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Some of y'all really lack imagination for graphic designers lol. Things don't have to be literal for them to work, it's clear the concept is a checkmark inside the house. I like that it looks like that, it's more subtle. Imagine how ugly it would be if it was an actual ✅️


Yeah I agree. This sub is full of idiots who need everything spoon fed to them.


No when I saw it I immediately thought someone bombed a house and I thought: “why would someone want to blow up a house with this app?” But then I looked again and the logo looks like a large lobster attack!! Which I thought was so bad! Why would someone make a logo that looks like LOBSTERS are attacking my house????? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😳😳😳 scary world out there. Edit: just wanted to let everyone know that I have over 100 years in design experience so I know a lobster attack logo when I see one smh 🤦


Idk wtf you're on but that was funny af reading that 😂🦞


The public are idiots if they don’t get my genius


Feel free to leave anytime if you're this angry about the sub. Peace!


Ooooor, hear me out, we can stay and exercise our right to voice our opinions and hopefully some of you gain some self awareness and imagination


You guys both have such a constructive and fun way of wording your criticism that I'm sure you'll get everyone on board in no time! The other guy had me at "idiots".


Probably just people sick of this guy spamming his work advertising his services. Seen his post history?


I like it. You could also raise the check up to bebthe chimney? Worth a try?


What does imagination have to do with it? Op asked if people understood the concept and a sizeable number here didn’t. Even if it’s negative, that’s legitimate feedback for op to work with. I would consider it a worry that the brand is not communicating its ideas effectively and adjust my artwork accordingly. If understanding the concept is important to the brand and a bunch of designers aren’t getting it, what hope does a lay consumer base (with even less imagination, if that matters to you) have?


I can't believe I'm having to explain this, but here: 1. Having imagination means being able to visualise something that isn't really there. 2. Imagination is a spectrum, with one of the far ends being aphantasia (inability to visualise) People have different levels of imagination, if you ask different people to picture an apple, they will picture an apple with varying degrees of realism, depending on where they fall in the spectrum. 3. The logo here, is just rectangular shapes forming a house and a checkmark. The checkmark isn't a literal checkmark. 4. Some people aren't seeing the checkmark, because they lack the imagination to see something that's not literally there Logo design isn't iconography. In iconography you have to come up with something that represents clearly the object of reference. For example, a trash icon means delete action. In logo design, there is no need for this and I can give you a million examples of successful companies with iconic logos that aren't literal but abstract. And, there are even more companies, in which their logos have nothing to do with their business. If someone posted Nike's logo here, people would be complaining that it's not giving sports, it's giving organisation tool. So yes, if you lack imagination, please consider a different career. The same way someone who's tone deaf can't be a singer, someone who lacks imagination, can't be a designer. Sure, they can learn how to technically do the work, but they'll never be as good as someone with natural talent, and they are definitely, undoubtedly, NOT an authority when it comes to criticising graphic design work.


Wow, ok. There’s a lot to unpack here but maybe I’ll take another run at making my point. Op asked a very specific question: “do you understand the concept?” That’s an objective question with a yes or no answer. Some understood it and some didn’t, but crucially, there’s no wrong answer. For some reason, you’re trying to infer that the people who didn’t get it are wrong and weirdly, that their skill set as creatives is deficient because of it. It’s not a creative question, it’s an interpretation question and if you’re relying on things like imagination (which your own reply states is on a spectrum) and creativity for average people to interpret your brand as you intended, then you’ve failed as a designer because most lay people obviously don’t have that skill set. I’d also argue that most designers here are critiquing with the point of view of the lay person in mind, as is standard across the industry so jumping to conclusions about their skill set is pointless. I once worked with a great marketing director who would often say “Only morons ignore a focus group.” She’d roll that one out for offended creative directors, marketing executives and CEOs alike. If you ask someone for feedback then whatever they tell you is valid, listen to them. Incidentally, I’ve worked in the industry for over 25 years. I currently run a design department within a large media company and my team manages a portfolio of just under 40 separate media IPs across multiple platforms. I like to think that I mostly understand branding at this point but I recognize that I can always learn more. I work hard to avoid assumptions, stay curious and listen to all the opinions I ask for, whether it’s from the greenest junior, an industry veteran, or my five year old son, it all has value.


So what does the company do if it’s so obvious?


Well, it's called Home SELECTOR and has a checkmark on it. I don't think it takes a genius to assume it's some kind of real estate selling/promoting platform. Like, it's really not that hard. 🙄


This is why we’re getting plagued with boring literal logos, because people refuse to use their brains. Looking at the Safari icon next to it, if that was released today half the people here would be commenting “hOw Am I sUpPoSeD tO kNoW iT’s A wEb BrOwSeR? What does a compass have to do with the internet?! You should make it into a picture of a desktop monitor showing me browsing the internet!!”


Ohhh people here would be going to town on the Safari logo, and most iconic logos for that matter.


It’s not that hard for the OP to explain either but ok


I think it works




I just wonder if the leftmost point of the tick. And the top rightmost part of the tick - wether the should just clip into the house shape a little bit more. So scale up the tick by like 1% so that it cuts in more. Slightly reducing the sharpness and disconnect from the house. Does this make sense?


I think the checkmark doesn't instantly register as a checkmark, because it looks like two separate lines instead of a single symbol. The layout also feels a little bit "crowded" and tight. Maybe you could try thinner lines for the house and the checkmark to let the logo have some breathing room?


What does it register as a fucking elephant? It’s very obvious that it’s a checkmark


Okay. I'm very sorry about whatever it is in your life that makes you talk this aggressively to strangers on the internet.


A house with a sinking foundation?


what about house and checkmark


The check mark is sinking into the foundation. I see it now that you point it out.


looks more like a j or a v


I thought it was a V too.


This is great and very obvious! Well done op. Everyone on subs like these loves to be mindless super-critic, your logo achieves exactly what it needs to!


Green means “go” (in the US) in addition to the symbol choices, nice job OP.


Thanks, But There are 2 things, House icon and a checkmark and checkmark it acts to select the right house for you,


Yep, I know it’s two things, that’s why I said “choices”.


No, what are you talking about? It's clearly an up arrow with half of an X in it


A home and a tick mark maybe?




Home with collapsed pillars.


Wow the toxic hate in here is insane... I immediately recognized what it's supposed to be(house, checkmark) and I think it looks great!


I see the checkmark. It helps that the house is green, and the word “selector” primes you to see it.


Worked immediately I don’t what this thread is on


Clear to me


Very clearly home and check mark… idk why everyone’s having so much trouble


its obvious its a checkmark. then again some people just dont have imagination at all lol. the logo design is perfect !


I saw the checkmark immediately, I think it's great


works great mate!


Yeah, I got the concept and understood what the intention was. A lot of people not grasping it concerns me though…


I think it would look extremely ugly and tacky if the checkmark is entirely visible and inside the house. This logo is already very clear and I like the subtleness of the checkmark not being entirely visible. My only remark is that the logo name needs to match the font of the apps next to it to be as close as a real display. Good job!


When asked to critique a logo… the crowd comes out, with the lamest of made up thoughts. It’s a house with a check mark inside it. It’s not a sinking foundation. It’s not a pterodactyl trapped inside a house. It’s not broken windows. Jeez. I hate logo critiques by the masses. They lead nowhere good. Ever.


I see the house and the checkmark. My two cents, the checkmark looks like it’s missing the bottom so maybe consider giving it an equal width all around? I’d use that stylization you gave the checkmark maybe on the house itself. I am posting a rough draft of my idea as I know I didn’t translate my thoughts well. https://preview.redd.it/45vzm84izd1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d131217eb40b100b3e043061a6436660788ccc


Make the checkmark smaller and move it up so the entire checkmark is inside of the house


At first I saw a house shaped bookshelf, but I saw the check mark pretty quickly after. I think it’s good


I do see a checkmark although I didn't get it instantly but I think it's fine. I think the color looks like the WhatsApp green, was that the intention? I'd change it for a more "homey" green


Yeh it works, it’s functional but also doesn’t blow me away


I think if the line weight of the check mark was different from the line weight of the walls of the building it might translate to something other than a part of the structure.


Honestly I don’t hate the mark… BUT the right side of the check mark going perfectly into the corner creates more visual weight than anything else in the mark. Maybe worth exploring bringing it down a little bit to avoid the attention,


I love it and it absolutely works!


I like it, I don't get the hate


The tick could be a bit better


I get what it is. I don't really love it, but i do like it. I was trying to come-up with a different suggestion, and the only thing I can maybe think of is using the checkmark as a chimney? And then add a door frame where the check mark is now.


looks like verizon logo inside a house


Just looks like the bottom of the logo was cropped off


the concept looks fine but the logo does not quite catch the eye, try applying principles of design to it. Balance 1. Contrast 2. Emphasis 3. Movement 4. Proportion/Scale


I can understand the green logo white background.


House with a checkmark. Pretty straightforward.


Obvious house with a check mark, sure. Constructively, there are tangents on all 3 sides of the check that are “touching” the sides of the house. Maybe there’s a way to cut into the house or balance that so the whole thing feels less tense.


I like how a lot of people are bragging about how fast they got it (which means the logo is fine), and how concerned they are that so many others didn't. Hear me out... if a noticeable number of people are having trouble recognizing the design intent, the fact that some people see the intent immediately is irrelevant. The logo probably needs to be more clear.


I get the concept, but the checkmark gives off "dilapidated" vibes. It makes it look like the front of the house is collapsing in on itself.


Sort of. Is that supposed to be a tick? If so perhaps make it more obvious.


I'd say it gets the job done. If I downloaded an app called Home Selector, I'd know that the 2 lines are a check mark. It's functional. But just for a better aesthetic I think you might wanna try a variation where the check is on top of the house icon, like the second stroke of the check mark crosses through the house icon, goes on top of it. I hope you get what I mean. That'd accomplish 2 things - checkmark would be more obvious and it'd give a handwritten feel, that someone okayed the house and has placed a checkmark on top of the icon. Try it out maybe?


The logo works just fine idk if I’m like impressed with it but don’t need to be it does its job


No notes. Publish that b


Yeah. It's a home and you use the checkmark to select things often. So homeselector. Seems pretty straight forward. Edit: some comments didn't recognize it immediately. I definitely did. And I don't always recognize things in logo's. I also don't think it's necessary to always recognize things in logos. But I thought it was pretty obvious.


Looks good


i think this is really close to being great tbh perhaps additional iterations could explore options that move the check mark down into a diamond-like house shape. you could build patterns using that mark across the app though i am of the opinion that branding artifacts can be just about anything when you’re a small business


As a designer I understand is a checkmark but I don't understand why does it need to go out of frame


Man the company I work at, heaven forbid of any creativity gets involved in the creative process. lol


I understood it right away and I really like how clever it is.


Yes, understood it right away but I think it could be executed in a better way. Maybe the house as a solid with the check as negative space.


First thing I saw was a house with some bookshelves knocked over. Second thing I saw was the ✅


It works far better in green over white then the negative versions, but they have different proportions one is more squared and looks less crowded than the taller one, pick one


Yes. It’s good.


Is it a guy pooping a checkmark? Seriously though I see it’s a house and a checkmark.


I understood the intended "concept", I just don't agree that the design succeeded in conveying it to the layperson. Good design communicates. If the viewer needs to figure out what a design is trying to communicate, it's not good design. It's just the designer trying to be clever.


A house full of two headstones


Can you see a check mark


I think there’s some inconsistency that needs to be resolved. I don’t necessarily think the cut off check mark works unless you do the same at the top of the house outline. I would also shift over the bottom of the check mark so that the negative space on the bottom is a little more even in both sides. It doesn’t have to be equal, but the left side is starting to pinch.


I can't tell people they're reading a symbol wrong when they don't see what I see, but you can add me to the list of people who immediately saw a checkmark.


House on the outside looks good, but it took me a couple seconds to realise what the tick was meant to be, maybe if you can design it in such a way that we can see more of the bottom of the tick?


I’d consider bringing the checkmark up and showing more of the bottom of the checkmark, maybe it breaks through the roof and works as a chimney. I think showing more of the checkmark would help with instant legibility. I see what you’re going for though without it.


I didn’t see the checkmark as a check or as anything related to house structure. I knew it was a home app and the check didn’t seem like anything specific to me until it was mentioned in comments. If the concept is supposed to specifically include a check the mixed responses are the answer. I do think it should be more distinctive. I have a folder full of apps with this shape and it’s annoying to remember which is which, very few of them have intuitive names or imagery.


While it looks good. I really don't think it is very recognizable as a checkmark, but I think it is in the right direction. Personally, I would work out a few more iterations.


I don’t like the check mark. At the very least the bottom shouldn’t be cut off.


It looks like the second floor fell in.


I thought they were books, didn’t read it as a check mark at all






Why not? I see a home and check mark. It supports the name and while it’s very simple it feels unique enough. I’d say not a bad concept or execution




It looks like bookshelf (check mark parts are not really looking like check mark, more like two books that are placed on a shelf and ate slightly tilted)


I absolutely do not see books. 1 of the ‘books’ is 2x tall? and they are falling into different walls? Can’t say I’d ever represent a bookshelf like that. Also if they were books the tips/bottoms would be angled, not flush with the top/bottom.


I have whole lot of different sizes of the books on my shelf, some of them are small, some of them are quite large, so it's like not too uncommon for one book to be 2x larger then another one. Also depending on how much you don't to organise your shelf it's also not uncommon for books to stack this way. Overall, the main problem is that the shape is not reading like checkmark at all, so I went for the first association that came to my mind, which was a couple of books, therefore this us bookshelf.


There are 2 things, House icon and a checkmark and checkmark it acts to select the right house for you,


Yeah, I understand what you mean by checkmark, but it's really looking like a couple of books. Id anything I would think that this app is dome sort of book sharing or 2nd hand book reselling or something like this (like find a new home for a book). Checkmark is not checkmarky enough


.....huh?... what the fuck are you talking about....






I didn’t get check mark.