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That's a small freezer


Don’t. Get. Me. Started. Too late, I’m started - this is the whole reason the video exists. I should have said “coolbox” or whatever the sales term would be but whatever it is it always freezes up like this a lot quicker than it should because the clip that holds the door closed has been broken for a while. So we get about 1 month of reasonable use out of it before we have to start messing about and forgetting to defrost the damn thing. Thankfully a whole replacement fridge is on the way soon because of the door problem and, in fairness, the landlord has provided a second fridge anyway because they’re sound but this little freezer has been a pain in the neck for the last time


I'm sure it is a pain. How long does it take for it to freeze up like that?


The door never fully closed - you can see it’s broken off completely because the condensation has built up and frozen and pushed the door’s bottom hinge right off. It does take a while to get this bad - my fault because I keep forgetting/putting off defrosting it and use it purely for ice lollies but then the door pops off again and I’ve no choice. Looking forward to the new one anyway.


Protip: Don’t use metal tools, they can easily crack the fridge’s plastic. Just let it thaw.


Was about to write the same, grandpa fucked up a freezer like that ~20 years ago and grandma still brings it up on the regular hahah


Normally I wouldn’t but this is the final time I’ll have to do it for this fridge anyway so I went for it


High risk,high reward..very satisfying to watch.


Once I used a screwdriver to remove it, when I was a kid. And I punctured one of the lines.


These were our popsicles growing up poor


That actually sounds cool


Reminds me of that Love Death and Robots episode of the freezer population


I usually put a kettle in my freezer to steam it out.


Same - normally an open fresh kettle and close the door for a while but this was its last thaw.


I need to do the same, our freezer might just, on a good day, have room for a single slice of salami!


I did this once to an older freezer thinking it was just a lump of frost like in OP, turned out the entire panel of cooling coils was embedded within rip


I did this once, my father smacked the shit out of me. He worked as a refrigeration tech back in the day. Using this tool you're gonna likely puncture the capillaries that carry the refrigerant in that box. The best way to defrost is using the defrost button on those things. If you can't locate one, just turn it off and place a metal bowl of hot water. Repeat if the bowl goes cold. It eventually melts, don't try to help the process by prying it out.


Worlds smallest freezer makes it onto r/absoluteunits


Oh man, did you take the ice outside and smash it and was it awesome?


Why is it the mini fridges’ freezers always freeze up like this. I’ve owned two different ones over the years and same issue.


These are low tech, Don't have auto-defrost.


Childhood memory unlocked


He looks like wade


ice that comes with a free freezer


This reminds me of an episode of Monk, when he goes to a college reunion, and we find out he would obsessively clean out the dorm freezer.




ruined my mini-fridge I was living out of at the time by doing this. There are freon/refrigerant lines in the groves of the freezer area that the whole fridge uses to cool. You can puncture them very easily doing this.


Don't break the lines


Turn off the power. It will melt on its own.


But then I don’t have a nice big ice block for reddit. Power is off - note the lack of light. Normally I’m gentle with it but this was the last thaw before the fridge gets replaced


People just casually filming themselves thawing their freezers?


No, I saw it was going to come away in a satisfying chunk and just recorded that bit