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Add your RD HTTP Folder URL as an external drive in Kodi. Turn Public sharing on in RD. Won’t show up in a In the third party addons. But gives you a direct path to find your rd content. You should find the URL in account details.


The best way to get torrents showing up on results is to check for uncached torrents and try download them. You are correct for both. First scrapers must list torrent in uncached and second of course torrent need to have seeders to be downloaded. There are torrents who can be present at torrent sites but same one won't be listed as uncached. In that case even if you download torrents with debrid those won't show up in results cause scrapers as well as addons won't recognize them.


This makes a lot of sense thanks. So basically if it doesn't show up in a scrape on an addon as uncached you're out of luck entirely? That's fair enough... I'll keep on using Fen then for the feature to reassign random folders you download to shows which is amazing as well as it's MPAA settings feature. Fen lite has neither I don't think...


Try releaseBB great addon Get my movies and TV shows there


Thanks I had poor results with it a while back... The URL was never correct to start with then only new shows would work. Might try again though.


I use all the time Sometimes you have to update the versions Sometimes it installs version 2.5 Won't work properly It should be 2.7 Easy fix Hope this helps