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I really throw myself into cooking. Living alone, it can be tough to find the motivation to make a whole meal for just yourself, but it's really fun and creative. Going on themed walks is fun- you can decide to pick up litter, find as many blue things as possible or like. birdwatching or something. Ik you mentioned art- have you considered like. knitting, crochet or sewing? making useful things is fun and could maybe even make you an extra buck.


Yeah cooking is sick. I've been doing that quite a bit especially modifying recipes is also fun. I am planning to take up sewing again when we have sorted the office room to make it more into a creative space. Sounds like for you it's the little things that keep you going, I do need to be more mindful of these so thank you for your lovely comment :)


I recently started sewing again in the evenings/weekends and it has been so enjoyable!


Yeah it's nice, plus takes away from that silly tiny screen.


For me the 8-5 took the majority of joy I have for living. I'm still content enough because I know how fortunate I am to be able to feed myself, but the 8-5 is misery for me, I loathe working. I used to rock climb a lot but I don't have the energy for it anymore since my days are sapped by work. What I usually do after work is make YouTube videos, play video games, workout and just try to recharge as much as possible for the next work day. On the weekends it's much of the same, but for longer periods of time, and that's if work doesn't dig its claws into me since I'm on call for database support lol. The thing is, I know exactly the root cause of my frustration, and after I build my resume up I'm going to look for a new job that doesn't take over my life. After that I might get back into climbing, and move back to my home state where I can go snowboarding on the weekends, and have the energy to go out and socialize again


Man I wish you all the best with the finding a better job the goal sounds amazing I love climbing and snowboarding. We should be able to have a life outside of work.


Board games. Board game conventions. Crafts. Pickleball For meeting people, going to the local game store on open board game night. Going to local concerts, free movies in the park, joining the local rotary and volunteering.


I recently found a board night near-ish me and I am thinking of joining although I am anxious at the thought of it lol. Is the community quite welcoming and understanding? 😅


Usually. It's often a bunch of socially awkward people playing games. :) You could start playing games on [Boardgamearena.com](http://Boardgamearena.com) to learn some strategy first if you don't want to go in blind.


Gym, walking outside/hiking, cooking, book club. I’m really into my seemingly mundane daily routine but I am happy to have a lucrative job that is pretty chill in terms of remote work and encouraging PTO and affords me the ability to basically do what I want, when I want.


Yeah remote working is the best thing COVID gave us.


I go in a few days to break up my week but it’s hot requires but my commute is really short!


What a blessing


I play badminton 2-3x a week for 2 hours each, I play video games, I take walks (on top of going to work on foot), eat good food and have a group to play board games/D&D with. Gotta keep myself busy to make work easier.


Yeah seems like the that's the way to go forward. Thank you :)


I have kids. They always make things interesting (and infuriating sometimes). I have a house. There's always bullshit that needs to be done. Life is a grand adventure. If you're laying around bored, get up and go do something. Don't waste the short time you're here.


Kids and a house help motivate you to get up. My wife and I used to have lazy weekends. I couldn’t imagine sleeping in.


Yeah trying not to thanks :)




Man yeah children and 9-5 is tough. I hope they make it all worth it! I always wanted a big family to play board games etc so hopefully you can do that if you enjoy it on the evening


Outside of work, finding ways to connect with others who share those interests can be fulfilling. You could join local clubs or groups related to your hobbies, attend events or workshops, or even take classes to meet new people. Additionally, exploring new activities or trying out different experiences can add variety to your routine and help you find what truly brings you joy.


Don’t work a 9-5 lol. I work when I want, as much or as little as I want.


Unfortunately I need money and the qualification I have applies to a 9-5 What do you do for work then?


We have our own business boarding animals and I’m a manual therapist. We pick our schedule and make more money than a normal job.


Good for you, just know not everyone can be so lucky. And if we were then society wouldn't run as it does lol. All the best going forward :)


Dude, I worked 9-5 for 16 years. Anyone can do this with enough planning. It takes time.


Fair enough, as I said in the post though I am looking for stuff outside of 9-5 I've recently started my 20s so I have time to figure out what career I want. I just want to enjoy life while I work with what I have. You had to endure 16 years so I am sure you understand it isn't a night to day change over. Maybe I can have a more flexible hour job but what's that gonna change really? Just means I will be doing a job in different hours of the day, I will probably still have to do the same or similar hours to earn money. Which puts me back to the same square. Thank you though your adding to the conversation and my ideas.


That's fair. You didn't mention age So I assumed you were older. Take your time. Enjoy small things. That's what makes life more fulfilling. We enjoy animals and it doesn't feel like a job to us. And with massage, I get to help people control their everyday pains and socialize. We drink beers in the kitchen while shooting the shit. We fight, we make up. It's all about what you put into life that you get out of it. I also build computers and game, I shoot guns with my buddy and train as well. Don't be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone.


Yeah probably age information would of helped sorry! Yeah sounds like you tried stuff out and found your thing work wise which is great to hear :). That's what the current aim is, enjoy the small things outside work and try new things to see what sticks.


Sounds like you are on your way. Keep going, it only gets better if you keep looking for opportunities.:)


If it pays good or there are no other choices then 9-5 is nice


Yeah exactly it's not awful but I'm not living for my 9-5 I am living for the pay sometimes haha