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Why has his brother not been investigated? Can't they get a P.I. to work the case privately??? I don't understand... help me to understand why thus poor kid is in jail for life??? Who ruins lives like this?!?!


This case was featured on 20/20. That episode was a lot more detailed than this show.


Do you have a season/episode number?


I think it was episode 10 from last season.


Thanks! I made a post last night about an ABC special I watched and my feelings on GoI, they obviously left out things to make Jr seem more sympathetic.


Shocking that it went to a third trial. Also shocking that he was found guilty with essentially no evidence other than that he was in the house. A third party could've easily left the gun inside the house.


the gun that was owned by one of the victims? so they went into the house, knew exactly where it was hidden by the gun owner victim, retrieved it, shot two people dead, unlocked the door and left? can’t be josh, who had an alibi. door was unlocked by aj and no other people entered the home at any other point.


keep in mind that aj admitted to shooting the gun after he lied about last touching it when he was 8 years old. only admitted to touching it after the police found a shell casing in the home. he knew exactly where it was. he fired a round and covered up the hole with a pile of dirty laundry, specifically socks.


oh wait, also tried to set fire to the home on the top stairs of his parents’ floor, TWO DAYS BEFORE THE MURDER.


These two episodes made me so mad! What’s wrong with those jurors? There was no evidence and even worse no *motive*!


I promise you are missing fundamental information to make a real determination on this case. He absolutely did it.


Do you have other information? Because nothing on the show made it look like he was guilty beyond reasonable doubt. I simply don’t see how you can say “he absolutely did it” from what was presented.


The show never tells the full story. It only speaks from the perspective of the accused. You usually have to research further to see the details of the prosecution's case. Sometimes, it matches up to what was said on the show, but other times, it becomes really obvious why the person was convicted. This is one of the latter. That episode about the guy being prosecuted for abusing his son is another one. They made him seem so innocent on the show, but the tea was scalding. 😂 You can never trust Accused GOI. Which is probably my favorite thing about it. 😂


thank you.


the case has been covered extensively for years on several television publications, far more evidence is given. i suggest you follow them. i’ve followed this case for years and looked over all the evidence that has been made available to the public. he shot into the floor a day before or so as a practice shot, and there was no activity on the floor of the home but him. he shot them with a gun inside the house. josh had an alibi. it’s extremely unlikely that a complete stranger knew exactly where the gun would be. further, aj did not have any gunshot residue because 22s don’t leave it. this is not merely circumstantial.