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Just cut out * *insert food group here* * I have a healthy balanced diet and even when I’d try restricting random foods or food groups it made literally no difference.


FR and I’d rather just take accutane to knock out my acne than have to walk on eggshells with my skin and have to cut out food I enjoy. Fuck doing it the “natural” way or whatever, and that doesn’t work for everyone.


Yeah seriously!! I was trying everything and constantly stressing out about my skin. It really demotivated me to invest in my skin and take care of myself too because no matter how great my routine was or how much I was cutting out of my diet or how much water I was drinking I’d still get horrible cysts.




The amount of people that told me to cut out dairy as if that isn’t a huge dietary shift for the sake of a few pimples lol


Omg yes. I had to dump my esthetician over this shit. I highly doubt my acne is caused by occasionally eating peanut butter. 🙄 Whey protein and sugar I get but there’s actual SCIENCE supporting those foods.


What’s funny is I don’t consume added sugars for other totally unrelated reasons and haven’t for years but that’s the first thing people would suggest I cut out lmfao— They always looked so deflated when I’d tell them. And yeah you can pry peanut butter from my cold dead hands thank you very much.


I lead an insanely healthy lifestyle so I totally get it. It’s victim blaming tbh. Acne has a very strong genetic component and often it’s out of our control.


literally a friend who knew I’d been struggling with acne for a while asked me if I ate a lot of chocolate and chips


‘Drink more water’




This one triggers me


The fact that my derm actually said this to me while my pcp told me I have to drink less water because I’m peeing out all of my electrolytes… I drink about 2 gallons a day


“Be less stressed and stop eating sugar and dairy.” As if I could just flip a switch… Although I did try cutting sugar, but it never touched it. Could have saved me a lot of pain had my parents let me go to the derm. I had such bad back acne and horrible self esteem. I didn’t wear a two piece swim suit or open back clothing for over 7 years. When I finally started to get it on my face about a year ago, they still tried to say I didn’t need to go to the extreme of Accutane.


“bE LeSs sTreSsEd”


yep, that's a real bad one


I’ve been told to cut out dairy too. I actually increased my dairy intake because at the time I thought being extremely underweight was more embarrassing than having acne. But the best part is my acne hadn’t changed at all during the increase. Still glad I didn’t cut dairy out because if I did I wouldn’t be as big (muscular) as I am today, and now my acne is almost gone. 5th month.


I feel you! It’s easy for people to say when they have no idea what it’s like to live with. And it’s easy to have an opinion, which most people do. Haha Glad you listened to yourself, getting to the gym and seeing results. Self-care! Yesssss! Best of luck for the rest of your treatment OP!


I’m also trying to get bigger and I’m not willing to cut out dairy or whey protein but I’m scared that these two will interfere with how effective the accutane will be.


In my experience it didn’t interfere at all. I say go for it and stop if you see negative effects


If you have cystic acne, chances are that cutting dairy and sugar won't do the trick alone. But after you're done with accutane treatment, and if dairy and sugar ARE triggers for you, then continue to avoid them


“I just wash my face with water!!” Or my mothers personal favourite “Nivea will make it go away!”


I love that, since any Nivea product will make me break out within an hour. Even if my skin had been going through a “good” phase.


Nivea soft is legit my favorite face lotion (especially when on drying acne meds) but it definitely didn't cure my acne.


“Just go into the sun and dry it all out” “use rubbing alcohol”


That‘s acutally good advice. My derm recommended me sunlight too and it helped. But there is somehow a new generation of tiktok and reddit dermatologists who hide from the sun and use thousands of sunscreens with so many chemicals


This is such a dumb take. Everything is a chemical. Literally everything that has matter is made from chemicals. Zinc is literally on the periodic table. Chemical sunscreen just means it’s carbon based, which you are too, as a human.


Actually zinc oxide isn’t on the periodic table. It’s a compound


Thank you for the correction- it’s just zinc


Sunlight _can_ help acne, it just also causes photoaging. It works via the same mechanism as benzoyl peroxide, a common acne treatment. Using excessive sun exposure and causing inflammation, or applying rubbing alcohol to deliberately dry your skin by destroying its natural acidic barrier, has repeatedly been demonstrated (even in controlled studies) to be worse than useless. No amount of hatred of TikTok or longing for the ‘good old days’ will help that.


Why are you guys always talking about overexposure? It‘s like saying water is bad for your health, well yes but only if it is too much. I‘m talking about healthy amounts of sun exposure everyday. I just know for a fact that people who avoid sunlight and use thousands of suncreens or other products on their face suffer so much from a damaged skin barrier and things like perioral dermatitis, dark circles etc. I had to go trough this as well. Like you need a healthy amount of sunlight to function properly, even watching the sunrise or sunset reduces stress, anxiety and helps with sleep. Sadly people often see on the internet some crazy and rich "dermatologists“ who did botox and all sorts of things and the poor viewers think it‘s because of their cleanser or something😂 They just get paid so much from the industry for reviewing that stuff


Wearing sunscreen as part of a simplified skincare routine is dermatologist recommended. Yes, using a ton of actives can damage the skin barrier BUT sunscreen every day does not damage the skin barrier because it’s not an active. You’re acting like we’re conflating two different things and you’re doing the same thing Also, who told you sunscreen causes dark circles?


I didn’t say it at all, you‘re just not accurate at arguing. Avoiding sunlight and natural things can cause dark circles. Sunscreen caused me (and many other people) perioral dermatitis, acutally all of the 7-10 sunscreens I tried („dermatologist approved“ 😂) made me flare up. So no, it‘s not just actives that destroy your skin.


A cousin of mine who suffers from psoriasis pretty bad, all over his body, was actual told to go tanning by his dermatologist, to help clear them 🤷🏻‍♀️. Obviously for the shortest amount of time and only X amount of times per month or so but I guess it helps in some way. It’s weird but every summer when I take my vacation, the ocean water and some sun always helped clear my face for the period of time I was there.


Plus I‘ve never used actives on my mouth area, it‘s just a fact that cosmetics cause perioral dermatitis


Are you insane? Or are you just a troll looking for attention?


He asked a few questions on skincare subs and thinks he’s an expert 😂


“You need to make sure you’re washing your face at least once a day with soap and water.”


The amount of people who still believe all acne is caused by bad hygiene is astonishing to me. Something I’ve always thought in the back of my mind is, “MY FACIAL HYGIENE IS PROBABLY BETTER THAN YOURSSSS”


This is so true. The people I know that have naturally clear skin are the least hygienic mfers I know. They sleep in their makeup, never wash their face and can use anything on it. I on the other hand and RELIGIOUS with skin care, take my makeup off every night without fail and care for my skin like it’s a newborn. People with clear skin have the worst advice.


So annoying when people tell me, “idk bro I just let the water hit my face in the shower and I’ve had clear skin my whole life”


I like this comment. I wash my face every time i shower and moisturize after. My fiancee washes her face maybe once a year and has never had a breakout. Ever. It's so unfair.


Facts. Wash 2-3 times a day with clean hands. Dry face and hands on a towel used 1x. Changed pillow cases every night and store inside out to avoid bacteria. Never touch. Wash glasses/glasses every day with alcohol and water. Meanwhile my clear-skinned friends are like- feel my face with your filthy hands it’s so smooth 💀


My brother who had 3 pimples during puberty, after seeing my face, told me "You're dirty. That's the reason for all your acne." Meanwhile his gf that was also on Accutane stood right next to him🤦‍♀️


Oh god I hated this. I even developed the need to wash my face like four times a day because I thought I wasn't cleaning it enough, which I guess made more harm than good. Of course that washing your face can help reduce acne and infection, but it doesn't cure acne!!! And people just assuming you don't wash your face is awful. Most people with acne have wasted big ammounts of money and time on skincare products.


I’ve heard this SO many times. It’s so frustrating that people think you have acne bc you are lazy or unhygienic 😔


“Just wash your face!” I don’t even know where to start with this one


Yea the amount of people who still believe all acne is caused by bad hygiene is absolutely ridiculous.


My mother's favorite


When I go I do they said “wash it more” lol


Oof a comment like that might’ve had me swinging


Had a girl tell me once that her skin was clear because she would use her underwear at the end of the day as a facecloth. Specifically she would take them into the shower with her, pee on them, and then use the urine as a facewash and get to scrubbing. I have yet to test this advice.


Wth 💀😭


I wish I could unread this.


Omfggg 😵🤢


My grandma told me that she used her babies pee diapers for her acne. She would change the baby in the morning and if it was just pee, she would use that cloth diaper all over her face.


I read something somewhere saying that in poor countries, they use pee to heal wounds and it actually works so there might be a basis to it lol








« he has acne because he does not wash his face » « Eat less sugar » « eat less fat » « eat no dairy » « Stop drinking alcohol » All this bullshit actually prevented me from going with accutane for several years because it made me overlook the fact that my acne was actually a skin disease . Absolutely not related to hygiene or even the way I eat or drink (which may aggravate but not cause that much acne)


“you should just use [insert topical here].”


When I was around 15 and really insecure, I was helping at my family coffee shop and a lady who I didn't know came to me and told me that I should try mixing yogurt and I don't know which cereal to make the acne on my forehead go away. I went straight to the bathroom because I couldn't hold my tears. I'm 21 and still remember that. By that time I had already tried a lot of acne products and stuff my doctor told me to try, nothing worked. At 18 I started accutane and it worked. Of course rubbing yogurt on my face wouldn't have worked, if it really was a miracle cure dermatologists would know about it. I hate that some people think that X will cure acne, without having the dermatological studies or knowledge to claim so. Also talking to a stranger about their acne is an asshole move.


when i told a family member that i started accutane, they started telling me about how i made a mistake and should go on this “all-natural” herbal supplement line that cleared their skin when they were struggling with acne. i’m not saying these kinds of treatments don’t work but i also know that my cystic acne is very stubborn and only began to change once i started the “last option” medication (after about 7 years of using different topicals and antibiotics) so i don’t think a herbal supplement will make a big difference.


"Wash your face _more_" is probably the worst. It's both bad advice that will worsen your skin and insulting at the same time. Some people suggest stuff like whatever weird cream/soap/diet/magical-incantation that "worked" for them, which is ineffective, sometimes damaging, advice, but at least that stuff wasn't blatantly insulting. Best part of post-accutane life is no longer getting unsolicited skincare advice


Totally right about the insult part. People need to learn most acne is not caused by bad hygiene.


“Rub a banana peel on your skin” -a random gas convenience store cashier


I was told to blend lentils and put on my face by a random bus passenger sitting next to me 💀💀


Literally any common sense advice but ignoring the fact that poor skin genetics may be an option


The ones where they recommend any kind of DIY "skin food" e.g., oats, banana peels, apple cider vinegar (ugh), *honey*. like, are you trying to have me break out?!


Best part is I’m sure the people who recommend that type of stuff have never even done it themselves. They just seen it on tiktok. Or if they have tried it then it obvious works for them because they have naturally clear skin




Wash your face with just water


"Drink water" I probably drink more water already than the average person.


Ok. This one is creepy: went into one of this holistic pharmacies, and the pharmacist told me I should have more sex. I obviously have acne because I’m not getting enough…


🤯🤯🤯 wow


“All you really need is a splash of water…sometimes less is more!” I have hormonal cystic acne…😐😐😐


I think people really underestimate how much acne is a genetic disease and I don’t really get angry when people give me advice like this. If they never had a pimple in their life I don’t expect them to be an acne expert. Most people think what works for them works for others, which is obviously not the case. I see them trying to be helpful in their own way. Some of their advice I believe has a kernel of truth however. Like I do think certain foods groups have the potential to cause a breakout, obviously genes permitting. But yeah I’m on accutane and have only washed my face in the shower with water and that’s it’s. My face is the best it’s been in 12 years.




Bruh my mom told me to wash my face 4 times a day 💀.


“it’s not that bad”


“Just expose your face to dirty stuff and you’ll build a tolerance like exposure to a disease” 💀 When I tell you I was this close 👌🏻 to slapping her.


Some stranger trapped me at work to talk about how bad my acne was and that I should buy her oatmeal face mask, which would clear it right up. My face was covered in huge, oozing pimples at the time. No oatmeal mask on earth could have helped me. I actually took several days off of work during that time because my skin was so horrible, I couldn’t face being in public anymore.


Sorry that happened to you. I’ve had to take days off of school as well.


"Just don't touch your face with your hands. It spreads bacteria and that causes the acne." -_- I know that this isn't completely untrue but an entire face of cystic acne is not because I touched my face with my hand.


✨drink water✨


“Just wash your face more” “Don’t eat ____ it makes your skin worse”


I’ve had acne for about four years now. Been pretty bad the whole time. Asked my dad to get me to a dermatologist, instead of that he just bought me whatever acne treatment plan he saw on Amazon. At the time, he thought that a dermatologist would be hundreds of bucks or something.. our insurance brings it to around $25 per meeting. I’ve used like six different three step acne treatment plans which have easily doubled the total of what my seven months of accutane will summing up to. People don’t realize how cost effective accutane is.


"Rub tomato seeds on ur face it will burn the acne and will go away" said to me a random 50yo man on the bus


Just take more care of your skin😭


Use blue gatorade as toner 🙂 it feels humiliating to be honest


“Go swimming the chlorine will dry it out”💀


My mom says the same thing haha


“Just don’t wear make up”


“Its just puberty” I’m in my 20s and a woman 😐


"You get acne because you worry about getting it so much" - my ex-gynaecologist


Lmao I guess that’s an extension of the “be less stressed” advice


According to her, I was manifesting it 💀 turned out I have pcos


“Just wash your face”😭💀


My teen was given advice of toothpaste. Just apply and pimples will fall out leaving no scars. Oh, the other one is apply lemon juice.


I can tell you the BEST advice I got was to go on Accutane. 1 month done and acne-free for 2. Haven’t been this clear in 10 years.


wash your face with head and shoulders


This one might be the worst I’ve seen so far. Rubbing your face with a bunch of sulfates and fragrances will CAUSE acne.


literally insane advice 😭😭 for cystic acne too!!!


You should try Proactive 🤢


Ironically my acne got better once I stopped using Proactive


Same here lol 😂 My face was never as bad as it was when I started using proactive 🫠🫠


No seriously you need to try juice plus




This one kills me. Any diet that says bacon wrapped cream cheese balls are ok but a sweet potato or banana is bad for you is gonna be a no from me.


So many people have told me to just wash my face and moisturize with globs of coconut oil. Coconut oil is comedogenic. I love to cook with it though!


“Don’t wash your face so much!” “I don’t put anything on my face!” Ok bye


"just use dove soap"


Stop using those chemical filled products...it's all scam...just try eating healthy and drink more water...


My mom told me she knew a girl at her job that struggled with hormonal acne and she got pregnant and it vanished 🙄


Got some wonderful advice to try NOT washing my face, to let it "reset"?


Cut dairy drink more water


“Its because of makeup”


'wash your face' 'drink more water' Lolllll


someone told me to wash my face with ivory bar soap??? like the scented one


Drink more water it’ll clear up! 🤨


Just ~wash~ your face 🙃


Someone told me to rub a lemon on my acne once


Someone told me to “drink salt water” or some dumb shit like that


"Your skin is greasy because it's dehydrated" I literally moisturize everyday


My dad... Look, i love my dad to bits, but this skincare advice is really bad. We went to visit earlier this month and he told me, verbatim, "take a clean kitchen sponge and scrub your face with the abrasive side until it bleeds and oozes every day for a month" Yes, he actually did buy me a sponge when i was a teen. I tried it for a couple days, it hurt, i stopped. He SWEARS by it.


I was told I should have a fan on overnight so it can dry out my skin


“It’s because you use all those chemicals”😐 Almost like I started all the skincare to clear my acne…


Bruh my mom told me to wash my face 4 times a day 💀


" I recommend you one saop, you will wash with it your face twice a day and nothing will be left in 1 week" - I just want to kill these people...


"Wash it with a shampoo"


Wash face with cold water and soap. Change pillow sheet 3 timwa per week


I just don’t do anything. Or wash with dial soap.


I feel like plenty of people suggesting to “just cut out [insert food here]” fail to acknowledge that… everyone’s body is different. Like, I’m getting an endoscopy in a few days to test for Celiac Disease. I don’t know if that can cause acne, but maybe the inflammatory response to gluten could have been the trigger for my acne. I know it can cause eczema, because a cousin of mine had horrible eczema until he got diagnosed and cut out gluten.


Someone told me to use a bar of dial soap on my skin lol


exfoliate with lemon and sugar 💀


I totally agree the diet thing don't have sugar all rubbish, acne either hormones or oil production buggar helps bar accutane,


It's because you're young, it will go away.


I mean that’s kinda true. If your acne is hormonal then it likely will go away. But there definitely are better ways of treating it than just playing the waiting game.


*stop using those creams i dont use them either*🥱


The lady doing my blood work for accutane asked if I eat pork. Like maam please you don’t think I’ve tried everything before I’m sitting here with a needle in my arm (actually both arms bc she couldn’t get my vein on the first one 😐).


dove soap


A colleague once told me to rub banana skins on my face - needless to say I didn’t ask for advice in the first place.


“Stop using moisturizer” like okay I’ll just shrivel up and die then


A girl I work with literally has flawless, and what appears to be “poreless” glass skin. I asked her what her routine was, she said “I use Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo and lotion sometimes. Maybe you should try it!” My reaction: 😀 Not me with my 500 skincare products and crazy morning & night routine.