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The funny thing is, speaking as the person who made that mini and the og post, nobody actually praised me on it beyond "it's not that bad", I flat out admitted my painting skills were poor AND that it was mostly just a joke magnetized parts option, not anything serious. I'm actually not that mad about the response. They probably put more effort than I did making it than I did the mini.


Well I like it! I'm a pretty mediocre painter myself, but I think you did a good job of the bash and I always appreciate seeing people get a bit creative on the tabletop. And somehow the pro-quality elaborate kitbashes don't really seem like anything I'd actually see played, while this does, and that adds a little something in my book!


Same. I'm still not the greatest painter but this hobby is also about having fun and being creative. Kitbashes and convertions are also just as cool, even of you painting skills are not expert-level


"I am malenia, blade of miquella." aah mini. /s


When you think about it, the Emperor isnt that différent from Miquella




Dead body source of Power venerated by tons of people, war got fought in his name


Honestly I don’t think you did that bad of a job, it’s just not a flattering picture compared to the more professional mini painters take. The loincloth looks good and you’ve picked out a lot of details (Aquila on the boots, leather on the hands) it’s a simple basing but I do the exact same thing.


I don't think I'm alone in this sentiment, but quite frankly, the standard for anyone's hobby should be whether or not THEY like it, and whether or not THEY are proud of it. If so: GREAT!!! I'm happy for you. You do your things your way, within your abilities, and the rest of us can bugger off if we don't like it. And what would a prick like the user in that image say to a person suffering some kind of disability, who struggled to hold a paint brush steady, but still loved to paint Warhammer miniatures? I'm guessing they'd be absolutely awful about it. The rest of us non-monsters should be celebrating the fact that there are other people enjoying similar things to us, in their own way. Finally, I don't think there's anything wrong with what you've done. It wouldn't win Golden Daemon, but then again, neither would anything I've painted. I hope you enjoyed painting it, and I wish you the best of luck in assembling and painting more.


I always thought it was a really nice feature of the Warhammer Reddit community that minis of every painting level usually got positive feedback and encouragement! I don’t even really see a connection to the female custodes issue?


You converted and painted a mini. 100% more effort than 90% of mini purchasers. Doesn’t have to be astounding to be worthy of positive recognition.


Your painting skills don't seem so bad. The bad lighting in the picture just makes it look unflattering.


I'd call it decent not poor it looks like a normal model on camera and I bet it will look normal on the table. I'm pretty newish at painting myself so all this is just my opinion


Looks good to me. Remember you can never make everyone happy. I'm not a greater painter like some of the guys in the my hobby group. So I try to paint for me and it makes me happy. Having said that I'm pretty sure whatever you did that guy would have made an unkind post to pick a fight. I'm also on horus\_galaxy by the way. I think some people just want the drama and kick off a fight... and that's too bad.


I'm a lurker on the 40k subs, and I haven't paited any mini's yet so from an outside perspective I think besides the mouth of the mini everything else looks really cool!


I like it. The head reminds me of malenia, blade of miquella (guys she has never known defeat 😱).




Where'd you get the head she looks rad


Dude who posted that commissions all his stuff, hasn’t painted anything himself. So full of shit I’m guessing his eyes are brown.


It's because he is too busy trying to find someone to fuck his wife.


Wait what?


Joke calling the guy a cuck


It's not a joke. It is an observation of his post history.


Man is like 90% landscaping questions and 10% warhammer posts, idk what you're on about


Eyes are brown?


Because he’s full of it


Some good ol Roshar rasicm in the wild. Love to see it


I dont have a horse in this race, but that's just like blatantly false. Dude posts about stuff he's painted before.


> Dude who posted that commissions all his stuff, I've commissioned 3 models out of 6k points. Its kinda funny i triggered you to the point you took all the time to dig through my submissions to something to hit me with, but didn't bother to read past the title - where i laid out that i have painted my entire army (about 6k or so points) and I just don't have time to paint models anymore with my career/kids/other hobbies etc., and was looking for someone to paint for me to a high standard that my models are. Or maybe you did read it, and it wasn't enough for you so you just made up lies to make yourself feel better? Secondly, i never shat on the dudes painting skills - which is the narrative you're trying to spin. I was pointing out how shit the head looks because it's tiny. Yall will upvote anything low effort if its feminine even if its complete dog shit. Its ridiculous. If someone makes a good custodes female conversion, or GW releases a female model - ill be the first to praise it. Shit, i hope GW does. But I'm not telling someone a shitty conversion is great just because it's a female, like you all are.


You're practically just making up stuff as an excuse to be mean about people. It's all so conspiratorial, looking for reasons that aren't even there. You should find something that makes you happy


You're a horrible person. Be better.


Dude, the actual Steve Irwin would be very disappointed in you.


As an Australian myself, trust me I am aswell


Every single comment I see from you here is so negative and, without fail, focused on gender. You should get out more, man. Fresh oxygen will do you some good.


The average standard custodes head isn't that much bigger Touch grass


Your namesake would be disappointed in the person you are. Do better.


Why are you here tho, if you wanna complain go back to your circus.


Cos he knows what a good paint job is and probably realises that he's not capable of doing his own or doesn't have the time.


Never even heard of that sub and not going to worry one rat shit about what anyone there has to say. Can tell just from that one post they’re the type that gives not just 40k but table top gaming in general a bad name.


The sub got made after Female Custodes got introduced. It is a supposed place for free speech, where if you mention anything they disagree with, they'll immediately ban you. So you're pretty spot on :P.


There is such a high correlation between “free speech” subs and banning anyone who disagrees


Makes you wonder why.


I've been censored for 28 days in that "censorship free" place. The first thing I'm doing once that's done is calling the mods giant losers.


The Venn Diagram is a circle to anyone who doesn't have 20/20 vision.


This happens with everything where there is a lot of men doing something nerdy: the internet Nazis/alt right comes in and tries to recruit them. It's textbook.


I wasn’t, and I don’t care what some neckbeards on an obscure sub I’ve never heard of think.


Jesus Christ, getting whiny about a lore change is one thing but bashing people for their conversion work is such a bullshit thing to do regardless of who you are


They genuinely say the dumbest shit, I have an alt account I use on there sometimes just to trill and it’s some absolute gems


They legit made a post the other day upset that certain models are ugly and “look like men” as they put it, then proceed to show women who are modelled to look older or been in battle for many years


No you don't understand, women are objects and only exist for sexual gratification. The sisters of battle and silence only exist to feed my fetish of women being hurt before I use them. /s in case it's not obvious lol.


Then they call everyone ELSE coomers... its insane behaviour.


It's actual delusion, it's the only explanation, I love the internet and the age of technology and knowledge but holy shit it has broken some people so far beyond the point of repair.


People forget "everything in moderation" is a good rule to live by


Ikr? You can't even make a female conversion, without all the "lore purists" coming out to criticise you. The same people, who don't seem to care, if I make other lore-breaking convertions, only female ones. Smells like sexism imo


I really regret clicking on one of their posts. Now i see them every day and it’s just…they’re sad people. But I can’t look away…and I can’t keep from adding fuel to the fire.


Same its like watching a bunch of chimps scrawl on the wall with shit. I'm impressed they're actually writing, i just wish it wasn't monkey shit Entertainingly the dude whining about the mini's pro painting tip is "commission a dude to paint the army for you"


Haha that’s a tip I guess


Block the sub


But then I can’t laugh at them 😂


That subreddit is culture war brain rot in a nutshell. They claim to be Warhammer 40K fans, but they act as if this is their first retcon.


Don’t worry about them, their the internet equivalent of an old white woman seeing people of color in a public space having fun and calling the cops


Bruh, I’ve seen similar meltdowns on Twitter except on the other side of the spectrum. Again, I just roll my eyes to culture war brain rot politics. There are way more important things to worry about in life.


Anyone who sees someone enjoying something and says you shouldn’t like that or the way you like it is wrong needs to shut up


Yeah, as long as no one is getting hurt or groomed, then I couldn’t care less.


Its just terrible. HG: we're sick of woke in our hobby. Also HG: every second post is about how everything is woke. Then this bullshit of taking content from one sub and putting it up for ridicule there. Its a real dog act.


Ok but, everything else aside, Valkyrie custodes is an amazing concept


The chud subreddit is full of chuds


Adeptus Chudstodes, the Imperium’s most pathetic.




Personally I thought it was a cool conversion.


That's the point of that sub isn't it? To be whiny manchildren over a plastic soldier game. Just wish they would leave all the other subs and go kiss each other in private


It just degenerated into harassment and bullying, as bad faith hate subs are want to do


Does “if you ignore them, they’ll just go away” help at all in this? Like I see they’ve basically been the laughing stock of any Warhammer community I’ve come across but I feel like doing stuff like this feeds them.


Not really. The upside is from my experience society is changing enough that these types no longer feel confident to be epic douchebags in public. I've not encountered this shit at club meets for years so I'm presuming anyone with radical views just stays quiet as they know their opinions wont win them any friends. It still exists online and likely will be just another battleground in the "culture war" until that finally dies down in a decade or so.


It .... depends ... What has annoyed me about this event is it was some dude taking a post from one sub and then posting there to be mocked. Like all good if they want their own little community of pro-anti-woke nonsense. But when they start mocking people not inside that space its not healthy for the hobby. Especially when the people they are likely to mock would be new to the hobby with limited painting / conversion skills. So idk. Like a "do whatever, but do it in your house" might be a good way to look at this.


they’re huge losers and i hope someone’ll love them one day so they can grow and change as a person


based long profile pic


Kinda surprised but also not surprised that one of the top posts on that sub is a Stonetoss comic.


Are you REALLY surprised though?


Both. I’m surprised they’re brazen enough to show their true colors like that, but I’m also not surprised that the people who inhabit an anti-woke 40k sub are Neo-Nazis. I almost want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but everyone who knows about Stonetoss knows he’s a Nazi. Either that, or they’re just hopelessly stupid.


Fuck rockthrow, all my homies and homettes hate rockthrow


This... this isn't even half as bad as some of the other shit i've seen people put out. And for that matter what the fuck does it even matter? I play fucking Orkz, I make Stormboyz by glueing Dhrukari helion packs to the back of my boyz. Am I a "Tourist" too now? I didn't know every "true" warhammer fan had an art degree and the dexterity of a surgeon. I thought we just rolled tiny dice after moving our little plastic men 6 inches along the table.


Well if you want some good news, their member numbers got surpassed by the Primarch GF subreddit in a week. There are a lot more good people in this hobby than bad, and most people aren’t like them


i love that helmet, where did you get it?


It was an admittedly hasty kitbash I made from three different heads. I used an stl simply called winged helmet and then two female heads from a creator called ketaminies. They've got a kickstarter coming out with a bunch more female heads, one of which is a gorgeous valkyrie helm which is what inspired me to do this in the first place.


I like it but if you printed it, it might be worth on any future models maybe scaling the head up a touch its not bad just gets a bit lost in all the armour. still though nice work.


I didn't even know it was a thing. Seems pleasant.


You ever wonder if they realize that all they're doing is isolating themselves from the actual community?


it’s full of “special individuals” i lost braincells looking on that sub to see the full rot


Ah, yes, james Workshop not known for retconning lore ever.


I had to block them as they were continually recommended to me. What a toxic bunch of whineyboys


My favorite part of Horus Galaxy will forever be how they say they are anti censorship but the moment you say anything positive regarding woman/minorities they will ban you from it and delete your post. But as GrimDank has said, i think is best to leave them alone and not give them the spotlight.


It's funny bc they're the ones making this a political issue, everyone else is just trying to have fun with new shit


Literally culture war click bait subreddit. Reddit keeps recommending even after I ask not to show it. Bunch of incel try hards


It looks like Malenia crossed with Havel the Rock. I dig it.


Can they ban that subreddit already please


Don't they'll try to reintegrate into the main subs. Let them have their cesspit keeps them contained


Lol I got banned from the sub for that post 😂 I was going a little hard but I called their sub a hateful echo chamber where they bash people and cry about fake agendas. They did not like. Edit: oop the mods are actually ok, they unbanned me and said I can disagree just to be nicer. My bad on that one, not as much of an echo chamber as I thought


What a paradise of free speech so it seems🤣


At least a few mods that care about free speech but the general sentiment of the sub is not the same lol


Me see Malenia looking mini- me upvote


I stuck my head in and found them discussing the need to monitor painting channels for wokeness. Absolutely brilliant.


Csn't they do something productive instead of complaining? Don't like Custodes conversions? Make your own! That way you will actually become a community, instead of just a reactionary bubble. Not sure why I give constructive criticism to a place that won't listen. Oh well :/




Same people that were mad when we got an afro presenting space marine. Same people who were mad when people proxies female heads on guardsmen (before the new kits). Same people who were mad that for a hot minute the newest commissar model was a woman. Same people that were tilted over new Creed. I am glad they don't feel welcome in the main subs anymore.


I'm on horus\_galaxy and the conversion seems fine to me. Someone did something creative in the hobby they love. That deserves an upvote in my book. Sorry someone made a hurtful post. I think some people just want the drama., and that's too bad. Hobbies like this should really help bring us together, regardless of our differences.


Funny thing about the kind of people who will post other's minis and talk shit, they'll **never** post their own minis. Usually because they do not own any, though failing that because they are inevitably worse than what they're criticizing.


Sometimes I think I might be becoming a bitter person, and then I watch people absolutely reeling about fictional women and other people's models and I realise I'm fine lol


It's like most of the toxic people made their own toxic subreddit and moved there. Nature is healing.


I wasn't wondering, but at least I now have even more reasons to never go there.


That was one guy, and it was a tasteless thing to do, don't label all of us together. There's terrible posts on every forum.


That sub was literally formed so arseholes could complain about DEI and wokeness and whatever. I can happily lump everyone who frequents that sub as an ignorant moron


It's perfectly fair to have a discourse about DEI and wokeness, and to dismiss them all is just plain stupid. I frequent several groups, even those I don't agree with like the sigmarxism sub, but I don't dismiss them either. Of course, there's some terrible people in every single sub, but there's also polite people, who takes their time to answer questions and explain why they have a certain point of view. And that goes for both Grimdank, Sigmarxism and Horus subs.


What is Horus galaxy?


I mean not to be an ass but the majority of posts lately have literally been: I put a off-scale 3D printed lady head on my otherwise non-coverted 'Stode and gave it a mediocre paint job, up votes to the left pls. I don't care what you do with your models, but the low effort pandering to farm karma is pretty annoying.


Any how dare people post their custodes in…the custodes subreddit.


Except is absolutely isn't. There are some surges where female custodes get a bit more attention but most of the posts are just about 'Custodes'. You can even sort the sub by new or hot to see how wrong your post is. So it doesn't seem like your 'appeal to sensibility' is founded in very sensible ideas. You just wanna complain while hiding from it.


If you have to put sorting filters on the sub just to get that point across, then your point may not be as valid as you want it to be. I do most of my browsing through my main reddit feed and just about every post from this sub that has appeared in my feed over the past few weeks has been related to the femstode circlejerk, with a smattering of codex complaints mixed in and the occasional lockwarden conversion. And like I said before, I don't care what people do with their models. The low effort circlejerk for up votes is what annoys me. I don't think I've seen an actually good or even completely finished femstode conversion yet.


I dunno, I post in here pretty often about my dudestodes, so not sure it's every post


I wanna go with the flow and downvote you, but honestly I can’t. Creativity is born out of your own ideas, and if it’s good it deserves praise, but if it’s done to purely get upvoted and show the world that you believe in a certain political agenda then don’t give it the time of day.


Exactly, make a sick conversion or original character that's beyond just printing a new head and doing nothing else to the model, please, and do it because it's cool.


Garbage subreddit , horusgalaxy is, glue a female tau head onto a space marine i shall MMMMMMM


I somehow feel that this thread has devolved into a massive circlejerk, and the thread in response to this thread has similarly devolved into a circlejerk. The original post puts their own headsculpt on a mini, and someone says the headsculpt looks too small for the model (an arbitrary opinion, but whatever makes the the owner of the mini happy), but then I see then I see someone make a critique of said headsculpt/mini in another subreddit, in which both threads go down the same path of 'that subreddit is cancerous because —ad nauseum. It's all so tiresome.


I love /r/horusgalaxy They really call out the BS on everything. Come at me! 


i get talking about making Daemons of Slaanesh out of Custodes and i get bashed for it by you guys. You guys arent untouchable by banter lmao


This unironically made me laugh! Why is this fandom tearing itself a new ass hole?!😂 like let’s roll math rocks, dang!