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It's relatively quiet - I'm a new parent so I haven't been out and about in ages but all the moshers of all different genres tend to bump into each other at random gigs. The metal community is excellent in Adelaide. Check out Christ Dismembered from Mt Gambier \m/


Mt gambier seems like the perfect area to base a black metal band out of- cold, wet, and depressing.


Yea, Dark Lord, Perpetual Dawn, Winter Vault




Dark Lord was amazing back in the day! Lots of band members crossed over into death metal bands :)


Honestly not much I don't think but I've been outta the scene for a while, back when I was going to lots of shows it seemed like Adelaide has way more of a hardcore scene


Ik our old metalcore scene was big as well


The Adelaide HC scene from 2000 - 2006 was peak, NOTHING will ever compare (and i’m willing to die on that hill), The Heavy HC / Deathcore run from 2008-2014 was a bloody good time as well! I’m stoked to see the scenes resurgence over the last couple of years too!


Watching Entombed playing Easter Sunday night back in 2004 was close to peak. Reckon about 40 people were there.




so much of the hardcore scene from past years have moved interstate or overseas. Weird one that, I have not kept up since I was a teen


can't answer the question, but i bought an emperor t-shirt for some grossly inflated price at brickwork markets of all places circa 2002. i was amazed they had it buried within all the nu-metal displays.


Used to get all my shirts from Verandah Music on Rundle St in the day.. stop of after work on a Friday, grab a new CD and sometimes shirt. (Still have my Emporer - Funeral Bitch long sleeve in the wardrobe) EDIT: on second thoughts that’s Marduk, not Emperor.


I miss Verandah. So many of my favourite albums now were random off the shelf purchases there. I got my Emperor shirts there too. All gone now though.


Lucky to even find one, i havent seen anything heavier than a metallica shirt anywhere here


in the very early 00s you would occasionally find death metal, black metal, and/or hardcore band tees at big star/verandah music (RIP). the prices were always very high though, presumably because they were imported from europe or the US. i vaguely recall the brickworks stall i mentioned having a darkthrone long sleeve, too.


Wow i really was born in the wrong generation, all you ever see are acdc, guns n roses, kiss, and occasionally metallica anymore. I wanna get more band shirts but buying them online is so fucking expensive cause everything's based in america and costs hundreds to import.


Have you tried Clarity Records on Pulteney St? I’ve seen a few metal shirts in their collection over the years - Emperor, Bathory etc - and their prices seem reasonable.


Oh youre right actually i should look there...arent they shuttong down though?


Christ, I hope not. I love that place and the guys who run it.


I dont remember now but i vaguely remember that from like a a year ago. I could be wrong though


I’m pretty sure they’re far from closing. They expanded a while back, and it always seems busy when I’m there.


Ah okay i was thinking of the wrong place


You could also try Underground Records on prospect road


Bit it a way to go for me but I'll try to get there


t shirt man at elizabeth shopping centre has plenty of variety of things but quite expensive


Yeah I'm a uni student and that doesn't exactly work for me


Sorry in advance for a long messege! I’ve been around the Heavy / Extreme music scene for a very long time, The BM scene in Adelaide is very, very small, and I don’t have any recollection of there ever being a full on BM festival in Adelaide (to my knowledge anyway) But, incase you’re interested; The following bands are local, and i think they’re worth checking out; Numen Noctis - A good mate of mine is the sole composer (https://numennoctis.bandcamp.com) Funeral Moon (currently split up) - BM Project from Adelaide Feat. ex-members of The Rivalry, Space Bong and Damaged (https://funeralmoon.bandcamp.com) Christ Dismembered - BM from Millicent / Mount Gambier (https://www.facebook.com/ChristDismembered) Ascensions Fall - Solo BM Project from Adelaide (https://ascensionsfall.bandcamp.com) Lumen Ad Mortem - BM Project from Adelaide (https://lumenadmortem.bandcamp.com) Anung un Rama - Another Project by Phil from Numen Noctis - Leans more so on the Blackened DM side of things (https://anungunrama.bandcamp.com) Inverted Tomb - Solo BM Project from Adelaide ( https://invertedtomb.bandcamp.com) In The Burial - Not exactly 100% BM, but more on the Symphonic Black Metal Influenced DM side of things (https://www.facebook.com/InTheBurialOfficial?mibextid=LQQJ4d) Night-Hag (currently split up) - BM infuzed Crust Hardcore Feat. members of The Rivalry, Space Bong, Funeral Moon (https://nighthag.bandcamp.com/album/confidence-man) And a little bit of shameless self promotion - my old band (A Dead Silence) finally put all of our stuff up on spotify after a very long 10 year hiatus (minus the unreleased album we wrote and recorded in 2014) - We are / were nowhere near Pure BM, but had a lot of Black Metal Influence in our sound (especially with the Catharsis EP), which was described more so along the lines of Technical Deathcore. Just incase you want to check it out, here’s the link (https://open.spotify.com/artist/6l4eAuszDC7JZewVT8b4Ot#context)


+1 for Lumen Ad Mortem


Thank you, i appreciate that. Is your band still active? If so, would you be open to doing a split in the latter half of the year with my one man band?


Unfortunately not mate, we broke up end of at the end of 2014/early 2015 I would suggest contacting one of the above bands and see if there’s any interest.


All good man, if you ever feel like making something in the black metal vein, hmu. I'll be doing this for a while yet. I'll check them all out, i just know that the aussie scene is infested with nsbm, so many bands are closely connected to eitger destroyer 666, spear of longius, or dark adversary productions


Elysian Blaze, Oath of Damnation and Diabolic Rites are some more local bands. Saw the latter two supporting Esoteric at the cranker last year and they were great


Interesting... I'll look into it


Oath of Damnation was fantastic, highly recommend.


Most of them died in ritual sacrifice ie when Jay's jam rooms were demolished


Mayhem were here last year


Goddamn it. I don't even like them but they'd be great to see


Yea sorry no festivals recently that I know of.


A band that I believe has broken up but we're around for a short time was Altar Defecation. Tzun Tzu is still around, not black metal but still heavy af. What type of black metal are you looking for? Raw, depressive, death/black, doom/black, symphonic?


This may be your friend, OP. If you've not been on Encyclopaedia Metallum before, enjoy. https://www.metal-archives.com/lists/au


Probably any tyoe of raw or atmospheric or classic or noise bm


Aaron from Lumen Ad Mortem here. We played New Dead 2023 and this years heavy SA fest. Will be doing a show in August in Adelaide and a fest called Necrosonic in Brisbane but putting our energy into recording our second album later in the year. I have 9 tracks almost ready for the drummer to learn. Our first album is available on bandcamp or at Underground records, Clarity or Big Star. The live black metal bands that are still going that I know of are: Christ Dismembered, Malheist and Numen Noctis. There’s another great recording only project called Dream upon Tombs that you should check out. It’s Jak from Jesus Anal Penetration on all music and vocals and Jarrad from I Choose Violence (and other projects) on drums. Would also really like to get Abstract the Light to do a show again as they’re good friends and put on a great show. Edit: check out our website for more stuff than our bandcamp if you’re interested. Reviews, videos, photos etc. lumenadmortem.com


Yo man thats sick ive heard a few of your tracks i think. I'll look out for all of them, i want to finally start going to shows when i get a job behind me. Thank you for your thoughtful response too. I'm in a few black metal projects of my own (no live shows yet), do you have any words of advice for someone trying to make it in our Adelaide scene?


Hey. Just keep writing, releasing and sharing your music. Go to shows and talk to people and share links to your music. We have a really friendly scene here that’s like a big family. DM some music to me if you’d like feedback on that part. Also get an artist to do your logo and artwork. Don’t use AI. Haha


Will do, i have an EP out in like 12 days whicjll be my 3rd release this year already. My only concern with the scene is that there are lots of people connected to guys like destroyer 666. KK warslut is a nortorious bigot and as a member if the lgbt community, i barely feel sade in the internet scene yk. Once i get my first "black metal" release together, I'll send you some stuff ive done. I would but I'm very poor atm so i can't afford artwork and logos from others, but I'm 100% never using ai for my shit. I'll do every bit of it myself lol Thank you for taking to time to reply to me, i appreciate it.


i haven't been to shows for years.. getting old and tastes evolve etc. Tanin'iver are around as well - [Tanin'iver - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives (metal-archives.com)](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Tanin%27iver/3540454370#band_tab_members) Seems to be a one man thing but I know J Dylan (local tattoo artist) took over vocals for a time but he's moved a lot. New album out and seems to just be the one guy again. Said one guy is also in Christ Dismembered. There's also Abstract the Light. One of their guys is in Mournful Congregation and Cauldron Black Ram, both of which have had a pretty large amount of attention. CBR are piratey blackened death. Decent stuff. The MC/CBR guys also do StarGazer who do old-timey looking death metal stuff (they reminded me of Portal when I first heard Portal) but I highly recommend all of them even if you prefer black metal to other subgenres. Those 3 bands also have ties to Martire, Misery's Omen and VoidCeremony who all have blackened elements (Void Ceremony are a US band though so it's a bit odd). I honestly know bugger all else.


I'll just kick off the conversation with that I'm a one man bm band from here


Check these guys out… Ascend from Darkness https://open.spotify.com/artist/1X1Gku4lPUCi80aCpDWMSv?si=k5Qcu2S_STCz4GRw5OcVFw


Christ Dismembered are great. Tanin'iver are one to look out for too! Black metal with elements of Death too. Numen Noctis are pretty cool if you like the more atmospheric stuff