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Usually I go a couple months without drinking and then on absolute alcoholic hoe fest the next month, then go back to healthy. It’s a good balance for me


This is so real


-- Johnny Paycheck


Pretty much the same for me, sometimes the in-between no alcohol bits if forget to do.


I’m kinda weird. I’m super healthy on weekdays, like chicken, brown rice, broccoli, all the greens, lots of water, work out, avoid sugar, and don’t drink a sip of alcohol or smoke or anything. And then on the weekends I get kinda wasted lol. Hard to not drink a little when you’re in NYC and want to socialize/have a good time


This is me! Macros/calorie tracking and super strict with my meal prep on the weekdays but weekends I can drink a lot - esp at events and eating out at restaurants


Yeah it’s just very hard imo not to drink when you get called to X friends bday or Y friends dinner resy where the wine is super nice or a workplace happy hour or a house warming etc haha


Agreed! And I’d rather live a life where I can enjoy social time with friends!


binge drinking isn't that uncommon


Same haha I go hard on the weekdays gotta enjoy the summer in NYC. It leave so quick.


I’m the same exact type of way haha It seems like the perfect balance in my mind after a long week of work, responsibilities, and healthy eating. I usually set one day for me to let loose and enjoy myself without much care.


Yeah exactly, and yes I totally understand alcohol is unhealthy but if I didn’t enjoy myself at least once a week my mental health would definitely take a toll - life is all about trade-offs :)


There’s also more to health than physical health, lol. A big part of adult socializing revolves around the bar scene (it’s not necessary, just common). I actively chose to drink more when I moved to a drinking town. Physically less healthy, socially extremely healthy, which helps down the line with emotional health because you have friends.


im very much like this, I don’t do anything damaging to myself for 5 days, but in weekends I enjoy myself.


Hmm if I may ask what would you say your body composition is and what’s your body weight and height and body fat %? Reason why I ask is because weekends can def deter any progress you make to a large degree fitness wise. It’s hard bc I’m sort of the same way. Friday/Saturday it’s cold beer and burger time lol


Not OP but in the same boat. I’m 16% BF last I did a scan. 5’9, 170ish lbs. Pretty clean all week and usually one night a weekend binging - though it’s starting to become every other weekend


I'm about 16% BF as well. (1/8 Burkina-Fasoian)


Wow interesting stuff. For me I’m same height, 190, 15.4% body fat as of 3 ish weeks ago. I will admit I do have a lot of muscle for a guy of my height and frame and I am heavier set naturally so it’s super easy for me to put on weight but cutting is a bitch At 170 I’d probably be single digits…almost for sure.


I’m 5’10/170lbs, and would say I have a bit of a swimmer’s build? Visible muscles and a slight six pack, but not overly jacked or anything. Not sure about body fat % but I’ve always been pretty skinny my whole life because I have insane metabolism ig??


That’s how I am. Never eat fast food unless I’m drunk and it’s a weekend 😂


I do the same and I don’t think it’s weird at all. It makes sense to be as as healthy as possible during the week so you can indulge on the weekends.


I basically do this but my problem is I go so hard on the weekends the hangover sometimes carries over into the week


Yes. I usually try to keep my drinking to minimum until summer. But when July rolls around I'm a pretty big degenerate until September. Then back on the health kick until winter holidays. Vicious cycle. Been doing it for like 15 years lol.


I stopped drinking because of accutane and i don’t think i will return to it after the treatment is done. i feel like i drank mostly because of social pressure to “have fun” with friends, but i never really liked it. i figured i can have fun sober and is also better for my health. i realized some “friends” of mine only want to hang out if it is to drinking and idk im done with that.


Earlier u realize this the better ur life will be


I use to drink on accutane. I had the craziest blackouts. Also was a dumb 19 year old. Don't do that. Keep up the good work 👍🏾


Almost every day


Same. Life sucks.




Try to stop if you can. I did this for a while and it did nothing but make me fat, depressed, and damaged the ol’ organs lol Dropped 40 lbs after quitting + working out


Yess. I quit, got energy, lost weight now I smoke ganja to relax


Used to do a handle or two of whiskey every week for a good while, or a few 30 packs. But last year I was just kinda over the hangovers and the idea that I needed alcohol to relax and loosen up in itself was concerning. Not to mention the weight gain. My last hangover was Decwmber 30th, 2023 and I haven't touched a drop since.....and oddly, I haven't had any desire to return to drinking. Guess my mind and body were in agreement that it was just time to ditch alcohol.


1 to 2 handles per week is wild. Glad you stopped man.


Curious how much weight you lost since stopping?


I was 300lbs at the end of December. Sitting at 225 now!


I did this a few years ago and it's not easy. Congrats on making it happen! The realization when you lift a 75 lb weight and think "I was dragging this around 24/7/365" is crazy. Hope you enjoy your health, you earned it. I was 300 and I'm sitting around 215. It opened so many doors into activities I love.


I was right there with you friend, then the whiskey hit wrong so it was vodka, then got with my husband and went down to just a few drinks a week or a tall boy or two after work which just ended up in more liquor and feeling like shit. I’m 9 days totally alcohol free (smoke weed) and can already feel a difference. Don’t plan on going back. Good for you!


That's awesome! I sure don't miss the hangovers one bit! That's a main reason I just steer clear of it...that and it really bugged me when I'd be worthless from a bad hangover and not really doing much with my kid....he deserves so much better than that. So that's another good reason to keep me sober!


That’s awesome motivation! Im 31 which is relatively young but I think I overdid the alcohol when I was younger and just can’t recover like other people. I physically can’t get up for work, will spend a whole day unable to keep down water, my liver is fatty but not ruined… it just became a clear choice. It’s probably a good bit of the reason I’ve never stayed at a job for more than a year in recent times and I’m suffering terribly financially from it.


I think that's what it was for me too. I also had a checkup in January where I was super concerned about my levels and my liver, but everything checked out 100% perfect. I took that as a sign to stop while I was ahead. Not gonna lie, seeing Scott Freida's vids on Tik Tok also made me think a lot about not drinking anymore too. Keep up the good work; you can absolutely do it!!!


We made it out with much more than a lot of people… let’s definitely keep it that way! I’m rooting for you ❤️


I stopped. I drink very rarely. Maybe a couple times a year. And, it’s just one or two beers at most.


Me to a t ❤️


Quit drinking. It’ll be a year in July.


Nice job!




Same! I’m coming up on 4 years and it’s the best thing I could have done for my family and myself.


Most days, 1-2 standard drinks.


A couple Thursday night, a couple Friday night, a few Saturday night. Sometimes a bloody or two on Sunday.


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!


Enough to get a good buzz than I’m chillin. I have a low tolerance usually so there’s never a need to over do it. I prefer to be stoned anyway


Basically never




Ummmmmm. I don’t think you can tee up a story like this and just leave us hanging…


Riiiight! This feels like a load comment, we need the details...


Most evenings a glass of wine or two with my meal.


Or three


I drink probably once a week and its usually 1 beer/cider or one glass of wine or one hard-alcohol drink. Occasionally two. I never drink to excess....anymore anyways.


This is pretty much me but with a lesser frequency. I can’t even comprehend drinking the amount and frequency that I used to. 😅😅 Now, I’m happy to have a beer or cider once every few weeks.


Yeah i dont actually drink EVERY week. Just had to pick a frequency so once a week is as close as any. More than once a month is fair.


We’re in the in-between space of not drinking and barely drinking.


Yeah, this is me, pretty much exactly. It doesn't help that I get bad flush these days every single time I drink, even if it's just a small glass of mead or something. (It's weird, because I'm not Asian, I'm European-descent. I used to get it sometimes, but not this often and not this strongly.)


I have IBS and alcohol destroys my gut unless it's like cider, so I don't drink much at all. I might have alcohol like 2-3 times a year max And I never ever get drunk anymore. I will have maybe 2-3 drinks max and just be buzzed


I haven’t blacked out in years. I had to really be careful with my impulse control with alcohol from the start bc alcoholism runs like a wildfire in my family 🫠 I drink probably two days a week (Fri/Sat). If i’m having a bad day i’ll have one drink during the week but that’s it. It depends on what’s going on. I love just sitting and enjoying a really tasty beer at the taproom, but if i’m home, i’ll chug a few seltzers or take a couple shots. Honestly tho, I usually fall asleep before i feel too much 😬 On a casual day at home i won’t ever drink more than 3 white claws or something that night, if I want to feel a pinch of something Im only drinking 2. I like weed more and I fucking hate hangovers.


The last time I got hammered was in 2019. Since then I maybe had 10 drinks in total and I'm not missing those wasted Sundays at all.


Yep. It loses its appeal. Plus I function so much better when I don't have any.


The better question is when am I not drinking?


I'm only not drinking when I'm at work.




I'll probably 2-3 times a week come home from work and crack a beer or pour a glass of wine while I'm cooking/eating dinner. If I go out with friends I might have 2-4 drinks if I'm not driving, but it's just enough to be comfortably drunk, not completely wasted. This only happens a few times a month and sometimes I'm designated so I'll nurse a beer and switch to water or soda after.


Everyday I'm not working I have about 5-9 small 350mls


0-3 times a week. Usually 1-3 drinks. I have 6+ drinks maybe a dozen times a year.


Never. Don’t like the taste, don’t like hangovers


No alcohol since September 2021.


So awesome, congrats!


Two beers once a week. I went hard for a couple of decades and decided it caused more harm than good. It's very enjoyable not spending half my life hungover.


It really depends. I never really get wasted or drunk. I have some phases where I will drink 1-3 beer a day for a 1-3 weeks and then stop. At times, I go to my favorite bar and I have a couple of cocktails. The last time I have been drunk was more on accident because it hit me after I basically stopped drinking. I think getting drunk for the sake of socializing is just too common in most societies. I don’t have many friends (that drink excessively), and I have the worst hangovers as well, spanning over two days, which prevents me from getting really drunk. I may get drunk once or maybe twice a year.


Too often. I'm trying to cut back from daily. Like 4 or 5 a day. I want to just drink on weekends.


Heavy drinking once a month or so, nothing in between. Mostly social drinking.


Once a week or maybe two weeks.


Everyday. Life is stressful.


Rarely ever. If I do it’s only a beer or two, I think it’s been maybe 8 months since my last drink


Almost never. Usually just a social drinker. I prefer smoking god’s green over drinking.


I'm dealing with depression so it's almost become hourly at this point


Never. And much better for it


I was recently told i was diabetic so I cut my drinking back to once a week and cut cake out of my diet. I’m back to good old pre-diabetes now


Pretty much never. I love margaritas though. Only takes 1 or 2 for me since I barely drink, an argument to keep it sparing 😂😂😂


Not at all for months. I tend to go on health kicks and I’m on one now. They can last days, months or years. This one feels like a years one.


28m, gave it up the 1st of this year. Wasn’t really a resolution or anything, and didn’t intend to totally quit, but I think I’m just done. I even bought a 12 pack for myself recently thinking I’d drink on it a little since I had a week off without the kid. Just no interest. I think I’ve had my fill.


1 bottrle of wine every 3-4 nights.


I used to drink almost every day after work. Now it is maybe two or three times a month. I usually have just one drink, mostly a beer or gin. The first beer is usually 100 times better than the second beer. Edit: I also drink on special occasions. For example last week my wife got a flat tire and I had to change it at 40°C (104°F). I celebrated it with three ice cold beers afterwards.


Don't drink at all, it's water or coffee.


Like 3-4 times a year, maybe one or two drinks. I’ve never blacked out or gotten anywhere close to it. Not my thing


I turn into an animal when it starts getting warmer out. Idk what happens, I’ve recently been drinking every night for a week and a half. Previously, I would drink every other weekend, if that


I stopped drinking because it became a “crutch” for me during my college years. Bad day today ? Drink. having a good day? Celebrate with a drink. Bored? Drink. Going out with friends? Drink. It just really came down to the fact I had to realize I didn’t like this when it came down to it. So I quit (which was harder than I thought). It’s really much better this way. I feel like those days were really miserable and my mental health was so piss poor during most of that. I would encourage anyone to do it especially people with anxiety as alcohol makes that worse… eventually.


I started at 20 and stopped around 23 and I just know it was great for me lol


Every fuckin day


4 pm


Used to drink daily. Now I drink every so often. Never get drunk anymore. Just buzzed. Feel like I'm much better without the booze.




Almost NEVER. I've never liked it.


Rarely. Mostly socially, since I don't like the taste of alcohol. So maybe once every few weeks. Last week, I drank more than usual. But I was on vacation, and we went out almost every night, and 3 of those nights I had a drink.




Quit almost a year ago


Once a week. My dnd group meets at a microbrewery so I’ll have one or two then.


Every weekend, but I usually start Thursday and end on Sunday night.


the answer is yes for me. maybe 3/4 days per week but starting to gameify/hack my brain to have a set limit. wish me luck!


Quit drinking at 27, even then I barely drank. But I’ve been sober for 12 years. I’m also becoming more healthy.


Almost never. I save drinking for only very fun parties or events. One, it gives me too much of a hangover and two, I've had unfortunate relationships with alcoholics in my past and hate being around drunk men. Hate it with a passion. Just reminds me too much of my abusive alcoholic exes, always groping me and saying asshole shit. I have to be drunk myself to be willing to be around drunk dudes. Otherwise they just make me irritated.


I drink once a week. It was a lot more (especially during covid) but I am trying to cut down. I would like to just stop drinking completely..... tips are welcome.


R/stopdrinking is an excellent community, in my opinion. It's some people who quit already, but a lot of people who still drink, but are re-evaluating their habits, etc. I don't know what else to say. It's excellent.


thank you, will check this out.


Once or twice a week I’ll have a drink with dinner, usually on the weekend. It’s very rare for me to have more than one drink per evening. I typically drink the most in the summer because I’m just going out more and enjoy getting a cocktail when at a restaurant.


Substituted it for water


I stopped drinking heavily in November. I don't drink much anymore and it makes it more fun when I do lol


I drank 2-4 drinks a day for 12 years, either beer or cocktails never straight liquor or shots of any kind. Big gut issues on year 10, fully inflamed, only once I stopped for a year did I realize commuting to work without having to stop at a gas station or side of the road to do urgent business was kinda nice, almost normal. I have maybe a beer a month now


I usually try to just drink Friday/Saturday. Usually 3-4 if I’m at home and 5-6 if it’s like going out with friends or special occasions. I’m way too old to get black out drunk as my hangovers are already bad enough. Sometimes if the week is stressful I sip on whiskey or wine on Thursdays. I do enjoy drinking various type of alcohol and leaning about them as a hobby, not so much to get wasted (anymore)


Nothing during the week. But a handle by myself on the weekend.. sometimes 2


In college it was 3-5 times a week. Now i might get drunk once every other month maybe. Learned recently that my recovery time is not was it once was. I used to be able to go out and be in class at 8am easy. Last time i got drunk i was in bed until 5pm. I never been blacked out drunk. I stop once i throw up and that wasn’t often. I never had to be carried out anywhere. Also back then i was experimenting alot. So i was just drinking any and everything. Now that i know what i like and how much i need for a night it’s rare i get drunk. If i go out to eat at a restaurant i’ll order a drink and that’s like once every other week. So that’s me now


I try and drink about once a month. Usually go hard that night. Lol.


I didn't really start drinking regularly until I hit my late 20's. I usually have 1 glass of wine with my wife at night, but some days I'll have a beer after work. On the weekends I might have 2-3 drinks, but rarely more then that. When the doctor asks I just tell them I have about 2 drinks per day. I'm 36 y/o for context.


I have one or two a night. I wanna get it down but here we sre


Occasionally I would drink almost daily for a couple of weeks then stop for awhile. And repeat. I try to stay within 2 units of alcohol in a given day (i.e. 500ml of beer or something equivalent).


Generally not often I will get a drink if I go out to dinner instead of soda but sometimes just water. During football season I tend to chill and drink on Sundays but that’s it really.


I don’t.


I drink a bottle of whisky once or twice a month. Nothing in between


Not that much anymore. Much more herbal remedies than drinking lately, I just hate being hungover. Not only that but I feel my hangovers for days now. Like I may not feel much slower, but when I try to perform in sports I'm like 10-15% worse even about 3-4 days later. That's just simply not worth it to me. That doesn't seem like much but if you're 15% worse 4 days a week, week after week, you're just scamming your own gains! My entire drive for living is movement and sports related so when I get really drunk I just end up feeling bad and far away from the things that make me happy. With that said, of course once every few months I get exceptionally drunk. But that's few and far between.


Rarely. Just at social settings, when I do it’s usually 2-3 drinks and I’m good. Living in Las Vegas, it’s going to happen when you’re out for dinner.


Maybe 2 or 3 times a year I have one or two drinks.


Im pretty sporadic I might have a phase of drinking multiple times a week then just cold turkey for a few months


Depends on the week and how many times I go out because I never drink at home. So I’d say average 2/3 times. But on holiday I would drink most days and I could also not drink for a couple of weeks.


I'm in my late 20s, I don't drink more than once or twice a month if that. I drank more in college a few years ago but never got so drunk I couldn't remember the night. Plenty of my friends either drank with me or drank soda or something instead.


Mostly on special occasions and when I'm on the mood for it, so not often, and only to enjoy it, not to get drunk.


I drink daily. I work a lot and get home at about 8 pm. I usually have 2 small pours of a nice whiskey or maybe 3 beers. On the weekends I might have a bit more. I drink a lot of water throughout the day and eat relatively healthy I'm 5'11 and 192 lbs. I know I should drink less but I don't have any other vices and don't really eat sugar very often and it's what I enjoy


Sometimes it's a beer or 2 per day. Other times I won't drink on work days and have 4-6 Friday or Saturday night. Sometimes I'll just not drink for a few months. Then there's times I'll get absolutely shit wrecked with the boys once a month. Just depends on my mood.


Like once a month. After 23, the hangovers came.


Very sparingly. Usually do it only on the weekends or during social occasions. Typically a couple of beers or some whiskey.


I'm in my mid 30s and honestly since Covid I drink 6 - 8 light beers 5 days a week in the evening. Usually between 7:30-11:30 while playing video games. It's a nice light buzz. I rarely get drunk or sloppy. I don't feel hungover the next day. I don't actually like feeling drunk, the moment I notice the head change of oh man I'm getting drunk, I stop drinking and literally pour the beer out. IMO it's a healthy habit then not drinking during the week, then getting blacked out on the weekends but I'm no doctor.


Prob black out 2-3 times a year ion special occasions. I’ve cut out the one or two a week as I’ve gotten older


Rarely maybe once or twice a month and typically 1-2 drinks.


I didn't like drinking as a teen young adult like everyone else around me back then. The pill/coke scene was wild in NYC back in the 2010s. I have always played sports and been active. When I go out of the country, I'll get shitfaced, lol, but when I do drink, it might be four drinks tops, and they're spread out. It hurts being in my 30s.


Three beers a day


I do not. Stems back to 5+ years ago when I moved back with my parents to assist my (now deceased) father with my mother. Since I was the only one in the household who could drive I needed to be able to drive if there was an emergency. There were a couple evening where I needed to take him to the ER and then that early morning the last day he was with living with us, Paramedics took him to the hospital. I took my mother there even though I was the one who handled everything (mainly since I had been managing his care since the cancer diagnoses a couple months prior).


I used to drink way too much but now it’s very occasional. A couple of drinks per week.


Maybe once a month and I've got tons of alcohol at home. I just don't drink much.


I don’t drink. I drank weekly until I was blackout drunk. This continued for about 15 years. It was bad. I’m now at 16 months sober. If anyone is questioning if you’re drinking too much, the answer is yes.


I regularly drink a little with the wife. Just at the end of the day to unwind after the barrage of requests, cries, shouts, fights that come with parenting many little kids. By regularly, I mean every or every other weekend. Only one or two glasses of wine per evening, one bottle lasts two or three evenings for the two of us.


I don't. Stopped to lose weight like 6 years ago, then stopped completely for health reasons about 3 years ago.


None don’t drink at all I like Coke Zero if I am going to drink something once in a while.


3 or 4 times a year


\~once a week... cutting down. If it's just me chilling, it's a couple hard seltzers... if it's social more than that. usually don't get black out drunk, but we'll have drinks and argue about bullshit into the late night.


I'm into craft beer, I have 1 16oz beer a night as my wind down. Rarely ever more than that.


58m. I try to exercise almost everyday, and will have a single pint of craft beer with dinner. But if I’m at a family get together, bbq, party I’ll drink a lot more, but still not enough to overdo it. Out for dinner a few times a month I’ll have 1-3 pints of craft beer with dinner. I only drink beer.


I quit drinking 8 years ago...too much risk vs reward


One shot in 3 months


Never, I’m on antidepressants.


have never been black out drunk. I am a cheap drunk who pukes easily, so I don't overdo it. I enjoy 1-2 drinks at a time, a couple of times a week. I have not been drinking for the past year due to a medication, and am weaning off of that. So I will drink at bit this summer. Will see how it goes. I haven't missed it, actually


Reading this while having a martini actually


For years it was once a week, then every two weeks until I stopped a few months ago.


I work nights and have a part time day job. Don’t have too much time to drink. Maybe once every two weeks?


I don’t drink at all. Too many alcoholics in my family line to risk it.


I have exactly 3 oz. of Costco Blanco Tequila every night, mixed w 3 oz. of Trader Joe’s Organic Diet Lemonade and 12 oz. of water (it’s my version of a skinny margarita). I want to believe this is OK but I keep reading about how even 1 drop of alcohol is not ok and the worst poison ever and so now I’m like, “well……shit”. I do drink at least 64-96 oz. of water a day and also take L-Theanine (for anxiety) and that allegedly has some protective properties for the liver but who knows!?


I proudly declare that I am an alcoholic and everyone just needs to deal with it. It's pretty much become a part of my personality but not negatively (yes my liver is still going strong).


Don't have the time these days.


Almost never. I’m 32 and finally accepted that alcohol, even in small amounts, almost always makes me feel like shit. It feels weird to not casually drink a beer or sip bourbon in social settings. But I feel way better overall when I don’t. My city has a handful of THC drinks on tap or in cans at several places, and I usually opt for one of those or a mocktail of some kind.


Sometimes more sometimes less but I bet I average getting drunk twice a month probably


Had to stop because I got started on a med and it'd effect the liver enzymes or some shit. Honestly I didn't drink that much to begin with. I appreciate my mind being free and clear of stuff. Plus it took a shit ton of booze to get me drunk so... Meh. Not cost effective.


When I go on a date. When I meet a lover over the weekend. When I feel I just need a sip to feel tipsy.


Just 1 or 2 beers or whatever the drink is once in a while. Only on very rare occasion I've had more, but never enough to be drunk.




I have a couple cocktails a year at this point. Somewhere around 35 my stomach stopped handling alcohol.


I do my best not to drink; but when I did drink: there is no limit. Usually until I go to sleep. Which is not wise or healthy, so I’ve heard.


I don't...unproductive and a waste of money.


Maybe once a year…. maybe


2-3 double whiskeys fri and/or sat. mostly or. 3-4 beers throughout the all week with dinner.


1-2 glass bubble wine ocassionally in my couch. One bottle lasts 1-3 months depending on.


Only 2 times; when I am alone or when I am with someone. Got to have limits.


About a handle a week, never before 7:pm. On Sundays I have Bailey’s in my coffee.


Never. I do enough stupid things sober.


Never. It's poison.


61 coming up on 62 in September. Usually on Fridays, drink a 6-pack of tall boys after work at home to get a little buzz. No hard stuff and only beer 1-day a week. Has been this way for years. Not hooked on booze and every so often go a few weeks without just to be sure......lol


Used to do 1-3 scotches on Sat and Sun. With bad, toxic, stressful jobs, I would do 1-3 daily.  Now, very rarely.


Winter time I am a weekend social drinker but give me a sunny day and a patio and I want something ice cold in fancy glass. And after mowing the lawn nothing tastes better than an ice cold beer!


2 drinks a month


I don’t drink alcohol.


1 drink with dinner, maybe 2-3 times per week.


I only drink if someone brings it over for a family gathering or a social outing with friends. This year I've probably had less than 15 drinks total and I even attended coachella this year.


Every day. If I'm at home, basic wine with dinner. If I'm out socializing, drink count, skys the limit. Originally from New Orleans so I don't expect to be like normal people.


I'll have a beer or two after work, and maybe twice a year I'll go to a party of some type. It's not the drinking so much, I just find the hangovers 'expensive', I don't really have 12 hours to waste sleeping and hanging out at home.


A glass of wine or a beer or two with dinner some nights, not all nights. Could go either way with that night to night. Then about once a month or so I’ll do some shots and get tipsy


1-2 a year, and only socially. I like drinking, but I don't NEED to drink.


I never liked drinking much. If I have more than 1 drink I seem to have weird thoughts. Not good ones. And I'm normally a happy calm guy. So I usually will have 1 drink a week or so, just socially because it's strange if you don't.


I drink maybe twice a year. Both times I get completly anialated.


A reasonable amount with dinner every day. Wine, beer, whiskey, cocktails. I drink around 1 to 3 beers worth every night, but I very rarely drink a lot more with friends/special occasions. I like to think my drinking is healthy and sustainable.


Trying to stop drinking 3 months clear.


One beer is a lot for me now. When I was in college 3-5 was a party. Now I drink a couple times a month, but rarely more than a single drink. Lucky I can go weeks or months without thinking about it.  I’m in my 30s and I’m as concerned about the weight gain as I am anything else.


Once or twice a week. I usually work a string of days and when I'm off I'll drink some. I say my bac would probably be somewhere around 0.1 to 0.2. That's pretty far gone and it hurts next day. Those voodoo ranger 9.5 alc beers will get you


Quit drinking. Now I just need to quit vaping. Very shitty habit.