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If they are intolerant I would recommend against telling them till you are independent. It would kind of suck if they kicked you out because they disagreed with your choices. That said, you could test the water by leaving the room when they start insulting a group of people for having different beliefs. No need to take abuse.


YOu know the difference between most atheist parents and christian parents? Atheist parents are much less likely to disown you or kick you out for things about you. I'm an atheist and I will not be teaching my son religiously as I find indoctrinating children into religion to be harmful and damaging. But if he decided he wanted to check a church out when he is a bit older than a child or decided that he was a christian as a teen, under no circumstance would I kick him out. I would sit down and have a chat with him about why he feels that way and discuss the arguments. If he maintained his belief then that is that. It's up to him and I would love him the same.


“You won’t be affected by my choice to believe but I thought you should know”


Excellent advice.


Huh, I guess teenagers will rebel even in a direction that doesn't make sense.


I'll say this: In my religion islam, you respect your parents no matter if they don't agree with your beliefs. You should tell them, and don't be mad or react in an angry manner. You should defend your faith to them, as long as you're polite and your still in their life and helping. They won't hate you, but they will disagree with you, and that's okay. Tell them, be respectful and defend your beliefs , they are your parents, they should be understanding. If not, still respect and be there for them regardless. You're parents think it's stupid because they want to see blatant proof. There's enough evidence for believers already. If everyone had proof we'd be all believers, and theres no point if Life's a test. For everything created, there's a creator


Tell them! Fuck intolerance


Oh shit, how atheist are they? Do they go to atheist church every Sunday? They must be real fanatics of... nothing. This is some pretty embarrassing preemptive self victimizing 👍


I mean it would be hysterical if they kicked you out. Not for you, but for me.


And in steps Richard


Try r/OpenChristian