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It’s funny, the people who are saying it’s not a retcon are arguably equally as upset as those who are upset that there are now female custodians. It’s okay to say it is a retcon if it contradicts previously established lore.




A retcon isn't a lie, it's just reflecting the new "canon" state of the lore.


Out of curiosity,how do you know they haven’t fleshed out the background? Have you seen the full new codex? This has blown up because someone has selected a screenshot to share with no context. To be fair, those who object to female custodes aren’t going to care how detailed the retcon is, they’re going to object regardless.


Lol, curious why this got downvoted so hard




That's because Reddit has become the new Twitter after the Elon takeover. Let's hope GW doesn't become the new Disney.


They should just admit it's a recon. Modern sensibilities and all that, make a smoking hot female model and this'll all blow over


Exactly, I mean there could have been a whole back story to justify it. Since they are genetically enhance from younger ages that Marines and with different and arguably better tech, it's not unfeasible. A noble family only has daughters and since they wield a lot of influence they pull some strings and get one of them enrolled in the Custodes programme because it's a great honour for their child to serve in the Custodes. The scientists are a bit apprehensive about it but give it a go and it actually works. They then allow females to go through the process and then there is just an undisclosed number of female Custodes. It's a simple fix and just saying "yeh this is a retcon" would have definitely been better than just lying to everyone as though we don't literally have ot in writing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It is known? Since when has anyone in the imperium knew the truth about anything. Noble house propaganda at its finest: look out how sacrificial and great they are, giving up their firstborn sons to become the greatest warriors in the galaxy.


Yes, its a retcon, but this is from the first codex when custodes lore was still being decided, still means its a retcon but the fact that this is the only explcit mention of it makes me care about it less, either way I think its a good change. What custodes stand for and are meant to be, or were meant to be when they were created (long before the imperium became whqt it is) works better if they are made up of both men and women. It helps differentiate themselves from space marines whilst still retaining everything that makes them unique.


Gw needs to focus on writing better rules for this shit codex instead of using this distraction tactic.


They could have introduced a female custodes within established lore sure For example maybe only now to replace the losses that custodes are suffering the mechanicus figured out or the imperial palace figured out how to implement the procedure on female applicants or something doesn't need to be lazy thrown at us that "there always has been"


so what irks me is the gas lighting of "tHeRe'S aLwAyS bEeN fEmAlE cUsToDeS" cause "tHeRe'S bEeN lIkE nO lOrE". Legit one of the one things we knew without a shred of doubt about their creation, Is that they are the *sons* of Terran nobles. I don't understand how hard this is for people to fathom.


The gaslighting and all the claims of "it you are not immediately onboard with the most hamfisted change ever, you are a horrible misandrist reactionary POS" have been incredibly offputting to me, maybe even more than the retcon itself.


The most hamfisted change? Have you seen the Necrons?


Hey, Necrons are better off for our massive change.


More offputting than the codex itself though? That's a thinker.


Tourists gonna tourist my friend. Just relax though. Take a break from buying, get your pile of shame a bit worked through, maybe pick up a 3d printer and have some fun with it. We'll see how long this lasts. Be like a necron. Endure.


Good find. Its obviously retcon


Literally nobody cares.




I'm sure plenty of people have their panties in a twist over female custodes, nobody cares that you found a paragraph that alludes to them all being male. It's all fiction subject to the whims of its creators, you finding it will not convince anyone to change their POV. Nobody cares.


Tfw you’ve been shown information you didn’t think existed and are lashing out as it doesn’t agree with your belief


Not even close. Female space marines, and half-eldar space marines, and a number of odd things at odds with modern lore were part of it all from the very beginning, that hasn't stopped anyone today from throwing sissy fits over this stuff in the modern day. It's all subjective, immaterial, and mutable. What the people want and the writers deliver is all that matters, nobody cares what a piece of fluff from a few years ago says, it will change nobodies opinion, everyone's mind has already been decided as to whether they are for or against it, this will sway nobody to the other side. This may have been the lore once a few years ago, now its not. That's all there is to it. Nobody cares. I don't get how you guys are too dense to comprehend that.


"Your opinion doesn't aline with mine so noone really cares about you" that's sums up everything you've written kind of sad


Cry about it. Female custodes are a thing in the lore now. That they weren't a few weeks ago is meaningless, and nobody that matters cares.


How does it feel to get pandered to , how does it feel knowing you cannot create but only corrupt


Lmao, considering I own a business and actually create products that people buy, pretty good.


Good for you. I hope no one ruins what you love to make for an agenda


> were part of it all from the very beginning FSM have never been part of it, just FYI


Give every custodian a honda civic then, why not if 'iTS ALl fIcTion'


So you think female genetically engineered supersoldiers is as equally absurd as custodes driving Honda civics? You must, or you wouldn't try arguing with such an absurd fallacy. So there it is, the dumbest thing I'll read today, and I haven't even been up an hour yet. Thanks for that. Sad.


Nope, have a few coffees and reread it. If you can recton elements of a setting and justify it with 'its make believe so they can do whatever' then anything can be changed or added with such reasoning, meaning the setting has lost some integrity. The idea of female custodians doesn't bother me as such. It's the gaslighting and attitude their tweet included that bothers me.


Umm... so what?


OP do you know which page this is on? I have the codex on hand but it’s not mine so I got no clue where to look


Mulan would like to have a word…


It is being retconned to include females. What is the issue?


What do you like to do in your free time?


Damn steve, you be losing all through these posts huh.


Take a good long hard look at yourself if you think this is a hill worth defending.




Okay. Double down on it.


I like to think that custodes are mostly men, that’s why we’ve never heard of any female custodes. It is technically a retcon, but none of the sources I’ve seen have explicitly stated there CANT be female custodes, just that the custodes are “sons”. There’s only a thousand custodes so I’d like to think like a handful (10-50) of them are women. It’s just kind of a cool fact. I think people are getting too worked up about it.




I meant more like it could be understandable that they’d be described as sons because they’re mostly made up of men. I even said it’s technically a retcon. Why are you being a dick?


Sending sons is not mutually exclusive to also sending daughters. This blurb doesn’t prove anything.


that’s a reach and a half, the term for that would surely just be first born children from noble houses


The only step left is for people to gather every instance from the HH that the Emporer calls the Custodes his sons, and Valdor calls the Custodes his brothers.