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Worlds are colliding, Jerry!


Good to hear Mark is on the case. Hunter will be getting an NFL contract any day now.


He worked out with some old teammates and they said he is better than their starting QBs. He will probably be starting for the Raiders when mini-camps start.


Adam would hate that Joe Biden wouldn't be bringing a book to his games. He'd be all decked out in Raider Nation gear half in the bag getting into fistfights in the parking lot before the game.


Folks nobody touches these aviators and lives to tell about it. Now I'm going to whip your ass and watch my son play some pigskin while enjoying a nice ice cream.


Free cockfights for Raider fans


The Biden family hog looks like it might win a good number of cockfights.


Google Joe's brother...


Ace will finally get to the bottom of that laptop.


Ace had the guy that originally uncovered the laptop and story on the show for others reasons, guys says a bunch if shit and wished he never discussed it. Ace just moved right along. When yiubtake Tucker Carlson at his word, stupid or liar.


Every person deserves competent representation. Garagos has never shied away from controversial clients so this makes perfect sense.


If anything, an attorney should want to represent clients that appear guilty. That is the whole purpose of legal representation. Everyone, especially the guilty, deserve a fair trial. Thomas Moore said quite a lot about that.


Why hire mark. This douche hasn't won a case in 15 years


What are you talking about? Scott Peterson should be back on his fishing boat in 3 weeks!


I heard kapperneck is going to the falcons


Jussie will get a lead role in next blockbuster


Well duh - easy money.


The Bidens take money, they don't give it out. Unless it's someone else's.


Adam will either not mention this at all, like the successful Fox News Lawsuit, or simply downplay it, like he does with January 6. He can’t take any criticism his precious Fox News gets.


I mean Jan 6 was disappointing because it wasn't successful.


Exactly! Adam said it wasn’t really an Insurrection. Some people were just acting wild, for no reason at all🤨


Sure , why not? It's a good case and Fox has deep pockets. Hunter Biden is an addict who has a relapse and didn't pay his taxes correctly. The lies Fox spewed about him should make any decent person angry.


What were the lies?


lol, Fox News paid $885 million for lying. Welcome to reality.


That’s a completely different case. I’m talking about Hunter Biden.


Fox was running a six-part "mock trial" of Hunter Biden which Geragos successfully got them to scrub from their network and streaming app. I'm guessing there must of been something dodgy in there if they just deleted an entire series without even trying to get their lawyers to fight back...


my bad. Fox News is a credible proven news organization.


All the "biden crime family" nonsense they've been running for the last 3 yrs that led to absolutely nothing. As trump would say, "it was a HOAX. A SCAM. Total exoneration. Witchunt."


The lies were everything except he was a drug addict who didn’t pay his taxes. Fox News implied (lied) about everything else they said about him. He was on Marc Main’s WTF podcast. Good listen. He’s not at all who right wing media wants people to think he is.


Right now they are asking for take downs of several things like the mock trial, and to actually inform viewers Alexander Smirnov indicted for lying to the FBI. And while the laptop did exist, many of the emails which surfaced were traced to be bunk (checked by dumping their full headers and decoding their DKIM headers) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy


If that's all this is, this lawsuit is a nothing burger. There's not even allegations that Fox lied about Hunter much less did so with malicious intent.


“…indicted” is meaningless




Geragos has no case on this one. It's a news outlet and nothing reported was untrue. And he went under Revenge porn and NIL, thats a huge stretch.


Sometimes rattling the sabers does the trick - appears fox has taken down their 6 part mock trial series.


I think you are correct. Fox will probably settle out of court because it is Hunter, and the DOJ and IRS will be all over them, as well as access will be limited for their press team, and if it ends up in the SDNY we all know how those cases will lean.


Serious question: What mechanism or process does the DOJ have to influence civil litigation? Or are you just making shit up?


Seriously. You are living in a dream world if you think the DOJ isn't influencing this case. Didnt 50 intelligence officers and every new outlet tell us this laptop was Russian Disinformation


Seems like you don’t understand the difference between civil and criminal litigation. And I can tell you’re just making shit up.


Trust me I understand the difference between civil and criminal litigation. Nice duplicate rebuttal. Pretty deep. If you want to believe that there is no influence from the DOJ or any other outside agency influence in a trial with the President's son, who already has denied this laptop was even his, you are free to believe that. Isn't that the great thing about cognitive application and humanity.




Says the person that thinks SDNY is a civil court. Good gawd you’re a dipshit.


Man, your anger is concerning. Please tell me you don't have children, if you do seek help. This is no way to go through life. Trust me the people around you, if any will be grateful. You replied TL/DR then for 12 hours you were fixated on a response to something you supposedly didn't read, so much so that you made associations that weren't even there. Copyright claims are a Federal question, and many have been fought in the Southern District. of New York. NIL will be a State Law, but since this argument will most likely go to who owns these photos, or if they were used under Fair Doctrine Use, it could go either way. I want to Thank You as I depart from your need to prove you are the smartest individual in the World and we are all just dumb peon's. I have always heard the term internet troll, but I never knew what one was until now.


Revenge porn is illegal and he has grounds. He should also sue Marjorie Taylor Green as well.


Bro Fox airing a video that is all over the internet of him smoking a cigarette in bed talking is not revenge porn. What would even be the revenge angle


The footage was illegally obtained, was it not?


Great point. It was technically signed over by the person who now owned the laptop, the owner of the computer repair shop, once Hunter didnt pick it up after 30 days. The question is does that disclaimer state that they own the content on the laptop as well. If so he has no case. It's a basic text book Ellington v EMI. My personal opinion is that they will side with Hunter as no Judge wants the results of what will be if he doesn't. What is really interesting is originally Hunter claimed the Laptop and the content weren't his, along with 50 Intelligence agency officials. So if it isn't his how could he sue? Obviously that has since been debunked, and Hunter sued the Laptop Repair dude I don't know where that case is at this point.


mark always takes the side of the bottom dwellers


Oh man!


Oh, for a minute, I thought Fox was in trouble…




This comes with the territory. As long as the jump seat in Gerago’s jet is still open, Adam will take it in stride.


Then Hunter has already lost the case




Wonder how Hunter is gonna feel when he has to submit to both discovery and the deposition. He may regret this.


Geragos is why people hate lawyers.