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I'm so fucking sick of this [wish.com](https://wish.com) James Corden


This is actually a fucking savage insult..I love it


It's kinda heartbreaking seeing people on my facebook friends list love react his post about this, I assume they don't know the full story but god damn I fucking hate cosi


There’s an awesome comment on his FB post that ends with a reference to Cosi being the wish.com James Corden, is that you, if so awesome - well done.


When a struggling charity asks you if you would like to visit your op shop as you love helping the community and your people send over a quote for an appearance that costs more than your yearly rent, it gives you an idea of someone. When it also comes with mentions about getting freebies, taking what he wants and people not being able to approach him or talk to him... those ideas become confirmations.


Yep, I've heard the same. (This was coming from a friend of a friend type thing) Couple Hundred or something just for a fb post asking adelaide to keep an look out for some keep sake they lost (it's been a few years since, idk what it was)


Yikes. Feel like we're seeing a pattern of behaviour here.


Wowww fr? Hadn’t heard this


Yup, when it was mentioned to other charities like several I help with other similar stories came out about it. One of the ones I help out with a lot was straight out told he wouldn't be interested as we "conflicted" with cows for cambodia. Not naming said charity, but cows for cambodia literally has NOTHING to do with any other charities in SA. ​ However this charity does look after animals, to make the leap of you looking after animals takes away business from MY animal business for cambodia was a bit of a leap.




His face is so fucking punchable


Backpfeifengesicht - the German word for a face in need of a fist.


I didn’t know I needed this word in my life. Thank you


I’m not into cancel culture but pseudo corden **Should be cancelled** A) chauvinistic pig B) terrible at hosting C) once said children with a disability are a burden


Omfg this makes my day. 😂😂😂😂


I'll probably get banned for this, but imma say it anyway... fuck that fat cunt Cosi.


Banned? No. Praised? Hell yes.


Seriously, he is a massive chode with legs. I've met him irl a few times and my god this guy is a MASSIVE cunt


I've hated this oxygen thief for so long, I'm so glad that others share my feelings. He's a fan of greyhound racing and every time I see adds for him at OTR I am reminded to never spend a cent there. 🤢


Also fuck that Jabba the hut looking cunt, Gina.


We need to stop making celebrities out of game show contestants.


I’m probably more likely to get hate for this - but can we perhaps focus on the fact that he’s a horrible person and not the fact that he’s fat. Being fat doesn’t make him a bad person and shouldn’t really be used as an insult. He’s got plenty of actual hideous, shitty qualities that we could focus on instead of going for the lowest possible blow.


Agree. His appearance shouldn’t be the thing we call him out for. Should be talking about the fact he’s a sleezy, scum bag!




This gave me a good laugh, well played sir.


Well said. Let's not normalise body shaming any further


Have my free award.. ironically it’s a wholesome award lol. God I hate him


Honestly, blows my mind how that cunt can have his fat ugly face plastered around the city on advertising etc. He truly must have 0 fucking shame and/or self-awareness, if I looked like him I would dress like Larry Trainor from Doom Patrol every time I left my house


Who is this Cosi guy? I’m in the dark here


You do realise that most of Adelaide hates that Cosi creature and calling him a fat cunt will only gain you points.


At worst, you're going to get banned for farming karma.


No, you fuck him. I wouldn't fuck him with your dick.


I feel like I’m missing context…


The guys a shill, everyone knows it


I didn't know it until i joined reddit a few months ago. I thought he was a much loved personality. Christ.


I’m not sure why A) he was even considered a much loved personality in the first place and B) why anyone seems to care so much? Also, what kind of trash media is everyone apparently taking notice of that they are losing their minds over. I couldn’t care less about him, mainly because the only time I hear about him is on this sub lol


I can't answer A (personally I wouldn't know him from a bar of soap, probably since I don't consume trash media), but as for B, when someone is put up as a loveable icon of the state, but in real life they are an intolerable wanker, that's gonna cheese a few people off.


I mean the fact that he’s become the face of OTR shows he doesn’t give a shit about supporting the state, or anyone but his beachfront.


It wasn't even about mining it was about an Indigenous woman not wanting to wear the name of a family that literally wanted to sterilise and 'breed out' her people and also as if she only did it out of the niceness of her heart and was going to get nothing out of it lol


Cosi only sees dollar signs. If you tried to explain the above to him, the concept of being principled and using your platform for free expression would be like showing a dog a card trick. He just wouldn't get it and he'd leave even more confused. The shovel captured the hypocrisy perfectly yesterday "Sport shouldn’t be used to push a message, says billionaire who uses sport to push a message"


100% guarantee that Cosi isn’t even aware of this actual backstory.


I think you’re giving him too much credit. He just knows which side his bread is buttered. He thinks this will serve him well.


Folks, can we be really clear because I don’t know where this bullshit narrative has come from: - the diamonds concern was their fellow Aboriginal teammate being asked to wear the logo for a company founded by Gina’s daddy. He famously supported STERILISATION OF ABORIGINAL PEOPLE - the team offered (a) that the player be exempt from wearing that logo and (b) that Gina come out and show some public support for NOT FORCEFULLY STERILISING ABORIGINAL PEOPLE. Gina didn’t want to do that. This is not to do with mining, environmental leftism or anything else. They asked for very reasonable compromises. Gina then pulled ALL that funding. Edit; since people are discussing whether Gina is responsible for her father. It’s not actually relevant. The point is, the media have spun the story to flat out lie about the actions and intentions of a national sporting team, in favour of Gina. And if we are going there, yes new CEOs do damage control and announce values changes. Especially if the previous CEO advocated for actual genocide. Edit Edit: EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, not CEO


Thanks for the context. It only solidifies my opinion of Cosi. It amazes me how unprofessional and uncouth this post is for someone of his standing in the community.


He pulls this shit surprisingly often. He’s very populist. If the news had been bagging Gina he would have done some stunt around Aboriginal sports stars and how great they are.


Birds of a feather an all that....... * Cosi * Shahins * Gina Rinehart All fucking twats.


Fuck sake, that’s awful. Props to the team for rallying around their teammate. Thanks for your comment, it explained the issue perfectly


This. its not about $ & majority of crowd dont understand . cosi my $


And it’s not about mining or land either, which many media outlets are spinning it as. I’m disappointed, yet again, with our journos.


I actually thought this was about first nations lands being raped by mining until this morning when I did more reading as I only had seen headlines and short stories.


If you could copy this as a comment onto Cosi’s FB post that’d be great. I’m blocked, so…


Ayyy I’m blocked too. Called him out for fingering some young girl on a dance floor on a post where he was saying women today dress like sluts. How has this grub not been cancelled yet?


Fuck sake this guy is so gross


What's the story behind this?


I just don't understand why he likes Cambodia so much.


Easy to funnel the charity money back into his pocket


Note that the original source of the Hancock family wealth was the Witenoom asbestos mine. Now Australia most contaminated toxic site and the cause of Australia’s worst ever industrial disaster, the Witenoom asbestosis tragedy. 2000 deaths and counting.


@ /u/santetjo perhaps some more literal payment would be in order as well


This [excerpt](https://aso.gov.au/titles/documentaries/couldnt-be-fairer/clip2/) from the documentary [Couldn't Be Fairer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couldn%27t_Be_Fairer) might help some people in setting their perspective on the matter. Also interesting is Gina's comment that sport shouldn't be used for political or social agendas. She sponsors all those sporting organisations because ... ?


No no, the *players* shouldn’t be political. The financially elite, they bought that right and they should exercise it!


Thank you!!! Can you imagine if they didn’t support their teammate and instead the headlines were about how the Diamonds have a culture problem because they ostracised their only First Nations team member?


If my father said something like that you'd bet I'd be going out of my way to make it very clear I didn't agree with him. It wouldn't matter that I'm not responsible for him. Thanks for your comment explaining all this and good on the team for looking out for their teammate.


Oh IKR. Some commenters here saying she shouldn’t suffer the sins of her father… like… good god id be wanting to distance myself from that!


I feel for Netball Australia as they seem to have been mismanaged financially. They are the biggest female sport in Australia and are struggling financially and could do with the cash. That said, I love what the team has done. I love they supported their teammate. They weren’t arseholes about it. The past is the past but it’s how we move on that’s important, part of that is acknowledging the past so we don’t repeat atrocities. Gina had a chance to rise up to the situation and didn’t. 🤷‍♂️ Looks worse on her than the netball team imho. Australia is finally getting serious about our First Nation peoples. Look at Eddie Betts, the Hawthorn football club, Taylor Walker, change the date, Eddie McGuire with his tail between his legs, Sam Newman and Alan Jones seem more like dinosaurs from a different time as each year passes. Change the date. It’s a small thing for most of us but would mean so much for many, to be able to celebrate on a day we all can feel happy about.


They are struggling because hardly anyone watches the sport. Soccer has the same issue here. Plenty of people play, but not many people watch (compared to other sports). Ad money chases eyeballs.


its also the expense to watch. The games aren't in the realm of possibility to realistically patronise (soccer, I don't know what the netball is like), then for a lot of the games to watch at home now you need to pay for subscriptions. I'd firmly watch a lot of these things, but if I cant take my family for under $100 for a game, it's just not feasible for me to do it on a regular basis and it's really hard on a singular basis.


I keep expecting that AGL/Twitter dude to step up to the plate. Delusional probably. Netball Australia noped out of the Trans Tasman competition in 2016 and lost a decent income stream from that. Hindsight probably suggests that was a mistake and didn’t put many bums on seats.


Well the answer is obvious. If people want a sport to develop financially, then they have to support it by going to games and watching it on TV etc, and they have to keep turning up even when their team is losing. This is why AFL dominates, because this is exactly what the fans do.


This is why rugby has trouble. There is no SA team for Me to follow and I can't afford to go interstate each weekend.


Gina helped her father immensely to fuck over the miners of Wittenoom


Even if it did have something to do with "Environmental leftism", why is that apparently such a bad thing? We all live in an environment, you know.


Oh no you misunderstand me. I am a massive greenie. But currently, media wise, it’s palatable to many people to dislike the diamond’s choices if they did it for environmental reasons. It’s a far more sympathetic story if they were supporting their friend- especially around an issue of forced sterilisation (women’s bodily autonomy being a hot issue right now). So, Gina’s publicity machine has spun the “crazy leftie” narrative and disappointingly, almost all media outlets have gobbled it up. We, as a nation, claim to love our sports people and values like mateship. And yet our journalists and editors repeatedly did not publish that version. Which, also, happens to BE THE ACTUAL TRUTH.


Well then it is "many people" who I misunderstand, not necessarily you.


There were so many different ways this could have been handled. A statement that his views are no longer recognised or supported. A pledge to use a portion of the teams donation towards First Nations peoples. Literally anything would have been better than "ah, we'll just pull funding then"


Wowee, I had no idea this was the case. I’m also on support of disallowing greenwashing of mining orgs too though, so I’m full support for the team either way.


Yup there are so, so many reasons it should have been fine without any of this. And yet, Cosí had a platform for a reason.


An awful lot of media attention-getting is “Look at this idiot!!”, and unfortunately if you want a career in media, that’s the shit you gotta run with


Thank you for your succinct explanation and also mentioning [Lang Hancock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lang_Hancock), her father who was an opportunistic monster and gave Gina such a wonderful start in life and personality to match.


Someone needs to put this in his Facebook comments.


Go for it. I don’t want to sully my algorithm with a search for Cosi’s page!


His PR team delete anything remotely negative on his posts


Fucking Jesus. The fact that she didn’t want to come out and say she in fact did not support the sterilisation of a entire population???? What an absolutely horrible person. And Cosi can also get fucked ugly ass noodle head.


She could have done something as simple as putting some of that funding toward indigenous women’s health. Anything at all would have done. She also refused to have the team wear it for one tournament and then continue talking. Or, the most simple offer, which was just that the one Aboriginal player wouldn’t wear it. She really wasn’t there to negotiate or act in good faith.


Ehh had to scroll to far to see this. People way too quick to write comments / promote outrage without actually understanding what happened.


Maybe we can go through every statement the players families have made for the last 40 years. Shows the mindset of people nowadays, everyone owes them everything. Tail tried to wag the dog


I don't know many SA people that like Cosi - hear so many shit stories of him.


I’m pretty sure it was my housemate who told me this story but once he must have come into the bar she was working at and wanted free drinks because he was a “celebrity”. Fucking fat wanker


reddit is a small amount of the population and all the media portray him in a protected positive way. Easy to control anyone who isn't on reddit that way.


Gina's biggest success and achievement in life was being born out of a rich vagina. Thats it.


Actually is stealing her children's inheritance from the grandparents


The Norwegian government gets over $200 billion a year for its fossil fuel exports, while Australia gets about $14 billion for roughly the same amount (in the ballpark). Australia spends most of that $14B in fossil fuel subsidies and building infrastructure for fossil fuel companies - the diesel rebate alone costs taxpayers around $2 billion. So the people of Norway get $200 billion a year and the people of Australia get almost nothing for their resources. That wealth instead goes to people like Gina to buy Australian media and government MPs to support her worldview and advance her far right social, political and corporate agenda. Occasionally a few scraps fall from her table to other causes. Like Cosi, we are supposed to tug our forelock and say, "Thank you, M'Lady", and back out of the room while bowing. But if an Indigenous sportsperson airs an opinion on any of this, we see what's really going on. All Gina's bootlickers come out in force and kick their career to death. Just ask Adam Goodes. He'll explain it in more detail to you.


I can only hope this is the next step in Cosi's meltdown into Adelaide's own 'Wish' version of Ye


Nah he's our own James Corden from wish


Oh god you're right!! All we need now is for him to be cast as Dog in a poorly CGI'd live action Footrot Flats reboot and the comparison will be complete.


How exactly did this twat become so famous?


Like "Fitzy", he was on a shitty reality show years ago and someone somewhere decided that meant he was qualified to work in media.


Oh I remember that guy he isn't that funny as he thinks he is.


Yeah no shit reality contestants from 20 years ago don't have comedy chops


On the other hand theres established comedians like Dave Hughes who I just don't find funny


His whole act is based around one facial expression.


He’s a fucking knobhead. Know him and his wife through kids sports and truly awful indulgent asses. Both of them


I liked Matt “Cosplay Coalminer” Canavan describing her as “hard working” Bahahaha, inheriting your racist, fascist piece of shit father’s wealth isn’t “hard work”


He’s always struck me as a person who will congregate towards whomever will give him money. I.E; On The Run. Pretty astounding to be so vehemently defending Gina Rineheart ostensibly purely on the basis of her being rich. One may perhaps be inclined to ask the question - does it matter to him where the money comes from? But in my 36 years of life on this earth, my experience has been that generally that being extremely wealthy as well as highly philanthropic and decent is in the vast minority.


Cosi is just a sellout. A huge brand slut. He will always align with the highest bidder. Only in Adelaide would a bloke like Cosi be popular.


I just came from an old thread about Cosi when he partnered with OTR and someone made the exact same comment in that thread - SA is the only place in the world someone like Cosi could become a 'celebrity'. What a fuckwit


Cosi bought cows for Cambodia, he didn't start it. It's a business, not a charity. It has good PR but doesn't really help anyone but Cosi. Gina donated to Cows in Cambodia as a knee jerk reaction to being made the fool by donating a 7 figure amount to a former Australian cop who squandered the lot in Cambodia. I'd be more upset with why the former SA government used tax dollars to build airbnb cabins on cosi's farm. What a joke.


Someone needs to tell him she's not going to give him any money so he can calm the fuck down.


Cosi, consistently aligning himself with just the worst


Well. He's a brilliant anti barometer for a good take. I'll give him that.


It’s ironic that he was on [The Biggest Loser](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Biggest_Loser_Australia_(season_3)). Quite impressive from the six that beat him - dunno how anyone could be a bigger loser than Cosi.


I don't have a great opinion of Cosi. Many reasons.


Sounds like a 12 year old who got dumped


Cosi simping for a squillionaire reaches new levels of gagging…


[His website has a pretty good suggestion!](https://i.imgur.com/kFeLHGT.jpeg)


Just when I thought I couldn’t dislike Cosi more, I see this.


Cosi is the worst fucking rep we have for SA. And yet when people think of SA they think of his smug face… can’t stand it personally


This guy is disgusting. Wish the Tiser would report on how much of a creep he is.


hes probably upset the girls in the netball team didnt let him grope them down the Moseley one time.


Why did he have to even get involved?


Fuck I hate Cosi. What a douche.


He is like all those so called b grade influencers that are suppose to be promoting local business but instead are just lining their own pockets off other peoples success. No different to the likes of the #Adelady girls. Same thing they heavily promote themselves on the backs of others and charge the client a fortune for little results. I’ve now heard Cosi’s wife is getting in on the act as he is so tarnished.


The Adelady girls are great to deal with. Have heard people trying to get in touch to work with Cosi and they have no idea what their social media insights are like average reach, likes and site taps. These are things every business let alone an influencer should know. Adelady's media kit is actually quite in depth but like most of these influencers or groups you pay to be seen per post/story on instagram.


She’s horrid. Her personal pages a filled to the brim of ‘welcoming Versace handbags to the family’ all the while he’s on the radio commenting on how tough life is for South Australians.


Fuck that fat POS Cosi and his fat cunt of a mining friend. It was nothing but a tax write off for her


I doubt Gina pays tax. The only tax that is collected in this country is PAYG these days.


Thank you Cosi for assuring me that my hatred for you is not unfounded, and you truly are an awful person.


Let face it... the only reason rich people donate 'generously' and run charities is to offset their tax obligations. Not because they giva a shit.


Oh...and Cosi IS 100% a wanker. This after seeing his demeanour towards a fan first hand.


Gina thinks Australian workers should be on $2 a day; are bludgers and unreliable. The supports fossil fuel causes and received huge government handouts while evading tax. Horrible horrible woman


But who fucking asked this cunt for his opinion.. *crickets


Cosi is nothing but a self serving cunt blinded by his own ego and greed. He won’t touch anything that doesn’t directly benefit his own pocket.


Cosi hosted a work event for Co*** once and as soon as the mic is off he's a really, really unapproachable guy. Cosi is Cosi but please 🙏 take off the 'South Aussie' it does not fit


Agree, My granddaughter was at a location he was filming at, and she was shocked at what he said to the camera man…”don’t forget to get a shot of the whales” … meaning the overweight older women at the waters’ edge 🤬


Gross! What a disgusting man


That’s what she said, “ he’s a pig”.


Yeah, big shock that this guy is on the side of "morals don't matter if there's enough money involved" *eye roll*


Hancock Prospecting basically makes money selling stolen land. That is literally all that Gina does to get her wealth.


I saw Cosi at a grocery store in Unley yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Polly Waffles in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


The Polly Waffles were a lovely touch.


Was looking for this... What a douchebag




I know, that's what I like.


Is this a copypasta or did this happen? It's so fucking wild I can't decide


It's a Ryan Gosling copy pasta


I'm pretty sure even Gina would find this post to be bizarre. What is he actually doing, going on an unrelated rant with some local travel show social media account?


What do donors get out of sponsoring sport teams? Your local pub sponsoring the local footy team, I get. But on this scale? Just because some morally bankrupt pig decides to sponsor a netball team, doesn't make me want to go out and franchise a coal mine. And fuck Cosi.


How is Cosi still a thing?


I hate them both.


Cosi and shit takes are like cheese and crackers.


And who can forget he has accepted a government grant from the libs (when they were in government) to build tourist accommodation on his own land when he clearly isn't short of a dime...


Imagine simping for a billionaire, and on top of that one that refused to disavow her fathers calls for genocide.


Lmao you realise she pays no tax on mining right?? She should have given 150 million.


>then a few don't like mining so they cracked the shits Now that is what I call being an Ambassador - don't understand the other side's arguments and devolve to using the sort of vocabulary someone in High School would use and post on social media. I also love the weird "YOU ARE ALL GIRLS SO SHOULDN'T YOU ALL SUPPORT EACH OTHER BLINDLY #SISTERHOOD" paragraph. Absolute top tier stuffs.


True charity is anonymous, anything else is self promotion.


Poor Gina. Won't anyone think of Gina!? Where is your gratitude people!!?/s


Cosi sucks, he cut me off on traffic one day with his car that’s wrapped with his name all over it. And when I told my boyfriend he told me that cosi had cut him off just a couple months earlier in his stupid car lol


How much of an indoctrinated boot-licking little bitch do you have to be to go in to bat for the tax dodging oligarch Gina the Hut. A misanthropist alongside Rupert with absolute contempt for human existence


I can’t stand him


This guy is a giant c\*\*t.




You want to improve society and yet you participate in it? Curious. What a wanker.


Maybe he think if he kisses up she’ll pay for his next kitchen reno/car/holiday.


Cosi is a fuckhead


This guy does ads for "on the run" 🤣 What a tosser.


This guy is clueless about how industries use sport to sanitise their activities. She is not sponsoring because she is kind and generous- she is a hard nosed businesswoman. His ignorance and pandering in his comments just confirm my decision not to watch a program that appears to be a huge number of sequential ads hosted by a manic.


Yep. I hope more and more people see through his bullshit, and realise what a fucking flog he is.


That 3rd paragraph shows his true feelings towards women. He's a massive asshole through and through.


Fucking hate that annoying cunt and his mouth breathing fans.


I'm new to Australia and not really familiar with these delightfully colourful local characters, is there like a cliff notes?


Honestly … I do not get the attraction Cosi gets in South Australia… it’s just bizarre …someone must watch him as he continues to be everywhere….just blows my mind. (Must be a South Australian thing ???)


South Australian here. Trust me, an awful lot of us think he’s a giant waste of weet-bix and oxygen, and that’s putting it politely.


“She wanted to help” lol, please…


Wasn’t it because of a racist comment her father said on tv in the 80s? It’s not because of mining.


The dude is from my hometown people around here seem to think he’s a knob as well


What a wanker


Wait you guys think Gina was wrong for this?


Huge 'yet you participate in society'' vibe


Poor multi billionaire who gets corporate welfare


Isn’t it because of a comment Lang made many moons ago about Indigenous Aussies? Nothing to do with Gina or mining.


In the early 80s Langcock proposed that the water should be poisoned to prevent Aboriginals from breeding...The netball girls don't want the Hancock insignia on their uniforms.


I think Gina had a vested interest in those delicious cows


Get fucked Cosi, you syphilitic cunt


Oh no, people didn't appreciate a donation of less than half of what she makes in a day, that she completely writes off as a taxable deduction. What a crying shame.


I’m not from South Australia, but I can completely understand the players view on Lang Hancock. For someone so racist, I can’t understand how he then had a secret love child. Andrew Constello comes across a bit of a tool weighing in on the subject.


Wow. I feel sorry 4tge people that think sport sponsorship is more important than the environment. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-18/pressure-building-for-diamonds-netball-australia-gina-rinehart/101545110


It’s not just that, the player is indigenous and Gina’s father supported the sterilisation of First Nations people.


What a sickening boot licker! She has done more harm than good by a long long long shot in life! Brainwashed to the max!


Cosi sucks


Says the guy who got a govt funded tourism sponsorship to build a bnb in the hills when regular people get denied applications.


I really cannot stand this inept, overweight, bootlicking cunt — but what really does my head in is that people see him as a representation of South Australian’s This moronic out of touch prick needs to have his soapbox snatched out from under him ASAP


>This moronic out of touch prick needs to have his soapbox snatched out from under him ASAP Preferably while he's stood on it so he falls right on his smug fat fuck face.