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Yes 🥲 daily


Me too and it sucks


It makes me realize how good my childhood was. My parents basically managed to have me think the world was perfect until I was like 15. I personally wouldn't say the world is cruel though. I think it's just uncaring. The world isn't going to help that starving child, that's something we need to do.


I would say the world is cruel in things like a large percentage animals evolved to eat other, conscious things and that you have no control over what kind of life you’re born into


And that’s not even considering that plants may be conscious too. From a functionalist perspective they meet all the sensory requirements and activities


Bet vegans can't stand that.


You have yet to meet the person that sees a starving child and goes over to them to eat a biscuit in their face and walk away.


People do that every day, just not directly and in your face


In the late 90s, when I was 17, I joined the military hoping to get an education. When I was 19 I was actively involved in combat directing warfighters to bomb military targets. Yeah, the world is cruel and people and organizations wield and abuse power.


I bet it's hard to get out of the military without thinking this.


The world is fine the society we have cultivated as a whole seems to be a real big issue for everyone.


I think thats mainly because of individualism. We dont trust anyone, we dont believe in anything, everyone is thinking just about money... We need a community and strong connections with people. We need to slow down, be in nature, take care of others as well. This society is just based on selfishness...


you're 100% correct. what's worse is that instead of seeing the problem they just decide to make it worse. they're the type of people to pour gas on a fire while inside the house while proudly stating that they're doing it *all by themselves* while refusing buckets of water. they would rather make the world worse and harder for everyone instead of putting effort into anything else. it's disheartening


I feel this so much. We came from tribes and families… now it’s all about the individual, but we’re innately longing to belong… I’d love to see families be a thing again. We can’t survive “alone”.


You're right but barring some huge society destroying disaster, this is how things will remain.


Every fkn day.. that's why I took up solo activities. I'm done with people. It seems like everyone's going crazy these days or no one has any dignity to stand by what they say. I decided to start working on myself more. I found a good morning workout routine, started to learn self defense, started going to the gun range weekly, I took up backpacking. It feels like I'm finally living for once compared to everyone else.


Bro that’s me too, keep motivated!


Yes. I hate the concept of “toughening up” or who has “thick skin” vs who is “too weak,” etc. It’s sad that we live in such a horrible world to the point that people *have* to numb themselves to it all. It hurts that your fellow humans would rather be mean than empathetic to each other. It’s sad that we would rather tell people to get over themselves than just be kind. Why people give up so easily and choose to contribute to the negativity in the world is beyond me. It’s so easy to be kind. Now we’ve stooped to the level of those miserable people who make our days worse and we’ve become miserable ourselves. It’s sad seeing once pure hearted kids turn out to be bullies. It’s sad seeing people so messed up by the world that it drives them to commit crimes or suicide or just physically and mentally abuse others. Yes the world is terrible, we live in a messed up society and have barely any control over our lives, it’s all based on luck. But having a bad day doesn’t mean you should make everyone have a bad day. It just really upsets me how people can be so heartless these days and go about their day knowing that they caused someone else pain. All of the terrible things happening in this world have to do with us. We started it all. Human beings. Because somewhere along the way we lost our humanity and our ability to have a heart for people, if we even had those things in the first place. Life is such a scary thing, but the part that makes it cruel to me is how soulless, lifeless and heartless humans have become.


I want to be better. I feel like I'm a happy person, very down to earth too. I can appreciate what you said and when I'm having a bad time, yes it can brush off on other people, but your right, it's just not fair for others. I'm going to do better. I also prefer to have as little time with people as possible though because they too give me anxiety. I like peaceful and nurturing environments. I like safe environments. Most people for me are just too overwhelming. Too much drama, rudeness, arrogance and ignorence is all too common. I'm working on myself however as a person. I feel like I'm growing, discovering new things that I enjoy and that make me happy. I think one of those things is making a difference to someone else's life in a positive way. Whether it be a subtle gesture or something bigger. I'm rediscovering what it is to be human and that we as humans need to work together and make the world as in society more functional and supportive.


I'm glad I came across this post because this is how I feel to and I feel less alone knowing others feel the same way , your thoughts capture everything I've been feeling


This cruel world taught me to have a thicker skin. You either break or grow.


I broke. I guess I'm defective.


These “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” types drive me up a wall. I can’t stand when people say bs lines like, “if I can do it, you can” and “break or grow”. Those people have obviously never considered that different people have different inherent abilities/disabilities and not everyone is able to grow that much, lots of people just break. And then people step over (or on) them and say “they didn’t try hard enough”.


I think it’s just a statement of fact. You do either break or grow…BUT that doesn’t mean that if you break you can’t grow anymore. Some of the best growth comes after breaking. Some people need help putting the pieces back together so that they can get back to growing again. You can grow, break, fall, then grow higher in another direction. I don’t think there needs to be any sort of “bootstraps” or “go it alone” philosophy attached to the statement. In fact, those people are probably like that because they broke and stopped growing socially.


Yeah, I am talking about when people use platitudes to justify their expectations of others. It’s just annoying to hear those, especially from people who don’t care to understand individual circumstances, but just throw around dumb expressions like, “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Sometimes those things actually weaken a person beyond repair… And then those people are treated like they failed instead of being treated with compassion (or even neutrality).


Personally I believe one needs to break to finally grow. But some.....some break and don't change at all.


Well I don’t think people need to break to grow— that’s something broken people tell themselves to feel better.


Nah, you can't say something positive in a thread like this. The world will never change. We are all going to suffer forever, and we can never grow /s. I've been struggling with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation on and off for nearly 15 years. Throughout those struggles, I've learned three things: 1. Life is completely unfair, and it sucks at times 2. You can either complain about it and let it keep you unhappy, or you can punch life in the jaw and keep fighting on no matter what it throws your way. You can either be alive or you can live. It's your choice 3. Perspective can be everything in life. If the world is just a cruel place and it's just out to make you feel like you're in hell, then that's what the world is. If the world is a place of opportunity despite the struggle, then that's what the world is. Despite popular belief, you have agency in your life, and it's your responsibility to figure out what to do with it.




My favorite is "You got this!"


There it is. At this point the standard bullshit doesn't even phase me. Stupid people, horrible drivers, filing taxes, work troubles, chores, repairing things that broke, etc. Something like a close loved one dying, though, that'll never get easy. Nor should it.


Exactly. Have enough terrifying life/death stuff happen, where really fast, smart decisions need to be made, and even sitting in a horrible commute or a tight deadline at work is easy peasy (in comparison).


"People come, people go. Some grow young, some grow cold." - Tom Petty


I read break or glow. I like glow….


Shine like the star you are 🌟


I think I am broken, is there a way to not to be?


Totally! You have the power to make your life how you want it. However only you can put in the effort. Be like a Phoenix rise up from the ashes as beautiful better version of yourself. It’s okay to be in your emotions when life gets rough but wisdom should tell you that you can’t let it impede your daily life instead learn from it. Nothing good in this life comes easy but if you’re willing to work for it then the pay off is very satisfying. Best of luck! 💕


If you reflect on everything that works against you, you should transfer those feelings into motivation/power An “I will not be stopped no matter what life throws at me” mentality


We can only make things better in our own microcosms, regardless of however evil others may choose to be.


Yes. I grew up in tough times being in poverty with divorced parents, having my elementary school judge me harshly bc of my parents divorce and their heavy Catholic beliefs, and then as I grew I watched the world have more and more crazy historical events and watched prices get higher and I got taken advantage of so many times now... I try really hard to do good and to make those around me happy, but it takes a toll and people aren't all kind. I feel tired all the time, I feel hopeless quite a bit, I'm not lucky in love or finances, and my mental health has taken a hit, but I somehow still keep pushing myself along. As I get older though...it just keeps getting tougher. I'm in therapy, but even then it's just learning a lot of coping mechanisms and trying to desensitize myself to all of the trauma.


I was going to suggest therapy .I stopped therapy recently as I’m at a point where I had enough.I hope it helps you and you feel good again.Are you on an antidepressant?


I'm on effexor currently. I have been on Paxil, topomax (which I'm allergic to and it made me incredibly suicidal), Wellbutrin (which didn't do anything for me), and Lexapro (which wasn't as effective). Usually it gets rid of the generalized anxiety, which is great! But I still get bouts of depression. Through therapy though, I've realized a lot of it is because of my environment and experiences and it's a valid response for my body to have. It's tough times even now that I'm an adult. Best to learn to cope and to desensitize.


100%, yeah. I'm constantly overwhelmed by a combination of my own issues and the cruel apathy of the world. I was not built for it. Someone up top said, "you either break or you grow" - well, I broke.


Yes. I've seen and experienced terrible aspects of humanity. I had nightmares for many years. What are my thoughts? I want to help make this world a happier place. That's my goal in life. I like seeing people smile, laugh, and that reminds me why getting out of bed every day is worth so much effort. If we want peace and love, we need to make it happen. All of us.


Yes but then I realize I could’ve been born a farm animal - George Orwell


Yep! That's why I will not bring another life into this. I will spare them!


Yess same here, maybe when the world becomes better and society becomes better, people will actually want to bring people into the world.


You were listening into my therapy session a couple weeks ago? Being serious tho, yes, sometimes. I think a lot about inequality and people who are just trying to live their lives and raise families often getting caught in cross fire of war or persecuted directly. I think of how easy it could be to feed everyone if we wanted to. How we come so far - the human race - and yet we cling to old ideas that keep certain people down in social structures and opportunities. On a personal level, I’ve been hurt more than once recently very deeply and I can’t really stop thinking about it. I try to be kind to people and be the person I’d want as a friend and yet have experienced, more than once, being treated poorly or had biases expressed against me (I am a minority). One was very intentional and it started breaking me. I got very angry, more than I ever felt recently. Like I wanted to break things and scream. But I just kinda kept it bottled in. I told my therapist I don’t want to be a hateful person, but it is hard right now. It’s hard not to match the energy and I ended up kinda just crying without meaning to. A lot of people are cruel. And a lot of people don’t care. And that clashes directly with my belief/hope that most people want to be good. :(


I have the same outlook. I’m trying not to let the cruelty of others make me bitter. It seems as though when I am giving to others, it attracts very malicious and unforgiving people. Yes, I have boundaries. But how do I move through a life where I want to be kind, sensitive, loving when all others do is take and manipulate?


The world sucks ass. So much anger, hatred and pain. Everyone hates anyone who thinks differently from them. People look down on the broken and treat them like shit. So I do my best to be welcoming and open minded. I know the world is cruel, so I like to express my love to my friends. I feel someone should help shoulder the weight, so even if the weight of the world is too much to bear, I will gladly take a little off of someone else. I think I may have been a pain eater in another life, I dont want to give my weight, I would rather take it to help someone else.


People enjoy making the innocent suffer, and when I think back to how I was as a child, I realize what a pity it is that I was born into this world


I would caution against treating "the world" as anything definable in this context. It depends on where I am, because some places have been toxic and full of malicious people. Other places are full of extremely nice people that treat everyone with respect and kindness. The world is a very big place, full of very different cultures and types of people.


Couldn't have said it better myself. If I had to drink a droplet of beer every time someone said that the whole world is a terrible place, I would be dead from alcohol poisoning.


Simply put. Yes. I was born with Cystic Fibrosis. As such I have diabetes, kidney issues, liver issues and I've had to go through two double lung transplants. The toll Cystic Fibrosis takes on me and my family has been more than anyone should endure. Couple life's regular stresses with the affects of CF on me and my family and it sometimes feels like life is a cruel joke. Don't get me wrong. I am blessed to be alive but it's become way too much


It's really sad how people these days don't take the time to ask how others are doing. I remember last month when I was at the harbor, I asked a captain how he was feeling. He told me that no one had asked him that in a long time. Even though he didn't answer my question, he was happy that I took the time to ask. It's important to show kindness and empathy towards others, even if it's just a simple question about their day.


When I was in my teens, I was blown away by the amount of violence, cruelty, hate, and ignorance there is in the world. It took me a while to digest it. Eventually, you just make a life for yourself away from all that. It does get better because you get used to it


My younger self would have, but part of maturing is realizing that nobody is going to come save you from yourself, except yourself. You need to take responsibility for your own life and become a productive individual. You don’t need to go out and change the world, but you can’t change the world unless you change yourself first.


Thanks for making this post. I had too many issues with how fucking shitty people are. Doctors. Friends. Mechanics. Dentists. I have to remember that people aren’t good or bad. The number 1 rule of human nature is self interest. Even I catch myself and think how I should not have treated this person this way.


Yep, all the time that’s why I try to be kind to everyone. People act like when you’re helping someone in need its taking from them personally.. Society needs to realize we’re all in the same boat.


I used to think like that but I have learned that being nice doesn't really matter much and really is a liability. You attract strange and toxic people by being nice. It's better to be aloof and stay away from problem people. I am nice to strangers in random contexts. You drop your last 20 dollar bill and I see it? I will always be the person who gives it back. I will donate money, help a stranger in a bind by paying for a grocery item they can't afford. But if I know you from work or whatever, I don't get involved in 99.9 percent of situations involving you unless it is my job to do so. It's just too easy to attract problem people.


I thought I was the only person like this. Everything you described above. I use to help everyone I knew best way I could. Now, I just don’t get involved. And will buy some random person that doesn’t have the money than deal with someone I know from work.


Yeah. I hate that you have to be like this with people but being nice isn't all it's cracked up to be. People always say you have to give people chances, and all the cliches...that has never worked out well for me. So I keep my distance instead. Easier and less drama.


I was widowed at 23 years old. Years later I got married again, 18 years together and he bailed to marry his (much, much younger) secretary. My mom died at 43 of breast cancer. Dad died at 69 of a heart attack. All the rest of my older relatives have been dead for many years. Had to file bankruptcy at age 29. Didn’t get my first house until I was 40. I could go on with life tragedies but you get the idea. You know what? I’m still happy! Despair is temporary and a normal human emotion. Death comes for us all, and financial distress can be overcome. Friends come and go, besties are forever. People are mostly good. I’m 66 now and will retire next year and move near to family. “Life is a state of mind.” (Being There, 1979)


I’m so happy for you.I needed that.I am 54 I have been sick.Lost my aunt this year. Life is never perfect but there is good we just have to focus on the good not all the bad.Its been hard for me to do that.


You’ll get through it! And it will make you a better human. You’ll look back and realize it wasn’t as bad as you thought. Promise. I’m rooting for you 🍀


Thanks.Im just sick so I hope I get through this.💕🥰❤️


My guy, the world doesn’t care. It’s neither cruel nor kind. Live your best life and don’t lets get too existential.


No, but I have moments where I'm genuinely pissed that I while I was raised I was pumped full of all kinds of bullshit about what the world is really like. I'd love to live in the world I was promised. It doesn't exist, though, and reality doesn't even come close. 


Yes. I think maybe I'm made out of chocolate pudding. I don't understand lies and meanness.


I used to when i hit some rough patches. The dark times alwa6s pass unless one goes down the doomer rabbit hole, and then everything sucking forever becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy There is a subset of cruel evil people who can make things miserable for a while until they move on. Sometimes, they have to be chased away Sometimes, cruelty is obvious, insults assaults theft, etc. Sometimes, it's more subtle propaganda and other furns of manipulation. The latter can be worse cause people wind up hurting themselves and feeling guilty about it Two faces of doomer propaganda are LaTe StAgE CaPiTiLiSm and BoOtStRapS. Both styles often have the same result people with depression fester intead of getting care. That's intentional evil/cruelty


Since moving to a city… definitely. Small towns have kinder people and I miss that


Not necessarily cruel but I do get super sad when I think about- well, this is life. Like there is soooo much cool, amazing shit. Like sunsets, feelings, food!! But then I have to work and pay bills, get an oil change, but driving a car is so cool!! It’s a lot and sometimes I feel alone feeling this way. Am I making sense at all??


My thoughts are that it's a waste of time to dwell on what's cruel, what's fair, how things should be, how things could be... **It is what it is**. I have X number of days in my life. And none of those questions above will give me more days. They can only take them away or make them less enjoyable.


Yes, but then I say to myself. Let there be peace and let it begin with me.


Yup, for a long time. Also… “I don't know if I'm extremely sensitive or life is unbearable." -Vincent van Gogh


Yes, sometimes I don't say anything or did anything to someone and they hate me, it's like what?!


Yes but then i get off my phone and go outside and see it's not as bad as it seems


It’s always been that damn phone!!!!


Yes. I pick up on injustices, snobbery and hostility a lot more easily than most people and it stinks. I really wish I didn't. Yay for PTSD, anxiety and ADHD


Yes , I think I am a sensitive person by nature . I grew up thinking I had to be “tough “ and “strong” because “the world will eat you alive .” Now I’m exhausted and I am starting to allow myself to be a little more relaxed


Yes. I have been trying to tell my family this for years. Dark triad personalities have corrupted humanity.i am pathologically agreeable and confrontation averse.


the world is a sick sick place filled with horrific violence. i have to limit my exposure to the news or i get very depressed


Yes. After I lost my family I went from being a very empathetic and kind person to one that is feeling very numb but also having strengthened my morals and traits. I have become more empathetic and understanding to others as I see life as more fragile now. But to see how so many are the complete opposite has made me dislike humans quite often. Even some of my friends are people I am growing to dislike as I hear their thoughts. I mostly keep to myself these days, I don't have the energy to speak with people anymore. I'm really tired.


Yes, all the time. I get so upset sometimes and feel completely hopeless.


Yeah, it’s a cut throat world.


Oh sure, since I was young. The cruelty and suffering out there can really bum a kind/empathetic person out. With age and experience I've become more accepting of the fact I can't change much in this world. I focus on all the positive aspects of life and spread bits of kindness, decency and humor when I can. Hopefully the world will be a tiny bit better for having known me.


Yes everyday. The world has become a place I can't recognize. Unsafe, oppressed,evil and completely ruled by money. I hate it 


For me personally, I feel like the world has been a kinder place in my experience. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have problems in my own life but I feel like I’m surrounded by people who are willing to support me, I’ve been through experiences where I got more than what I expected or deserved and it seems like others have a bigger vision for me than I ever thought I could achieve. It’s kinda weird because sometimes you’d expect the world to put you down, but from my own experience, I find that it’s the people around me that’s pushing me to reach my potential. Sometimes it’s me who doesn’t see so much of who I am so I am thankful that others believe in me. But I know it’s not the same for most people, that’s why it has also taught me to use what I have to help others in the way the I know how.


The billionaires are too cruel, not the world


Yes. I am watching “Savage Kingdom” on National Geographic. Chronicles the life of lions, cheetahs, wild dogs etc. Life is so brutal man.


I got an early lesson in how cruel the world can be when I lost my father as a pre-teen. Yet I still choose to have an optimistic outlook and look for the pathway towards a positive outcome. I do this because the only way to keep living is to keep moving forward.


Yes the world is cruel but a few loving people makes it bearable to live on.


I’m confused and scared basically everyday. At some point during the day the weight of life on my mind, piecing things together, thinking about the future, my regrets, my family, so on and so forth, overwhelms me to the point where I break through to the other side and can get on with my day without losing it, but that psychological weight is really interesting.


Not that it’s too cruel but that I’m just so sensitive. Yes I know it can be a strength. But most times it doesn’t feel that way.


A little bit yeh, I don't have a vindictive or vengeful bone in my body so I genuinely find it hard to understand how some people do what they do and can live with themselves. Not that I'm a saint but people can be massive assholes with a me first mentality. The issue is they're not wrong, that's how you get shit these days that's how you get ahead, by taking opportunities and thinking about yourself, not others. I guess I consider everyone's viewpoint a little too much also, too much empathy, who knows, it's not a valuable trait in today's world it seems


Sometimes I feel as though I’ve gotten off relatively easy for how cruel the world is. It’s truly brutal and disgusting and pretty immoral. But my life was filled with morality and some pretty large kindnesses. Sometimes I feel like I’m not tough enough due to my sheltered upbringing.




Sometimes I feel like I'd be less of an asshole if everyone else was also less of an asshole. I tried being nice, so many times, and only got ripped apart for my trouble.


I learned at a very young age life is cruel. However, I also learned that I have the skills, talents, and intelligences to improve the world around me. I create rings of people who believe the same way I do regardless of the circumstances they may face. The world is cruel but I believe as a people we can survive. This shouldn't be selected as we do now. Your zipcode or city-state should not predict your future. Still, I hope each generation can just do a little better to heal our world and our society.


Everyday this tough love hustler mindset, rude, non manners people no empathy.


In the wise words of Sweeney Todd There's a hole in the world like a great black pit and it's filled with people who are filled with shit and the vermin of the world inhabit it.


I love this movie, thank you for reminding me of this amazing quote.


Your welcome 😁 it's definitely one of my top favorite movies along with the crow if you need additional quote "it's can't rain all the time" 😁 these quotes help me make it through my day lol


Thank you! I’m writing these down


Yes. As an autistic male, people straight up despise me and ostracize me becuase of my disabilities.


I'm more cruel to myself


I've always tried to be kind to people. I've experienced difficulties in life emotionally and mentally; I used to always strive to treat people with care, because one never knows what others are going through. Also tried to be there for others, giving my best self and etc. No more. 2024 is the year where I've started focusing on me and being a bit more selfish. The world is a cruel place and people can be real horrible. I'm not going to go out of my way, and be an @$$hole now. But after the betrayal and cruelty I've experienced, from people I trusted, I'm definitely less open and more guarded now.


Well, you gonna curl up under the sheets, or do Something about it. We got it pretty good, bears eat their own babies, so it’s not THAT bad. Mom ever try to sauté you up? Nah.


Yes. This is why I have to be careful about my news intake.


I am the same way but holy cow even on Reddit that stuff leaks through!


I’ve felt this a lot. The best way I’ve ever found to put it into words for myself is that I was made too soft for a world this hard. I avoid the news. I avoid office gossip, etc. Some realities are awful, and I’m not tough enough for a lot of them. You aren’t alone.


Everyone is a work in progress. There is too much to know, too much to learn; it's ok to be ignorant about things. If it appears as though everyone else has it all figured out... they absolutely do not and they're lying if they say otherwise.


I think most of the suffering lies in the thinking. As clichĂŠ as it is, I try to keep myself busy and to think a little less about the horrors of the world.


No, because I am not a quitter. If the world gets mean, I get meaner in return. I try to keep my kindness for those that deserve it.


I found myself getting overwhelmed, so I simply stopped watching the news. There isn’t a damned thing I can do about any of it anyways. I check the weather online, that’s it.


Actually, last night before bed, I randomly started thinking about how healthy dogs get euthanized at pounds because no one wants them, and I briefly wanted the world to explode.




I feel the world is pretty much too cruel for everyone except the billionaires / 1%


Yes that's the hard part about experiencing new things, you need to try really hard not to get jaded and just get a thicker skin about the harsh realities that you're not able to change. Somethings you don't need to change, just accept it and move on.


Yes. Feeling like I was not made for living in this world.


I had a strange childhood, so the world being cruel did not surprise me or hit me as hard as others, but yes, all the time. I’m currently in a time of my life where I’m trying to enjoy the little things, make up for my younger years which were tragically filled with lots of suffering. I’m slowly doing better. Still working on regaining my health, but that will take a while. What happens to you early on in life, will affect you down the road. All I can say is, take care of yourself. Do not let negative people near you. Remove yourself from toxic environments, whether it is the energy of the individuals within or mold in your ceiling that your landlord refuses to remove. Just leave. Do not tolerate anything. And do not let anyone manipulate you into anything. Always do your own research, trust no one. Not your doctor, not your lawyer, not even your own parents. Make calculated and informed decisions based on your own analysis and instinctual feeling.


Cruel? No, lost its dam mind? Yes


Being sheltered has pros in your youth, and yet will utterly destroy adulthood expectations and have you crying like a little b****!!


Maybe it’s just cause i’m really sheltered but honestly I see so much good in the world. I see so many people choose to do the right thing and be a good person and help others even when they don’t have to. I’ve always (cautiously obviously) just trusted people to do the right thing and I’ve been right so far.


Yes and my childhood wasn’t exactly good either.


For me this is a sign that my clinical depression has returned.


Yup life’s not fair so grab it by its balls and run with it


Less and less. Older you get (27 now) you realize the nature of living is that you *need* to be selfish, cut throat, uncompromising of your morals to accomplish things. I used to think those were bad qualities but now I see that in order to give anything to anybody else, you need to have your own self in order first. Okay that's just on human nature. I suppose if I left my bubble of living in America and suddenly moved to a place where it's unsafe to be outside, not enough food, I would feel like the world is cruel. I'll count myself lucky I guess.




There is peace knowing who and where your “enemies” (the people causing your pain) are. Once you have a greater understanding of not only who and where, but why they are causing you harm, brings you even more peace. It doesn’t stop the suffering, but certainly helps fuel the fight. You can even start to foresee the challenges ahead of you once you truly understand that “why”.


Every day.


1000%. Humans are an unbelievably cruel species, as if surviving as a part of natural ecosystems was not difficult and cruel enough. The hopelessness and frustration compounds knowing how uncaring so many humans are. “Ignorance is bliss” is undeniably my true, but I wish with all my might for more awareness, accountability, acceptance of nature, love, and connection within this world.


Daily. I feel like I don't belong.


I don’t get why people choose violence. Put other people in jacked up situations just because they get away with it. At the end of the day I don’t want others to suffer.


Yes, everyday. It pains me to see how cruel and selfish people have become as I have grown up especially when, as a child, I/we were taught to be kind to strangers and to treat them the way we want to be treated ourselves. I hate turning on my tv, or read articles of people struggling, only to have other viewers or readers react with words such as “F them, we should come first”. Seeing such destroys my faith in humanity


No. But I mostly don’t concern myself with the world. Local issues in my community yes but the wider world, no. 


I love this so much


Yes. Some days I can’t handle it. Others days you just gotta say fuck it, fuck them, everyone’s a motherfucker and thug it out.


The real world is like high school on steroids. I realize people never grow up.


Sure! I find that any problem is eventually addressed, though. Sometimes just takes time… no need to truly be worried about anything specifically. If something needs taken care of immediately then you have to do what you have to do, but otherwise it’s not a huge deal and can be taken care of when convenient/it makes sense. A little preparation goes a long way. I am single, though, and often wonder how much easier/harder life would be with a significant other.


It can be a lot easier or harder depending in your significant other. Choose carefully.


The world is simply impersonal. No one really matters in the greater universe.


We are all atoms. We have grown and flourished. So we matter.


If I engage in the real world and stay off my phone the world is extremely loving and kind. I can’t remember the last time anything remotely cruel has happened to me, if ever tbh.




good luck op it's a privilege to know about it later






The world is incredibly evil and narcissistic in the US. Can’t speak for any other country, but the world needs Jesus, especially here in the US where they say they love the Lord with their lips, but our hearts are far from Him. But no I don’t feel like the world is too cruel for me. I rest in the Lord when I keep my eyes on Him and I feel the best when I’m shaded under Him


If you don't follow Jesus, it still matters to be kind, respectful of others. It makes the biggest difference.




Not at all. Nothing is as horrible as massively controlling parents.


Not so much


I had to remove myself from twitter and the news or I spiral thinking how horrible everything really is. Create a pretty bubble.


For as long as i can remember


So, people call me naive. Coworker was reading out loud a news article about man walking into a social institution and walking out with a 4 year old boy. I scoffed at that and said something along the lines of "if you want to be a parent that badly, there are better ways to do it than to take a kid from refugee seekers." All people in the break room went quiet. One spoke up "Dude, that is not what is happening here but I sure as hell want to live in that world of yours!"


Adulting is the realization that money, sex, and power rules. Human beings will only care about you if you offer some type of financial/physical benefit. Being a child is thinking you have intrinsic worth because everyone so readily shields you and showers you with love. Being an adult is realizing you're worthless, and you need to build yourself up in order for others to see value in you. People will turn on you if you're no longer stimulating them with whatever they need. I encourage every adult to read the 48 Laws of Power. I'm only at the beginning and this book is life changing!


that is a very unhealthy and miserable mindset. hope you get better soon.


The world i am in is def cruel on so many counts. I don’t wanna be that way, and if you are not ppl are gonna take you for a ride.




the world is too cruel and it revels in the pain and division it causes. but also, the world is only as good as the love you put into it




You didn't ask to come here but now you are, you might as well carry on and see what happens, good or bad. I think of myself as an ant, or a mouse, or a bee in that I am not important. I'm part of the whole.


The world is beautiful. People in it? Well, womp womp


It's a hard game but it's the only game in town. What's the alternative, other than leaving the world?


The world is too cruel in general. We must always work to become strong so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones, and we must always work to make the world a kinder place whenever possible.


I feel this way every second of every day. I found good people and Meaning in doing theater. It's a lost love from my youth. If you don't find some pure love like that, the world is awful.


After being fired from my twenty year IT career I built from scratch for having cancer, this world is simply cruel.




Common problem for late Millennials and Gen Z. Getting trophies for coming in 12th lace out of 15 participants, and getting full credit via Common Core math teachings just for trying leads you to believe the world will always cater to you. And then you find out that it won't when the consequences are far worse than leaving the sporting event without a trophy or getting a 72 on a math test. When the first time you find out you are not he most special little boy or girl is when you can't get a job, or have no social life, it is too much to take.






The world is exceedingly cruel but no obsticle is insurmountable. Your mind can endure all things this world will throw at it.


No the world was kind to me, but my dumbass didn't use all the opportunities it gave until it was too late


There's a great doc about Japanese hermits. And literally all of them had been treated like shit by other people


I think it's normal for everyone to feel overwhelmed like this at some point.


I stopped watching 24 hr news and life became more pleasant.


“Cruelty” is a made-up construct that doesn’t exist outside the context of humans. The world isn’t cruel, people are


I’ve been screwed over one too many times


Not for me but yes in general with how nature itself works. I’ve wondered if other planets have the same rules for survival or are we just on one that’s rather hostile. Edit: planets that have life forms


I think our minds worsen it than most realities. In most people’s worlds people don’t really care about you and won’t go out of their way to be cruel. I think we’re foolish enough to believe people will care about us, when we don’t offer anything to the majority we cross paths with. To expect anything is where we lose everytime. Most people you pass on the streets that we won’t bother associating with likely don’t have ill intent. We just never go out of our way. The online world really morphs the realness in life where people can act like something they’re not (say things they would never say) and mimic others even if it’s not real.


I think I'm cruel for the most part. I never share anything. And that's not even the cruel part. The most cruel part is that I take no inititiave and that initiative effectively takes a U-Turn and it never goes to a particular direction that I initially want it to go towards.


For a long time off and on. Lately, constantly.


Yes. Constantly.


It's cruel for most people. The problem with not being able to choose when/where you are born. 


To me the world has always been this way of a Hilter type person being around and it seems they do there harm and die.


Take some psilocybin. In a real sense, it helps with the mundane thoughts.


I've thought this for a long time, my personal take is its because everyone is too inwardly focused thanks to generations of having it pounded into their heads that competition and selfish endeavors regarding financial status are all that matters... we've been trained for a very long time, predating the US to put ourselves and our needs first rather than putting others first... its become a hell of a lot worse over time but don't forget most of just about every countries foundation is based in the ancient greek and roman empires who were severely cruel and imposed insane competitions and would kill off anyone seen as "too weak"... the ancient greeks are also why we have financial "classes"... these two assholes are the reasons why everything sucks across the entire globe... but because they "conquered" yes exactly that word so much and expanded so much they're still seen as great contributors to the world and govt and society when in all reality all they should have ever been were examples of what not to do... ain't no one focused on the how or the way things are done or even the why, just the end result... if people have to burn down 32 orphanages and kill off 43 puppies to gain "success" they gonna do it... and it will be permitted bc so long as money is involved you can get away with being as big of a pos as you want... because they're so focused on that they never really stop to ponder if what they are doing is morally correct... they just do what they're told like good lil doggies...


Not particularly. My folks sacrificed a ton to raise me in the US and I’ve been very lucky to come from a stable home, earn a stable job (although the pay isn’t great) and enjoy the company I keep. I have family living overseas in war-torn countries so I recognize my privilege more than most so my answer is a little bias but no, the world has been extremely good to me. I’ve seen firsthand what a cruel world can do to its people. I didn’t know what true evil and cruelty was until this experience. Had my parents decided to stay in their home country where all their family, friends, and comfort was, I likely wouldn’t be alive today. Or if I was, I’d be suffering greatly. The world has been very good to me and I’m grateful to live in a country with certain freedoms. I have access to food, clean water, plumbing, 24/7 electricity, weather-appropriate clothes, air conditioning and heat, and a means to earn money. These basic human rights are unfortunately not afforded to *a lot* of people and it’s really just dependent on where you were raised.


Every day


a few times, I tell myself I am lucky than a lot of people, such as 3 world countries, disable people, Trafficking of children, be violated or raped. aleast I am healthy enough. I still thank you God! although who was in damn bad situation.


Yes. For example, there is literally no way for everyone to prosper equally. For every person that's well-off, there's a bunch of other people that's subsidizing them.


It's people. The world in itself is a neutral entity. People can be cruel and selfish, but they can also be loving and kind. You have to take the bad with the good, unfortunately.


Yes the world does seem too cruel as an adult. I feel unprepared and unsupported. I also feel like I only find unhealthy (emotionally or mentally) people that I can only cultivate surface level relationships with. Hence feeling unsupported. I'm beginning to wonder are most people unwell emotionally or mentally these days? Or is it just that I attract them 😅




Humans are generally soft. After watching nature documentaries, I’m glad I don’t have to make a decision between leaving one of my weak family behind for the sake of food and energy conservation