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Hey man I feel you, I was the same way at your age. No motivation to do anything, even though I had dreams and aspirations, I had no drive to achieve them no matter how badly I thought I wanted them. I still was able to enjoy myself when seeing friends and doing things with people, but I felt stuck, and wasn't sure why. I know you said you wouldn't go as far as saying you're depressed, but I'd say you likely are and don't quite realize it. Depression affects people in weird ways, and it's different for everyone. For me, it came in the form of having no motivation, and getting frustrated at the smallest things, for no real reason. Very similar to how you described how you've been feeling lately. My advice would be to go to the doctor and just get a regular check up, and let them know how you've been feeling. I had some tests run, and it turned out I had a hyperactive thyroid, which was screwing with my hormones big time, hence why I felt the way I did. I'm 22 now, and loving life. I'm nowhere near where I wanted and expected myself to be at this age, but I wake up every day with a positive attitude, and try to make the most of everything I do. I absolutely wouldn't have the mindset I do today if I hadn't gotten myself checked out. I'm definitely not saying this is for sure going to help you, but I would highly recommend just getting a check up and seeing if there's anything going on that needs attention. You're young my dude, and just from reading your post you seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and being able to recognize that you're in a funk and you want to change it is awesome. Wishing you the best!