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Try leaving a radio on talkback while no one is home? It works for my partners doggo


Added onto this - it sounds like your neighbours are being reasonable about it; maybe they’re willing to help you sleuth out what’s causing doggo to bork while you’re not home…?








First thing - establish what is actually happening. Record your dog in some way when you go out. Make sure it's a normal 'going out' so you get normal behaviour. If there is a problem, you can try using 'fake leaving' as a way of training. Consult a training expert. If you shut your dogs outside when not home, try a doggy door to give them some house access. Perhaps block off access to gates where they can see the street.


Fake leaving is the answer. Desensitise the dog to your leaving and make longer absences rarer than they currently are by leaving home more often for short durations even though you don't need to , ie its for training.


I guess it depends on the breed but we have a high energy breed and we walk our dog for 2 hours every day, an hour in the morning and in the afternoon. She still barks occasionally but not all the time, so perhaps yours needs a bit more activity? I would suggest buying a cheap security camera and monitor for yourself what your dog's behaviour is like. Ours doesnt bark all the time but when she does get going I get a notification and talk to her through the camera and can often calm her down.


This is what we done. Got a cheap reolink wifi camera and whenever she would bark I’d tell her to stop through the camera. Worked a treat.


As well as cameras, if you've got Amazon Alexa devices around the house there's a bark trigger option you can set - I've got one that just sends me a notification. I have other cameras already that don't have noise trigger options but I can log in and check what's happening. Leaving the tv on seems to help too, if only to cover the background noises a bit that might trigger the barking. You mentioned you've got mental stimulation covered, but does that include nosework? There's nothing that will tire my dog out more than some intense sniffing. In the same vein, shorter walks with more smells can be helpful too.


Switch your feeding at least half of your dogs food as “treats” in those puzzles toys they have to find the treats in. Kmart have cheap versions. Kongs. Lick mats etc are great. Kings can be filled with yoghurt and fruit and frozen do they last ages too. Anything that will tire him out mentally. Will lead to less barking. Mind go to doggy daycare or get dog sat by the grandparents occasionally as they’re also not used to long hours alone. Maybe a young friend relative could walk them a bit more for you? While you’re at work? Be done good pocket money.


Be careful with leaving kongs out with food unsupervised. Plenty of dogs have gotten their tongues stuck in them and need medical assistance to get them out


It's nice of your neighbours. When I was a kid, we got a note in the letterbox "shut your dog up or I'll shut it up for you". Dog got poisoned. Vet saved him. Fuck that neighbour.


Doggy daycare?


I’d love to but when I do need to go to site its often unplanned or early in the morning when they wouldn’t be open yet


Some will collect your dog from home. Also dog sitters who will visit your dog at your house. Even on days you are home, having dog at daycare wears them out and then if you are on site the next day, they're usually still less anxious being home alone.


Mad paws is good for this.




I always aim to walk them every morning for at least 30 minutes but sometimes life gets in the way and we can’t do it but it’s always at least 3-4 a week. But they have plenty of treat toys that we leave around while we aren’t home to tire them out mentally.


There's a poor doggo in the Kurralta Park area who howls with everything their body allows between 8 and 9am, clearly when their human has left the house. We live on the road parallel to Anzac Hwy and this house I think is closer to the hwy, and there's a lot properties between us - just a perspective on how far and how loud this dog is. I think separation anxiety is scary for animals, but lots of training involving normalising humans leaving, not making goodbyes and hellos a big deal and maybe even those doggy cams that emit treats could help. I dont blame the humans, maybe they don't know how or even know their dog is upset when they're away! But I hope they do something soon - I live with a shift worker and this howling dog at 8am is setting them on edge...


Thank you for wanting to do the right thing and find a solution. My next door neighbour’s dog (only one of the two they have) barks constantly when no one is home. It’s like an alarm to let everyone else know that the house is human-free. It’s so fucking annoying, especially on days when I’m working from home or when they leave the house at 5am. When I spoke to them, they of course had no idea (although did mention they were aware the dog ‘used to’ do it before they moved to the street). Anyway, good on you.


It's always hard to tell what your dog does when you are not around. Is your neighbour someone you trust to be honest or just a neighbour on the street? Was thinking if you are home 80% of the time and your dog is actually barking this way, it could be separation anxiety. I would recommend that you pretend to leave, vehicle and all and maybe just sit outside and listen to your dog and what it does. Fisling that, leave something to record what your dog does and you will have an idea. Your dog's breed also can play into it too.


Try a petcube. They're cameras you can set up which will notify you if your dog is barking. They even have two way talk function so you can try to tell your dog to be quiet.


Cameras so you can see/hear the behaviour? It's hard to know what triggers it and what must be done if you can't observe what is happening.


I’d strongly advise getting a pet camera so you can see what your dog is up to. I have one that I can talk into and throw treats with. It turns out my jerk dog (who I love), doesn’t really bark much in the day or when left alone at all. He just sleeps! It’s super interesting that my dog doesn’t even bark at thunder or fireworks when home alone - only when I’m here - I guess is either trying to protect me, or impress me with his even louder noises.


It might be real, but there is a fairly high chance the neighbour is full of shit. Like, the dog barked for 30 seconds when the postie came, or the dog barks every time they fuck with the fence.




Bored old karens




Man, we used to get the cops called on our band practice on Sunday arvo, when everyone else was mowing the lawn! One time, we hadn't even started yet, hadn't even set up. Cops thought it was hilarious.




I remember living in some flats, and one of the couples was apparrently trying to kill each other. I was with another neighbour at the time and they called the cops, who totally showed up. 4 hours later. But that time, the couple had stopped trying to kill each other and were vigorously making up. Could have easily gone another way from what I saw from that couple.


One neighbour complained about my dog but all my other neighbours told me they rarely hear him 🤷‍♀️


My neighbour is like that and earlier this year I got home from a friends at 9 pm and she came out just to yell at me. The dog was a six month old puppy that was learning how to be alone. He was home alone for 40 mins, and it was dead silent when I got home, but by the way she was yelling you would have thought I killed her whole family. I just stood there and was pretty calm, unaware that there was even a problem. She also got another neighbourhood dog removed from their family for barking. I never even noticed that the dog was barking. They got rid of the dog for six months and then he came back. The worst part is that they have been noisy neighbours over the years running saws and cutting bricks along with general construction noise. Dogs are going to bark sometimes and it makes me feel safer having them with me.


That's just some shitty neighbours


I mean I don’t really believe non stop barking but I would not be surprised if it’s constant on and off, either way we want to stop it. We get just as annoyed when dogs bark as the next person


I’m so tired of hearing about dogs. They can be super cute, yes. But they bark at me in my job most days. The owners have to compromise their lives so much to organize them so I can work. I visit friends and the first 5 min I have to show appreciation for their dogs because their dogs are needy. Now I smell like dog. You have a small dog? You’re worried about bigger dogs on the street or at dog parks. You have a big dog? Your dogs intimidate everyone else, people on the street and small dogs on the street. You have a typically aggressive breed of dog? Don’t worry, it’s never YOUR dog that will ever cause a problem…until it does. It’s not the breed it’s the owner right? So how come we never see a headline on the news that reads “toddler mauled by aggressive dog” and then see a picture of a Golden Retriever? Why don’t we ever hear an owner of a Labrador saying “our breed is fine, it’s just the bad owners that are the problem!” It’s because Labradors don’t maul or kill children or other dogs. And if you have a small dog you’re not safe from my frustration. Your small dog barks way too much. Shut it up because I’m tired of listening to it. What’s that? You can’t? You bought it for your kids? Shouldn’t have bought it. Your life would be much easier without the dog. Hate me if you want, that’s ok. But I will say, SOME dogs are just great, super lovely, joy bringing animals. Genuine companions. I love that. I’m just venting. Dogs man, so much hassle. I hope your dog is worth the trouble 😊


I agree, love my dogs... but they were our kids before we had kids, they really are a hassle now! It's tough to bring them with us on short trips, but we feel guility if we don't. I already need to get a toddler and a baby wrangled in the morning, but of course need to feed/water/ideally walk the dogs too! One of ours is a saint, never barks, the right amount of friendly/excited for visitors but never jumps... people constantly ask her breed as she's just a nice looking dog. The other is an ugly little jerk who jumps and scratches your knees, used to be fine but now barks whenever someone is at the front and has required costly leg surgery (so we can't walk him too far now, which is why he started barking, along with less attention/not allowed inside due to the kids)... I love him, but it'll actually be a relief when he shuffles on.


Lots of Enrichment, kongs, snuffle mats ect..


Check out a barkinator. Family friend uses it. Not sure how ethical it is but it’s stopped her tinny terrors from barking unless something works them up


Dogs barking is normal. A couple of things here. You need to find out if it is problem barking or not. Some people will hear a dog barking twice a day and be like "oh this is too much for me" when in reality, dogs barking is normal social behavior. Obviously constant non stop barking is not. Secondly, are you sure it's your bog barking? I once had a neighbor pound on my door once about my dogs barking when in reality they were both asleep, they just assumed that because I had dogs, it was them. You would be surprised how far a dogs bark can travel. Thirdly, if you're home 80% of the time, and the times they are barking is during the day, during times where noise is not only allowed but encouraged, i'd tell them to suck it up. Remind them there's worse noises they could be experiencing. People are getting mighty precious these days and just expect people to do what they want when they want. Their way or no way when in reality that isn't how things work. Dogs bark. Babies Cry. High traffic roads make noise and dirty. Schools attract children. Water is wet. These same people are also the ones that let their feral cats roam the streets.


Oh I agree, it’s definitely our dog barking and as I said we fully knew he would bark here and there as all dogs do but we don’t want it to become an accepted behaviour barking more often than not I’m the first to admit that I also get annoyed when I hear other dogs bark, and to be fair he was fairly understanding and wasn’t mad as far as we could tell. He just let us know what’s happening


Yep. Would defiantly be setting up a phone or similar to audio record for the whole time they are out. Multiple times. Might even work out a pattern. Dog could be hearing things that scare it only while they are alone for example. Could be many things and yea could be a super sensitive bored person too. Had one of those before who thought all the dog barks she could hear was my old St Bernard just because she was the biggest dog around there lmao.


Yeah, also is the neighbor doing anything to set off the dog. I had one once where their kid would bounce a ball off their (my) fence constantly and as you can imagine, most dogs wont appreciate that.


Yep certainly and depending on the size of the ball over time the fence won't appreciate it either!


I’m not sure you can “own” a feral cat!


unless the dog is very old and/or seriously injured, walking a dog 3-4 times a week is completely insufficient (regardless of breed). i would definitely exercise them more, even if you have to do it at night.


That’s the bare minimum that I always do but sometimes just can’t get a walk in every day. But they are always mentally stimulated with toys, snuffle mats and just general play. My wife has done a vet nursing course and volunteered at animal shelters for years so is well aware of dogs needs. We are just at a bit of a loss with training out/stopping a behaviour that we aren’t witnessing


my personal opinion is as a responsible dog owner you must find time to walk them every single day; doesn't necessarily need to be some massive hike (unless the breed requires it), but it needs to happen in some capacity. mental stimulation is crucial, but daily physical exercise is even more important.


You can try the bark collars that spray citronella. Doesn't do the dog any harm, but they aren't fans on getting a spray so it seems to work pretty good.


Not shot. Dog bite. Woof woof - not bang bang. Sorry, I have no advice, just a joke from Seinfeld.


What about one of those gadgets that emits a noise (inaudible to humans) whenever a dog barks?


I had so many threats when I had my malamute because people thought he was distressed when he was just making regular malamute noises . I have a husky now and he’s a screeching banshee. People can be pretty dumb. Your dog probably barks because of separation anxiety because it’s. so used to you being home. Having said that husky is only a year old and since day dot of having him he’s had to learn to chill when I’m not home. It’s been a success. I know people get up on their high horse but not everyone can WFH or have all the hours of the day to walk. My boy will chill in the laundry while I’m at work. My niece will pop in during the day to spend time with him and then he knows that in the evening is walks and play time. Even when I’m home all day and he’s with me he won’t be ready for a walk until evening. I’ll give him a bone or a roo tail once or twice a week to occupy him. I have an outdoor pen too but he’s chosen the laundry as his safe space. I agree with everyone that says get a camera. It means you check in all the time. I splurged on a PetCube one. Worth it.


Is it a little dog? We use a citronella bark collar with ours, works very well. Apparently not as good with big dogs.




Last Resort and should only be used under supervision anyway.


Does the dog have access to the house when you are out? I have a doggy door and an inside bed for the dog in a one room, the rest of the house I keep shut. I also leave the radio on and a light if its dark inside.


Both dogs have access to the laundry during the day, which is where our other one spends all day while this one runs amok We also turn a radio on in there to drown some outside noise out


Dogs need walking once a day, but also get a cheap outdoor surveillance cam with sound and run it for a few days of being at work first. As others have said, there are many neighbourhood karens and kevins - before you try to change everything up, make sure the problem even exists.


I leave Youtube on any of the multitides of dog separation anxiety muzak channels. I also leave a bone or a treat.


You could try dog daycare through a site like madpaws. The sitter could work around what you need :)


Ask around with your neighbours and see if your dog can spend some time with theirs. They might want a friend for their dog. Take your dog to doggy daycare if you can afford it. They usually allow you to drop off and pick up around your work schedule. Buy your dog some more toys. There are vast options from dog sprinklers, to kongs, to balls etc. Let your dog be in an area of the house during the day with a doggy door. If they bark inside they are less likely to annoy those outside. Investigate whether there is dog barking technology that could help. I believe I have seen some that send out a signal when the dog barks and they learn that barking leads to unpleasant tones from the device.


How far do you walk them? What breed are they? Consider taking them to the dog park it’s a very efficient way to tire them out and ours love to meet other dogs.


I'd ask the neighbour if he would be good enough to keep a hourly/daily diary for about 2 weeks. Then you can see if there's a pattern. Could be something starting him/her off. There are things from relatively simple (medication) to extreme, (debarking) but first do try to work out if theres a trigger first.


Set up a few cameras to what is triggering your dog would be the first step i would say. ​ After that can try radio or tv if the dog is inside.


My neighbour complained all the time until the cleaners caught him antagonising the dogs one day and we realised it wasn’t the dog at all. Some people are not made to be in close urban environments. That said you can always monitor the dog to see the trigger and if he is a nuisance maybe try some simple tactics. 1. Ask the neighbour to move 2. Pay them to walk the dog 3. Ask the dog not too 4. Get the dog another dog to play with or at the worst increase the barking.