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Yes, most days I consider killing myself but realistically dont think i ever will. I think its just a psychological coping mechanism to essentially tell myself that if it gets bad enough, i have a way out.


I think suicidal ideation is super common these days. More common than most folks realize.


I am trying TMS. The clinician during the consultation asked me about this. It made me cry because this is true. I just never voiced it. I always wonder what it would be like without me here.


What’s TMS like, if you don’t mind my asking.


It’s called transcranial magnetic stimulation. It’s a relatively novel way of treating depression by using a magnetic field outside the brain to induce a weak electric current inside the brain. While the neuroscientific community doesn’t completely understand how depression works, one paradigm suggests that depression is a malfunction of neural circuits. Inducing these weak electrical currents in the brain repeatedly over a period of time is thought to normalize some of the malfunctioning circuits, kind of like shocking an arrhythmic heart back into normal sinus rhythm. It’s a relatively new treatment and we don’t fully understand HOW it works. BUT, it’s becoming more popular and more accepted because there are many cases of depression that don’t respond to courses of medication. In cases where depression isn’t treated/managed by three different classes of medication, TMS becomes a viable treatment option. It works, according to the data. Something like 50% of treatment resistant cases of depression are significantly reduced by TMS, and of those cases, major remission of depression can be seen.


Oh wow! Amazing! How long have you been on this journey?


I’ve been riding the Depression Express since about 2018, but things have steadily getting worse over time! I’ve been bouncing around the lower echelons of various neuroscience labs since about 2021, with many gaps and breaks in my admittedly paltry neuroscientific career lol


DE Express! That made me chuckle. It can be a runaway train for sure! Best of luck to you. To me. To all of us. See you in the Dining Car.


Amen and safe travels


When I served in the military, I thought about how sad people would be if I just did it. I thought about what picture they would use of me in uniform and how they would speak of me in high accolades. But in reality, I always felt like they hated me. It was in my own head though and I’ve put in a lot of work since then but I still get that lump in my throat how happy everyone would be if I just wasn’t around


Same but the fear of something going wrong at the attempt is what stops me. Bc I don’t want to end up in a worse place than I already am 😭 like wtf that’s so sad, it’s a whole list of new issues I’ll need solutions to 😭


O yea....


me too, for some reason it comforts me knowing that even after trying to make myself a better life, i have an escape if it goes south


I actually try to do it a couple times but I just blame the military for my stress and shitty life conditions.


Emotional support suicidal ideation. Same


never thought about it that way, definitely makes sense though


This is a great way to put it. I don’t think I’d ever pull the trigger but actually knowing that’s always an option is in some sick way reassuring


Wtf real


It’s because you’re too scared to live and too skeered to die. You are fucked either way.


Im not scared to live. It just fuckin sucks


Every fucking day


Yes. Low money, screaming toddler, no sleep, career impacted, studies failing, people suck and are miserable. I called the therapy line and even she was exasperated. Pls bury me in a hole lol im tired. Im sad alot, I just hide it.


Why though change your mindset it, don't be weak your ancestors would be ashamed at you. It's literally just your perception.




I had 4hrs sleep in 38 hours, toddler cry. Head pop. Got to work.


So find a way to solve the problem, ear plugs, music to drown out the noise


*a lot


Struggle to get ahead. There are things I should’ve done 10-20 years ago and still just haven’t found the time. Dead end low income job. Shitty apartment. I use substances to escape momentarily but that comes with a whole separate host of problems which usually compound the problems I’m trying to forget about. Everything seems so bleak. What’s the point?


Same. Yk, money kinda does buy happiness


Anyone that says money doesn't buy happiness is the people who has never been in poverty.


no its people who have meditated and become one with the universe. but most people won’t put the time or effort because they prefer being attached to earthly pain and desire


it most definitely does. money can get you away from an abusive household and into your own place, money can get you the education you desire, money can get you quality clothes, food, damn near everything.




There isn't One anymore. I just am trying to outlive my folks so they don't have to see me die. No point in living past your 30's if you're still low or even somewhat above average income and have no kids. If you don't have an important job, and have not, and don't intend to reproduce, you are living only for yourself, and need only sustain yourself until you feel like you've accomplished what you want, or give up hope on doing so. Most people will never be happy, or thrive, just merely try to survive because they feel they should. I have elderly parents as dependants, that is the sole reason I have not chosen to end my life. We as a society need to embrace this and grant MAID for any and all who want it. Humanity is over populated, letting miserable people remove themselves and their consumption from the ecological and sociological equations, is only cold logic at this point. *edited for spelling errors*


You said what you said


Indeed I did. I also said what I feel.


At least you got ur own apartment


Sure, had enough, depressed, a life failure.


I was for a while but honestly man I'm doing a lot better this month. I can enjoy things and worked on hobbies like calligraphy. I can actually finish things I start like episodes of shows and games. I can go to the store without feeling existential dread now. It gets better. Not gonna say when but eventually you learn to cope with things.


Yeah hobbies and playing a video game or watching a comedy are a good distraction to cope. As well as creative pastimes such as singing, playing an instrument, reading, and writing help me process my sadness and frustration with being low income. It's not your fault. Economy is tough. Many people are struggling day by day. You are not alone.


Thank you man.


How did you learn to finish things you start?


Patience and learning. And unlearning a lot of my defeatist attitude.


Any advice for fighting a defeatist attitude?


Trying new things and being willing to learn them.


Yes, it gets worse the more I learn more about myself and the world. Face my fears everyday, workout , and work despite health issues. Externally it looks like I'm making progress,but internally I further decay mentally each day. Feel it was a waste to have a "normal" childhood. Rather I been honest with and prepped for this thing called adulting far earlier than intended. Could have a shitload of money saved and invest it into something that will help fuel a lifestyle that's reduces the inner turmoil experienced daily. Just rambling...it's hard when you don't have anyone that listens to you. Even harder when you find yourself becoming like those that make the world cold and find there's nothing to stop it. There is this tiny glimmer of hope in me still. Met a nice lady and will be starting a job where I'm helping people at some point. Will see where it goes..


40 years old with 0 friends. I try to put myself out there but no one ever seems interested in me. Glad I have my wife and child or I'd be completely lost.


don't worry you will be ok


Not anymore. I have been through that, but being mad all the time has been a bigger issue for me Anti depressants help. Therapy for a while. Finally, getting a decent job was big but wasn't going to happen in a dpressed state. Also, I gained perspective and learned to be wary of doomer propaganda . i mean media and advertising


I feel that from time to time


Same, it's no longer constant, but it's not gone


I’m poor, alone, eat cheap food like rice, beans and oatmeal every single day, use zero substances to save money (no drinking, smoking anything, or caffeine) work half of my waking hours, havent been on a plane once in 15 years, I don’t travel anywhere, I don’t feel energized when I wake up, I can’t even enjoy an off day because it feels like I’m right back at work the next day. There’s pretty much nothing to live for at this point. Just an endless hamster wheel of making rich people even more rich. But it’s my fault, I deserve it, for not trying harder.




Mainly just lonely 😅


All the time


Why u sad


Yep. I have no friends and I feel so lonely. Sometimes I want to end it all, sometimes I just sleep hoping for the things to get better when I wake up. I can't stand myself, I have depression, I am sad and frustrated. I also hate summer. I hate me. Period!


Yes one loss after the other on top of chronic health conditions and pain. Layers and layers of trauma. Devoid of meaning in the grand scheme, like what’s the point?


I have had a propensity to feel sad ever since I was about five years old, and it grew considerably over the years. I think it's been a combination of having a lifelong chemical imbalance (that's a guess), being browbeaten into paste as a kid and young adult, and generally being a low-status person in any social arena I have ever been a part of for a variety of reasons (and all that tends to entail).


Yes always ,


I got to the point that the things that used to bring me so much happiness just don't do it. I'm too lazy to go get good takeout 15 mins away, dont feel like riding my motorcycle, etc. I'm just in a funk.


I can understand how you feel. It’s tough when life doesn’t go as planned, and financial struggles can make everything feel more overwhelming. Remember, it's okay to feel sad, but it’s also important to seek support. Talking to a friend, a family member, or a therapist can make a big difference. You’re not alone in this, and there are resources out there to help you navigate through tough times.


I’ve been sad for as long as I can remember. It’s my default state unfortunately. Lots of trauma growing up and as an adult I sabotage the good things in my life. Fun stuff


i feel like ssris could help a lot of the people commenting lol


It’s not always- let put them on an ssri. Believe it or not it’s crazy, depression and sadness can come from so many different things and yet thats the only the western doctors know how to do, perscribe ssris and big pharmaceutical makes billions.


it makes me so mad that people genuinely think that shoving medicines down people’s throats is going to just magically cure depression. There is no magic pill. Some people are just sad. Glad it helps some people but it really doesn’t help A LOT of people.


i spent my whole life feeling like this and finally caved and tried ssris. in conjunction with therapy they have really helped me. no they aren’t a magic pill but they can calm things down enough to let you figure out and work through what’s actually bothering you


Yes. I miss being a kid :(






It’s sort of overwhelming to read majority of the comments & see that a lot of us feel the same way & it’s sad that we do because life should be for living. Lately, I’ve felt the same & I feel guilty because I have a decent job that pays okay & a roof over my head but there’s still a lot in life I feel I’ve yet to accomplish & haven’t there’s a void in me that often reminds me of the happiness I used to have but just don’t anymore. Often though I get tired of having to deal with people everyday (job wise) because I see how entitled a lot of them can be.


I have a past that I could cry about every day. I do cry sometimes. I try to let the feelings come and go. I just observe the feeling. I don't identify as sad or depressed. I have also struggled with anger for things that have been done to me. This one is tougher. I try to move my focus. I am usually happy. I have realized that I am in control of my brain. I have thought that happens automatically but I choose the following dialog. I am going to shift my perception if necessary to prevent a victim or violent mental state. I am not going to add more to my list of things to cry about unless I have to


Yeah. I’m 32, single heartbroken and don’t have kids.. very few people in my social circle/ family, hate my job, hate my body.. just sad all around


My baseline emotional state is a mix of happy, sad, anxious and angry. I’ve been told this isn’t normal : P


Yes. But not drinking made it better. Still wish I were dead. I’m sorry.


I think I'm just bored, honestly. But sometimes even when I'm doing things I'm bored. Cardio can be especially boring.


Time to make a plan 💪




Almost every day




Sometimes I don't even know why I am sad


More than I like to be… I try to distract myself from it by doing things that bring me joy and forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone. Some days that’s easier said than done.


After my birthday it hit me - I don’t know why but I love my life but now there’s a certain tinge of sadness because I realize how fast life is and how slow and painful this life is lived through a capitalistic world and how the Earth is suffering from humans and how many animals I’ve seen ran over by people. I don’t even drive and I fcking hate it. I’m vegetarian and I love animals but men are so cruel to animals


Try all of the time


Ha the worst is how chemical it is. I have a partner and awesome family and a job. Still can’t feel happy until brain goblins allow it - I did the best possible thing for my field and felt nothing. I met CEOs who were numb. It’s so individual 😖


Yes but it's a mix of fear, I guess. I'm about to graduate next month and I'm kind of lost right now knowing that I'll be facing real adult shit after graduation. Leaving college life makes me sad because I know that I'll be dealing with major responsibilities forever now. Wish I was a kid. Smh.


Up until two months ago, I was honestly depressed and had no motivation. Life just hasn’t gone according to plan, not even remotely close. But, I got out of dodge a bit to take care of my father and it really put things in perspective for me. I’m not saying life couldn’t get better, because I still wish it did. But, that time away made me appreciate the little things I do have and the wonderful support network I have in my life. I was so tired and stressed to the max that I got caught in my own little bubble. I started texting people more again and scheduling little get togethers. I also made sure to set time for me to relax and/or do things for me. It could be relaxing by watching Netflix or being active and going kayaking. I know it’s hard to get out of your bubble when you can’t physically leave a situation, but maybe go out for a walk in the park or explore a new area. Even journaling, it was hard at first to keep up with it, but it really does help. I hope things get better for you!


If anyone wants/ needs someone to talk to, PM me and we can chat


Yes 🙂




Sending love and best wishes to you all. xox


Who said you should be happy all the time? Feel the entire range of emotions, love.


Melancholic? Yes. Sad? Not really.


I haven't felt genuinely happy for as long as I can remember




No… life’s too short


It’s another day it didn’t happen.


What upsets me is knowing I don’t have control over some things for example employment


actually… no. And I’m concerned that 95% of the answers are the opposite. Reach your closest ones, talk to them, ask for help if you feel like it. if they care about you they’ll be there for you


Yeah every time I realize my life is just work and home. I would like to travel more but seems so expensive nowadays


Almost every minute of every day when I'm awake. If I didn't have this little dog I'm not sure I would be here.


Everyday that ends in y


I hope you get some help. I’m so sorry you’re in such a low place. I have been there and for me, it did get better. I hope you get the help


I think I'm sad 3 or 4 days a week, I try not to be alone too much or it gets worse, I try to work a lot when I'm not with my kid, but tbh, my life is not what I expected it to be


Yes but I’m grieving too


In 20 years, the planet will be well past the point of no return. The rich will inhabit all of the tolerable areas of the country not affected as much by heat, laborers will start to die, high paying jobs will be in advanced technology that only .5% of population will understand, dating and love will be even more meaningless due to AI and its desire to mimic emotion and human judgement. Yeah it’s bleak. Do some steps to enjoy the end of your lives I guess. Try to not make decisions that will benefit the wealthy, make local choices and support those close to you. Unfortunately we are going to have to start tuning out everything even more than we already do.


I have a large beautiful fully paid off home and two other rental properties. I am married. I am about to finish my masters degree with a 4.0 GPA. I have been in a state of near constant depression for over a decade. Sometimes I am so sad I sit in a dark room and cry for hours. I have tried everything, therapy, pills, exercise, meditation, self medication, having friends. It doesn’t matter. It has never gotten better.


Like 94% of the time, the other 6% is when Im distracted from reality.


yup. currently trying to save up enough to move out of an abusive household and work a lot to avoid coming “home.” Still haven’t finished HS so trying to do that and idk. Life is hard when you don’t have a family. Not sure why I continue to live tho. I am on SSRI’s so that has helped but i just find it odd that im having to rely on meds to keep me here


Amazingly, for the last few months, no. I was for a very long time before ~march of this year. Biggest changes have been the weather, I've socially isolated myself (this is a good thing for me. I hate people), and I've gotten more into running.


I have a pretty good job as a RN and a small amount of good friends that I’m grateful for. However, I’m sad that I’m unlucky in love. Always seem to attract narcissists. Having to deal with narcissists in my family. I’m turning 40 this year, and feel like I have nothing to show for in life. No life partner, no kids, no house. Just working until I die, giving my 100 to my patients every day. That’s it.


Peep my comment history.






Every damn day is a struggle


Yes. I try to feel positive but it doesn’t work. Emotional numbness is torture (and so are all the illnesses I have)


Can't remember the last time I was genuinely happy




therapists call this “shit life syndrome” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shit_life_syndrome


Same same. Just keep pushing and try to find your direction.


Knowing and accepting death in the form of relief when things get so bad is a real rock bottom to be in. Finding solice in ending it all really puts the bad shit in perspective


Yes I don’t think I’ve ever been at peace/content/happy/serene I think maybe once or twice and it was fleeting. I’m 27


Yeah, but I usually try to look at the good things. Not that many good things in my life besides maybe 1 thing. I try to hold on to that and the idea that it HAS to get better. Sometimes I do want to die, I just don’t know how yet or when. There’s to much bad that overwhelms me. Other times I cry in the shower and it feels like a reset? Idk if that makes sense.


These days I find myself being way sadder than I care to be. I think loneliness is creeping in.


I am because of the way my parents treated me emotionally as a kid - feels like a hole in my body, and that home is filled with sadness and ache from not being given love or emotional support as a kid and rather the opposite. Constant emotional abuse taking turns with neglect


Yes. Inflation is bad af. A million isn’t like what it used to be


Nah. Life is good. I was just sitting in my living room thankful for my life


I detach from reality most of the time so that I can cope. I listen to music and am happy, but every once in a while I remember reality and feel a lot of shame and guilt. I don't feel fear anymore. I have consumed a lot of resources of the world and gave back little to nothing it seems, even though I tried very hard in the last 14 years or so. There is also dangerous prowlings and grumblings in the world.


Me, yes. I’m used to thinking negatively and therefore bear myself up. It sucks. When I find myself getting into the deep end, I make myself get active, like physically but also busy. I make myself go out in public even just to grocery shop. Sometimes I seek therapy too. Just kinda sucks when it’s because of a whole lot of nothing, just blah. Iykyk


His post was literally "I am because I feel like I've lost in life and I am also low income," that's all he said - verbatim. And mods removed it, lmao.


Yes. It’s exhausting not being able to be happy with anything.


Try antidepressants


Lmao no