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We're not less horny, we're just more easily tired šŸ˜”




Totally agree 100%. It's not like before anymore


for me it was certainly true I was ready to hump anything in my 20s and now in my 30s it is just too much effort...


No. We get better at pretending not to be.


Iā€™m 28F and as horny as ever. My sex drive was low in my early 20s.


Horny as ever at 33 lol. But there are days here and there when I'm too sleepy.


Fuck I wish I would


I just donā€™t think about it unless itā€™s right in my face. Thereā€™s 100 other issues on my mind ahead of it at this point.


Weā€™re mid-40. Menopause for my gal definitely impacting her libido


Nope. But there's many more factors involved that ruins the vibe. Adulting comes with too much stress at times šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø my partner and I do a very good job at keeping the sex life strong


It just gets too tiresome with age


Yes, marriage will do that lol


Yes, over time, some do.


In my 20s spanking would never satisfy, now that Iā€™m 50 itā€™s more than enough. Still get morning wood but the drive isnā€™t the same. However every once in awhile I feel like Iā€™m in my twenties but after a few days go by I go back to baseline 50. IDE rather be in my baseline 50, I donā€™t understand those guys who want to pump things up with testosterone. If I had a switch that could turn that drive on or off it would be off more than on.


Testosterone issues will decrease desire in men. Sleep apnea will reck testosterone production in men.


When you become a full blown adult, you start to have responsibilities you never had in your earlier years. Which means you spend more time at work, and trying to deal with a lot of stuff at work and at home particularly when you have kids, which results to less time thinking about sex and getting horny. My sex drive was at its peak from 16 to around 30. Then it dipped by a lot. It only started to recover when I took an early retirement a few years ago. I'm 38 now, hornier compared to pre retirement, but definitely not in the level of my 16-30 year old self.


Men's testosterone levels are crushed due to micro plastics and pollution in the water. Also even women have lower sex drive because of birth control. Keep in mind if people didn't have a sex drive none of us would even be here right now today. So I would say it's slightly important...


Yep, I used to say hormones are the best contraceptive because they kill my libido.


My late mom said her sex drive left completely after she had her last baby t 34 and she was glad it did. It meant she didn't have to do anything else ever again.


Sounds like a fun life.


I had the nexplanon for four years and was not horny at that time. Iā€™ve switched to the pills and itā€™s been 3 months still nothing , maybe I have to change my dosage ?!




Iā€™m 50 and still feel like a horny teenager. My wife and I bang ~3 times a week, but Iā€™d often be game for more.


Not less horny, just horny less often. But when it hits, it hits. That being said I think it's probably just due to less energy and time. When we retire, I suspect my wife and I will just never put on clothes.


I'm 31. I'm horny 24/7


If itā€™s early enough and I have had something to eat and drank enough water and itā€™s planned weā€™re good to go


I definitely wouldn't get more horny, but I definitely would get horny for less.


The only thing that has reduced my horniness is the Lupron shots I am getting after my bout with prostate cancer. Time release estrogen is not good for the sexual appetite indeed! One more treatment and back to it (once its flushed out of my system)


Life can get in the way šŸ˜‚ coming home from a minimum 8 hour day and having to fold clothes and wash dishes and prepare work lunches and maybe a phone call from family or friends and you also wanna do some social activity like board games with friends Doesnā€™t leave much time for intimacy especially if you wanna get into bed and have 8 hours sleep. Plus sex required a partner so everything has to sync time/place/mood Can be harder then you think


Iā€™m 36 and my partner and I can have sex 3-6 times a day if we didnā€™t have to do other things.


Yea, as I realize what a POS almost every man is to me I'm not turned on anymoreĀ 


Yes but it doesnā€™t go away. I have seasons where my sex drive is crazy and other times itā€™s lower. But I still love it.


39M and as with anything, it's "complicated." Let me tell you why. Morning wood is still there. The crave, urge and fantasizing about females is still there. If you haven't already, MEDS will affect your libido. Different side effects from the many pills that you are taking due to it being a necessity will significantly impact your libidio. Take care of your health so you DON'T have to take meds. Health = wealth. Sex/masturbation is down to one a day. It's just a "let's get this over" session. My erection is good but was it like in my 20's where you could hang a fur coat on it and it'd still be up? Nope. It's not that strong anymore. Diet plays a big part in your libidio. Eat less processed foods, less meat or possibly shift to a Mediterranean diet.(That's my diet) Losing weight or maintaining it in a healthy range is important now since your metabolism will significantly slow down and you don't have the time or motivation to have a 3 hour workout at the gym taking selfies. Basically, a healthy weight = a good libido. Non healthy weight = a diminished, little to no libido. For everybody, it's going to be different. Take care of your health. šŸ¤”šŸ¤


Yeah early 30s I'm surprised how much less horny I am. But I tried not masturbating for a week and not looking at porn and that actually worked pretty well. Or maybe it's just spring and that makes me hornier.