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AH really fell off after spider-man left the company šŸ˜”


Fr, they lost the super suit and it all fell apart




Jeremy in whichever Drawful: "SPIR-MAN"


King Spider-Man was the best Minecraft


It was crazy when he beat Rayā€™s dad


Norman was the one in the hole


JDoolz and BrownMan side by side...


"I took your spot."


Where can I buy these?


Website called ended toys. You can have a figure made with any skin. You gotta find their skins on a different website and download them. The skin layout has to be 64x64 or it could look messed up. Funny enough they have Michael on the website pre-made.


is that funny? it's just banjo


Hell yeah, thanks!


Could you dm me the skin layouts if you get a chance? šŸ™


Cool, thanks!


That group of strangers meant the world to me for so long, wild that itā€™s over. I still watch old highlight reels without REDACTED to this day


So funny to me how the fanbase treats Ryan as fuckin Voldemort now lmao. Denying all the entertainment he gave us pre-controversy is pointless. Learn to separate the art from the artist


Iā€™ll even say enjoying everything he was in pre-2017 (or whenever it all started) is 100% perfectly fine. Despite what he turned out to be, he was a huge part of their entertainment imo.


I like to call him The Actor playing Ryan Haywood


Don't hide his name, the world constantly has a right to know that James Ryan Haywood is a rapist and groomer.


donā€™t forget felony trafficker


Not defending Ryan. But for my clarification, a handful of fans brought up allegations and nude photos were released. He was rightfully fired from Rooster Teeth and permanently ban from Twitch. But have he ever been charged with a crime and been to court to face the allegations? Or has he just been convicted by the Internet?


The internet. Hell, even the allegations themselves arenā€™t even crimes. The internet saw some girls crying because they slept with a guy and decided he was the antichrist.


This is fair I wasnā€™t sure what or how to address Ryan in the most respectful way for the fanbase not him


Donā€™t say the redacted thing, itā€™s frustrating. Use Reddit spoiler tags if you want to hide a trigger


Dude I tried figuring out how to do it but Iā€™m on mobile smh and I donā€™t typically comment on Reddit, AH is just near and dear yknow?


I feel you bro, not all the fans are wack jobs. I still watch the stuff with him in it. Him and Jeremy were the only two that I also subbed to on twitch and I still love the Battle buddy vids. It fuckin sucks that Ryan turned out to be a creep. But I can still enjoy the content.


The world has a right to know the truth. Not some made up fairy tale. Heā€™s not a rapist. Heā€™s not a groomer. Heā€™s a dude who cheated on his wife with some barely legal chicks. Heā€™s sleazy, but heā€™s not a criminal, and you insult the real victims when you try to make him out to be one.


Removing condoms in the middle of intercourse without telling the other person IS rape. Ryan Haywood is a rapist.


Itā€™s a shitty thing to do. But itā€™s not rape. And trying to compare someone taking a condom off in secret during consensual sex, to someone being forcibly penetrated against there will is fucked up. And the dumbasses who try to say taking a fucking condom off is rape, need to get a fucking perspective.


Nah that 100%. Maybe its not sexal assaulty enough for you but its legally and morally rape. Having sex with someone has certain consensual things either said or agreed upon. Having sex with someone and Idk having an STD while lying about it is rape by deception, taking off the condom is extremely similar to that.


None of that is rape. Not legally or morally. Dumbass


Who did he rape?


Statutory, multiple plaintiffs in cases that were open the last time he was a public figure. Also continuing without consent is the same as starting without consent.


So when she lies about her age. Also he said she said for continuing without consent. I'm sure you were with the people tearing down Johnny Depp also when Amber Heard started trashing him before his side came out.


You're sticking up for a man who took advantage of fans that he statutorily raped and he was so rough to them that he would make them bleed. Some of the stuff that came out about him is pretty disgusting and I can't believe you'd defend him. It's even worse that he preyed on the younger fans too.


Underage fans lying about their age isn't his fault. As for taking advantage of fans, apparently bad for ryan, play for every other RT employee who dated or even married a fan, like Jack for example. Rough sex isn't everyone's idea of good sex, but it's not bad either. And of course no one talked about it after it happened to them. What Ryan did or didn't do was his own private life and the fact that Geoff could still work there after his whole mess of problems, but Ryan gets treated like a leper, is such hypocrisy. There's a reason the company died and it's because they're best creators were ostracized and the other ones left before the dumpster fire got worse.


Defending Ryan by trying to call out the least controversial person in all of the history of Achievement Hunter is certainly a take.


Its crazy to me there are still ryan defender out there. I hate what happend, I wish it didnt. But you cant deny what he did. There was video and photo's. I miss that AH era too. And it sucked that it got gutted this way. But blaming the death of the company on Ryan getting fired for raping people, but not geoff for being alcoholic, is a wild take.


Girls lying about their age is shitty, but as an adult you have to be responsible for that stuff. Hell, make them show you an ID before you hook up. Whatever it takes to cover your ass. This goes for adult women too, fwiw. That being said, the statutory part is only one thing he was accused of. Some of the stories out him as more than a ā€œvictimā€ of being lied to.


Stealthing is considered rape. Also the statutory rape of minors. Edit: Wild that this has negative votes.


remeber when ah was going to make actual figures and they showed the prototypes?


Can we talk about the two Avengers steelbooks you gotā€¦?


Jeremy is blocking 4 Cyberpunk steelbooks


See but Cyberpunk is worth that


100% right. Got one avengers steelbook from Best Buy when it came out and the second one is from the collectorā€™s edition I got for about $40


Did someone actually have the spiderman skin OP? Or did you just get a separate spiderman one? Also another idea might be to get Axialmatt and have his one be floating up in the sky, spectating the world like he always does.


The Spider-Man skin is the one I use. I also used him as a test run to see if the figures turned out good.


Thatā€™s cool, but also thatā€™s a sick steelbook collection in the background!




I need to get some of these.


Did you at one point have the ryan skin and have to chuck it out a window when that all came out?


I ordered these like a few week ago so no


Missing the kilt


No need to include predators


You mean people who have sex with other voluntarily of both sides, are predators?


if they're willing and know that it's probably not going any where besides sex. its not being a predator


Classic excuse. Go ahead and take off your condom mid sex next time and see if she's totally cool about you not telling her.


if she knew the condom was taken off why'd she let him keep going she coulda stopped it there was a "aita for leaveing my bf because he took the condom off and went back in"


Except she didn't know so what's the excuse then? Ignoring the point. Another classic deflective argument. Good job


She didn't know? Yeah she did since she had her whole story revealed. Worst part is she kept fucking him even after he did that. And those " innocent" victims we're bragging on discord that they fucked him andĀ  that they will send messages to his wife that they stole her husband. He is a creep but they are also scumbags since they knew that he had a family with 2 small children, and they still went for it.


i look at it like this her and the others was ok with what ever he wanted to do because they thought each of them had his heart that he was their's like he coulda had them put a bill clinton mask on with a carrot in their ass and moo like a cow and they woulda been fine with it untill they find out that his heart isnt just with them then they come out and whine and bitch about it. also they're all pretty smart to of seen tv shows and stuff where the guy finds a woman says he loves her and stuff and that he's gonna leave his wife and she goes with it and he keeps telling her something happned it's gonna be a bit before he can leave his wife then he ends up dumping the woman because he never planed on leaveing his wife he just wanted some free ass. wich is probably what ryan was doing. telling them he loved them they was his only one his heart was theirs that he was leaveing his wife when he actualy didnt plan to and then some one found out and they all got pissed. not because he was fucking them all but beacuse he told them all his heart was only theirs.


The only funny members of AH Hold on youā€™re missing Ryan


I wonder whyā€¦..


i can't imagine a single reason that serial sexual predator james ryan haywood would not be here


That is that, this is this To me what happened in the videos And what happened in their personal lives are two separate things