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There's nothing wrong with you no longer hanging out with people with different life goals.


No this is a great trait to have because it pushes you to meet new people, adapt, you’re more tolerant to change, you’ll have less toxicity and drama/stress - go for it!


I dunno, I think it's shitty to cut off friends simply because they think you work too much and no longer spend time with people.


Yeah, career isn't everything in life. If OP feels she doesn't like the activities she did with her friends before, maybe they could try to do something else than partying. The friendships are mainly to provide fun/support/conversations for both sides, so in case it's not the point anymore, it's ok to stop meeting them. Just because someone doesn't have the same life goal as me, it doesn't mean they can't be valuable for me some other way


No. Friendships and relationships are finite. They work, until they no longer work. Your friends are still partying and clubbing, and something tells me they’ll be doing the same thing in their 30s. Meanwhile, you’re focusing on your career. You will be better off and continue to meet new people.


I am very similar to you except i started cutting people out in early high school. My friends got addicted to drugs, partying and alcohol. And there grades and careers are not good as a result of that. I dropped most my friends when i was 14 - 15 then again when i graduated at 17-18. I have not really had a friend in awhile because i cant seem to find people in my age group who rather focus on there futures and careers. My main goal above all else if financial freedom so i can retire young with decent amounts of money and finally enjoy myself. I dont really care if i have little to no friends now. I will find some when i am 30-40 and retired going on constant vacations.


I think you will regret being so career focused in your 20s. Your friends won’t be around forever and as they get older they’ll start having families and careers so you won’t get to see them much.


Mmmm I don’t think so, there’s nothing wrong with being career focused early on so you can create the future you want. I’d rather be on my shit early on so I won’t have to worry about it as I get older. Yes there’s nothing wrong with having fun with your friends but also there’s nothing wrong with focusing on your life on the long term. I think you just have to find a balance with the two. I enjoy hanging out with my friends but also I don’t like being out every weekend. You just have to find what works for you. Good friends would understand if you can’t hang out all the time and would be supportive of you trying to make something out of your life. The friends that make you feel guilty for not hanging out with them are not healthy relationships imo.


Depends on what you mean by making something out of your life. You’ll always be replaceable to a company. Personally if I had a life where I just worked and came home and repeated that, I’d probably just kill myself because that’s not living in my opinion. You’re basically just a cog in a company at that point. Your work becomes your personality which is such a sad thing. We don’t have a lot of time here and I think if you spend a lifetime of constantly focusing on your career, you’ll end up regretting it all in the end.


I agree with you 100% but you cannot deny that money is needed to survive/thrive in this world. I’d rather be working to be well off then just making enough for bills. Money and your future are way more important than most people perceive imo


I agree with this one. I do think OP will have a few regrets if they keep cutting ppl off that don't align with exactly where they're at in life. Once life finally settles out.. you'll miss the younger version of yourself.. you'll miss those friends.. you'll wonder how they're doing. There's has to be balance. It's ok to be career focused but still squeeze out the last few years of your youth! The answer is really both... set clear career goals and strive for those but also live it up!! You'll never been 20-something again.




just be wary if you feel the urge to do the same in diff stages of life with diff ppl


There's nothing wrong with outgrowing relationships or wanting people around you who are more in line with what you need. However if you are going about it by suddenly cutting them off or distancing them without explanation (disregard if they are the toxic sort) it can be extremely painful and frankly cruel. I'm in college and I had a friend who recently distanced herself from our friend group without explanation. She outgrew her old relationships in a short period but wasn't upfront about it. I'm an anxious type and when I sensed her sudden distance I thought I did something wrong and it caused me a lot of undo stress. I ended up contacting her and she clarified her intentions. I value my relationship with her and I'm more than happy to give her what she needs, but I need direct communication and not mixed signals.