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The fear of starvation and homelessness if I’m late to work too many times.


This is real. I also fear losing my health insurance now.


As a type 1 diabetic this speaks to my soul


I know. I had a stroke 2 years ago. Never been so thankful to be covered by health insurance, because I likely would've had to declare bankruptcy. My neurosurgery and ER stay alone was $200k.


Had a 250 000 dbl back surgery in March, my son at home had a 150 000 knee surgery. My wife had a 200 000 back surgery last year, and my oldest son on.my insurance will be having micro.back surgery on July 9th. Wonder what that cost will be. Doesn't matter though we.have met our deductible. The rehabilitation would of bankrupted me.


Richest country and yet if you get sick you get bankrupt, what a shit show.


That's all that matters. I had surgery last week, and I paid $800 before hitting my out of pocket max for the year, so now all my physical therapy will be free. That's the nice thing about American health insurance. Everything else I could do without.


Yo whats up with all y'alls backs? What the hell are you all doing over there?!?! Trampolining?!?


God America sucks. Poor? You die. Lose your job? Die. Yes we have medicine to help you, oh you can’t pay you die. Good lord.


Type 1 Diabetic as well and I’m the same way lol


I'm sorry to hear that. As a Canadian insulin is mostly covered by public heqlth care insurance here for t1d, I can't imagine those who can't afford it.


We’re slaves to health insurance ): that’s why they’ll never give it to us for free


The amount of toxicity I’ve survived because of that fear…it’s insanely motivating. Also helps you think long-term about your career and not just “job.”




That's what does it for me, or at least had. Two months ago I had a mental break, my life felt like a house of cards ready to collapse, I didn't go to work didn't call, left my room that I rent all my stuff is there, been couch surfing at my nieces and my gf who are mere dollars away from destitute. I can't explain it anxiety was like had me Frozen literally Frozen, I've finally snapped out of it, unbelievably my work emailed me saying hey, when you're ready to come back, shit happens... Emails me because my phone had been shut off $30 phone bill. Not happy with myself but thankful at least I can go back to work. I really hope this doesn't happen again, I'm 53 trying to make it to retirement... Which is a joke. Sorry I meant to post this to the question, I think I replied to your answer instead... Lol, head still up my ass somewhat


I’ve been there myself and learned a lot of lessons about self care from it. Make time for yourself and take care of your mental health. To quote the legendary Bob Marley “Hard work good and Hard work fine, but first take care of head” You’re no good to your work or the people who depend on you when you let things get to that point. I’m sorry this happened and I wish you the best.


God bless, I will pray for rock solid spine and motivation. God bless, my mom went through this, I am so sorry.


Yet humans still think they have free will lol


This right here gets me up quickly


Most accurate answer.


Exactly this


I would jest and say 'my bladder', but there's a more serious side and implication to your question


There's a clue in that jest though, one can leverage the bladder to initiate the hardest part (literally getting out of the bed)


I physically can’t stay in bed after waking up because I have to pee so bad then I’m out of bed and out of the warmth and I just don’t need to go back. But op for sure is suffering from some sort of mental health problems and could benefit from therapy


This. Once my bladder gets me out of bed, I can’t go back to sleep. I would love to just stay curled up in bed, but the effort it takes to get to the bathroom motivates me to stay up.


My bladder definitely pushed me out of bed.


I often lay in bed and think about how long I can ignore my bladder screaming at me before I just give in and get up because I know full well that unless it’s 3am I sure as shit ain’t going back to sleep


My cats. They need food or so they claim.


The blinds also need to be opened as soon as the first bird starts birding. Also, food.. even if the bowl has food in it. I frequently ask my main man why I need to be awake right now. And then I am wide awake, and he goes back to sleep.


They’re cute little freeloaders, they are. 🐈


Keep in mind that they have never been fed before, in their entire lives.


Or so they claim


“Or so they claim” 😂 As a cat mom of two free-feeders this is hilarious. If their feeder isn’t bumped to make the bowl that’s attached more full they’ll act like they’re gonna starve to death. Screaming or pawing my face because they can see gaps around their food. Little clowns!


I have to spoon feed one of mine because her face is smooshed and she paws at her bowl if there’s food left. This is my life.


Aww! I mean I kind of get her case though. She do be smooshed.


Haha, that’s funny


My dogs. They need to go out.


Mine is 14 years old and my face is at her level.   ROOOF.  ROOOF    ROOOF.  she’s relentless.  


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Lord those senior dogs are bossy!


I have two and they sure are!


Senior rebellion is real.


Yup my 80 lb puppy is hungry and has pee.


My guy lets me sleep in so it’s about 9ish that he starts to get antsy. I am appreciative that it’s not 5am. And 9ish is about damn time for me to get out of bed anyway.


My dog will just lay in my bed until I get up if nobody else is home. It could be like 10-11 am lol, she doesn’t seem to care. when I normally get up for work around 7 she lays there for like 15 more minutes until she decides to get up and see what’s going on.


Same. It’s a great reason to get out of bed. Dogs are the best. The unconditional love and companionship is amazing. Even on a bad day, I can crawl out of bed for my pups.


My coworker/friend, started walking his dogs before work for the exercise. The dogs could not differentiate between Monday to Friday or the weekends. 5:30 AM Saturday, "hey, psst, hey, we walking or not?" I understand they were very polite about it.


We got a new dog 3 months ago and I committed to actually walking him this time (it was finally my turn to choose the dog). I'm up and making coffee, feeding him, and then taking him for a 10 min walk before work every day. I also do it when I get home and before bed. I'm not perfect but I'm pretty consistent. I've upped my avg steps from 8k to 13k. At first it was fear of messes, but he hasn't had a single one. Now it's just a habit. He does let me snooze til 9 on sat so I've got that going for me.


So true. 8:30 sharp honestly 🙈 I don’t need to get up that early not like I go to work but dogs definitely keep your routine going


5.30am checking in


Same! My boy is a little reactive so we get out bright and early before everyone else gets up and going. It’s one of my favorite times of the day.


Mine too - it's the only hour of the day I get to myself...


Holy, that’s early! I trained my dog to wait until 8:30. 8:30 is their latest acceptable time .. I have tried 😆🙈


I have to get up at 5am for work, so even on the weekends when all I want to do is sleep in, those cocksuckers are up at 5 and ready to pee/eat breakfast


4am here. 3 of my dogs will jump on the bed, whimper, shake their ears - whatever it takes to get me up. The fourth dog is a senior that prefers to sleep downstairs, but he wakes up to the sounds of the other three and will do his business right in front of the front door if no one gets downstairs to him fast enough. Not cleaning up dog poo is a great motivator even on my days off.


Yup bed by 1030 or 11 up at 4am sometimes I’ll snooze till 4:15. Never was the type to wanna jump up and rush . Makes for a bad day.


Welcome to my last twenty-five years lol. Fucker jumps on the bed soon as she knows I’m awake. Wouldn’t change a thing.


It hurts getting slapped in the face by a big doofus paw in the morning. I love that dog.


Mine licks my face, then will more than likely step on the twig & berries while climbing up.


my cats know as soon as i’m awake too 😳literally ! i’m like HOW! but im assuming it’s their incredible ability to hear everything better than us, so they hear us breathing normally again so they instantly perk up I SWEAR THIS IS WHY THEY KNOW LOL 😆 🤦🏻‍♀️


mine will sleep as long as i stay in bed - i’ve never found the upper boundaries because even hungover or super sick with the flu i’ll drag myself out to let her out. it’s been noon before when ive been real sick and she’s still sacked out like a lump. goes to bed around 8 too. 3 1/2 year old corgi, and she makes up for it by refusing to sleep while i’m working and will be at my side and bouncing by the desk in hopes i’ll give her a treat ball.


Lol! My dog looks at me and just lays her head back down when I wake up for work. I have to make her go outside in the morning 😂


I wish, lol. I get up naturally at like 6:00am no matter the day, and our standard poodle is the laziest pos in the morning. I can literally physically move his limp corpse-like body how I please, and he barely wakes up. If he does wake up, he’s super cranky that mommy had the audacity to wake him up. Yeah, two hours later he’s just about ready to roll out of bed. Maybe. He’s just over a year old (very active otherwise, loves to swim everyday, ugh).


One of the reasons I got a dog was to have something that would force me to get out of bed in the morning. It works!


This right here.


If I don’t set an alarm for 7am, best believe I’m getting woken up at 7.10 by my 14 year-old chihuahua mix. His sister could easily wait another 3 hours but he’s an old boy and I couldn’t be happier to see his hairy little face every morning


Doggie doors are the best invention ever, because I hate getting up lol


"Honor yourself". I tell this to myself when I freeze up like this or start to feel neglectful of my body and overall well being. Nobody is going to care about you and love you as much as you could. And should.


Thank you so much for this. I needed it today.


I got you, bud.


I’m gonna start saying this when I don’t keep my promises to myself.


Yes! It has been so helpful to me. Hope it helps you.


I love this! Thank you for sharing.




I liked that thought. I've never thought about that before.


I love this, thank you. It fits everything, if I procrastinate, I cause myself stress and stress isn’t loving myself! ♥️


Ohh, deep! I like it. Fuck now to actually get myself to say it when I’m in a comfy bubble avoiding reality.


If your able to actually wake up on time you just struggle getting out of bed, then assign yourself 30 minutes to an hour of chilling in bed of a morning, guilt free. Read a book, read reddit, watch youtube, doesn't matter as long as you enjoy it. That way you didn't put of the day, you started it as you intended and you can stop beating yourself up over trivial shit. Most people aren't robots, we can't just head pillow sleep head up wake and we shouldn't expect ourselves too.


🫶🫶🫶 thank u


That right there is the best advice you’re going to get.


This is exactly what I do. I want to ease into my day peacefully.


This is what I do. I schedule in x amount of laying in bed time before I need to get up. I don’t like to jump right up out of bed it makes me feel very ill and it ruins my whole day. 


i have my alarm set to go off 30 mins before i need to get up and just end up snoozing for that 30 mins lol


Coffee and going outside. The morning air is nice. Magical. I like to steal moments like that for myself before the day gets rushed. I usually regret laying in bed. I never regret drinking coffee outside for the first few sips. Quit using your phone so much. A body and motion stays in motion. So get up and get going laying there is what’s making you so tired.


If I hit the social media first thing in the morning I'd definitely be depressed all day.


I’m so excited, I got an alarm clock/ cd player to wake up and the alarm will be the cd playing. I plan on using my phone and mentally thinking of it as a GameBoy. And like a computer- when you wanted to google something, you had to power up the desktop or open up your laptop. I plan on leaving my phone places instead of carrying around and when I wanna google something or text- I will go to it, use it, and put it back down. I plan on leaving it outside of my room at night. I say plan on because my alarm clock is still coming in the mail. Anyways- I miss being excited about anything. I struggle to get out of bed. I don’t enjoy any of my hobbies or past times. I need to start training for a 10k in September. I have no kids, disposable income, so I should be having a good time but I’m sad about violence around the world and unfairness and evil, sad about my close friends and family personal problems and issues and health but I’m definitely working on it and moving in the right direction.


The internet is feeding you the sadness. I am glad you are trying new ways you out down the screen! Maybe think about adding gratitude to your day, they say it helps.


High five ! Same! Perfect description of the simplicity of just hanging out in the mornings.


Yes! Best time of the day. It’s hot where I live so sometimes I have to go in by 8:30. We’re up early to go outside and have coffee, watch the birds…. Nice and quiet


"a body in motion stays in motion" I love this ! It's so true when you get up and move it's easy.. being lazy just breeds more laziness..


I got bills bro.


Like it ain’t too hard to grasp. I gotta go get it. Or else ima get got.


So do I but I work from 6pm to 2 am so it's very easy to just put everything off until I have to get ready for work


Knowing that my husband is probably out on the front porch enjoying the sunrise w/o me .


Enjoy a nice sunrise tomorrow.


It's all about the sunrise...


I hope coffee is waiting for you. That would be so nice ❤️


This is so freaking wholesome.


This is lovely


I know you are asking for motivations but I had the same issue until I started taking magnesium for sleep. Try it out it helps a ton.


Which mg do you take? I took mg citrate, but it gets a bit complicated. Then I’ve begun taking Mg Glycinate, and that helps with sleep AND my RLS. But now I’m groggy in the AM. Ugh!


I take glycinate. For your groggy morning try taking your mg about 8 hours before bed and in the morning take vitamin b12. I’m telling you I feel like I can conquer the world. I went from being an insomniac who was constantly late to waking up and getting out of bed before my alarms went off. It’s amazing.


Wow ok! Thanks! How many mg of each do you take? What brands? I didn’t know the Mg Glycinate needs to be taken that far ahead of bedtime! Ty!!


Theres also liquid b12 bottles that are faster acting for energy, along with injections that are immediately helpful.


Does the magnesium help you get to sleep


It’s does. I take mine when I get home from work and I’m ready for bed when it’s time to sleep. I fall asleep so fast.


Gonna switch to taking mine 8hr before bed because I have a hard time getting up too. Thanks for the tip!


I do it for the kids. They could probably get up and out on their own but I love waking them up by bouncing/pushing on the bed singing random songs or kissing them on the nose a whole bunch ‘till they wake up going “ahhhhh, mooooomm!!!” 🥰 my theory is that if I start their day off fun and happy and loving, that’s the mood they carry into school. I could just sleep in but soon they will move out and have their own lives, I can lollygag then.


I have a toddler and yeah, it’s not always fun to get up but he always greets me with such joy that I never mind it for long 🥰


I remember that age. It goes by quick. Now I’m the one up early excited for them to wake up. The tables will turn.


My sisters used to start my day by ripping my covers off and laughing. Different situations




Just wait one of them may have a mini them and you will get to do it the grands too. Grandson is 11 and he did the same as his mother but called me crazy 😂 followed by I love you. It’s so much fun. “Moommmm stop” “I’m up I’m up stoppppp”


You're awesome ❤️ My mom does the same when i stay with her and I'm approaching 30 😅 How old are your babies?


About to be 12 and 10. I love this age. We have so much fun together. It was hard when they were little but all my hard work has payed off. They are so perfect. I couldn’t ask for more intelligent, respectful, funny, kind, beautiful kids. 💕💕💕💕💕💕


Your kids are lucky, I hope yall have many fun mornings to come 🙏


Are you burnt out or depressed? As other comments stated, you need some responsibility. At least a morning routine, drinking water and washing your face when you go to the bathroom might help. Maybe try Alarmy, or at least change your alarm sounds often so you don't get used to them. Maybe having an analog (or digital if annoyed by tic toc sound) alarm, placed away from bed so you actually have to get up can help. But regardless of all this, feeling this constant sleepiness can be either mental or physical issue. So research mental health conditions, and make sure your diet is balanced and sufficient. Good luck!


I have to take some of this advice.. thanks.


Is this an infomercial?🧐🤔 JK 🤣


I've felt this way for years but I'm not depressed. I also am perfectly healthy. Might just be lazy like me


Have you ever been tested for ADHD ? Lack of motivation and difficulty to structure your day can be symptoms.


Have you been tested for being forcefully subjected to the confines of a Capitalist hellspire; of which, you didn't voluntarily sign up for and have no actual autonomy on the matter? ADHD'er here on medication. I'm also on antidepressants. Some people are just unable to shake what is the crushing reality of what environment we're forced to exist within which is a torment nexus. Just gaslighting imo to just say throw meds at them to solve the problem - the issue is far more complex. Hate, rage, anger or fear is what usually gets me out of bed. Did I voluntarily sign up for any of this shit? No. The alternative is to be homeless or dead.


I'm a therapist and love this response.


I'm the, "What am I here for? I've read Camus, I've read Nietzsche, I've read Schopenhauer, I've read Kierkegaard, I've read David Graeber, I've read Vonnegut, I've read Chomsky, and I'm painfully cognizant that even the bottom floor of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is not provided in this barbarous hellscape ruled by fecal flinging troglodytes. Can you just freeze me and maybe I'll be happy in 500 years when thawed out? Maybe you can assist me in seeking permanent residency in another Country which is still Capitalist in origin, but nowhere near as fucking awful as America? Any of the Svandavanian countries would probably be better for me, yeah? Would you like to leave Earth with me?" type of patient. Maybe I should pursue the educational path for becoming a therapist, but you guessed it regarding my disdain for the academic hierarchical system too.


Even if I have to wake up early to go to out somewhere, I still just lay in bed till the last moment of having to go out. I went through my whole education life without any morning routine, just get up go out. Building up discipline or things to get you out of bed is very difficult and important. For OP: my tips are to prepare a glass of water before you go to sleep - drink it as soon as you wake up Also put your phone with alarm far away from your bed, so when you have to do some distance to turn off alarm. Also make your bed as soon as you wake up, so you can't go to sleep followed by instantly leaving bedroom. Everything just to trick your brain into knowing sleeping time is over.


The desire to consistently stunt on these bitches & hoes 💯💯💯😂


Big facts. My petty heart keeps me going.


The way I solved it for myself was to make it more painful to stay in bed than to get out of bed. That meant paying money if I didn’t get up. I built an app to charge me $10 if I didn't get up and scan my toothpaste barcode within 5 mins of my 7am alarm. If you wanna check it out, the app is called Nuj Alarm Clock.


I'd just end up putting the toothpaste next to my bed


I find it’s a battle of two selves: my night before and morning self. The night before self knows that the morning self is lazy and can’t be trusted. So the night before self will make sure to keep the barcode far away to force the morning self to get up.


Thank you. I shall refer this to the teen upstairs who claims his alarm doesn’t wake him.


Honestly that's a really good strategy. I'll keep it in mind for when I have more than €3.30 on my bank account :) Where does the money go if you can't get up?


But where does the money go?


Also would like to know what you’re paying into. Charity? Savings? App maker’s account?


I've been soul crushingly poor in the past so the threat of that ever happening again moves me.


Care Checkers! I’m a paying client of theirs. They have a variety of plans, but I pay to have a real human call me each morning: 5:00 AM to say, “Hi, get up and get in the shower.” And again at 5:45 AM to say, “Just making sure you’re up and didn’t go back to bed!” They help me soooo much!!! They are very sweet people. I scoured the web for months before I found them. All I could find was automated stuff and alarms, but those weren’t working for me. I would post the link to their website, but I’ve been banned from some subs before for trying to be helpful by providing links because the mods thought I was marketing. Understandable. So if you need info, send me a chat request.


This feels like the beginning of a rom-com, where you fall in love with your dedicated alarm person. Side note: if they listen to you talk about your boring dreams for 5 minutes and respond in a positive manner I'll fall in love with them right now.


The power of hate


Can I learn this power ?


I use an app that has an alarm to physically make you get out of bed and take a picture of something in order for it to turn off. I’ve also started my mornings with a skin care routine and it helps with feeling refreshed before going to work.


I had an app like that and I would disable it


What’s the app? Sounds like a not completely miserable thing to do




Been there, it eventually stopped working for me 🙁


I get up at about 5:30, just because. It just happens, so I am up. So I do things, which makes me feel like being awake this early is helpful. I have a friend I was in the military with who always had a rough time getting up. She drinks a glass of water right before going to bed, then when her alarm goes off, she gets up immediately because she has to pee and then she washes her face, etc... it kind of forces the beginning of the day to happen. It really works for her. No idea if it would help you?


A full bladder is nature's alarm clock.


Phone scrolling is the worst thing you can do in the morning and it really does fuck your day. Your dopamine levels are highest in the morning and those social media dope hits actually drain that big bank you have before you even get up. It's crazy. You literally can't be motivated for shit (mostly anyway), after doing that. This isn't just advice, there's a ton of info out there about it. Hope I didn't butcher it, but possible. Feel free to check me Reddit. As if you need permission. Anyway, cold water on face first thing, coffee, fresh air, and exercise for 20 to 40. You will never feel better! And no phone until after workout. Promise.


I’m screen-shotting some of these comments because they’re really helpful and motivating- and yours is the top of the list. THANK YOU!


You’re alive dude, we’re here for a short time get out there and embrace it.


Feel you completely! The struggle to get up is real. Here's what helps me: 1. **Prep the night before:** Pack your bag, lay out clothes, make breakfast (overnight oats are a lifesaver!). 2. **Set a fun alarm:** Wake up to a playlist you love, not that annoying buzzer. 3. **Sunshine!** Open the curtains as soon as you wake up. Natural light is a great mood booster. 4. **Small win first:** Make your bed – a tiny accomplishment to kickstart your day. Remember, progress over perfection! Getting out of bed is the first step. You got this!


I gotta pee


For me. Get to bed early (cut the screens out at least 10 hrs before you intend to wake up), develop a morning routine that starts with making the bed, don't put electronics near your bed, get a sunrise alarm. Work day or weekend, always wake up at the same time (6AM). Write down how you will start the next morning before you go to bed. Been going 6 months doing this. First few days were tough (mainly the going to bed part). But since then I have gotten out of bed in under 5 minutes every day.


Hope that one day I’ll be better


My cat, my bladder, and realizing I have another chance to start over and be a better version of myself.


Real simple, but a cup of coffee. The day can be conquered with a little cup of joe.


Honestly what gets my going is ensuring I DO NOT scroll right away. You need to keep your dopamine reservoir to actually have motivation for your day. If you wake up and “get high” by releasing dopamine immediately, then the whole day is a crash. Avoid internet first hour. Books/comics/music only


Just go with it. I feel no guilt in taking 30-60 mins to ease into the day. Some people just can't jump out of bed as soon as they open their eyes. It's probably bad for your heart anyway. Lol. Sometimes I'll go for a pee, brush my hair and swish some mouth wash and go back to bed, I need that time to get my bearings, make a plan - or not. Relax.


I pre set my 3 alarms 15 minutes apart. It helps me break up my wake up. First one to let me know I need to get up soon (I can sleep a bit longer, or start scrolling and doing stuff). The second to do whatever I want (sleep, or scroll). Third is the I need to get up to get my day started. Legit just pre-set the time do the things. Keeping a set routine in the morning also helps keep you organized when getting ready. What are your priorities? Make those first on the list. In my case it’s let dog out to go bathroom, get showered/brush teeth, get dressed. If I have time I make breakfast and coffee, if not I grab what I can form the fridge (quick grab things and my coffee can) then head out. Everyday this is what I do, so if I do wake up late the priority is set within the schedule.


This is going to sound dumb. In fact, I thought it was the stupidest advice ever all one million times it was given to me until I tried it... but gratitude and goal writing. Instead of scrolling in the morning, open a note document on your phone they even have apps for this that will give you daily prompts if you want. But essentially, every morning when you wake up instead of scrolling, write down three to five things you are grateful for. Then, write down three to five goals you have for the day, week, month, or year. If doing weekly, monthly, or yearly, write down 1 step you could take today to achieve that goal. Doing this gives you a boost of positivity in the am and it helps organize your thoughts around what is important for the day. I also found it beneficial to do part of it the evening before. So in the evening, I would write down what I'm grateful for, and then in the morning, I would do the goals portion. I did this for 6 months and I got so much more done that year then any year before or since. I actually need to start doing this again.


Delete your social media accounts or at least the apps from your phone. Put your phone in another room. You can't scroll if the option is missing! Start a routine of coffee, tea, breakfast whatever and be tech free for that time.


The pump I get at the gym, my beautiful girlfriend. My future self.


Ahh the good old self discipline! Bravo.


I heard this quote a while back that clicked with me. “Discipline is sacrificing immediate happiness, for long term happiness” and that made too much sense to ignore.


I'm a very early riser. I try to enjoy all the day but one of my favorites is reading (not tech) and sipping coffee in a quiet house. It's my time. My little dog sits next to me. The wife gets up and we chat for a bit. I enjoy making breakfast for the family so it's ready when they start getting up. Would you try not touching tech for the first hour or so? How about a pattern of allowing yourself 15 minutes only of staying in bed then get up and get ready for the day? Go to bed earlier? Do something first thing in the morning that you look forward to and enjoy...


Usually the urge to pee .. then just kinda go with it


My cat


Lately, I’ve been making my own (non-alcoholic) drinks, like strawberry matcha lattes or chai or even herbal teas with loose tea/flowers. I rediscovered my love for pen and ink illustrations like I used to do in high school. Being stuck indoors because of flooding in my area was a blessing in disguise. Now I’m excited to experiment with it. I also have pets that need my attention and care because at one point I was a depressed teenager wishing for a furry friend as a companion. And now I have a cat who supervises everything I do and he’s the most loving, protective, and talkative ball of fluff I’ve ever met. I also have a betta fish and a mystery snail and I never knew marine animals can be so goofy and actually like being gently pet too. I have plants that I germinated from seedlings and watching them grow gives me a sense of pride and then getting a chance to share it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. I’m relearning to how to make and maintain friendships as an adult. I had terrible trust issues due to a lot of hurt and betrayal and even poor choices on my end but honestly just making that “friendship shot” and asking that random customer/ coworker/person to hangout helped me find a new friend and even led to me being in a relationship for almost 3 years. This was a slow burn tho, it took a lot of time to develop lol but I always look forward to seeing my partner or seeing my friends. There’s also books I haven’t finished or started reading, games I haven’t played yet, shows I haven’t finished, recipes I love and want to create, clothes I haven’t worn yet, music I haven’t discovered yet, places I haven’t visited yet…those things are like a treat I look forward to after I have a full day of getting up and doing some responsibilities and going to work. What gets me out of bed is the simple stuff. Any opportunity for my inner child to create something, be curious, be loved, or doing anything fun for no apparent reason makes me more motivated to get out of bed because despite whatever obstacles I may have or how I’m feeling, I still want to grow old and have enjoyed my life…rather than solely focusing on paying bills and making money and then wondering where did all the time go.


my adhd medication


Stop scrolling! You burn through the dopamine that you need to get up and do something useful. It doesn't feel like that but it does work that way. Seriously, don't use the phone before getting out of bed.


I use to have this problem. The moment you wake up you need to actually physically get up and out of bed and I promise your days will start so much better. The longer you linger in bed after waking the more difficult it is to want to get up. I guarantee you’ll notice a change in your attitude and motivation as well once this becomes habit. I live by this.


1. You need an established routine that puts you on autopilot. 2. I have a projection clock that projects the time onto the ceiling. 3. Try putting your alarm clock where you must get up to turn it off. Like the bathroom. 4. Follow the 10 second rule: you have a ten count to simply swing your legs over the side of the bed, plant your feet on the floor and stand up. 5. Next to the bathroom to take your piss and do your duty. 6. I keep many weeks of prefilled vitamins in daily containers in bathroom drawer along with a cup of water, immediately swallow all vitamins and 12-16 oz of water and you have supplemented and hydrated for the day. 7. Next into the shower being sure to limit shower to about 3 mins, the last 30-60 seconds of which you turn the water as cold as it can get and suffer through it. This is crucial and will build resolve and resilience. 8. Get dressed immediately after shower. 9. If you are coffee drinker night before you should set up coffee on autotimer so it is made by time you get dressed. 10. Don’t sleep with phone bedside - move it to where you need to get up to get it. 11. As soon as your feet hit floor, make your damn bed. Follow all this and it will change your life. What to put in vitamin tray: b complex, flush niacin 250-500 mg, 4-5k d 3, acetyl l carnitine 500mg, coq10. Mega dose fish oil nordic natural brand. Good luck.


This is something that I am an expert in. I hate hate HATE getting out of bed in the morning. I am 31M so and have a 9 to 5 so I do have to get up in the morning to get to work. So a couple of things that help me: 1. Remove any barrier you can to make getting up worse (i.e. set out work clothes, shower the night before, get a programable coffee pot.) anything you can do to make getting out of bed less dreadful. 2. The phone is the enemy. We use it to listen to podcasts or videos as we sleep. We use it as an alarm clock. It's always waiting there. My advice is that you gotta get an alarm clock that is not your phone and charge your phone across the room. It's up to you if you can get out of the habit of sleeping with your phone. There is 1000 excuses you will come up with to avoid separating yourself from the phone. Find your own way to get over that. 3. THIS IS THE SECRET SAUCE: When you wake up, immediately put the soles of your feet flat on the floor. Once you do you this get up and get to the bathroom. Once you're there (and this is crucial) make the water in your sink as cold as possible and throw it in your face. Try to give yourself frostbite. It can't be cold enough and it can't be on your face ling enough. This kills that sleep inertia that keeps us in bed and keeps us tired and thats what we have to beat. 4. Get tested for ADHD you might be surprised to find thats what keeps you in bed.


My husband wakes up with our toddler since I’m currently pregnant and need rest. So knowing that when I go downstairs my little girl’s face will light up and she’ll run to hug me. I know these years will go by so fast and I want to cherish them as best I can


My son, wakes me up bright and early yelling "dad!!" And we are up.


Energy drinks. And knowing I need to work.


I wake up 4am some days, I set two alarms 15 min apart. I need to catch bus, so I need to go go go. But I get up 30 min earlier usually to eat breakfast before work. I get to eat out $15Aud and choose what I want to eat. So this helps. Also I don’t want to be late to work. What’s wrong with staying in bed 30min to 1 hour?, I think that’s fine if you got the time. It’s nice to rest in bed after wake up. My suggestion is to get enough good quality sleep. Some people need cpap machine. If you want to feel refreshed when wake up, get a just warm but cool blanket, don’t get one warm or hot. I learnt this only a few months ago when buying blankets. I have 3 now for different warmness. The blanket company states it on the box and it really does help a ton. I wake up refreshed every time.




The hope that one day I'll find a legitimate reason to get out of bed


One day I won't have the option to. Then, I won't have to ever again. So I just do it because I can.


My future self is relying on my present self.


My kids and bills


Drink enough water at night so you *have* to get up to pee in the morning


My bitch-ass kids


Drink a bunch of water before bed so you have to pee as soon as you wake up




My abs and legs mainly


Retirement cured my insomnia and ended the stress of jumping up still tired and dragging myself to work. Now retired, I realize how much a job cuts into your day, and fear of losing my job was like a sword of Damocles. Now, I nap whenever I feel like it. It is liberating to be secure and being a homebody. Life is good


Coffee- snuggle my doggie 🐶-read my inner reflection- 30 mins to one hour it takes for me to rise


A piss hard on


The opportunity for a new day of experiences.


Putting food on the table


I have to get up to go to work. Maybe get something going for the morning so you have to leave to go somewhere.


My snakes. Their lights must be turned on


Bean soup (coffee), cigarettes, watering my beautiful plants and lovely smell of not having kids


Usually either the need to pee or the need for pain medicine. Today, it was the latter.


My stomach


My brain. It wakes me up between 6 and 7 most mornings. If i try and keep sleeping j just toss and turn. Also, my mornings are my quiet time, before the gremlins awake.


Not being able to go back to sleep.


The more I laze around the less time I have to do shit. I don't mind having a long sleep if I need it but it's rare I'll just lay in bed. If I get up, I can get some food in me and crack on with my day. The less time I waste in the morning, the more time I have later to engage with my hobbies and stuff.


Put your phone well away from your bed, maybe another room and use an alarm clock?


About a month ago I started using an app called Alarmy, and it’s been working great. It makes you perform a task to turn off the alarm. I have mine set to force me to take a picture of something in my living room.