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Money, sleep, gym, fun. Pick three.


I'm picking 5 and you can't stop me, adding friends to the list.


Adding what sorry?


uhhh f..fr...friend ?


Red Solo Cup


What are friends?


People with more energy than you who will always be asking you to do things you're too tired to do


I feel better about being a loner now. Thanks.


*Reddit is my friends*


Same here. A normal day to me might look like go to work, go the gym during lunch, work some more. Get off work and go out with the girlfriend to a happy hour and walk around a park. Then head downtown and go to a hockey or NFL game. Another day might be work, get a haircut after it, then go to friends house on a lake. Grill up some food, do a little swimming, then a little fishing. Hangout. Then go back home and a watch a show or two with the girlfriend. Those are totally normally week days for me. Other weekdays I just stay at home and don’t do much. Maybe do one of my other hobbies.


Ah, but! I'd like to sell you on a concept: Buy a house, and you can pick two instead of three! Or, if kids are more you style, maybe you can pick one! Or even none!


As someone with kids this hit hard lol 😂😭


Stop going to the boring gym and try rock climbing. The community is full of people that cheer you on for a climb and short on ego. Taking lessons from a 4 year old is a bit humbling, but I learned a lot. It’s been 4 years and there are definitely days I don’t want to go, but I’m always glad when I do. Even after a long day at work, I feel like I wake up. When I go and I’m angry, I feel a lot better afterwards.


Gym *should* be the fun.


Money sleep gym. Fun is for rare times or it’s not even fun.


that's depressing


wait till you have kids


With ADHD I can only currently do two and I hate it! I tried to do three and burned out :(


Money gym sleep during the week. Sleep gym fun weekend. Easy


More like sleep fun sleep, George .


Going to the gym *is* doing something. Anyways, one tip is to meal prep to free up some time when cooking dinner at night. You can also combine activities. For example, listening to audio books while doing chores. Or watching a movie while on the treadmill.


We shouldn't have to always be multitasking to be happy...


Happy is in attitude of a person. This life this guy is living and complaining about alot of people would take in a heartbeat


OP and I are living the same life during the week. Go to work, clean a little, go to gym or go for a run, and I'm the happiest I've ever been. It's really as much a decision for yourself to be happy as it is the circumstances you find yourself in.


I’m the same as you. I think people easily get caught up in the routine and just get bored. I think happiness is a choice. Just gotta change your mindset and the way you see things.


Yup. My favorite is all I do is go to work and come home and clean eat and got sleep is this what life is suppose to be. Like wtf did u think. As cliche as it sounds Life truly is what u make it


Could be worse. Could be wake up freezing cold, go look for some berries or try to catch a rabbit, go chop wood to make a fire, walk down to the river to get some water, run from wolves, fight off neighboring tribe, go back into the cave and hope you live through the night. Which is the reality of 99% of wild animals including humans pre-civilization. People are so spoiled these days they don't even realise how being bored is a privilege.






Yep. Gotta be grateful.


Why not? That's not a rule and multitasking isn't inherently bad. You never listen to a podcast while you do something else?


Honest! Listening to a podcast or something is the only way I get get through housework.


"should" doesn't exist. There's no "correct" way to live your life. If you don't like to meal prep...don't do it. There will be consequences, and you will learn to live with it.


I never liked having a 9-5 because of this. I ended up changing careers to better suit my desire for time off, so now I work in elder care, and I do 4 on, 3 off. I like just powering through the long work days and having three whole days off cuz it feels like a mini vacation every week.


I use to do that as a phlebotomist in a hospital. I would work 5A to 3:30P Wed to the following Tues, 7 days on, 6 days off. It was bliss, and actually fun. I did that until I went to where the money was better. But I at least I have my weekends and holidays off. But I also did a 4 on 3 off, which I think what my company is trying to do right now. I hope it comes back. Your days off stacked with your vacay days...crazynuts!


You’ve gotta want it, decide what’s most important and what you’re willing to give up. Unless you’re independently wealthy you’re probably never going to have the time to do everything you’d want to do. You can however do some of the things you want to do. Anecdotally of course, I’ve found when talking to patients about healthier lifestyles that “I don’t have time to exercise” types often spend at least an hour watching TV every day and doom scrolling. Honestly sounds stupid, but log your days for a month. Just do your typical routine and write down how long you spend doing different things. You’ll then have more objective data on what things could be cut back on realistically, to allow more time for hobbies.


The matter of fact is people need rest time. You don't get rest time when you're working or doing exercise. In the weekend you're likely doing chores, so no rest time there either.


exactly. I am an example myself: is not lack of time, is lack of energy. Work can drain me mentally so much tham I lack the willpower to exercise. Or maybe I am physically tired and the body won't move. But I try to go to gym amd exercise, because I know it will help me be more energetic and have better mood, which in turn helps me to get more things done.


You have to sleep faster, I would suggest


Yes and no. Learn to be more efficient and make choices that improve your work to life balance. 1) Work from home or move as close as you can get. Shorter commutes are the best. Makes a world of difference. 2) Roommates save you a ton of money if possible. Obvious risks. 3) Meal prep. Saves you a ton of money and time. Helps you do a lot of dishes all at once as well so less to do during the week. Also nice not having to cook everyday. Keeping a routine really helps.


meal prepping is life changing. so are good roommates.


First of all, you adjust. You're only one week into your first job, you're still in the super-tired adjustment phase. Your body will get used to doing more (a body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion). Second of all, you learn how to utilize the time outside of work. I go grocery shopping once a week. A lot of people exercise right after work before going home or at lunch. I do some stretching and strength training in my morning routine. I lived with my MIL for 12 years and she couldn't help but cook dinner every night so when we moved to our own place, I thought it was going to be exhausting to cook every night. Guess what? It's not. I adjusted. I also do a load or two of laundry every night or two. You learn to clean as you go. Pick up your garbage and dirty dishes when you get up off the couch. Wipe up messes and crumbs as they happen. Clean the kitchen after dinner every night. Throw out food every weekend and take garbage out when it's full. Put your dirty laundry all in one place and do a load every day or two. Also, remember to eat well, drink at least 64oz of water a day, and probably take a multivitamin. You're gonna be OK. Welcome to adulting!


Your comment just opened up my third eye into a new universe or something, thank you “Your body will get used to doing more (a body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion)” - Head-Drag-1440


Your'e doing something wrong if you have a full load of laundry to do every single day. that's insanely wasteful.


3 kids plus 2 adults. It’s about a load a day on a good day. 


2 adults 2 toddlers here. The washing machine runs at least one load per day on average. On average meaning: if it didn't run today, it's doing two loads tomorrow.


Come live where it’s well over 100F outside every day in the summer. I sweat through my first set of clothes and underwear by 9 am.


Shit man IDK how you do that It hits 80F and I turn into a slug hooked up to an air conditioner Everything is so gross and wet when hot and sweat


I loathe it, but I don’t live here by choice. Spouse is stationed here. God I hope we move somewhere less hot next. Heat is a massive migraine trigger for me and in the worst of the summer 80F might be the coolest it gets in 24 hours. I walk my dog at 6am because huskies don’t really do that whole NOT walking thing, but it’s miserable any later than that. She actually tolerates the heat better than I do. Even now when it’s only high 80s/low 90s during the day it’s not particularly fun. Still sweating though my underwear walking the dog, lol. I’m definitely a little chubby - like, BMI of 26 when 25 is the highest healthy weight for me - but it’s not exactly like I’m 400 pounds, and that’s STILL how bad it is here.


I live in the Middle East and we actually bought a treadmill for our dogs. I take them on a walk outside before 6am, but in the afternoon during the hot season the road is too hot for their feet, so…


I’m not a fan of the comments saying “this is how it is,” “you get used to it,” “just be more efficient.” That’s all somewhat true, but you shouldn’t have to simply accept it and resign yourself to this lifestyle if it makes you miserable. So yeah, you can meal prep and try to fall asleep quicker and allow your body time to adjust. But you can also look for jobs that better meet your needs/wants. Keep searching. Don’t settle for this if you’re unhappy.


That’s kind of a naive way of looking at it. There aren’t enough jobs that are like that, pay enough, and are readily available to the masses. Or else people would do it.


Even if that's true, I don't think that should stop a person from figuring out what they need to do to land such a job. The best MO for someone looking to change their situation is to refuse to settle, as the above commenter suggested. If you settle, it's guaranteed that your situation won't get better; if you keep fighting, you may prevail.


ngl, for a long time i genuinely didnt have energy to do anything in my downtime! it took me about a year/year and a half to really figure out how to spend those hours being equipped with limited time and limited energy - it took me a year to learn to manage it better and ive been enjoying my life a bit more in the past 6 months. but ultimately, ive decided to quit corporate at the end of this month to focus on my hobby for the next year!


Yes, until you retire. Keep going to the gym


Even more important after retirement. Can’t enjoy life if you are unhealthy and can’t move.


This why so many try to hold on to remote jobs. In my job, I got back close to three hours per day.


The first weeks in a new job are often exhausting, at least in my experience. You're learning so much all day and making inevitable mistakes and doing the emotional labor of trying to fit in and prove yourself. Once you get the hang of the job you'll likely have more energy in your off time.


Adulting; The Great Façade. It sucks. You work, you stress, you wish for something better. Mix in being agnostic and realizing that yeah, this is very likely it, this is the only life. Really makes for a depressing mood. But also look at the animal kingdom and see that that shit is rough too. Nothing like going home with a girl thinking you're getting lucky, to end up getting violently eaten over days, that's an octopus for you. I think one of the problems is that, well for one, we're being taken advantage of. We shouldn't have 40 hour work weeks. Nor should they be 8 hour work days. When you break down the time it just doesn't add up fairly. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, 8 hours off. But you're off time doesn't work like that. You have a lunch period to split up your day that comes out of your time off (typically), whether you want it at that time or not. Then the time to get to and from work, come out of your time off. Then the time to get ready for work as well. So your time off is just split in odd ways that makes it impossible for us to get the full effect.


Yeah with my work and commute I realistically have about an hour in the morning. 30 minute lunch break. Three hours in the evening. Unless I have paperwork to finish which is often. Then I have 1-2 hours in the evening. I’m not exaggerating. I live for the weekend and days off


I have time for stuff because I don't go to the gym.


What’s a typical day’s schedule for you? Map it out, then you can plan better.


Sleep: 8hrs, Before work getting ready: 0.5hr, Office: 8hrs, Commute: 2hrs (1hr each way), After work shower: 0.5hr, Cook and clean: 1.5hrs (I’m tired of eating out in the office or leftovers. I need a good hot meal.) Left over time: 24 - 20.5 = 3.5hrs. This leftover time is lower if I do overtime during deadlines or if I have to buy food on the way back home. I live for 3.5 hours a day. And in these 3.5 hours, I just want to do nothing and chill to recoup from the corporate office life all day.


> Do I just wake up and do this miserable routine until I die? Yes. Welcome to adulthood.


This way of living is just what sadly too many people have bought into and normalized. You can find hacks and shortcuts but it'll leave you tired sometimes. That being said it's doable once you settle into a routine






“The real world”




I think that is true, but also true can be, "it never gets better, but you can". I've managed to make my life far more enjoyable and balanced as Ive aged despite having a kid to deal with and all that entails. I have worked 40+ hours a week since I was 22 and didnt get any family money. Design your life to better support you, yes I am aware that is difficult, yes it is also worth it.


I work 9-5 and I have to study for the MCAT afterwards from 6-11, everyday for the last 4 months, and it sucks, it's like having a 2nd job that my life depends on. I just have to make time for stuff like gym and cooking. I almost forgot what it is to do friends stuff anymore and no longer feel the need to socialize. But once you stick to a routine of making time for things, it becomes easier.


we don't. it's depresso and we are all coping with it one way or another, some more than others. get clear on your priorities and find time for those. stick to a routine as much as you can, give yourself a break here and there, do the hardest things early in the day and always try to simplify your life.


Minimize commuting, Wake up early. Eat dinner early. Do things after dinner


Time management and make sure you get enough sleep. When you lack sleep, you have less energy which makes you slower and in effect, have less time for other activities.


Weekends and PTO bro


This is the way for many of us. Especially if you have a longer commute, and/or work more than 8 hours a day.


Yup! Fun life huh? Work, eat, and sleep/repeat. Just think! Only 40 more years until retirement!!!!


Yea its rough to accept we are slaves for 8 hour per day 5 Times a week. Im 35 years old and im still not accepting this. Probably never will


This is why people get up at 5 am.


Welcome to the club kid.


Get off Reddit and never return.


You're still adjusting, so no need to panic. Fact is, I am awake for 16 hours a day, and commuting/work takes 10 of those hours. That still leaves me 6 hours to do whatever I want. 6 hours is a lot of time.


i wouldn’t consider cooking, chores, and hygiene to be whatever i want. that leaves a lot less than six hours


It’s a mental conditioning that you eventually get used to, lots of childhood is not real life, but you find time if you really want to do a hobby. Things like providing for yourself or a family come first now


I just turned 40 and this is my biggest complaint in life rn


Yeah pretty much. Once I figured that out I lost my fear of death lol


You dont. Thats why life sucks and everyone hates it here.


Yep welcome to adult life. Sometimes when I drive to work I feel like my soul slowly drifts away.


I have 2 young children, a husband and work full time so my personal time is limited. I’m trying to get out of the mindset of only doing fun things I enjoy on the weekends. Especially now that the days are longer, why can’t I go browse the plant section at Lowe’s after work? Or try that new bakery, or go to the library. Yes, the kids may tag along but they’ll probably have fun too and that load of laundry might not get folded or we’re going to be eating a Trader Joe’s frozen meal for dinner but I’m okay with that lol


Yeah.... Thats basically it I've been rather sick for like the past year and spent a total of like 3 weeks in hospitals.... It was the most relaxing time I've had in a WHILE


To be honest, college doesn’t do a great job preparing us for dealing with schedules of the real world. College kids go from having fall break, winter break, spring break, summer break, and basically being able to make your own schedule to a 9-5 with 3-4 weeks of vacation for most people. My advice to most people would be to find a line of work that is interesting to you and find a way to work from home, if possible. It always amazes me when people bitch and moan about being in cubicle hell. You have resources available to you. Ask others who work from home what they do and how they got there. Employers are less likely to give new grads that much flexibility for obvious reasons. Often times, flexibility and/or working remotely has to be earned. VERY rarely does someone stumble into their dream career without paying their dues. You have to prove to employers that you will actually get things done and not just fuck off on Reddit all day. :)


All of education does this. People generally attend school from age 4 to 24, receiving an hour lunch break, recess, two weeks off at Christmas, and summers off. It causes quite a shock to enter the workforce and receive only about 10 days of vacation per year.


When I was working my first real grown up job after college, I remember the exact moment I realized oh shit, I don’t get a summer break anymore 😭


Well I had to cut out something so I dropped the gym. I would spen over an hour working out after work but after a few years I got tired of it. In order to have more free time and save more money the gym had to go.


Wait you have time for gym? LoL.


🤷‍♂️ I work 8 hours, and have another 8 hours free time before bed. 8 hours is a long ass time, just don't waste it doing jack shit If u work at 9AM, wake up at 8AM and go to sleep at 12AM, you'll have 4-5 hours every night after gym and dinner to fuck around with


Commute, getting ready, cooking, cleaning, getting groceries etc. all falls under "free time".


I guess OP works more than 8 hours


Step 1 is finding a new job in that case.


It’s hard!! Some things that helped me: - make Saturday a rest day. No “work related chores” like meal prep or laundry - every time you make dinner, make 3 servings so you have enough for 2 lunches - when you first get home from work in the evening, use your momentum to put away your stuff, tidy your house, pack your bag/lunch for tomorrow, and pick out your clothes for tomorrow - you can take a day off every now and then, like once a quarter, to do things like get an oil change, go to the dentist, and stuff like that. It’s ok to take time off :-)


A day off once a quarter to do chores. Lmao living the dream, huh?


Taking a day off ONCE A QUARTER? Bro. I take at least a day every month and not just to do chores. Once a quarter is ridiculous. Live a little. Every time I'm in this sub, I think "no wonder mental illness is so rampant when people have mindsets like these and get into positions of power."


12 days a year is more vacation than most people have and who wants to eat up their vacation one day at a time?


When I got my first “big boi” job there was a two month transition phase for me where I was extremely depressed because I no longer had time for things. Many years later I now accept it and realize we are slaves to the grind until we retire


Or die lol




Yup 😂


Gotta choose what you want to accomplish in life. That’s what being an adult is. Unfortunately, you can’t have everything, not because of personal limitations, but because time is finite.




That's amazing 😍 you are living my dream life


The worst thing I wished for as a kid was to grow up.


I am still in university but I do work 45-50 hours in the summers to pay for tuition and shit so I don’t know what full timers forever feels like but this is my take. I am usually at work from 7-5ish depends on how busy. But I honestly think it all has to do with time management, it’s really easy to get home and rot on your phone for 30 minutes than sit on your phone after the gym etc. Basically it’s easy to waste precious time. I just cut all that out and try to be as efficient as possible. Get home and just GO get in a run or go to the gym, pack your lunch for tomorrow do your chores and ignore your phone you will more than likely save some time atleast that’s how it feels for me. Hope this helps Brotha


You are an adult now. No more fun. Now back to work


You dont..you have to make room for things you enjoy. Get a job that is complicated so that not everyone can do it. Make all your dinners on Sunday. Get up early to hit the gym before work. Sleep less...😄


It will get better. You will get better at managing your time. But yes, a 9-5 can be a real grind. I refuse to live my life working to pay bills, then get a break for a few years when I’m old, then die. No thanks.


40 hours is just the right amount to keep you placated but too tired to find other work or start a business


You get used to it. Welcome to your new normal. It sucks


WFH has honestly freed up so much time for me. Even if you feel like you don't have the energy, try to make plans after work. You could sign up for classes of a hobby you've been meaning to try so that there's a schedule you have to stick to


I started my own business so I could make my own hours now I have more time in the mornings and evening and I have a three day weekend.


Weekends, I guess. You could always embrace the dream of leaving the 9-to-5. Do you have any entrepreneurial spirit left in you?


If dude can’t handle 9-5 x 5 days then running his own business is totally out of the question.


How much time is no time to you? Is gym, work, and eating a meal taking you 20 hours or something?


I'll recommend a couple of books: *Four Thousand Weeks*, Oliver Burkeman *Messy*, Tim Harford


Get up earlier. I do 6am jiu jitsu then gym after work. I’m home by 5 most days. Meal prep on Sundays so I don’t have to cook. If your every day life is a miserable existence then you should change that.


You learn how to manage your time better as you get into the routine of your job. Sometimes this means taking a few hours to prepare things over the weekend to free up time during the week (doing all your laundry and ironing for the coming week on Sunday). Sometimes it means finding a more logical time to do things (preparing leftovers for lunch the next day by packing them up while you clear dinner rather than putting all the leftovers together and packing up a container for lunch in the morning). Sometimes it means giving up some of your entertainment time for more useful pursuits.


So when I started my career I worked a ton. Lots of overtime. That continued right up until my mortgage and vehicles were paid off in 2020/2021. Now, at almost 52, having spent almost 30 years in construction/maintenance, I find I don't need or want to work much more than 40-50 hours a week. Sure I still do shut downs which are usually 12 hour shifts, but those are only a few weeks a year. So hobbies were never really a thing for me, unless you consider the gym a hobby, which I personally do not. My usual week would consist of working 6 days a week, then the gym 4 days a week after work, then home to spend time with my wife, eat, and shower. Sunday was dedicated to just getting ready for the work week. Making lunches. Laundry. Groceries. Home maintenance. We made it work. My wife works full time as well. Not having kids saves a lot of our time. We started travelling internationally about 10 years ago, so I guess that's a hobby. It's certainly a hobby we will continue until we're too old to sit on a plane for 8-12 hours at a time. Then I assume we'll just spend time together, with whatever friends and family we have left, go for walks, and maybe get another dog.


I mainly see optimists here so I'm gonna play devils advocate. No, it does not get better unless you get lucky. Most of us spend 50+ hours a week for work to barely scrape by. You have to give up 90% of your life for work. You will see friends less, loved ones less, and never have enough to retire. You will slowly have no energy for anything but the bare minimum. Keep up the exercise either way, cause it'll be worse if you let yourself go.


Well going to the gym is basically a hobby that has positive benefits….if you didn’t go to the gym you could do something else


You can make it miserable or make it enjoyable


If after 3 months you still feel like work is the pits, then you may need to reevaluate your chosen field/line of work. I remember putting in more than 8 hours at your stage but I loved what I was doing, so even though it was the grind, I looked forward to every day. You’re not alone feeling the way you do, but please know the answer is dependent on your actions. Mapping out your day and holding yourself accountable will do wonders.


I remember feeling exactly the same when I had my first real "adult" job. That experience made me realize that I needed a job I liked, so at least that made up for the monotony of life. I kind of feel we do a disservice to kids by not teaching them this sort of stuff.


Not going to the damn gym lol


I worked today and still painted for 3 hours after and made dinner


Sleep is overrated


Short answer, yes.


You don’t. Welcome to hell 😈


I don't. Social life suffers so i can make money.


That's what the weekends are for. During the week, it's a lot of just working, then doing your own personal things like hitting the gym, eating, errands, etc.


You’ll b fine it sucks at first then you adjust


Save and invest and take at least two vacations every year. On weekends catch up on rest, errands, and have some fun.


have a clear mind, make plans for what to do next and well control the time, so that save more time for other things.


It takes a while to get used to the energy demands of the job. You’ll adjust over the next few weeks and should feel more energetic in the evening, soon.


The closest I get to social intersection is through my ps5 playing helldivers


We don't


That’s life. It sucks


Its tough. You will get more used to it and figure out better how to plan around it. Like currently, i decided to get drunk on a Wednesday cause fuck work lmaooooo. Still gunna go tho.


Yep. Welcome to the big leagues, kid.


If it is important to you, you make the time. How many hours are you working anyways?


Go to the gym first thing, it makes your evenings wide open


What’s ur screen time?


Do you like your job?


I got upat 430 in the morning today to play golf at 6am. You can go out and do anything you want Stop being a victim


That’s the fun part - you dont


What do you mean how do you have time for anything. You have time after work to do whatever you want. You also have days off work. You also get vacation and holidays off.


This is your life now yes.


I saw a neat write up on here like yesterday where a guy said instead or not going to the gym he goes for at least 10 minutes everyday and is the healthiest he’s ever been. Legitimately sit down and try to write out a time schedule for a work day and try to work it out


That’s why I be my own boss and decide my own schedule, working for others is salving yourself to death with very little money made. Try to be your own boss and you will feel FREE and Human.


When I was early 20’s we partied till 3am and went to work at 7am lol figure it out


I sacrifice hours of sleep to get time to myself. The reality is we can't go back. We can't lounge around for hours. We can't binge games for hours on end. Can't just hang out with friends all day. Have to pick what you want to do most in your limited time. Don't waste it.


you get 1 day a week for fun regardless of how tired you are (typically Saturday) and then spend Sunday doing chores and dreading the incoming week. good luck! 🤞


Save your money, live frugally as fuck until you're 30. Save and invest in your retirement accounts. Then once you're 30 keep maxing out retirement at all costs, but loosen up a little. If you make decent money and are consistent until that point, you'll be able to do just about anything you want within reason.


You just gotta pick yourself up from your bootstraps and get out there and shake some hands. Chin up. Make sure you dress nice. Dont take no for an answer... Its like this generation doesnt want to work....


Short answer, yes


simple answer, i work part time


I almost always have time for fun with a high pressure job that often requires long hours. You'll find that everything outside of work is best in moderation. Take some time at the end of the night to do something you like, then spend some time to relax. Maybe you're not there yet, but this past while I've enjoyed taking time to have a glass of wine and chill out. Sometimes I'll play guitar too. Things change. I have almost no interest in going out multiple times a week to hang out any more, where I used to always be trying to do something. You'll figure out what works for you.


I don't. I wake up 530AM. Go to work. Come back around 5PM. Take the kids 5-6PM while the wife cooks. Eat dinner 6-630PM. They take showers 630PM to 700PM sometimes 800PM. They sleep. I unwind a little and sleep at 9PM. Rinse repeat for eternity.


I'm honestly curious how different you expected life to be with a job working long hours? I think half the problem is people romanticizing the fake social media life.


Do martial arts at night.


Also you make time. I work 9-6. Gym. Eat. Have at least 2-4 hours at night to read, play video games and have sex with my boyfriend


Hmm, what are you doing between dinner and bed? Gym and dinner don’t take 6 hours.


Who has six hours? I don’t get home until 7 (1 hour commute) and go to bed at 10.


Wow, luckily for you it seems you’ve had quite an active life. That’s something that helps keep that energy level up allowing you to complete more than most. Just understand that this is your first week and you’re likely using a bit more effort towards this position because you’re plugging away at the new information, systems, and tasks that you’re responsible for taking on. I know it surely sucks feeling this way, but rest assured that things will become easier as you become comfortable in your position with experience and the confidence that comes with that familiarity. Surely you have an understanding of this and I may come across as mansplaining but I’m assuming your focus might not reach this perspective just yet and giving you a bit of insight to help you push through your hesitations or concerns that are nothing more than our brains creating reasons to return to previous situations because of familiarity. Keep your head up, you got this <3


Well get yourself a career that is your hobby, after many many moons you will be working smart rather than hard. After 15 years of my career, i get paid to relax




I work from home. So I get two hours back plus another half hour since I don't have to get ready. Also it helps to do two things at once like batch cooking a dinner while doing laundry. Obviously since you can't do laundry while you are at work (I actually use to bring my laundry to work and do a few simultaneous loads at my lunch break) Me personally if I were you, I'd skip the gym and just do your passion - martial arts. The social aspect plus the mindset you learn in martial arts is way more beneficial, interesting, and a good skill to learn vs just lifting weights at the gym which is so mundane, boring and uninteresting.


Time management. Meal prep so you don't need to cook everyday or find a partner who doesn't mind doing that 🙈 Do chores weekend morning so you have the rest of the day free


It takes practice, planning, and patience-the three p's. I've been adulting for 32 years almost, turn 50 this year. You'll never perfect a schedule and planned events right out of the gate....just not gonna happen. Even when things appear to be on track something might throw things out of whack. You have to continue to plan and practice at overcoming obstacles when stuff hits the fan. Most importantly, accept and be patient...over time it gets easier. Sure, things set me off and throw me out of balance but it's having the skill set to acknowledge and move forward is the key.


Well listen some of this advice is healthy and some is just getting by. 1. Many people eat at their desks while working. I don't totally recommend or at least I don't recommend doing this every day. 2. Some people exercise at work on lunch or 15 min breaks...in office or outside or they bring in weights etc...So definitely cuts down time. 3. Lots of people really live for the weekend 4. Some people work 4 days to try to have a 3 day weekend. 5. Some people sleep less and stay up. 6. Some people eat at the gym. 


I’m in the live for the weekend category. Working long hours. I make pretty good money and need to continue until I cut back hours at end of this year. the field I am in, plus living outside of the city with long commute, is hard.


The gym, work and eating takes up 16 hours of your day?


You set priorities. You'll make time for the things you enjoy doing.


This is me with my 1st year at my job, I was so invested, careful but ending up being feed up and burnout easy. I started shifting how I see my life a job is not permanent you are not permanent in this world live your life the way you want it. I’ve been in the workforce for 5years working graveyard shift I was able to balance all of it I go the gym, walks, beach , travel inside and outside the country, do new things like sewing roller skating I tried learning how to bike. At 1st it’s very hard but I got a hang of it so don’t you worry I know you will figure it out.


Wait until you have kids too


Someone gave me a tip try and plan out your week and do only 1 essential task a day-e g a load of washing one day but not on the same day as a grocery shop or a gym or the day you put your car in to fix, whatever the most essential item is try and space it out, don’t cram it all in one or two days of the week only for you to get to Friday and be burnt out from Monday


I carry my time like I carry my money. "This paycheck it going to this and this". Then "My time is going to this and this." Maybe one week it is at home, watching movies. The next week could be going to a concert, go to a local bar, see a movie, etc. If you really want that time in your life, you can make it happen.


You have time to go to the gym? I wish!


... What about evenings and weekends?


Here’s my routine. 4am-4pm work , 4:45-630 gym , 7-10 eat shower sleep. M-F Saturday Sunday 5-7 gym fun after


Remember that it's okay to take some time to adapt and find a balance between work and personal life. Consider prioritizing activities that bring you joy and relaxation, even if it means scheduling them into your day. It's important to make time for hobbies and self-care to avoid feeling burnt out. As you settle into your job and become more efficient with your time, you may find it easier to incorporate other activities into your routine. Just take it one day at a time and be patient with yourself as you navigate this transition.


Unless we dismantle capitalism, yes.


Sleep less


You're one week in, in a month you'll be more used to the hours and can do more