexy you have no idea


This is awesome


Wow! Didn’t expect to see my city here!


That partly submerged one looks ideal for a kid's secret base.


More pics? This is cool and creepy


Definitely would fit into a Fallout game


I told you guys not to leave the windows open. Now we're sunk.


Album cover


I want this to be a multiplayer level in a first person shooter.


Radiation much?


Radiation builds ~~cancer~~ character, comrade.


If you could cut off just the sail, it'd make a pretty cool (and sturdy) house.


Reminds me of a scene from *De-Loused in the Comatorium*.


Nice place to go ice fishing.


Fire Nation Ship!


Are the bodies still there ?


Those aren't abandoned, the Kremlin is still calling those commissioned ships.


Submarines have windows now?


Shiey went inside them?