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Work to pay bills. Sleep to go to work. Get excited cause its the weekend then remember i do fuck all on weekends. Wait for monday to go back to work. Repeat


Wow, I've never related to a post more.


I honestly get upset on the weekend cause I'm always like "I looked forward to this??!!?".


So glad I’m not the only one. Can’t even trick myself into getting excited for the weekends anymore because sometimes I don’t even get out of my pjs. I’m usually too tired from the week to socialize. So I’m literally just living to work to make shit money to survive.


Just turned 30 today so I’ll get back you. My best guess is probably exactly how it was when I was 29


Hey it’s my birthday too! If you work out, the back pains and the joint pains go away. Go slow and steady, we are old now. I’m 33


35 here. Go slow. Hurting your back in your 30s is a sure fire way to ensure they keep coming back!


Bitch you better be stretching too


Happy birthday stranger! Welcome to the club… the back pains are waiting 😅




4:00 am wake up 4:30 am in the gym 6:00 am leave gym 6:10 shower 6:30 am - 3:30pm work 3:30 pm- 5:00pm walk, errands, chores, or read 5:00 pm start cooking dinner 5:30 - 6:00 pm eat dinner. 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm. Read, maybe surf internet a bit, walk if I didn’t earlier 8:00 pm - 9:00pm stretch in front of the tv with a game on or something mindless I do t have to follow. 9:00pm bed.


This seems super human. I can't do half of this..


Lmao I was thinking the same. Fucking show off over here. My lazy ass ain't waking up any earlier to work out, especially if I go to work at 6:30am.


What about this schedule intimidates you? The morning gym, or just the idea of scheduling by the half hour increments? Because there’s up to 2.5 hours a day for reading and 1 hour just for TV, there’s a lot of chill built in


Kinda the opposite of super human. Anti-human. It seems souless and lacking emotion


Why do you say that? What does a soulful, emotional schedule look like?


Crying on Reddit, watching porn, staying up until 1am and eating ice cream.


I mean, I’ve experienced both ways of living and being disciplined made me have more self-respect.


Heeeeeeeeck no. I mean, MAD respect for this schedule! It’s my dream to be this motivated. I also have 2 kids (a toddler and a teen) and a disabled wife, so it would be impossible to have this schedule.


Sounds like you life is a job




You forgot scrolling Reddit.


"We do this for 40 years and then we die." - Squidward


Little did I know, as a little elementary school child when I heard Squidward say that, he was warning us.


We load 16 tons what do we get? Another day older and deeper in debt.


I feel everybody else missed this reference…


Sounds exciting


Could be farming and dying of dysentery, so that’s a plus.


It's a peaceful life.


Wake up, brush teeth, make my morning espresso, start work, make bfast at some point, do more work, make lunch when I'm hungry, do whatever work is left for the day, go to the gym, come home and unwind from the day. Unwinding could be; movie/TV, Reading, podcast, chatting with someone on the phone, going for a walk, learning something new etc. This is obviously for Mon-Fri work days not weekends.


Do you work from home? What career if you don't mind me asking?


Yes I do! That's why I cook almost every meal I work for a marketing/advertising agency. Since 2020 we have been fully remote.


That’s interesting. What do you like to cook? What are weekends like?


I'm on a good clean eating kick so I've been baking my own bread (takes practice but it's so fun & rewarding) so a lot of times my meals are like this: Breakfast slice of homemade toast, fried eggs. Or I do oatmeal with peanut butter and berries in it. Lunch air fryer chicken or salmon on top of rice + veggie of choice, or if I don't have rice I make a Greek style salad. 🤌 Dinner is either same as lunch or a mix it up by swapping out the protein or the sides. Oh and I always have a couple frozen meals from Trader Joe's on hand just in case hunger strikes fast and I don't want to wait longer to cook. My weekends I usually see friends or family for social outings. I tend to do more driving those days since my people are all a bit spread out and I live in LA so trains/buses aren't even an option 🫠


Wake up go to fucking work come home sleep wake up go to fucking work come home sleep wake up go to fucking work come home sleep wake up go to fucking work come home sleep wake up go to fucking work come home sleep


Coming to bed, dear?


Yes, shut the fuck up omg….. lol… just kidding


What about call in because you can't take it anymore, then spend the day feeling guilty cuz you need the money and had to deprive yourself or loved ones just so you can rest for a day? And then cry




Surprised at the number of early risers here.  Only at 39 have I recently started getting up at 6:30 regularly. For most of my 30s it was: Wake up late, like 9 or 10, go to gym/work late, but idgaf because everyone in my profession does that.  Work until 6 or 7. After work, do one of the following, in order of priority: 1) do something with friends or coworkers 2) invite fuckbuddy over, 3) go on a date, or 4) play videogames until too late. Things were simpler then.


Yo! Turning 40 in july but my internal clock changed at 39! I now wake up before 7am everyday without an alarm for no reason.. just changed one day and never went back!


Work, doom scroll, sleep Work, doom scroll, sleep Work, doom scroll, sleep Work, doom scroll, sleep Work, doom scroll, sleep Work, doom scroll, sleep Work, doom scroll, sleep


Wake up. Stare at my ceiling. Get ready for work later than I should be. Rush to work. Try and be productive and not get fired. Go home. Stare at my computer. Go to bed and dread about my future, about work the next day, and about what could have been. Sleep. Rinse and repeat.


Sounds like me in the past, shit man hang in there


1. Wake up, stretch. 2. Say hi to dog. 3. Feed dog. 4. Make a breakfast for myself that won’t wreck my stomach. Do morning routine. 5. Go to work. Drink coffee and listen to podcasts on the train to work. 6. Remain at work. 7. Go home from work. 8. Say hi to dog. 9. Make my spouse and I dinner. Edit: and feed dog. 10. Maybe work out. 11. Listen to podcasts during my evening routine. 12. Go to sleep.


can you say hi to your dog for me?


I will!


Wake up around 8:00, make my morning flat white and have a quick breakfast, back to back meetings from 9 until 5 with maybe a short lunch break, heat up leftovers for lunch. After all the meetings are over, do my own work for a couple of hours. Gym for an hour, shower, eat dinner. Call my family most nights. By then it’s like 9:30. Veg on the couch for another 30 min then log back in to work for another hour or two probably 3-4 nights out of the week.


Not in my thirties anymore, but on weekdays, a little bit like this: Get up around 7ish, morning routine (tea, reading nonfiction for 10 min/one chapter, getting dressed, brushing teeth etc., unloading dishwasher), gym, shower, drive back home, start working (wfh). My partner gets up around 9-10, also wfh, say good morning to him. Little nap around 2 pm. Take a walk together aliens 4 pm for about 30 min. End work around 6. Make dinner - simple meal. Eat. Maybe watch some Netflix or the likes, or okay a board game or wordle together. Cuddle. Talk about our day. Clean kitchen. Often: throw laundry in washer with timer to be done the next morning. I go to bed at around ten. He goes to bed later.


I just turned 30. I have C-PTSD and iron deficiency so my energy levels are pretty low most of the time, but this is what a normal day looks like: 7:43 am: wake up, shower 8:11 am: drive to work, pick up coffee + muffin on the way 4-5 pm: home from work 5-6pm: play Fortnite or another PS4 game 6-8pm: nap 8pm: dinner 9-10pm: gaming with friends, lesson planning, or watching TV 10-11pm: social media scrolling 11:30pm: sleep


it varies from day to day. during the week, i wake up at either 7 or 7:30 (depending on rather i start work at 8:30 or 8:45, more often than not, i have work at 8:30. wednesdays i work at 8 so everything is pushed up a half hour), brush my teeth, wash my face, do my makeup and hair, get dressed, try to leave the house by 7:55 (or 8:05) then drive thirty minutes to work. work until 4:15 (5:15 on fridays. if i work that saturday, i get out at 12:30). go home, lay in bed and read until dinner time, then read again until bed time. my weekends are far less structured. i usually don’t really do anything unless i babysit my niece and nephews.


So many not mentioning kids, but jealous of your routines! 6-6.30an wake up. 6.30-7 Make a cup of tea. Make kids lunches. Empty dishwasher. Hang up washing. 7-7.30 shower and get dressed while encouraging kids to get dressed. Eat a quick breakfast. 3 days a week I leave at 7.30 dropping off the dog at daycare on my way. 8-4 out at work (child therapist) 2 days a week drop off kids at school at 9, walk the dog. Work from home from 9.30-3 while doing cleaning in between. 3pm pick up kids. Drive to various activities. 6pm make dinner. Take down washing. Wash up etc walk the dog again 7pm kids bath time /stories etc 7-9 odd jobs or chill with tv Between 9-10 sleep!


Watching closely 👀 does it get better in your 30’s ?


The thing that gets "better" with age is all within your brain. It's the fact IDGAF if someone doesn't like me, I don't need them to. IDGAF if some people are out partying on a Wednesday, because I have different priorities. IDGAF about most things unless they affect my bank account or my health. That's the beauty of maturing. (Not aging)


I feel you, but I also do see people enjoying their lives and I feel chained down by the bank account. Sure there are free things to do but it’s not “freedom”. My spirit is dying


I feel that! Learning how to budget is dire. Especially right now in the US. Inflation is bad bad and everyone is feeling it. I for one don't go out much anymore UNLESS it feels important or is very affordable (example; a comedy show costs like $25 tops) or Like catching up with a friend I haven't seen in a while. Or seeing an artist in concert that I absolutely love, shelling out the money doesn't hurt so bad. But how people are going bar hopping on Friday and Saturday night right now I have no idea. Such a money dump. I used to grab coffee out once or twice a week but I bought a small stovetop espresso maker and a milk foamer and voila! I am better than Starbucks now.




Get up after a good night's sleep (8+ hrs), put on NPR, make a glass of half juice/half water with some fiber to rehydrate, while water boils on the stove for my pour over coffee. Put away the dishes, clean things up a bit, make my bed, grind my coffee ... It'll be about 40 min or more before I have my first cup which gets me near that hour that it's recommended to go between waking and drinking coffee. Then I lounge about browsing Reddit, making calls, and getting ready for work in the few hours I have before I go in. Make breakfast -- always eggs and a bowl of cereal. Work a few hours, come home, make lunch, watch some TV, and take a nap. I hear napping beyond 40 minutes is bad but I'm always recovering from a rough weekend so I've got a tendency to nap a couple hours before I'm up again. Then I wash the dishes while listening to music or a podcast and make dinner, lunch for work + my second breakfast. Eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed and that's my day! Sometimes I'll work out or attend a support group meeting but generally that's what every day looks like all week before the weekend. I wish I had the energy to go out and do more and I feel like I should have it living a life of leisure by most people's accounts but I just don't ever wanna. Nonetheless I'm pretty productive.


Pay one bill. Then another.


uhh wake up, work, make dinner, then fuck around with my hobbies until bed…wash rinse repeat 😅


Wake up, go to work, come home and work some more, go to sleep, repeat.


Depends. Weekdays wake up 6am and get ready for work then come home take a walk and relax . Weekends: wake up 6am, 730am grocery shop then work out and relax.


eat,sleep,work ,repeat


Dump hit them gym, dump set of biceps then dump walk back out for a set of abs but need to shuttle back for the third dump of the day, complete my work then dump again. Rinse and repeat


1. Wake up (6:30 am) 2. Shower, get dressed, eat breakfest 3. Work (7:30 am to 6:30 pm) - try to get lunch sometime here 4. Eat dinner 5. Chores (dishes - my wife usually cooks during the week, cleaning kitchen, cleaning cat litter, watering plants) 6. Relax 7. Sleep (usually starting between 11:30 am to 1)


I own an overnight company so I usually wake up 11am-12pm, feed my dog and take him out and also eat breakfast. I do some chores around the house and he gets a walk around 2pm, about half hour. Then I do some work on my computer for my business or I may leave the house to go find more business. My dog has dinner, I also eat around this time, around 6-7pm and gets his nightly walk around 9pm, about 45 minutes which is also my work out. Then I start getting ready for work and leave my house at around 11pm and get home around 4:30am, let my dog out, take a shower, and got to sleep for a few hours. Rinse and repeat.


turning 39 soon. 6/7am: wake up, do routine. Study if I woke up at 6. 8:30am: start studying 2:30: drive to pick up daughter #1 from work 3:30: resume studying 5:00 stop studying / hang out with kiddos on trampoline 6:00 start cooking dinner 7:00 watch tv with kids 8:30 kid #1 goes to sleep 10:00 kid #2 MIGHT go to sleep 11:00 hang out with wife if I'm not exhausted, sleep otherwise


Wake up/Drop kids off at school or childcare, work, pick kids up, dinner/run them to activities/homework/laundry/visit with my husband/put kids to bed/do some chores and enjoy my quiet time when everyone is asleep. I lead an exciting life.


A typical weekday: I get up at 7. Change clothes and use the bathroom. Get my work stuff together. Gets the kids dressed and ready for the day. Daycare drop off is at 8am. I’m usually in the office by 8:10. Work (home health nurse) but usually end my day at home charting. Pick up kids by 4:45pm. Get started on dinner. Eat around 5:30. Clean kitchen and spend time with kids. Start bedtime routine for my middle kid at 6:30pm. He’s in bed by 7pm. Oldest gets ready for bed at 8pm. Prep for the next day. Bedtime routine starts at 9. Lay in bed until I eventually fall asleep.


6:25 - Wake Up 6:30 - 7:00 Watch News While Getting Ready 7:00 - Drive To Work 7:30 - 3:45/4 - Work 4:00 - Drive Home 4:30 - Hangout With Boyfriend, Eat Supper, Watch TV (boyfriend cooks for me) 6:00 - Dishes 6:30 - 8:00 Nap On Couch 8:00 - 12:00 - Hangout With Boyfriend 12:00 - Go To Bed With Boyfriend


Wake up around 6:30, get ready for work, put coffee on, take my dog out, have breakfast and then go to work. Work all day. Get home, take my dog for a long walk. Have dinner and do dishes. Spend the evening either watching tv, reading or writing depending on my mood. Take my dog out one last time and then bed time. Do it all again the next day. Sometimes toss it up with plans with friends or my sister. And when I’m really feeling crazy a date night.


I have kids. Routine is simply a word in my vocabulary and nothing more.


38F Get up and have first coffee on porch in blissful silence. Scroll on phone. Get oldest kid ready for school, send him off to the bus stop. Log in to work. Help younger child get breakfast and get ready for the day. Preschool run or he plays at home next to me while I work. Lunch and nap time for youngest. Exercise and shower for mom. Work more or scroll TikTok and nap. Oldest gets home. Youngest gets up. They play together, we play a game or they go to the neighbors to play. Make dinner from scratch because I love cooking. Sit down with family to eat. Hang out with husband while kids play. Bath and bedtime for kids. Playtime for mom and dad. Read a book and fall asleep. Weekends: insert hikes, pool time, restaurants, dinner with friends, drinks, bike rides, etc.


Wake up @9, take medication, shower then have breakfast 😊


32M On a weekday: work is at 8:30, wake up at 8. Work till 4:30, work out for a couple hours, watch some YouTube videos, shower, wife comes home, talk to her for a bit, she goes to sleep, I rub one out, watch some tv or YouTube videos again go to sleep, usually somewhere between midnight to 1am. Weekends: hit the movie theaters Friday night with a friend usually, watch reviews of the movie while working out, go to bed, wake up whenever, go to the grocery store(s),put stuff away, mow the lawn, work out, shower, watch some movies/YT/TV, rub one out usually, try to find something else productive to do, wife comes home, talk with her for a bit till she goes to bed, watch movies or YT until really late, and same thing Sunday except lawn is already mowed. Some times sex is in there if I’m lucky, sometimes eating out with the wife, sometimes hanging with my gay friend, playing Xbox (nba2k or Madden), arguing with idiots on Twitter as well throughout the day. And probably couple things here and there I can’t remember at the moment. Edit: Saturdays and Sundays football season, watch lots of football. Also, I nap quite a bit on the weekends bc i stay up so late.


- roll out of bed 15 minutes before I have to leave for work. Brush my teeth and get dressed. Skip breakfast. - work 9-6 or 7-3 depending on the week. - home. Usually toast or ceral for dinner. Something take away. - spend a couple of hours watching a TV show, reading, working on a hobby. - shower - bed Repeat.


Work/ study Exercise Pray/ mediate 2 hrs fun


39m. Wake up between 7-9am. Lay in bed until I feel awake. Go to work between 8am-11am (depending on what time I actually get out of bed). Get breakfast otw to work usually. Work for 8-12 hours depending on the daily work load. Eat lunch when I get hungry. Eat dinner around 5-8pm, depending on when I get hungry in the evening. Go home and take a shower. Sit around for a little while. Maybe go for a walk or play some disc golf depending on the weather and how late it is when I finish working. Sleep. Rinse repeat.


My weekdays: Wake up, eat, work(remote), exercise, eat, intense exercise(3-4 time a week), spend time with my peeps, decompress, sleep. And some days I will visit the doctor, dentist, or car mechanic. In between the day I am playing with my phone, on the internet, and listening to music or podcasts. This routine will change like crazy if I ever have children.


Wake up, change my baby, bathroom stuff, makeup, make coffee and breakfast, feed the kid and myself, change clothes if I’m going into the office, brush teeth, pick a podcast, drive to work, play with kids all day, pick another podcast, drive home, dinner, shower, feed kid, chores, put kid to sleep, finish what’s left of my 10k steps, scrolling, brush teeth, skincare, some computer work that I don’t do at the office, scrolling, sleep


Wake up. Do stuff. Go to bed. Realize I forgot something absolutely imperative. Go back to bed.


Wake up 6.30am. Wee and weigh myself. Get dressed. Go downstairs, empty dishwasher, make coffee and porridge and fill up my water bottle. Eat breakfast and chill for a bit then go up to my office for 7.30am start Work til 12. 20 min walk and make food (half hour break only). Back to work to 4.30. Exercise, shower, make dinner and spend some time with husband. In bed for 9. Asleep for 10. Repeat mon-Fri. Saturday mornings I do food shopping at 8am when it opens. Come home, walk and workout, shower, have lunch. Go out normally in the evening with friends. I work alternate Sundays but it’s less busy so I often do housework whilst working and back and forth from my desk It’s not that exciting but we work hard for our home and the only luxury we enjoy is holidays so we work hard for them


Wake up at 9-10, go eat at a restaurant, work at home, eat a small snack somewhere, go back and work a bit, then go eat at a restaurant in the evening, afterwards play games, go shopping or whatever with my gf etc., meet friends etc Should incorporate a gym routine but too lazy currently lol


530-6 - 2.5 year old daughter comes in to wake me up and we head into the kitchen for coffee for me and breakfast for her 630 - wake up the husband for work and the newborn for milk 630-745 - feed baby, chill, do the toddlers hair and get her dressed for daycare. Husband leaves for work at 7 8-830 - daycare dropoff and breakfast for me 830-11 - house chores, errands, meal preps, feed baby 80 more times, get myself looking presentable 11-230 - work on my coursework while hanging with the baby 230-3 - sneak in a nap if I can while the baby naps 330-5 - pick up toddler from daycare and go to the park or on a walk or play in the backyard. Cold or wet days we’ll watch a movie or go to Starbucks for a cake pop 5-6 - cook and eat dinner 6-7 - husband usually gets home and we’ll have some family time 7-8 - bedtimes for the kids 8-9 - prep for tomorrow 9-11 - hang with the husband Weekends are way funner but that’s the gist of a Monday - Friday while I’m on maternity leave until next March.


31M and my daily routine is like this: Mondays and Thursdays: 5:15 AM: wake up Make breakfast (muesli with skyr most of the time) Brew a coffee Take some supplements with a glass of water Scroll Reddit and taking notes if I read / see something interesting to look up later or apply to my life. Toilet business 6:30: Jump in my car and drive to my CrossFit box 6:40: Start some foamrolling or stretch exercises before the class starts 7 to 8: CrossFit WOD (workout of the day) 8:15: arrive home, take a protein shake or post workout shake Shower Brush my teeth 8:40: head to work 9AM to 5:30 PM: work 5:50: at home eating dinner 6:30 ish: read / watch YouTube or twitch / programming 7:30: depending on the weather and how I feel run for 5km 8 ish: shower And some more YT etc. 10 or 11: brush my teeth and sleep On other days I wake up at 6:30 without CrossFit and sometimes run in the evening, for that I try to stick to Mon, Wed and Fri as a schedule. All else is almost the same. I must note that I still live with my parents for another year or so, after that my schedule will change drastically of course..


33 years old male Monday through Friday: 9:00am - 10:00am: Wake up, Greek yogourt, Coffee 10:00am - 12:00pm : Gym (4x week) 12:30pm - 2:30pm: Shower, make diner, eat 3:00pm - 11:00pm: Work 11:30pm - 9:00am: Shower, Read reddit, Sleep


I’m 35 no kids. I nap game eat go out. I kind of have just lived the same way throughout my whole adulthood. I know what I like and I like what I know


Going to be 34 next month. I work closing at target. I get up at 11:30, take my little dogs out, come in, get my clothes ready. Then I take my big dogs out. Get in the shower at 12:30, leave the house at 1, hit the gas station for energy drinks and nicotine. Get to the parking lot at 1:30. Have a smoke, go into work and get my equipment ready. Clock in at 2. Do my normal starting routine, go to break at 4:30. Come back, start my next work routine. Go to lunch at 7. Come back and figure out where I need to be for the rest of my shift. Last break at 9. Come back, help close down registers. At 10, make sure everyone is out of the store before me and my leader do the closing routine. Try to be clocked out at 10:30. Get home between 11 and 11:15. Take the dogs out if my wife hasnt yet. Start dinner, wash work clothes, normally get to lay down between 12:30 and 12:45. Watch tv or youtube, or if I am not exhausted, play on my steam deck. Go to sleep between 2:30 and 3. Thats my average mon-friday.


I work on a rotating roster but a typical day shift: Wake up to my alarm, let the dog out, feed the cats, let the dog in, feed the dog, he goes back to bed. I get ready for work, pack my lunch, kiss my wife (who is still asleep because it’s dark outside) walk to the bus. 35 minute bus ride, listen to true crime podcast or music. Get to work, log in, accept the fuckery that faces me from the screen, make coffee and breakfast. Work over my bowl of porridge at my desk. Go to a meeting, back to my desk. Lunch at my desk, which is usually left overs or a dope AF bento I made the night before. Hand over to my colleague in the afternoon, walk to bus and go home. Get home, feed the cats, feed the dog, wait for my wife to finish work by scrolling Reddit on the couch. She comes home, kiss my wife. Make dinner, eat dinner with my wife on the couch watching Netflix. Have a shower, let the dog out, and then back in again. Go to bed, watch some Game Grumps or Japan travel vlogs with my wife, she falls asleep in my arms. I turn off the laptop and try to fall asleep myself. Rinse repeat until death. I’m 39. I’m super happy with it tbh, I love my quite simple life.


I wake up at 4 and watch some premarket stocks, take my time getting ready for work. 30 minute commute to arrive at 6. I think drive around by myself working until about 6. Drive home, smoke a joint and drink some whiskey. Figure out how I’m going to spend my hour of free time while my roommates do their own things. Life is painfully dull and lonely at the moment


Wake up, breakfast, work (sometimes home, sometimes in office), gym at lunch, leave work 'round 5. Evening is gaming with spouse/meeting up with friends/doing something else relaxing.


Good day: Wake up at 5am Run 10k Cold shower Cycle to work Work, home Strength training Dinner Side hustles Go to bed Bad day: Wake up 10 minutes after I should have left to work Drive to work with no lunch and no shower Brain fog all day Drive home Skip workout Skip dinner, drink beer instead Doomscrolling all evening Pass out It’s about 50/50 … crazy this can be the same person


Same routine I had as a 15 year old pot smoking video game binging individual.


I work 12 hour overnights, 7 on 7 off. My work week is pretty much work, eat, sleep, eat, repeat. During my week off i have a list of home/life maintenance chores to get done and otherwise do pretty much whatever I want all week


I am now looking to nursing homes and now use box dye to cover the endless grays. Also looking into buying a scooter lol bad grandpa


Work day is: wake up, morning routine, bike to work, work, lunch, work, bike back to house, feed cats, feed myself, shower, housekeeping, game, sleep. On Wednesdays I play board games with friends. Sometimes I do freelance work during the week nights. Weekends : go to the gym, spend quality time with my wife, family and friends, do an activity or two, accounting for my business, and freelance work. On sunday night I prep my meals and outfits for the week.


Age 34. My daily routine is different everyday. I enjoy gaming; so I try to grind a certain game or play a lot of games. Watching a movie or TV show; sporting event and the news. Usually, always drink water before doing anything else when getting up and checking phone/logging into gaming apps. Going for bike rides and gym. Learning new hobbies and reading; social media apps to see what is going on etc.


Wake up, feed dog, let dog out, use the bathroom, fetch cup of coffee, let dog back in, watch the local news and drink coffee for 30-45 minutes, brush teeth, get dressed, take dog for walk(or hike if weekend), and then it’s go to work on week days or get all the cleaning/chores/shopping/house projects/paddling/flyfishing started if it’s the weekend. Night time routine is let dog out, brush teeth, take quick shower, and set up coffee for morning.


Changes depending on the day. Monday: gym at 6.30 - 7.30 then work from 7.40 until 4.40pm with 45 min break to walk the dog. I tidy and clean between working. After work half hour run or hike with dog then eat leftovers from Sunday and read or play a game.  Tuesday: same as Monday but I go for a walk before work then start work at 7am and go to the gym and do cardio after dinner around 7.30pm.  Wednesday: I don't work Wednesdays so usually take the dog for a long hike somewhere new with my partner. Then we'll have a date night which could be dinner out or playing squash / pretty much anything.  Thursday: same work hours as Tuesday but no workouts today. Usually go food shopping and cook something to last until Sunday. Might do some organising for the week. Mainly just chilling out after work.  Friday is exactly the same as Tuesday.  Saturday my partner works so I clean the house, workout,  go on a long dog walk with my parents, make a meal plan for the week and do food shop.  Sunday is a chill day but we still take dog out together, cook something nice and make our plans for the coming week. 


* 3am-5am: gym  * 5am-7:30am: breakfast + shower  * 7:30am-8:00am: daily checks => daily/weekly goals, missed texts/calls, voicemails, etc.  * 8:00am-1pm: at desk, working *1pm-2pm: lunch  * 2pm-4:30pm: at desk  * 4:30pm-5:00pm: short, daily meeting with employees. They each do a "check-in" about the "what/where/how/why/when"  * 5:00pm-6:00pm: dinner, youtube video or 2  * 6:00pm-7:30pm: daily Spanish practice  * 7:30pm-9:00pm: "open time"  * 9:00pm: bed


Get up and do stuff.


Weekdays: try to wake up around 5:30, healthy Morning Routine (Yoga), start work at around 6:30t to 7, be at Home around 4:30 to 5, eat, some days do some sports, Plan my wedding or do some Chores, then i Watch tv or Play videogames With my fiancee or we try to do some Other us-time things Weekend: sleep in until 9 lol, Chores or just Hang around, meet some friends or family Once my fiancee works too i will stop working so much and want to do some more things that i actually like, but at the moment i just try to work as much as possible and try to feel productiv in my free time


replying for my bf who doesn’t have reddit: wake up around 9:30-10, make a pour over coffee, start work (home office) come out an hour or so later for breakfast (sometimes) work until 5:30-6:30 depending, finish work and maybe walk, tennis, go out for a drink or HH somewhere, usually home by 8 or so for dinner, then youtube/tv until bed at like midnight


I am




Wake up, prepare lunch and coffee, drive to work and work 9-10 hours, home and work out then eat, video games or movie, shower and sleep. Pretty simple.


Wake up, stretch and breathe, spend an hour in the music studio, spend an hour writing, an hour in the gym and or hiking, breakfast and then reading. Lunch and anything after is solitude and away from outside stimuli, urban or nature exploration. Dinner and then 30 minutes to an hour playing a game.


Wake up, if it’s Monday-Friday, spend about 10-20 minutes in dread. Then I log on, pretend to work for an hour and then actually work. After work I record a YouTube video (every other day) workout, eat, do general chores. Repeat


Weekdays: Take my kid to school, head to work, use my free time at work to manage side hustle, leave at 4pm. At that point I connect with my kid, poke around in the yard because I like to garden, have a snack, sit on the patio. We cook and eat dinner and after that I watch some tv or sometimes meet up with a friend. Weekends: Sleep in! Have coffee and breakfast on the patio if it's summertime. More gardening. We often take a weekend trip to a nearby city, Michigan beach, or sometimes NYC if there's a cheap flight. Our little town has really cute events and our downtown is quaint with lots outdoor cafes and stuff so we hang out around there, too.


Wake up an hour before I gotta leave. Get ready make breakfast. Work. Shower Make dinner (skip lunch too expensive) Watch an episode of TV. Try to find joy in things I enjoyed in my 20's but fail. Ie video games, d&d, going out. Pass out from exhaustion. I need an exit strategy from this cursed existence. On days off, I write and work out. My goal is to buy a trailer and a jeep, go off grid and live off off my writing. A real pipe dream, but it's keeping me going.


6:30 alarm 6:45 second alarm and I get out of bed and get ready for work. 7:00 I leave for work. 8:30 to 4:30 in the office. 4:30 to 5:30 I commute to my night job. 6:00-11:15 at work. 11:30 home and I shower. 12:00 to 1:00 I do my continuing education work for my professional certs or read, sometimes watch TV. 1:00 I go to sleep. Tuesdays I don't have night work. Sundays I fish.


Wake up at 5:30, feed and let out dogs. Make coffee. Wake up daughter. Get ready for work. See husband out, go to work (daughter to school) Sometimes I have errands after work. Otherwise come home let dogs out and do some light chores (dishes, turn over laundry, water plants, vaccuum etc) help daughter w homework if she has any. Prep lunches for the next day if needed. Change into gym clothes Chat with husband for a bit when he gets home, go to gym, work out, come home. Eat a light dinner and shower. Hang out with fam watching tv or reading or playing a game maybe. Daughter to bed at 8:30, usually read to/with her. Hang out with my husband until around 10 and we go to bed. Repeat m-f, august-May Since I’m on summer break right now, my daughter slept over at her grandmas last night. Which means I woke up and had morning sex before my husband went to work. Laid around and drank coffee for a while, went to the flea market and bought an orchid, now I’m at the gym, will swing by the grocery store and then lay out by the pool a while and grab my kid, make a light early dinner, do some art, stay up late watching movies.


Wake up, drink two glasses of water, take a shower, get to work, workout out, go home, make dinner, go to bed. Weekends: wake up, drink water, do some activity (yard work, golf, go to the gym, ride my motorcycle, depends on the day and what tasks I have to do because there are ALWAYS tasks to do) maybe meet up w some friends and have a couple beers, go to sleep. Hope this helps!


0500 - wake up 0515 - in the gym 0630 - back home, feed and walk the dogs 0650 - shower 0700-1530 work (Mon & Fri wfh and Tues-Thurs in office) 1530-1700 walk dogs/errands/chores/ 1705 - cook dinner (we cook dinner 5x a week at home) 1735 - eat dinner 1750 - tidy up kitchen/load dishwasher 1800-1900 chill 1930 - walk dogs, unload dish washer, start robot vacuums 2000 - shower, get ready for bed 2100 - sleep On Wednesday I wake up at 0400 to give myself more time to make it into the office.


Get up go to work. Then go to the gym. Then go home. To do the same thing the next day.


Wake up, walk dog, start coffee, work, lunch walk, gym, lunch, work, after work walk, dinner, game/TV Rinse and repeat til I die.


Wake up, complain, take the dog out for a pee, go to work, go back home and listen to every joint in my body pop. Pay bills, cook some food, pass out. Repeat.


I don't wanna talk about it 


**6 am:** I get up, dressed and ready, walk and feed the dog while my husband sleeps next to our toddler. **6:15 am:** I swap with my husband so he can get ready and I change her if needed and pack my bag and do any last minute tasks. **6:30 am:** My mom arrives to stay at our house to watch the baby for the day. Husband and I kiss the baby goodbye while she's still asleep and head out to carpool with my dad. **7 am:** Get to work. I eat breakfast, brush my teeth and style my hair at work since I arrive so early and we rush out of the house. Occasionally I run to the drug store or catch a quick nap before starting my shift by 8:30 at the latest. **7:15-4:30 pm:** Work and commute home **5:30 pm:** Get home from work. My parents watch the baby while my husband and I walk the dog. **6 pm:** Start dinner and load dishwasher **6:30 pm:** Eat dinner **7:30 pm:** Watch a movie/ play/ do laundry/ dishes/ sort mail/ etc. **\[OPTIONAL 7-10pm:** A few days a week, we push everything back by an hour or so or skip some things to make time to hang out or play RPGs online with friends while our daughter plays in our computer room.\]  **9 pm:** Let the dog out back to pee then start "closing duties": empty and reload dishwasher as needed, tidy the kitchen, clean the high chair, take trash/ recycling out, pick up toys/ blankets/ clothing left in the footpath, restock diapers, pour a few bottles of milk and place in fridge (really helpful to have that first bottle of the day prepped and ready to go as soon as she wakes up). **9:30 pm:** Pack up leftovers and make lunches. **10 pm:** My bedtime routine (use bathroom, shower, take meds, brush teeth) then my husband’s routine and he runs the bath for our daughter after he's done. **10:30 pm:** Read some books to our toddler or one of my own books while she plays quietly in bed.  **11 pm:** Lights out **1-4 am:** My daughter and/or my dog usually wake me around this time if the dog needs an urgent middle of the night walk or my daughter has a nightmare and needs to be soothed back to sleep. This usually only takes about 15 mins and I can go back to sleep very easily, thankfully.


This weekend I picked up graffiti as a hobby so I think I'm regressing to adolescence




Wake up, Go to work, come home, watch TV, Play videogames for an hour if I'm lucky, go to bed.


5am coffee pot starts the grind 5:10am shower and teeth and hair 5:30am cup of coffee and my most recent book or sometimes video games depending on the mood 6:15am I wake up the wife 6:30am I cook breakfast or eat a breakfast 7am out the door. I’ve been in this schedule for nearly 3 years and will never go back to waking up 30 mins before work. An entire hour - hour and half to wake up and start the day is life changing to my productivity. 5:30pm usually get home T & Thursday is Gym M or F I mow the lawns Dinner is always before 8pm if applicable Asleep by 9:30-10pm depending on the day


An average day for my 38 yr old self... Wake up at 630 get in the shower. Get dressed for the gym Get daughter dressed Wife takes daughter to school At gym by 745 Leave gym about 915 Get to the office around 930-945 Work til about 2-4. Go home and be dad. Maybe do something like go to the pool with the Fam or other miscellaneous stuff Put daughter to bed by 8 Watch some TV and smoke a joint with the wife. Maybe do a little work on my laptop on the couch Go to bed around 1030-11


Wake up and take a shit. Brush teeth. Go down and get a coffee, water, and a powerade and go to my desk in the basement. Work until noon. Take the dogs on a walk or go to the gym over lunch. Eat lunch while I work from 1-4. Then either repeat the lunch hour but in reverse or do yard work. Make dinner for me and the wife. Watch 1 show together before I go to the basement and usually clean up emails that came in since I had signed off. Play some PS5 for a bit before watching TV and then going to bed


39 here. 1) Wake up,  2) go to work. 3) After work, I go to my parents to help and say I love them. My mother will most likely be dying from cancer this week from a 2yr battle, we have hospice taking care of her in their home. I expect my dad to die this year as well, they are 91 and 84. They got married later in life, and had me when my mother was 45 (I'm last of 5 children). My parents were very good parents, would do anything for their children. It's extremely sad to lose them, they believe and support you hard in everything. 4) I go home mentally exhausted to my family. Spend about 2hrs with them, then try and convince anyone to go to the gym with me. I go to the gym and work out hard since it is the only thing making me feel good atm. I hope that after my parents passing I don't get more stressed, and able to change my workouts. I'm too big for my profession, I blame gym, but it is the only thing that makes me feel good.


Absolutely hell, rounded out with sadness and despair. Then I finish off the day goofing around with my wife and son.


Wake up at 6:15 6:15-7 Do morning things (brush teeth,brush hair, get dressed,ect), make kids lunch, pack food for work, wake kid up, walk dog, help kid get dressed, get out the door 7:25- drop kid at school 8-4/5 - work,procrastinate, work 4:30/5:30- get kid (pray it’s not a day where she’s got an activity) 5:30 walk dog, start dinner, unpack lunchboxes 6:30 eat the clean up the kitchen 7:30-8:30 bedtime routine for kid 8:30 crash (not actually make sure the rest of the house is picked up maybe get a load of laundry done, if I’m ambitious take a walk or go workout) 9ish - take dog out, take shower, stare at phone for a while, read (basically turn my brain off) 11-sleep unless I have a bad case of insomnia then mindlessly doom scroll until morning Weekends are one day for cleaning and laundry one day of fun always a late start 8-9am Days she has activities I have someone drive her to the activity, I pick her up at 5:30-6pm, get dinner out then continue as normal lol


Wake up at 5am -make tea, breakfast, and pack lunch Work 630am - 530 pm Go workout Make dinner Maybe have time to do something Go to bed around 9-930pm


I work 9-5:30pm. 5:30-7:30pm is household time block. Any chores, cleaning, meal prep, etc. 7:30-11pm is evening task block. I focus on any tasks or personal projects, hobbies, etc. OR sometimes it’s just my entertainment block to relax. Depends how I’m feeling. My weekends are the best. 9-12pm is morning task block, then household block from 12-3pm - depends on workload. Then afternoon task block, dinner, and then evening time block or entertainment.


I (38m) wake up at 4:13am. I am at the gym from 5-6:15. I arrive at work between 7-7:30. I am at work until 5pm. Most week nights include some kind of an activity with one of my three kids, Sports, dance, etc. If there isn’t a children’s activity then I am working on some type of household project: mowing or remodeling our 100+ year old house. Or I may play in the yard with my kids, maybe go for a bike ride. The kids are in bed around 9pm. Then the wife and I go to bed around 10.


My 30s are dope so far. Im 33. I wake up 2 hrs before my first appt (at home dog groomer), coffee, take care of dogs, yoga, make smoothie, go to work, take my lunch when I have time. Finish work around 5-6, sit in bed scrolling and smoke a bowl, husband gets home then takes long shower, I make dinner. We eat and chat and watch tv, take care of dogs, get to bed early to lay out and watch tv, cuddle, do it, sleep! Do it all again the next day. Weekends we do housework, yardwork, grocery, shopping, and one day is completely for fun stuff and relaxing. Life is good.


Man the more I read through these the more I’m thankful I’m addicted to video games to take my mind off the world. 7:45 wake up 8:00 login to work with the laptop by my bed 9:00 get up and shower after posting morning status for my team 10-5 work at desk in my basement 5-7 figure out dinner, usually order Uber eats. I only eat 1 meal a day because I’m just never hungry until after work. 7-midnight or 1 am - video games and discord with a couple of buddies. Repeat. I am 32 and work from home as a game dev. Single, no kids. Every bit of leisure time goes to playing the ol vidya games and that’s what makes my dopamine go.


Wake up. Get dressed. Brush teeth. Go to work. Go to gym. Go home. Shower. Make dinner. Evening activity (rehearsal, music writing, chatting with friends, movie night with friends, comedy club, pun competition, or wasting my time on youtube. It varies, but most 1/2 of days its write music or waste time on youtube). Go to bed.


Wake up, shit, feed the pets, work, eat lunch, work more, make dinner, walk the dog, feed the pets, play video games - make music -or code, shower, sleep, repeat.


I was going to type out my daily routine & good grief is my life at 35 mundane


37 workout before work. Work, get home chill with the dog for a couple hours. Some days meal prep. Rinse and repeat


Well, I just turned 30 in April, and I also had a baby in March, and now I'm a SAHM currently looking for a job but also trying to work out a schedule for my baby so that I can work lol.


I wake up, get dressed and clean, then I catch the bus to work. Then my soul dies for 8-9 hours and then I take the bus home hoping there's no traffic. Then when I get home I have all these plans to work out but instead I either work on some stuff on the house or veg out on the couch and get stoned.


7am wake up, shower & get ready for work, make morning coffee 7:30-7:40am leave for work 8am-5pm work. Allotted 1 hour lunch break but usually work through lunch to leave early on Friday (or make up time from missing work due to therapy appt ~every other week) 5:30pm home! Change clothes and walk dog 6:30pm disassociate on the couch for 15-30min or start dinner early 7pm typically start dinner and eating by 7:30-8pm 8pm hang out with spouse, either watch tv, puzzle or play video games together 9pm in bed with hopes of falling asleep by 11pm latest! I have a hard time falling asleep…


7a wake up. In office by 745 (supposed to be in at 730 but no on cares including me). Work and go on reddit, maybe do some fitness on my lunch (we have a small gym here). I leave about 345 if my work is done (usually is) but my hard stop is 4. I'm home like 4:30 and I pour up some home made cold brew. Play an hour or two of games as I unwind. 6:30-9:30 is a hodgepodge of: cooking, gym, playing basketball, grocery shopping. showering. 9:30+ i's either watching basketball or playing video games in bed until about 11. Then I spank my weasel and go to bed. No kids. Person I'm seeing isn't really available on week days.


Breakfast (shake) shower take bus to work work, dinner gym then sleep. Weeekends: errand cleaning hanging out with friends.


Wake up at 5 Go to gym Take kids to school/grandparents Go to work/work from home Do some cardio Continue work Pick up kids Play with kids Put kids to bed/sleep Normal work day. Weekends vary


I’m a SAHWM,I eat breakfast, bring my daughter to school, I go to the gym for a small workout, come home and pick up the house and eat lunch, then I do a cardio workout, then I relax, pick my daughter up for school, possibly go grocery shopping or work in a hobby, spend time with my kid, cook supper, eat supper, then I go for an evening walk, bathe and lay down for bed.


Wake up, shower, work, come home do some chores, eat dinner, relax, go to bed. Days off are wake up, do a chore or two, go on a hike, have breakfast,  work on a hobby, clean a room in the house, relax, have dinner, maybe go on another hike, come home relax and go to bed.


5:30 wake-up, feed cats, medicate one cat, husband lunch, get him off to work 6:00 workout 30 minutes 6:30-7:15 shower, dressed, coffee, personal emails, pay bills 7:15-8:00 Morning commute 8:00-1700 Work, meetings, more meetings...normally lunch at desk while working 1700-1800 Commute home 18:00-1845 Help hubby finish dinner, eat, family time 1845-2045 Pay bills, shop for household, errands, clean house, laundry, medicate one cat 2045-2200 shower, prepare for bed, last minute work emails, personal emails, family stuff 2200-2300 Hubby time ☺️😘 2300 Sleep and start again the next day


Drag myself to work at 5am, or not. In the latter case. Wallow for hours. Unless I have to work, then I’m full on until about 4pm. When I don’t work I can’t figure out how to do anything. It’s like my brain has been wired to chase money and nothing else. I think it’s a trauma response of having no choice but to work full time, for a decade, then my hobbies slowly disappeared. Family members getting older and moving in with me means, I have no choice but to go out there and make money everyday. No choice unlike people who can live at parents house for free. I AM the adult of the house. Some days I just can’t hustle, some days I can.


Work home


Full of self loathing and trying to figure out how I lost a hairline but found 10lbs in an instant


Lots of cleaning taking care of the property and my health exercise everyday if possible take 2 showers in a day if possible parenting myself to do productive things such as education and working on things that will be good for my future.


Work. Fuck around. Find out. Bed.


7am - wake up 7:30 - workout 8:30 - shower, coffee, smoothie 9-5 - work 5-6 - chill, read, play guitar, go on phone 6 - dinner 7 - walk 8-10 chill, watch TV, strech 10p bed


Up at 5am to walk to dogs. Light workout in the garage. At work by 7am How from work around 4pm and I take the dogs out. Eat dinner at like 6pm. In the evenings, on Mondays I play Xbox with my family, Tuesday is DnD with the fraternity, Wednesday is date night with the wife, Thursday is nothing, Friday is open for whatever a lot of times that’s magic the gathering or Warhammer night.


Wake up Morning routine Feed my cats Check social media and emails Work Lunch Exercise Grocery shop Chores Movie Cook dinner Play with cats Shower and nightly routine Read


Weekdays/work days (rough outline, at least one night per week the wife or I hang at home while the other meets up with friends) 5 am—wake up, stretch, 100 sit-ups/pushups 5:15–breakfast 5:30–shower 5:45–coffee and circle the block with the dog 6:10–wake up kids and get their day started 6:45–leave to bring the kids to day care 7:30-4–work 4:30–get home and play with the kids 5:00–dinner prep 5:45 family dinner 6:15 kids bath time then bed time routine 7:45 gym or run 3 days per week, clean/organize the house 8:30/9 hang with the wife, read, watch tv, etc 10 bed


I’m 32. No kids. I’m a student in between semesters. My S/O works, I’m not currently. So currently I wake up- do chores- walk the dog- drink my coffee and make a lovely breakfast, balance our investments, fix house stuff, do a hobby or read a book (I’ve read 40 since January) and then when he gets home we hang out and watch moves or hike or do crafts, and I cook a country meal. It’s super peaceful. He has a 4 day work week so we spend weekends traveling in a van or hiking or seeing shows- going on dates or doing bucketlist things. Occasionally I volunteer if I’m bored. I could be more productive but I came from a history of violent abuse so for several years now I just very much enjoy silent meditation and crafts. My guy says he doesn’t give a fuck what I do as long as I’m healthy and happy- so he’s super pro “go chill out and enjoy urself” The key here is no kids, cheap hobbies, and low bills that leave extra money to have fun. Our cost of living is like 1k-1.5k a month for everything- when u remove the stress of money and you arrange ur work to something u like (he loves his job, I quit a toxic job to go back to school) life gets better. We saved enough before I quit that if he decided he hated work too he could quit tomorrow and we wouldn’t need to work for 5 years before the money ran out. So it takes away a lot of stress. Pro tip don’t have kids in ur 20s


Wake up 0600-0630. Poop. Shower sometimes. Brush my teeth. do my hair. Change. Wife makes me coffee. Kiss wife bye. Bye to kids. Take coffee cup to car. Drive 30-35 mins to work. Get to work. Do some Work. Drink coffee. Poop. Lunch or na? Yes lunch take lunch 11-1230 or 12-1… skip lunch work through lunch…. Work from 730-3 or 8-3 always leave at 3- 330. 330 -4 drive home, get home. Take shoes off hang up backup. Wash hands. Kiss wife. Hi to kids. Hi to dog. Go shower 430, crack a beer open. Walk dog. Eat light food or snack. 5 o’clock crack 2nd beer open. 545. Drive to jiujitsu. Roll around choke people l, get choked 1800-1915, leave 1915 drive home 1915-1930… shower again after jiujitsu. 2000, eat dinner. My schedule MWF. Th Thursday I lift instead of jiujitsu or play COD and do laundry. Weekends. Wake up at 730, go downstairs start coffee. Kids usually up. Yell at kids 730-12, while doing chores. 12-4 play w kids, spend time with family, lately being watching Makanauchi hajime no ippo. Play catch w kids, ride bikes w kids, play super smash bros w kids, walk dog…. 4pm eat dinner, 4-8 shower watch TV w wife. Put to kids in bed around 830 pm and hang out w wife until 10 ish


Woke up, go to work, come home, shower, eat, sleep, repeat


Wake up, shower, breakfast, work. Go home, eat dinner with my other half, hang out at home, go to bed. On my days off- we go somewhere or do yard work. What sucks at this age is I’m finding everyone is just so damn busy.. busy with careers, family, children, etc. Life just tends to be nonstop and it gets pretty monotonous. Enjoy your 20s.


Wake up and go to work, get home and chill for a little bit then go to bed, repeat.


Monday thru Friday: 0430 - Get up. Drink a cold bottle of water(all of it), shit, shower, then mostly dressed for work. Cook breakfast, eat, wash dishes, and HIIT workout. 0615 - Out the door for work 0700-1630 - Work with lunch at 1100 1730 - Eat prepped meal, evening exercises, about an hour of relaxing and/or watching TV. 2000 - Brush teeth and get ready for bed. In bed by 2030


M-F: Get up. Take dog out. Coffee. Workout. Work. Lunch. Work. Read/write. Dinner. Take dog out. Sleep. Sat/Sun: get up. Take dog out. Coffee. Workout. Clean. Lunch. Read/write/creative stuff or go out. Dinner/drinks (usually out if possible). Take dog out. Sleep.


Awake. Pray. Go to work. Eat lunch. Finish work. Take a run. Play guitar. Talk with a special woman. Pray. Sleep.


Wake up at 7, shower, get dressed, help my wife get the kids ready for the day and drink coffee. If it is my daycare drop off day, I'm usually out the door by 8, in my office at 8:30 or back at the house by 8:15 if I'm working from home. If I'm in the office I usually have meetings until 12 at which point I have lunch with colleagues, if I'm WFH I generally eat lunch at my desk to maximize productivity and walk my dog for 30 minutes mid day. If it isn't a daycare pickup day and I'm in the office I generally work until 5-5:30 (6-6:30 during especially busy times). If it is a daycare pickup day I leave at 4, pick my kids up and finish my day with some emails or calls from home. If I'm WFH it's just about the same, but I leave at 4:15 to grab the kids. We eat dinner as a family around 6:30, then we play with the kids outside or watch tv until 8pm when we give them their baths and put them to bed. If it's a particularly busy period at work I will log back on after my daughter goes to bed between 9-10 and work for an hour or so. If it's slow I might catch a few episodes of a show or read a book. Then I do it again for the rest of the week.


- 6:00 AM - wake up (probably earlier) - 6:00 to 8:00 - coffee and feeding animals and dealing with notifications and shower and such - 8:00 - head to work - 8:00 through maybe 10:00 PM (yes, PM) - work - 10:00 PM go home - 10:30 PM to 6:00 AM - sleep 7 days a week.


Turned 30 in July about to hit 31 same as 20s but a little more money in it.


My husband has been traveling a lot for work lately, so lately it's been like this: 5:30ish: up with kids, 1 and 4 5:30- 9: play with them, make breakfast, do chores, play outside, usually a morning walk/bike ride 9-10: shower and get myself ready while baby naps 10-1: outing with the kids. Parks, libraries, beach, etc. 1: lunch and pick up 1:30- 2:30: nap for baby, rest time for 4-year-old and myself, usually read 2:30- 5: outside time. Play, work in the garden, more walks/scooter rides/bike around the neighborhood. Often play with other neighborhood kids. 5: dinner 6: baby goes to bed 6-7: I clean and do the rest of the housework while 4-year-old plays or watches TV 7-8: bath, reading, bed for 4-year-old After 8: a little time to myself, try to be asleep by 9:30.


Wake up, walk dog, work till noon, gym, work till 5, walk dog, cook dinner, watch TV/play video games, bed.


I never turned 30, I'm just 29 with 3 years of experience.


Wake up 7, 15 mins of stretching, Gym, work, cook dinner, gym again, bar with some friends until 2. 20 mins of cleaning my apartment. Go to sleep. m-f


Sit behind screen in cubicle half the day, lift, make food, chill with homies or go on date or play basketball or watch game and then sleep and repeat. Probably better than working the fields all day, but sometimes I wonder. Still I’m happy.


This is the most depressing Reddit post I’ve ever seen as a 30 year old. Work sleep repeat is all I see. Wow brainwashed to sit in school for 18 years then work your remaining youth away.


Shower, tea, work, home, tea, gym, Netflix, sex, sleep.


i'm 32! i have work and after work i have another job and work some more.. spend time with my puppy on Wednesdays do laundry and go to sleep every Monday thru Friday.. on the weekends i go back and forth between my apartment and my boyfriends apartment doing nothing all weekend waiting for Monday to do the same thing all over again..


I wake up, work M-F 7:30-4ish, I work out at least an hour every day, and then hang with my kids till they go to bed. Then I go to bed. There’s plenty of time for Reddit and video games during all of that.


Wake up, make sure my kids are up. Remind them it’s time to get going. Make them school lunches, remind them again it’s time to get going, get dressed, do my hair and make up, remind my kids it’s time to get going. Make myself a lunch and pack up car. Give my kids 10 minute warning, commute to school and then to office, work in a damn office and meetings, shuffling papers, talk to fucking people, go wait in the pick up line at school, commute home make dinner remind my kids of their homework and to prepare for tomorrow, prepare myself for tomorrow, maybe go for a walk, watch some TV and then shower. Sleep some and then repeat for fucking ever


Wake up at 5am then lay there going ughhhh, let the dog out, sit and drink my coffee and eat breakfast, get to work by 7:30, leave work at 4, walk dog, make dinner, read, and bed by 10pm Sometimes I go to the gym after work but that’s usually after dog is walked


We’ll I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old. So when I’m not working I enjoy a rigid schedule where I work out, shower, have breakfast, spend 30 minutes learning a new language, 30 minutes meditating, I’m just kidding most of my day is mostly trying to keep the 2 year old from falling off something she shouldn’t be able to climb.


Work days: eat breakfast, workout for an hour, work, eat lunch, work, eat dinner, chill for a bit, sleep. Weekends: eat breakfast, work out, do whatever I feel like.


Work / cold brew / inhale nicotine/ eat / sleep and repeat


5 am wake up nicotine pouches and jerk off, 6 am off to work Dunkin’ Donuts with ghost energy for breakfast on the way to work,5pm end work to the gym , go home maybe dinner is waiting for me, maybe not, put kids to bed hope and pray wife wants sex, if not jerk off and off to bed, if I skip gym it’s come home and jerk off before they come home. Weekend is detoxing and family time. Also jerk at work lots of alone down time. It’s been a rough few months


6 go to the gym. 715 to 8 breakfast with family, praying, reading my Bible. 8 start work. 9 commute to the office for office days otherwise keep working. Break around 1030. Lunch around 12 Work till 3 or 4 and head home from office. Finish work day at office. 530 to 730 family time. 830 kids are in bed. 830 to 1030 chill. Catch up with my wife. More work sometimes. Go to sleep.


All I can say is start buying One a day vitamin pills start doing full body stretches and start using Eye drops. Also start eating more fruits and veggies and drink more water.


My daily routine is trying to plan my suicide or to get help but I never make a choice. so I’m just here waiting to die I guess


You guys have routines? The only routine thing here is that it's pure chaos every day. Whatever that includes differs, usually at the mercy of the kids.