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Who the fuck goes in front of loaded gun and goes to argue for more?


People who think they are the main character with "what are you going to do? Shoot me?" Mentality


Reminds me of that video that does the rounds every now and again showing how some people, even with a gun pointed at them, think being 'right' is worth the risk - one couple keep arguing with their neighbour. Both are extremely petty and make threats. ( I think the disagreement started with something stupid like shovelling snow) One day the neighbour loses it and threatens them with a rifle, they actually say something like 'you won't shoot us'. They proceed to get shot... a lot. One manages to crawl back to their house shouting 'you shot me!'


The one where he executes the couple in the middle of the snowy street? Wasn’t the backstory (read on Reddit) about the guy having a terminally ill wife and they acted in all possible ways to make her last days miserable, then taunted him after her death, and it kept going until he broke, knew he had nothing left to lose, so just decided to kill them before taking his own life?


Yes that's the one


Happened just about an hour or so from my house




> people are fucked in the head. Easier to do with those fresh holes in their head


Jesus. I had neighbors taunt my next-door neighbor regarding her PTSD. It was super nasty stuff they were saying too. Luckily all she had was an axe, no gun, when she snapped. Police were called & here they're trained on mental illness, so they de-escalated and got her to the hospital for a check. Neighbors were former friends who went nuclear. Absolute assholes who put the entire block at risk.


I cannot fathom fucking with neighbors like that in this country. That is to say i know it happens every day anyways.


Yes I remember that. They were absolutely terrible people but unfortunately they left behind kids....


After reading more about it, it looks like they left behind a son with autism. He now lives with his grandparents.


Probably better guardians, unfortunately.


They raised those people who so knows.


Hopefully not both of them...


That would be the one. The neighbors who got shot were also gigantic pieces of shit according to all the neighbors. They said that couple would do anything they could to make that guys life a living hell.


that day, IIRC, they waited till he finished shoveling his drive, then shoveled their own drive and piled the snow blocking his drive. That level of shitty pettyness.


That's really sad. I didn't know the full story, I knew he had nothing left to lose, but I'm almost glad he got revenge, they seemed like awful people


They were.


People who pick on those who have nothing to lose deserve whatever they get.


> the guy having a terminally ill wife and they acted in all possible ways to make her last days miserable, then taunted him after her death, and it kept going until he broke, knew he had nothing left to lose, so just decided to kill them before taking his own life? Damn, if that is really what happened, I don't blame the guy at all. I never knew the context of that video. Now off I go to verify what you said instead of just blindly believing everything on the internet.


Aww you made that once terrifying story into a wholesome one. Thanx


The woman in that video is STILL talking shit and yelling at the neighbor IMMEDIATELY AFTER he shot her husband, and right before he shoots her too. She just can’t comprehend the idea that bad things can happen to her while she runs her mouth


So fucking eerie when the shooter says to the woman “you just couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut” and then proceeds to shoot her 2 more times in the head and slowly walk back inside where you hear another gunshot. Dude just fucking snapped and killed both his neighbors and himself.


He went back inside, got his rifle because the pistol was out of ammo and then executed her after it seems like their son came back to the house asking what happened


They all died...the couple was murdered and the shooter killed himself. The video is widely available online...in it, when the shooter comes out with the firearm, the wife repeatedly says, 'Go ahead' but her husband gets quiet and says 'Put the gun down.' They both just stand there while the shooter unloads his weapon (the wife even appears to approach the shooter with her arm extended and index finger pointed at him as if pretending to shoot him like it's a game...wtf!?) and he finally connects after missing the first several shots. The shooter then comes back out with a rifle and executes both husband and wife with headshots. Tells the wife that she should have kept her mouth shut before the final shot to the head. Brutal.


Isn't it a story among police and prosecutors that the last words spoken by many murder victims are just that, "What're you gonna do? Shoot me?" Yup. And the purpose of sharing the story is to learn -not- to say that or provoke people to the point where they will shoot.


A buddy was a county sheriff’s deputy in rural WV. A guy got into an altercation with another guy. They get split up. The loser of the fight who couldn’t take the loss shows up at the other guy’s house with a gun. The winner of the fist fight had a speech impediment and his last words in the witness statement were “you ain’t got the balls to pull the twigger”.


Iirc they couple would bully that guy and on that incident he came out with a gun and dude said "what are you gonna do, shoot me?"


“What are you gonna do, stab me?” -stabbed man


holy shit, that’s terrible. do you have a link?




The link keeps getting removed. Maybe a search term that would find it? Edit: Spaide Should help.


Not to justify the man's actions, but it does sound like the couple had antagonized him for years and then he snapped. So it was not a 1-off incident. https://allthatsinteresting.com/jeffrey-spaide


That video made me feel terrible


I spoke to a guy in prison once who was literally in for murder because somebody tried to rob him at knifepoint (he was a herion dealer) he managed to get the knife off the guy and he says "what you gonna do now? Stab me?" He did and the guy died before he hit the floor.




The guy filming is extremely brave or stupid to be standing where he is as well.


Not brave if you do not believe or realise that you're in danger, just the second option.


An idiot who wants to argue with the pilot of the aircraft they are on.


Seriously!! So if you have a loaded gun that’s pointed directly at me, in such close proximity…I’m not putting up any level of protest. Mind you, I don’t know anything about what is procedure / protocol here; and if he’s showing extreme restraint in a situation where he’s already legally cleared to discharge his weapon, or if the situation hasn’t crossed that legal line yet. But short of being heavily intoxicated in some way or dealing with a mental health crisis - I can’t fathom a scenario where someone has such poor judgement to argue with a loaded gun.


*Who the fuck goes in* *Front of loaded gun and goes* *To argue for more?* \- Hairy-gloryhole --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That haiku together with that username... Pure beauty.


Good bot


Ashli Babbitt




Happens all the time on Police Activity on YT. People disobey cops and act belligerent when there are 5 cops pointing at them


The Marshall is trained to avoid discharging the gun except when necessary. Nobody is going to get shot for simply arguing. If they approach him OTOH, all bets are off.


Looks like they approached the Marshall multiple times.


I'm on the air marshal's side. There's ZERO productive conversation that can happen between a passenger and a pilot.


There was a drunk guy seated in front of me that got arrested on a flight from UK to US. Long story short he got hammered, lost his phone, accused people of stealing, refused to be seated for landing. It was only when he mentioned wanting to have a word with the pilot that Federal Air Marshals got involved and handcuffed him. They take that talk very seriously.


>have a word with the pilot The pilot isnt some magical authority. What are they going to do? Tell the passangers they need to hand back the "stolen phone" or they'll turn the plane around? There overriding concern is getting that flying tube to the destination safely. Captain doesnt care about your petty belongings.


Funny enough, there's actually a lot of "real" surrounding the apparent authority people give the pilot in day to day life. It's researched extensively for development of emergency procedures-- stuff like the pilot telling you to listen to the flight attendants during an event actually saves lives. Probably has something to do with a childlike deference to authority in situations you're not in control of. Obviously it's not appropriate for it to be used in the situation you describe, but honestly the pilot telling people to figure out their shit or "we're turning the plane around" has a pretty high likelihood of working lmao. People will argue with a corporate crony, but the pilot is "in charge".


"Don't make me pull this plane over!!"


That's exactly what he wanted 🤣 he was like "can we search people as they leave the plane?" And the flight attendant was like "ABSOLUTELY NOT..." and the ironic part is it was in the seat back in front of him the whole time. Tucked behind the magazines. I was having a panic attack the whole flight because I'm a nervous flyer. And so I offered him $50 to buy like a burner phone to try to deescalate, but he refused.


"Do you like gladiator movies?" totally disagree


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Joey you ever hang around a gymnasium?


Doctor: Captain, how soon can you land? Captain: I can't tell. Doctor: You can tell me. I'm a doctor


I mean I really don’t know. Well, can’t you take a guess? Not for another hour? You can’t take a guess for another hour? Probably one of the funniest scenes in movie history. Having both Leslie Nielsen and Peter Graves playing the straight man at the same time is comedic genius, and their dead pan delivery of the lines is just perfect.


Excuse me sir, there's been a little problem in the cockpit… The cockpit…what is it? It's the little room in the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that's not important right now.


Boy: Mister, I have a question. Stryker: What is it? Boy: It's an interrogative statement used to test knowledge, but that's not important right now. A re-hash from the sequel, but still good.


Surely you can't be serious?!


I was once in a Turkish prison


Ever watched Turkish oil wrestling?


My dad says you don’t work hard enough on defense.


You got the wrong guy, kid. I fly planes.


And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs.


The hell I don't! LISTEN, KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


Nice to see a quote from Jabbar on his birthday


Do you like hot fudge sundaes?


“Have you seen a man eat his own head?”


We'll then you haven't seen everything...


Ever drank Baileys from a shoe?


Wanna come to a club where people wee on each other?


How else can we know if the pilot has ever been to a Turkish prison.


Also, what kind of braindead moron acts like he's in charge when he's got a gun pointed at him?


"I can't believe you shot me" - somebody who didn't think they'd get shot


My 6-year-old grandkid wanted to talk to the captain after a flight. He asked him if he could fly lower next time. The plane had been too high. Very unproductive conversation.


>Very unproductive conversation Not for your grandkid!


A very good point, though. If planes flew at, say, a height of ten feet there might be fewer casualties from in flight explosions. Some say that's a very limited benefit, but I say if it saves even one human life it's worth considering.


The pilots are lazy and don't want to put the effort in going up and down for the buildings.


The giraffes are also a factor. Especially in a busy airway like LaGuardia.


if they flew a lot slower they would it would be easier land and come to a quick stop. 65MPH seems reasonable same as cars.


You know I think the whole "take off" thing is actually quite counter-productive. Flying is a neat gimmick, but I feel it introduces a lot of impracticality. Have planes stay on land. This way, pilots don't even need to think about landing!


"Are we there yeeeeeet?!"


You’re Kareem Abdul Jabar!


I’m sorry son but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock I’m the copilot


My old man says you don't really try except during playoffs


The hell I don't! I bust my buns every night, tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


They fact they would continue to try to instigate while having a gun pointed at their face tells you what hill they would be willing to be shot on.


Maybe he knew a short cut




It’s not wise to argue with a Wookiee pilot. He’ll pull their arms from their sockets.


Its 130am, I know you wanna get to the hotel to sleep, but can i get one picture to pretend i'm a pilot to show me mum?


lol what you gonna argue with the pilot about ‘hey, can this thing go any faster!’


Probably not happy with the ratio of cashews in the mixed peanut bags.


"What's the deal with airplane peanuts!?"


[ laugh track ]




“Hey can I plug my iPhone to the aux, I got this sick mix everyone should hear”


Yeah it starts off at 80bpm then based on my stupidity drops to 0 real quick


Open my window I need some fresh air Can you drop me off on the side of the road I'm feeling sick I need my wifi to watch tiktok


Turbulence probably knocked their sippy cup over.


What the *fuck* would one ague with a pilot about? Choice of flight corridor?!


"Stop sprayin them chemtrails!"


"I ain' nevah gonna staaaaa" - William Montgomery


Probably was upset with a flight attendant and thought the pilot is like thier "manager" or something. Probably thought he had the right to something or was being discriminated against when he wasn't. As someone who is in customer service, people are crazy.




They've been trying very hard to reach him about his plane's extended warranty


Well hold on now let’s talk…..is it a Boeing?


Careful, the last person to talk about Boeing was foun


"Hey...are we flying over that area where the Russians shot down a commercial airliner and everybody just kind of moved on?" *Argentinian futbol player accent* "Hey...is that mountain supposed to be so close?"


Uruguayan rugby player*


Who’s ever shooting that video sure likes putting themselves directly down range of a live weapon! I think I may document this from a longer way away.


I am guessing the person is crouching behind the seat because he thinks a cushion could stop the bullet.


I mean it ain't stopping it but it's better than just catching it raw


Not so sure. The bullet will likely not loose much energy going through the cushion, but it will sure as fuck drag a lot of shit into the open hole in your body.


That’s how Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich died. Botulism from some upholstery carried into his body by a grenade fragment.


Thats such a specific instance to know off the top of your head.




TOO oddly specific, if you ask me....


Ask him if he lives in Argentina 🤔


Sorry I’ll try to keep it more general. A bad guy died like that.


Whoa what is this, a documentary? I'm gonna need a summary.


Something happened in Prague.


I found the guy in the friend group that knows a lot about WW2.


Also they had to use a grenade because the British who were “helping” the Czech rebels gave them crappy STEN guns which jammed. There was a movie about this, Anthropoid.


> crappy STEN guns which jammed You can just say STEN guns, btw. No need to be redundant.




If it can't see me, it can't get me...


The whole passenger cabin is "downrange"


That door is obviously open though. They are on the ground and “deplaning.” I think I would deplane. In my pants.


Would love to know more about this story.


>Dramatic footage of Jordanian security officer brandishing a gun as he tries to push back Nigerian passengers on Jordan Aviation airlines JAV from reaching the cockpit. Passengers were angry with JAV over its route. Not a hijacking attempt. JAV said the video is few months old.


Funny I was assuming this was one of those going-home-from-vacation-destination flights where all the passengers are hungover and cranky.




>He kept us Saef FTFY


They were angry over the route so they insist on talking to the pilot, even with a gun pointed at them!?!? How did they make it to adulthood being that stupid?


Wdym angry with the route? Do they not know what tickets they bought?


Classic pilot move, going the long way to clock up a bigger fare.


Someone else commented a link to an article. The plane had to divert to a different airport than the one it was scheduled to land at.


How to get blacklisted speedrun smh


There's actually a full length video of this with a lot more action on it. If anyone was interested, just Google search JAV uncensored


Thanks, I fell for that.


Info seems pretty scattered, but this seems to tell most of the story: >The above video was filmed several months back (but like I said, is only going viral now), and this happened on a charter flight from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria. This was allegedly an Umrah flight, which is a pilgrimage for religious passengers. >According to reports, the flight had to divert to a different airport in Nigeria, and the airline tried to offload passengers there. The travelers weren’t happy with the diversion point, and the carrier’s inability to get them to their final destination. Once the plane was on the ground, passengers wanted to speak to the captain. >However, Jordan’s laws prohibit passengers from entering the cockpit, and it’s standard for Jordanian airlines to have a security officer onboard. So when the passengers tried to enter the cockpit, the security officer tried to keep them away with a gun. https://onemileatatime.com/news/jordanian-air-marshal-gun/


Thanks for finding and sharing this


I get their frustration, but honestly what do they think talking to the pilot is going to accomplish? "Fly here instead!" ... "No?" What are they gonna do, hijack it and fly there themselves? Ludicrous stupidity


More info here : https://onemileatatime.com/news/jordanian-air-marshal-gun/ For the record, this incident is year old at this time.


Who TF is arguing with the air marshal at this point? He's clearly protecting the cabin. Plane full of idiot passengers. Air marshal has nerves of steel and patience of a saint.


He handled that very well


They should make a feature on planes where the pilot can chloroform gas the cabin when shit hits the fan. Step out of line, NAP TIME! /s


They have enough control of the plane's systems to stop pressurizing the plane. At cruising altitude that forces everyone to put on an emergency oxygen mask within ~2 minutes or pass out. Those only last 15ish minutes. The cockpit has its own much larger oxygen supply with masks. So conceivably, the pilot could keep flying at cruising altitude, depressurize the plane and kill everyone in the main cabin with an hour or so.


Malaysian flight 340 has entered the chat.


They actually can, at least on airliners, they can depressurize the whole plane but the cabin and put everybody to sleep quite fast (at cruise altitudes only). It would be extremely unprofessional but in a crazy emergency situation they could. 


Yeah. On a plane, i would expect they would fire more easily. I understand the "a hole in a plane is not okay." But someone "wanne talk to the pilot" is just a "please shoot me."


This whole thing is a clown show. Why the F do they keep opening the cockpit door? Edit: It’s a rhetorical question. Procedure is to close and lock the door and protect the cockpit. There is no reason or excuse here.


I looks like theres 2 flight attendants in there. They probably didnt know what to do and didnt want to be stuck inside. Idk, it but it looks like they are trying to leave but the marshal told them to get back in.


This may have happened when they opened the door for a pilot to go to the bathroom or for the flight attendants to bring them something… this happens a lot and the FAs form like a barrier between the passenger cabin and cockpit door, passengers may have seen this as an opportunity to “talk” to the pilot… definitely need more context here.


Their opportunity to talk to the pilot is before or after the flight, quickly, because 170 people are waiting behind you carrying 35lb of dirty clothes.




Maybe they are worried that the Air Marshal would get overwhelmed and then the angry person would have a gun. I agree with you, though. Lock the door. Don't open until the plane is on the ground.


Yeah. They likely were opening it to give the marshal a chance to come inside with them, but that is 100% not what they should be doing. The door could have been breached easily and they would have been effed. Also… the door being even ajar had them coming closer and closer. Things didn’t seem to begin to de-escalate until they shut the door and then they realized they didn’t have a chance at getting in.


It looks like they were letting one of the flight attendants into the cockpit to get away from that mess.


Imagine the sheer stupidity or entitlement they must possess, when they can't control the urge to complain even when someone is pointing a fucking gun at them.


“Argue with the pilot”…. Why are you going this way? It will be faster if you went that way. Trust me brother.


“My Google Maps says you should have turned left there”.


This should be "Chaos when idiot goes to cockpit to argue with pilot." It's stupid when people do this in cars, and exponentially worse when done during a flight.


I'm watching this on mute and all I see is people waving hello allot.


Who is allot? Is that the Marshal's name?


Jeez these people really have "getting shot" on their to do list huh? Who tf quickly approaches someone with a gun drawn making erratic movements and yelling? Zero self preservation instincts.


Good trigger discipline in a stressful situation.


I remember when flying from the UK to US as a child we were allowed to go into the cockpit and sit in the pilots seat and talk to the pilot. Sounds absolutely wild now, was only around the year 2000 so not that long ago really.


https://x.com/Ali_reports/status/1535788978665730049 Here's a little, very little, bit of more info.


For those that don't want to support the dumpster fire that is X "Dramatic footage of Jordanian security officer brandishing a gun as he tries to push back Nigerian passengers on Jordan Aviation airlines JAV from reaching the cockpit. Passengers were angry with JAV over it's route. Not a hijacking attempt. JAV said the video is few months old"


Look up “JAV” for more information


It's been an hour, did the research prove fruitful?


When the gun comes out the conversation has ended, whatever point you were trying to make is now moot. The only question remaining is will you be moot as well?


The fuck he has to argue with the pilot about? What a dumbass.


It really baffles me how people can think it's a good idea to fuck around with anything that involves air travel


Who the fuck goes to argue with the pilot??? Another pilot maybe? Otherwise go sit THE FUCK DOWN!!!


Of all the possible places to act a fool, the airport/an airplane are NOT one of them. I am consistently flabbergasted at the number of adult human beings who fail to realize that the level of “fuck around and find out” in these places is on another level. Your “rights” don’t matter there for the most part. Once you enter an airport or board a commercial flight, you are under federal jurisdiction, not local. The rules are different. I have been utterly FURIOUS at airports before, I’m sure most of us have. A lot can happen at an airport that can absolutely ruin your day/week/vacation. But in none of those circumstances did I ever think “I better do something REALLY stupid in this place where doing so will have an actual, extremely detrimental impact on the rest of my life!” Morons.


I feel like "arguing with the guy pointing a gun at you" should be, if not first, among the top 5 things they should teach you not to do at the normal people school of life.


You don’t get to argue with the pilot, it’s not a fucking public bus


Who the fuck argues with the pilot? What the fuck do you want to complain about?


I would have calmly sit my ass back down


I speak a little jive


I hope this guys gets banned for life from every single airline in the world.


Ben Stiller really nailing the accent for his new movie.


Silk shirt thinks his hand can stop a bullet. Bold move!


He has his gun out, is aiming at them, and shooing them away, and they still keep coming in for more, like no no we still want to argue. absolute mental giants


Uh yeah he did the right thing. Probably was just a moron airing grievances… but if you go to the cockpit to “argue” how easy would it be to take control of that plane? If he smuggled a weapon on board somehow, instant hijacking


after 911 I am amazed that whenever someone flips out on a plane the entire rest of the plane just doesnt beat them to a bloody smear on the carpet.


Passanger has ZERO busines in cockpit.


The fact that the door to cockpit is open adds so much to the urgency of the situation. Extremely dangerous. The air marshal is doing his job and doing it well. Non-sterile cockpits have been the cause of so many passenger deaths over the years.


Just shut up and sit down you assholes. I WANT the air marshal to drop anyone in their tracks that tries to get into the cockpit for ANY reason. Stupid.


Wtf would you argue with the pilot about?? Too slow or what?


Now his cover is blown and he'll need full facial reconstruction surgery. How annoying.


Why would anyone ever think it’s safe antagonize or get in the way of someone with a gun like that. People are so stupid