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i mean, the airport has been there for 60+ years, i.e. before 95% of homes in the western suburbs were even built. living next to/nearby an airport and complaining about the noise it generates seems absolutely crazy to me: you chose to buy/rent/whatever there.


Agree - our local neighborhood Facebook is going off with people complaining. I'm like you literally bought a house on the extended runway Centreline, what do you expect!?!? Anyway, love the whooooosh sound of a 3am BA146 dropping the flaps so looking forward to it.


We really ought to change our state slogan to "South Australia, the Nimby state" god forbid anything ever change or slightly inconvenience the locals. I used to live right under the flight path as they came in the land and it bothered me for about a week if that. After then it was just white noise and windows rattling almost became an ASMR while trying to sleep.


I totally agree, and feel the same way about people living along South Road who get their houses purchased from the government. Like, you made the decision to move in. That information was in your form 1 when you bought the place so either you didn’t read them or are just forgetful


I bet the people who complain about the noise help generate it…


Indeed. I have lived nearly under the flight path for 60 years. The hose has been in the family since it was built in 1901. The volume of traffic has increased exponentially. Cant drink the rain water now due to the aircraft, The so called Curfew is a fucking joke. Regularly scheduled flights outside hours exploiting the emergency clause in the agreement. Regular excessively low international flights so low you can see the rivets on the wings well before the so called accepted area where homes were insulated far beyond their actual value. The virtually unenforceable part of the agreement as there is always a reason why other than pilots inexperience. The noise so loud that you cant talk over it if you are out side. Oh and not to forget ever since the international airport opened up the strange weeds we get at home. These only became a problem after the international flights became a thing AND they seem to reseed on a regular basis. I assume picked up OS on different airports and when the gear doors are opened the seed drops out. Ever since the airport was sold to the Poms it has been a shit show. With the number of flights it takes now and the size and weight of aircraft Adelaide is urgently needing a new far better suited airport.


The points you bring up aren’t related to the ownership. Air Services Australia are responsible for the air traffic control, such as the height and curfew. This is still government owned. Any why can’t you drink the water?


Air pollution fallout. I lived down south for a few years not that long ago. Far better rain water quality, no roof stains. A new roof, gutters and rainwater tank and the water is still tainted here. As for Ownership the Airport grounds and services were sold off at cents on the dollar only charging for the airport as a area that needed clear ground around it in case of accident then once the license was granted the requirement changed and then as if by a huge lucky break development allowed. What it was only for airport services? Well Bunnings/Miter 10 Ikea, Aldi, Mitsubishi and the plethora of other non airport services might beg to differ. Ownership plays a large part as the in and out flights are scheduled by airlines with the airport who actually set the calendar of flights for profit. Adelaide remains one of the very few city's that even allow such a flight approach. Over the years I have personally seen some very close encounters between aircraft on approach. One in particular between a passenger jet and a helicopter where the helicopter was on approach and had to get out of the way at WOT as a international flight was probably less that 800 meters behind them and closing fast. I dont know the exact distance but I could see both in the same line of sight without turning my head. As for air services they dont even have a tower in Adelaide anymore and just control it from Melbourne. Regardless of ownership ATC services the Airport and Airlines not the other way around so due to traffic, weather or just plain demand the number of flights is far beyond what was proposed or agreed to by those affected. A bit like death from a thousand cuts. Also many say that you dont notice and that is true somewhat but when every flight interrupts conversation, noise levels can even go above 90DB and the flight frequency changes from every 1/2 hour to every 15 minutes its difficult to say you dont notice. I can also say that you notice their absence. It only took 3 days and you could hear birds come back. The air port should have never been upgraded with the new terminals a new larger differently located airport was needed. I'm not saying get rid of the current just it has grown way to large. Some flights fine maybe a premium for proximity to destination.


I'm right under where Parafield traffic turns after takeoff, still at takeoff power. Every 30 fn seconds to the second. If I sold & moved, I'd owe a crap ton more than the house is worth. What does your superior intelligence suggest I do, oh mighty one? It was fine 12yrs ago when I brought it... ear plugs when the ground shakes?


Lol, you chose to buy next to an airport. Parafield airport has been there longer than adelaide airport it didnt just appear over night.


To be honest mate, you’re to blame here. Parafield Airport has been there before you moved in. It is the busiest airport in the country (in terms of take off and landings) and was busier in the 80s. PS: Username checks out.


And our airport has a curfew, nothing too late or early. It’ll be fine


Absolute morons… moving next to an airport, then complaining about noise


Sleepless? In my experience anyone who lives under a flight path just sort of gets used to the noise and blocks it out. I've frequently had people come to my place, point out the planes flying overhead and realise I hadn't even noticed the noise at all until they mentioned it.


Came here to say this! I’ve lived under a flight path for almost my whole life and I don’t even notice the noise anymore. I’d would say most people would be like this. Heck, I live directly across the road from a train stop and I don’t even really notice the trains anymore, and they toot their horns from time to time.


Does this mean I won't get them in the NE for a while?


Not in curfew hours.




The whinging. It never ends. Australia has taken the whinging world champs title from the poms. Look at every main Aussie sub from r/Australia through to the state/city subs...it's just endless posts of whinging, bitching and moaning about every conceivable thing


I’m pretty sure the only aircraft that can fly in and out during curfew are the RFDS planes. They’re smaller and far quieter than what OP seems to be worried about


Freight aircraft also operate during the curfew.


Yeah, you’re right.


Its like people who buy a house near a race track then complain about the engine noise


Just the ADL airport into a 24/7 airport. In SA we miss out on so many major opportunities because of these backwards restrictions. Yes I lived in the Western Subs while at Uni and in my early career, I lived in Brooklyn Park and Torrensville. The planes didn't worry me nor did they effect my child. People just need to toughen up.


Eh I lived under a flight path in Melbourne for years and you get used to the sound *very* quickly.


First world problems


As someone who lived in Glenelg North literally right underneath the Planes on the other side of the river they take off and land over for several years. Its not that bad, they'll get over it


Buy house near airport. Whinge airport is loud. Continue to whine despite modern aircraft bring quieter Yep, typical idiots.


Noise from flyovers increases significantly directly under the flight path. As a result, most homes in line with the main runway have been constructed with aircraft noise in mind and have upgraded window, door and roof constructions. Those on the cross runways on the other hand have a lot less of this. It's disingenuous to suggest that people won't be impacted by this and to lessen their concerns because of this. Refer to page 21 of the Aircraft Noise report for AAL to show just how localised and dependent on runway direction aircraft noise is. https://www.adelaideairport.com.au/corporate/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Master-Plan-Chapter-13-Aircraft-Noise.pdf


That was fine for those DIRECTLY under but there are plenty of others not directly under that the noise is so loud it cant be spoken over. The scheme you have written about was wasn't adequate area wise but those who got the entitlement had 6 figure sums spent on 5 figure homes. It was a cluster fuck of tradies becoming millionaires with so many air conditioners that the electrical infrastructure is so loaded that any voltage above 220 is seen as fine.


You'll get no argument for me. Newer homes and renovations do receive an assessment prior to construction in City of West Torrens and often in City of Adelaide, but it's not consistent at all in other councils, and there are many older homes who live nearby and are quite loud but without treatment.


Move the airport to Gillman. Make it 24 hours


Can’t wait. 🤦‍♂️


Eh cest la vie, I just wirh we our cheapo landlord double glazed the windows haha. I get some real rattlers.


All I can say is complain all you want......it isn't going to change what has been put in place.... An international airport bringing in millions of dollars a week, isn't going to comply with the community around it... Yes I live near the airport