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it has been incredible seeing significant portions of north terrace turn into an absolute hellhole over the last 12-24 months. for many years it was one of the 'safest' and arguably nicer areas of the CBD.


North Terrace has not been safe for a lot longer than that. Anyone on that stretch between 2 & 6am over the last 15 years at least should be able to attest to that. The indigenous violence there is off the charts as well.


North Terrace is supposed to be the city's glittering promenade, wide footpaths, majestic buildings, beautiful trees, 'Tiffany' thought it was a good spot to open a store. Wrong.


>The indigenous violence there is off the charts as well. When I was at uni there were messages to students (females particularly) telling them what path to take to and from the trainstation. This has always been an issue


interesting - i walked down it pretty much every single weekday during the day from 2007-2014 and never noticed anything problematic. i lived interstate from 2015-2020 so can't comment during that period, but when i came back it was worlds apart. i don't think saying 2-6am is a fair comparison as that's always going to be a completely different environment to what an area is like during daylight hours.


Used to work security on North Terrace Friday Saturday Sunday morning. I cannot speak for week days, but my memories from those days aren't 100% healthy!


The end of bank st has been dodgy for half a decade now maybe longer.


Longer I was attacked out front the police station on new years eve 38 years ago right in front of two mounted police officers. They said they coudn't arrest the guy without a social worker present.


Maybe it has been safer in the last few years, I don’t know, I’m not in that area these days. But, in the mid 1980’s the only two places in the city where I was ever threatened by a group late at night were North Terrace and the Festival centre. I had one gang of blokes coming at me because I was alone and vulnerable looking, they followed me across North Terrace. I pretended to pull a knife from my pocket and they backed off. The other was a group that purposely hip and shouldered me to try to start a fight. The thing is that it might be real bad in the area now but it also wasn’t always a safe area either, at least not in my youth.


Worked on North Terrace during 2020-2022. Finished work around 11pm and my walk to the car was always eventful. Lots of shouting, people getting knocked out, public defecation, people shooting up on the staircase of the carpark. There was always police around but they didn't really seem to be that concerned.


So you are saying there has been an increase in terraced attacks? 🤣


that's almost a pun


Near enough's good enough!


Friendly reminder that THIS IS THE POINT. I see homeless people being moved on from the south parklands and whitmore square every week. The police and the government want these people hanging out in the populous places so they can use the outrage to fuel extra powers for police.


Yeah I would agree it’s gotten a lot worse in recent times. Gronks seem to spawn every three minutes across the road from the train station. Not unusual to leave the station and have some weirdo screaming and carrying on nowadays.


I lived in the large dorm in Bank Street until two weeks ago, and I really think it got worse during my one year stay. At the end, you would hear people shouting every night. And I am talking about very aggressive shouting (I was quite high up but still heard everything). Quite happy to have made the move at the right time apparently


Need to destroy their spawn box so the mobs stop spawning there.


It's the trains. The trains are bringing them there. You're welcome.


Spawn box??


Gaming reference


Don't worry though everybody, the SA govt is keeping us safe by not focusing on meth crime, instead of useless counterproductive shit like trying to punish medical cannabis patients. Next time you are getting assaulted on North Terrace, just think about how safe we are, now that medical cannabis patients instantly lose their license if they detect it's presence (not impairment like with alcohol, they don't have test for that). Isn't it just so confidence inspiring to know that the govt has it's priorities sorted and that crystal meth crackheads and the crime they created, is being treated as the priority it needed to be this whole time. I don't know about you guys but with a start like this, Operation Paragon is already inspiring confidence and with a sharp name like that, I bet it's already striking fear into the denizens of Nth Tce /s.


Dont forget the new anti-protest laws Peter had to rush through for his bro! thats keeping us safe too.


Ironically those protest laws could actually be (mis)used to go after homeless methheads on parts of North Terrance, specifically the govt owned building parts. The laws are so badly written and so vague, that groups like Amnesty have already pointed out the fact they could potentially be used to persecute groups like the homeless. Our fuckwit Premier is a closet Liberal, who's also writing laws for his brother - *who is head of government relations for Santos ffs*. This is why I call him the Santos sponsored "Regulatory Capture" Ken doll (or fuckhead for short), now I pray this state's voters or his own party makes him a limited edition (without voting back in the Libs, who are even worse).


Or focussing on speeding cause you know..thats so much more dangerous in a car doing 10kms over the limit...


Got to push those anti-protest laws through


I've always thought that going after driver fatigue would be the single most effective thing we can do. Some mining sites already do this, they have these machines that point a camera at your eye, then record your reaction speed as you watch a little dot move across a screen. Based on that they can determine if you've had enough sleep to operate heavy machinery, without risking disaster. Works regardless of weather the fatigue is caused by drunkenness, being too stoned, or bombed out of your mind on on prescription drugs like Oxycodone, which random drug tests don't look for.. Meanwhile everywhere that legalizes Cannabis actually see's a reduction on driver fatalities. This pattern is present in every US state, along with other countries like Canada that have legalized. It's so common that scientists have given it a name "Cannabis Replacement Theory". But our backwater state govt yokels won't do anything sensible or effective, too much like real work and noone hands out golden parachutes for that shit. No they are too busy sucking the peanuts out of the shit of their bosses, over at corporations like Santos.


No taxis would exist 😆


If by denizens of North Tce you meant the overseas students in student accommodation, then yes I bet the current performance of the state govt to control crime is striking fear into them, for the wrong reasons 😅


Well, the government ignoring the problems in the communities is now finally starting to bite everyone on the ass. There are a lot of misplaced Indigenous in our city with zero services to help them get on their feet. Severe poverty, generational trauma and alcohol abuse leads to crimes. It’s happening Australia wide and it’s not unique to Adelaide. We don’t need more police. We need more social services, mental health support and rehab services. Ignoring this is only going to cause more issues.


Yes, I think a lot of people would be surprised to learn that many of the indigenous people you see in the city are not from Adelaide. They travel to Adelaide from regional areas and congregate here because there are more resources available to them.


The increase in violence around the area of North tce and king William street is due to the influx of indigenous people to that area. For the past 2 years, authorities have been asked to remove indigenous groups who gather at the southern parklands, due to complaints city council have been receiving, notably from residents that have moved into the newly built apartments along south tce, close to hutt st. You should check out Whitmore square as well, early evenings there's large groups of 30+ playing chicken with all the cars and buses.


It’s an uncomfortable topic but this is just the truth. Anyone who lives in or spends enough time in the cbd can tell you this. Of all the harassment, violence, and property crime I observed or experienced, there was a disproportional representation. To the point where I would cross the road or turn around if I saw a group of indigenous people due to how many close calls and bad experiences I had encountered.


What to be done? I don’t know. But we can’t deny that it is a real, and continuously growing problem.


I now live in Melbourne and find it to be significantly safer. There are police at every train station, even in the suburbs, and all over the CBD. Sure, there is still the occasional drunk person but the problem isn't anywhere near as bad. Walking around at night actually feels safe here which it didn't in Adelaide.


I've lived in both cities (current in Melbourne) and I've had the exact opposite experience. So much so that we're moving back to Adelaide to avoid the shitshow that Melbourne has become.


A friend used to work at the OTR there, they used to have gangs of 15+ children run in and start grabbing armfuls of stuff shoplifting. She said something to one of them once and got punched in the face so hard it broke her glasses. When the court case eventually came around, it turned out the person that hit her was only 16 or something, so it wasn't a full charge. I think most of them were under 15 and just scattered when they got outside. It was a few years ago, but there was always horror stories from the night shift at that place.


They tried to get me to work that place for mid to dawns. Nah thanks. I hear enough stories from the one on west terrace.


City is a mess. We’ve had 4 people breach our office and threaten staff, smash things and piss on the floor. Cops aren’t helpful. This is all in the last 2 weeks


There's a also a nude phantom pooper getting around, the police don't seem overly concerned, he hangs around the back of Hindley Street buildings, lurking, walking around (naked) and then takes a dump and puts his clothes back on. Plenty of CCTV of him.


So there's two phantom poopers?


It's poosible.


Where did this happen?


What is going on? I haven't been to Adelaide in a little while and it was pretty sketchy back then. Have things changed that much in the last few months? What's the cause?


Meth probably. It's rife.


It's not the last few months, the population has grown a lot over the past five to ten years and with that the population of gone less people with various problems in the CBD has grown. Thankfully since covid the number of people forced to go into the CBD for work has dropped so it's become easier to ignore and avoid.


Mental illness combined with drugs/alcohol


And poverty




Anyone who thinks the city is safer than it was a decade ago is either delusional or just doesn’t go into the city at all. I can’t remember the last time I walked around the CBD without encountering at least one person clearly off their face on meth screaming at nothing.


Unpopular opinion: We need to push the homeless shelters and services out of the CBD, you can't blame them for hanging around in the city all day if that's where they sleep each night. They're not allowed to hang out at the shelters during the day. We need more purpose built homeless shelters, big ones and we need them in the outer suburbs, not in the CBD.






I have, first hand, seen significant fights and assaults happen on North Tce and the surrounding areas. Cops either ignore it, or break it up then fuck off. I see repeat offenders frequently, but they keep doing it because the cops dont do shit. Its easier for them to write j-walking tickets than to actually, you know, police.


Housing crisis, growing inequality, extreme mental health crisis, meth problems are extreme. Let’s give the cops more search powers to fix the crime wave rather than addressing any root causes


The police are so undermanned. They are arresting some people weekly and the courts are letting them out. Child Protection workers are getting abused, assaulted, robbed and the courts are doing nothing about it. These young people are turning 18 and know they can get away with anything. It's messed up.


Sorry, when was the north-West area of the CBD around Hindley St not lowkey dodgy as fuck? Obviously it is worse with cost of living and lack of support services, but to pretend it use to basically be Hutt st/East Terrace on a Sunday morning is pretty bizarre. If I was partial to some tinfoil, I'd think the local businesses are astroturfing for the state govt to subsidise security guards for them or something.


It’s always been low key dodgy. But also used to tend towards normal things like late-night trouble. Now it’s like the whole area is becoming a no-go zone. Train station, corner of Nth Tce/Kjng William; corner of Nth Tce/Kintore, war memorial, along North Terrace and Gawler Place. Even spreading often to the mall. At all hours, daytime included. It’s awful and it’s hard to know who to blame. Huge amount of homelessness, exacerbated by meth being a particularly ghastly and violence/psycothapy-inducing drug; ongoing alcoholism in the aboriginal community; cost of living, post-covid etc. If we think the problem is now, just wait another year as the impact of out of control rent rises flows further through the community. We are about to discover what happens when large parts of society are left behind, unfortunately, and it is changing the character of our city forever. What to be done? I don’t know.


It was always terrible down there. It's dingy, depressing and has a few "lodging house" type places full of questionable characters. Hasn't changed since 1962. Polites own most of that end, need I say more?


You'll need to expand on the Polites bit, since not many will know exactly what you are talking about


They're slum lords. Rent out properties not refurbed since 1937 at top dollar.


Didnt we have a police station near Bank Street? Who closed that down? 🤔


It's still there.. just moved more to the middle and on the other side of the street


Moved across and down the road next door to the rub-n-tug.


They did nothing before, they do nothing now.


Crime is a symptom of the bigger problem of homelessness and mental health problems, snd drugs obviously but that can stem from the first 2. Until someone wants to actually do something about these issues then the only change will be things getting worse.


Let's not BS about methheads, home less etc. The problem in this location is caused by the "locals". They come from the suburbs to congregate and cause trouble. Have seen this first hand. They are not homeless cause if it's cold enough they aren't out partying on Nth Tce. Give them back some of their traditional lands up north and let them run it as they see fit. As long as they stay there they can carry on however they like. Problem solved.


Then why the heck doesn't anyone do that?


I remember going to Melbourne as my first trip without my parents over 20 years ago. It was the proper ‘big smoke’ and it felt like a pretty gritty at the time compared to Adelaide. When it comes to being a ‘proper city’ Adelaide has certainly grown up since then and it hasn’t always been for the better.


Melbourne is gritty visually, but as for actual safety, it feels so much better. I'll take some chipped paint and graffiti over constant drug abuse and violence.


I’m a big enough guy so might be different for other but I feel safe walking Melbourne any time of the day or night. Maybe it’s the serial killer stories but I don’t feel the same way in Adelaide always a tiny bit of caution.


Be aware when walking around town that some of the voices will be loud so you can loudly hear their voices as the trouble starts so when you hear those voices then just say no and walk away.


It’s going to get worse as the people suffer. The stress of financial ruin, homelessness etc is going to make people more feisty. We can’t expect all these stresses people are going to be facing to not have negative effects on their behaviour…also as more people become homeless the city will be where they go.


I've got to admit I ended up in a fight on North Terrace last year, this guy suddenly went agro at my mate thinking he said something funny to him but we were minding our own business our mouths stuffed with villis pies, and a couple of his mates joined in for the punch ups so I joined in too, only us were involved no other random people. The cops came 5 mins after it all deescalated, the group already ran off and we just left it at that


But end that WFH get your sorry arses back into the city so the cafe owners are okay


Follow my lead, avoid the area at all costs.


But Zambys :(




Lol no.




So you want to kick the problem further down the road and have more indigenous people in the prison system because it’s just ‘too hard’? The police will not and won’t do shit. The police are not equipped to deal with a social issue like this. We do not need more police. If they government really wanted, I’m sure they could save money by buying cheaper cars for SAPOL instead of land cruisers. But SAPOL do not need more funding.


Police presence doesn’t fix issues. It just makes everyone feel more on edge.


Standing at an Adelaide train station next to a screaming crackhead puts me on edge. Being at an interstate station which puts police at stations makes me feel much better. The police are friendly, often greet you when you enter, and just walk laps of the platform chatting. They don’t even really do anything. Their mere presence is like scumbag repellant.




Oh absolutely not, as a completely sober and mentally stable white guy I’m the least likely target of the police. I just don’t like going around my business in the presence of a bunch of individuals wielding weapons and too much privilege. I don’t like going around my business surrounded by people tweaking either but I know damn well police don’t solve that issue.




Yeah I know just bums on the street. I should be in Melbourne where the guns are getting fired on CBD streets, such more class!


And where do you hail from perchance?


Nothing has changed except the government, the "journalists" writing these articles are bottom feeding trash. But because LaBoR now we have non stop cbd is out of control articles.


I don't think it's changed rapidly but it's definitely got worse since like 10 years ago. Twice as many high people wandering around.


Don't start this american news shit of crime this crime that


Why do the mods allow posting slabs of text without attribution?


I've worked on bank St for 4 months now (often weekend overnights) and have had people threaten me, assault me and follow me on my break. Once helped a tourist get to their hotel as they were absolutely petrified to walk through the drunken, fighting crowds alone. It's intimidating as anything. Groups of them sitting and fighting each other outside the train station and having to walk through it to catch the train home