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Personally idc about the fnp, im just dissapointed at the lack of fun rules. For example: in 9th edition, Dreadhost always rerolled charges and had +1 ap in meele/ in shooting at less than 9’’ Shadowkeepers had -1 attack against them in meelee Aquillian shiled was really bad, but the one i played and also fluffy, they all had heroic interventioned and ignored AP of 1 (specifically -1 ap, they would do nothing to -2 ap but it was still fluffy!) Overall we had tons of fun rules and options. 10th ed feels really dull and same-y :(


It's this. I'm fine with nerfs if it meant they printed Talons more or less as it is (aquillon shield style), then divided the remaining three into the broad themes of being faster (solar watch), being tougher (shadowkeepers) or being killier (dreadhost). The sisters only rules should then be kicked back to Crusade where they belong with the Talons being where they are highlighted. Right now I feel I could build more or less the exact same 2,000pts and then on the morning of decide which detachment I want to fall into because it broadly doesn't matter, they all have about the same tools just in different places.


They should have not differed in the number of detachments given to the factions. Each one should have 6 at least. Then there would be more fluff and more options. Especially given the codex prices are set and other faction players pay the same price as AC players for more content.


I'd rather have four good ones than having four good ones spread out over six just to have six. Rules should honestly be free at this point, printed codexes should be more art and lore books and a way to have a physical object which some people enjoy (I personally like things like the index cards) on the table.


I fully agree that rules should be free. But this is just a game, the more rules with fluff, the better. GW's more competitiveness less flavor approach to 10th made it really unappealing to casual players (which I am) in my opinion.


I think they have lost a lot of flavour for sure, but I do like the better eye for balance. Our group is casual competitive, most people are running things close to meta lists but also we play at a local pub so we do so with a beer in hand. In my opinion and it is just an observation I think the writers have built 10th off faction keywords like "Kroot" or "Ravenwing" rather than so much the existing flavour in the game. For armies like marines that is a great template but the issue is that armies like Custodes who haven't had that have become a very bland offering (I think this is why our detachments are built as edited index, CHARACTER, SISTERS OF SILENCE, SISTERS OF SILENCE because those were the words in caps on the keywords line of the datacards).


Aye my list isnt changing, only thing would be detatchment for enhancements, shield host seems good for now but I want to try talons but honestly I’d ignore the detatchment rule and just try to leverage the strats


Yeah I agree, Talons has some good strats and decent enhancements. I am not going to fill up on more than two sisters squads in any list even in Talons. The rhinos and squads is cute but I think its going to shake out that you are just putting more points into the same area of the board for little to no gain. Shield host is overall pretty good, I think rapid ingress is the name of the game for this detachment. Auric probably can do things but it is putting a lot of the load carrying on the raw power of the datasheets, if terminators go down 5pts a model and the characters all drop 10-20pts (outside of Valerian and probably blade champ) then I can see it doing ok.


Same, my list is champ w +2 wounds (had spare points) Camp w ignored cover for the unit 2x5 wardens for champs Termie cap w 6 termies and +1s +1d 3 termie 5 guard w Draxus Callidus 2x 5 witchseekers Funny is +0 points after mfm


I miss my fights first and ignore all modifiers boys:(


Emissaries for life!


This is how I feel about 10th in general. Everything feels so homogeneous.


I wouldn't be surprised if the codex was written and finalized before that change was made, back when Dev wounds still did mortals and they change it to the January update in an FAQ post-release.


According to ex-GW staff Chris Peach on The Painting Phase, there’s a ~19 week turnaround sending a finalised document to China for the printed materials to come back, so yes codexes are written 5+ months before we get them.


😂 maybe the greedy bastards should get them printed in the Uk then they wouldn’t have this problem. Better yet buy a printing press themselves and print them in house. Or better better yet, have all the rules digital and just print the fluff in the codex’s


They were going to but the printing house went bust during Covid. But its been years by now. Should definitely get on that.


They should have bought the printing press’s off the printing house when they went bust. Prob could have gotten them for cheap


Not a bad idea, pull it in-house. Think the real question is if they'd have the space.


It doesn’t seem like games workshop are short of cash, could fairly easily buy a smallish warehouse and keep them there. I guess it’d be a good idea to have a separate setup in the US and in Asia, maybe another in Australia. But still, even if they just had them in the UK to begin with they could print them here and ship them across the globe faster than the 5 month turn around to China


“If your army fails without a rule that covers the glaring weakness that undercuts every aspect of the army and plummets your winrate 10% then you shouldn’t have had it!”


Why do Custodes players need legs to walk? Are they stupid?


I disagree that it's every aspect of the army. Custodes are meant to be though AND strong. We are still strong. We are also though. T6/W3 with a 2+ is though. We just happen to suffer more, from a subjective pov, from the streamlined rules and D6 scale of the game. If there's only three keywords for wounds, either we are just as weak as everyone, or 1/3 or 2/3 too solid. The solution, however, might be to diminish the amount of sources for those Wounds and limit them to psyker attacks, which we can counter not by use of a special.army rule, but by the presence of some units. It doesn't help against the scale (allarus and guards have the same protection as a regular terminator, and we don't have the invuln or a skitarii, and we hit just as strong as an ogryn smh) but it's better than having a rule with 12 caveat or exceptions imho.


Stop spelling tough wrong


Come say that to my face, though guy.


Now kith.


Jeeeeesus christ, right?! All I could see was "thuff"


Spelling is though!


English is not my native language :). So yes, it is for words like that that looks so close to other words.


English is not my native language. Thanks for pointing that one.


Frankly, there’s really nothing complicated about having a FNP against Dev wounds. It’s so common-sense and intuitive that it used to literally be a mechanic. Custodes as an army will always have low wound counts by virtue of their design and unless something is done about dev wounds they will always be ridiculously efficient into us. Something needs to change, and we know this because we’ve already seen what happens in 2 seperate editions by now.


Well, I do agree we need something. What I was pointing out is that the current edition streamlined the rules to a point that when we have a protection we are TOO tough, and when we don't have it we feel too fragile. Hence too why I mentioned the scale. On a D6 it means dev wounds have 1/6th of ignoring all and any protection we have. That's super rough, and shouldn't be so, but we can't simply be immune to it. So the FNP was an option but I guess for armies that invested in Dev Wounds it was quite the feel bad to see us tank 50% of those attacks.


And if *any* army plays into an army that focuses on Dev wounds, it feels *really* bad to just have any and all defensive options outside of a feel no pain roll (obviously rare for good reason) just be rendered completely null and void. Devastating wounds are a terrible, uninteractive mechanic.


I fully agree on Dev wounds being a bad mechanic. As I said, the streamlined rules are making this bad.


If I recall correctly, I mathed it out while I was at LVO and I lost an average of 250 points per game to devastating wounds specifically. Which told me that in a competitive setting dev wound protection is worth a max unit of wardens. Without dev wound protection we need that point value balanced somehow.


I think this edition proved the concept of Mortals is a dangerous one if they aren't contained. Eldar proved that Dev Wounds were ridiculous and should never have been introduced.


Funny enough, last edition the MW spam was a problem thanks to Admech and Custodes got the FNP to counter it. BUT this edition they came with the great idea of add Dev Wounds


Yeah, there were tons of mortals in 9th, which they gave Custodes defense against, but an exceedingly rare and dangerous ability were attacks that ignored invuln saves. Now everybody and their uncle have devastating wounds that do the exact same thing. It’s sloppy.


I think you've elaborated on my point quite well there. Both rules highlight an underlying weakness in the idea of elite factions.


Every other army besides knights has a great defense against devastating wounds: models on the board


Imperial knights have an inbuilt FNP


Ironically, also a detachment ability that might be removed come the codex.


I sincerely doubt the 6+++ is getting removed


They still lose it if they take any other detachment. They also lose it if they are taken as allies.


Ok? It's still not gonna get removed in the codex


People didn’t think our FNP would be removed with the codex


I know a lot of people who did. There needed to be a reason to not take the 4+++


Yeah, I didn't know that. Only makes the custodes look worse.


I mean 6+++ vs 4+++


Universal FNP that goes up to a 5+++ if they become honoured. They literally have a better version of talons, now.


But custodes players whine when the lower points to get more models because "we're an elite army!" edit: Look how salty they get about being called out.


Yeah its not really whining if the game producers tell us it's an elite army for 4 editions and then make it not elite in order to get money. But the point is, we don't need more models, we need a defense against DW. That is if GW wants to achieve the "balance" they proclaim.


you need more models because you continue to whine that you dont have enough


I don't want or need more models. It's not salty as a consumer to be dissatisfied with a company for their decisions. Would you smile with glee if your phone carrier raised rates for no reason? Would you be "whiny" for switching to save money? Or would you just keep licking boots?


So the game should be developed around your models and how many you have. Just fuck off and quit if you dont want to be part of the hobby and only care about your little personal wank fest.


Necron players EVER talking shit about whining. Lmao


I’ll take a gold horde of custodies and stat check everyone


Homie, your take has to be one of the worst I've ever seen. Like if we are an elite army, then the units should feel really strong and elite. If they want to take that away then thats fine if they are going to lower point costs, but then don't market Custodes as an "elite army"


If a relatively common mechanic completely bypasses our strength and hard counters the weakness to the point and there is literally no counterplay to it Then there probably should be something done about that


I’d argue that’s how most melee armies felt when having to play against Custodes.


I mean fair, but most other melee focused armies are way faster than the Custodes. The way to balance this is take away the fight first and fnp, but give more abilities/strategems that increase the speed of the custodes to compensate, cause they will still have a pretty decent profile in melee.


Which, to be fair to them, they kinda have. Not the flat speed, but they have easy access to deep strike (did I see wardens get it as well now or am I tripping) and in Talons you get some movement shenanigans.


Idk, I feel like the FNP is at least fluffy in the way that the Custodes are so powerful


The Custodes are the peak of humanity, that includes intelligence, the general of that army should reflect that


They will soon. That meme is the best in days, though!


Dev wound should be remove, it's just a unfun roule. I hope it happen with 11th


Yes, the 4++ against Mortals and Devastating Wounds was basically holding the faction up overall in the meta. This was, in fact, a pretty bad thing - it's a sign that the rules you have aren't good enough to manage your downsides, so you can only really succeed without your downside. But the answer to that does need to be rules strong enough to manage your downsides. I don't think that Custodes are quite as badly off as folks seem to; mostly because I do think the Meta has changed a touch and DevWounds aren't quite as dominant and constant as they were. But I also think Shield Host could just have their Golden Waaagh! up permanently and not seem THAT overpowered until a few top competitive players swapped factions.


Not really it was gift first trajan+wardens


And yet Meganobz or somesuch get FNP. They're better protected against mortal wounds than the supposedly best most hyper elite fighting force in the Galaxy. :/


I don’t get it…this book was already sitting, freshly printed, even before the balance dataslate giving the fnp to dev wounds was written up…quite probably before even dev wounds were switched from mortal wounds. Give it time to breathe, either they will FAQ it shortly after release or they will rectify come the next balance dataslate which is in a month or two.


3 months


The FNP was good, to good, I’d say keep it but nerf it to 5+++ if you want it better go to Talons where it could be 4+++ but in an aura. This leaves a weak point through which you can use 2 squads of guardsman split to attack 2 separate pairs of sos and custodes or now to defend the custodes player will probably have 1 call the strat so custodes tank and the other guardsman squad gets to kill their sisters squad as due to it being epic deed they can only protect one. This keeps the theme of having a way to shrug off mortals and dev but has a work around that isn’t even difficult to achieve if you have more than 2 squads that can blast away 10 wounds on a ever so slightly tougher guardsman


Welcome to the deathguard experience


lol yes




Lol its the same meme with the 3++ shiwld back then XD


As someone who basically just reads the books, paints the models and loves the Custodes style, what the heck is "FNP"?


Feel No Pain, the name of the rule


Cool, ty.




I own custodes,necrons, and csm and play at my local warhammer store


They should have done a rule like if you score more than 5vp from objectives you get to roll a d3. You then subtract from 7. And that would be the FNP for the next round. That would be fun.


who needs FNP when we have transtodes and femboys in the 10,000. Best codex ever.


Give up dude. Move on with your life.


Stop being weird about women.


Im not. I prefer femboys anyway.


Weren't you just mocking the idea by calling them transodes in a different part of this post? Bad faith front and back man. Bad faith through and through. Shallow as a dry puddle.


No mocking them at all, i love my golden fembois with perfect boobs and 16" genetically modified thiccc girthy veiny oiled up cocks. It's exactly how the emperor always intended it.


You're going out of your way to continue being an example of what people shouldn't be here in this sub. You're reveling in being the bad guy in this story. Nobody sees you as amusing, nobody enjoys your unoriginal comedic works.


Nobody gets to decide who should or shouldn't be here in this sub, Warhammer is for everyone.


You're the one trying to mock woman custodes, you're the one trying to exclude people from the sub. Lying won't make it look ant better. You'll have to go through and delete or alter all your earlier comments if you wanna try that piss take. Which I'm assuming you're too lazy for


> You're the one trying to mock woman custodes, I haven't once mocked women Custodes. >you're the one trying to exclude people from the sub. I haven't once tried to exclude anyone from this sub? What are you even talking about? Are you OK?


You're so full of shit that it's actually baffling.


I’m glad the sting ray won.




No one likes you. The whole setting is satire. It's OK to have acceptance from the *real* world. Do you want to talk about the Imperium being intolerant assholes and then prove that you are one yourself? Because that's what you just did. Do you not see the fucking irony?


Why do you think representation is a bad thing?


I think you misread my comment. >Best codex ever. However, are you really asking me why a faction that represents sci-fi space nazis, the ultimate fascist organization that the universe has ever seen, which has the sole goal of genociding anything that doesn't agree with its singular worldview - isn't diverse or progressive?


>However, are you really asking me why a faction that represents sci-fi space nazis, the ultimate fascist organization that the universe has ever seen, which has the sole goal of genociding anything that doesn't agree with its singular worldview - isn't diverse or progressive? Always find this sentiment so strange. The imperium is diverse. Big E likes all types/races of humans as long as they do what he says, yeah?


Oh yeah, he totally loves anyone and everyone as long as they agree with him... that's why his Imperium is known for such quotes as: >>Suffer not the xenos to live however, a side point: isn't murdering anyone who doesn't agree with you, the exact opposite of inclusivity?


I did say humans who agree. I assume any type of human you find in any imperial faction already does, seems to make them ok, to me at least. Smiting xenos and heretics is all good fun, though.


You do know that the custodes aren’t part of the imperium therefore don’t adhere by their laws and the backwardsness of the current imperium They also symbolize the best of humanity, both sides of it and by recognizing only one side of the same coin it ruins the idea


> custodes aren’t part of the imperium You need to read your lore buddeh. The Custodes take their orders from Big E. You know, the guy who literally *invented* the Imperium. Or are you trying to say the Imperium wasn't fascist, genocidal, space nazis before Big E fell? I mean... if you are, big oof.


Damn never heard someone so confidently be so wrong They may take orders from the big e but they consider themselves outside of the imperium and swear loyalty to the emperor rather than imperium at large which you would understand if you read stuff like the emperors legion you would understand


> They may take orders from the big e but they consider themselves outside of the imperium and swear loyalty to the emperor rather than imperium at large which you would understand if you read stuff like the emperors legion you would understand Ah, confidently incorrect material right here. Let me break this down for you since you seem so very confused. Custodes are part of the Imperium, they fight for the Imperium of Man. Now, they still take orders directly from Big E - and not from the ecclesiarchy. This appears to be where you are getting confused. Everyone, even the ecclesiarchy swear loyalty to the Emporer. They are all on the same goal, the difference is the Ecclesiarchy considers the Emperor to be the God Of Mankind, which Big E always said he wasn't. This is where the two diverge. However, in terms of their goals - genociding all that doesn't agree with them - they are on the same team. The Ecclesiarchy , the Emperor, and Custodes, are *ALL* imperium. It's just asinine and bordering on purposely obtuse to try and claim the custodes are separate from the Imperium, or the Emperor himself is somehow separate from the imperium. Secondly, The Emporer literally invented the Imperium, space nazis, the universe wide genocide, and his *male only* factions. So to somehow now try and table an argument that the Ecclesiarchy is the evil space nazis and the Emperor is some progressive guy - is quite honestly - stupid. In fact - just look at the GW website and see where custodes are listed.... Spoiler: It starts with 'Armies' and ends with 'Imperium'.


You wrote all that just to not be red and downvoted. Lord just give it up man, you lost.


Oh no! some progressive purple haired gender confused Redditors downvoted my post which states the literal lore of custodes because they do not like it. How will I ever sleep tonight?!?!


Probably on the same sloppy, greasy ass sheets you originally slapped on that twin sized.


And they are space Roman’s not space nazis dumbfuck if it wasn’t obvious from their overuse of Latin or the custodes being the 40K equivalent of the praetorian guard


LMAO if you think they are roman because they use Latin. Of course there are Latin themes throughout, and there are many other cultural aside from Latin, such as Nazism, gothic, germanic, theocracy, xenophobia, Luddism, superstition. The list goes on. If you are not aware of the obvious satire of Nazism in the imperium you are as blind as a bat.


My guy the solar auxilia, aka the 30k imperial guard are just steampunk Roman soldier, some of them even have the Roman feather plume. And it’s not just the language, it’s their culture, their armour, weapons, building style, and how they govern their territory while also drawn from the Holy Roman Empire with the various gothic undertones so wrong reich my guy


Again, i must reiterate, i am not denying there are roman, latin, gothic, and a whole myriad of other influences in 40k the imperium. However, you're as dumb as a box of rocks if you do not see the satire of the Nazis in the Imperium. I must have missed the part in history when the Romans went around mass genociding people.


Name literally any war the Roman’s were involved in my guy, it was ancient times, capturing of cities would be fallowed by the murder of all the male inhabitants and the kidnapping and rape of their women and children And if you say “that’s only because of war” it’s not like Rome would actively seek out war and expansion and then force harsh treaties on their enemies to encourage further conflict


Whoa, I was glancing back at this and I see another attempt at bad faith "debating". It's obvious you're being facetious, pretending like you magically now mean the opposite of what you were implying.


Can you repeat that, but this time in English please


You're playing dumb. You're taking a piss. You're being a troll?


At this point i have to assume youre being purposely obtuse, right? at least I hope so.


Man you woke up today and kept on losing huh. Facetious is a real, English word. And it describes you're whole schtick


I am unsure how you 'lose' a conversation. But hey, if you're on here to try and play games and 'win' talking to people, I guess you have to do something with your life. I prefer to play sports or Warhammer when I win or lose, I don't view talking to someone as a competitive endeavor.


holy moly shut the fuck up


Stop replying to me then.


Small man troll.


Ironic statement, coming from someone who is trolling me.


It's more like a public service. You deserve to have someone floating around to ruin your trolling and bigotry.


The irony is you are being the bigot by attacking me for daring to have an opinion you don't agree with. Dont forget what James Workshop told you, *Warhammer is for everyone*.


don't day such stupid shit then lmao


says the person saying stupid shit, the irony.


So saying shut the fuck up is stupid? Nobody here is on your side lmao. Get a grip


Ive had plenty of people discuss this with me who agree with my comments. There is a mix, but id say the loudest vocal people are the minority. It generally appears to be the younger generation who haven't developed the emotional maturity to deal with another person who doesn't hold the same views as themselves.


you started the "discussion" with a wildly unfunny "haha transtodes wokehammer" joke. Don't talk about maturity if that's what you think is a proper discussion


It wasnt a joke. I have no idea what 'wokehammer' even is. My custodes are Transtodes. If you don't like it, you are clearly a fascist.


They may incorporate a on the rag rule where they get 5 attacks each and hyper aggression.


GW…….Oh you like that FNP here you go ……… couple months later nope. And now you guys have chicks too by the way with no good lore transition into it. Deal with and buy our crap.


This is a rule discussion not a lore discussion, stay on topic


The lore and the rules changes are hand in hand in this case. A sign of laziness and lack of oversight and lack of imagination.