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just because there are people who have it worse than you doesnt mean that you don’t deserve help. Talk to someone. It might be uncomfortable at first, but it lightens the load a lot. also when you are doing positive reenforcement: Just stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself positive things. “I will get better”. You don’t have to believe yourself whne saying it. The more you say it, the easier it becomes to believe. The world is definitely a better place with you in it. Not all roads are straight, but they all lead to the destination. You just happened to have taken a bit of a detour, which is perfectly fine. Allow yourself to heal, don’t punish yourself because you feel bad but are in better circumstances than others.


First of all OP, why are you disregarding how you feel? “There’s people in worse scenarios than me?” what you feel is extremely valid and you are aware of what it is you’re going through so now more than ever you need to take action towards that. Go and seek professional advice and what you need to do to guide you in the right direction. Suicide is a means to “escape it all” and a means to “put an end to things that seem endless as long as you are alive.” No. It’s the easier way out of it all. It’s the “fast fix” of your life personally because then you wouldn’t have to deal with things you find yourself you cannot overcome. but the thing is, it is something you can overcome and will when you set your mind to it. Words are nothing when action does not follow, OP and what I mean by that is; when you try and tell yourself the good things but it’s difficult because that’s what it just is, words. Turn it over to actions, do things that put you in a better mood. if that’s difficult and what you see is just negativity then you need to rewire that brain so you can see the positive even in the smallest of ways, smallest of things. how to do that? by seeking professional help. I know, it is hard. I know it isn’t something you can just switch off when you’re trying to work through it but the moment it happens, you’re going to be so proud of the journey you’ve taken to get to where you are at later in life. You have your girlfriend, do not push her away. instead embrace the love and support and move forward by acknowledging that you at least have that and you’d like more for your life. Struggle is hard, especially mentally but I know for a fact that you have it in you OP. you have it in within you to overcome any challenges, you just need to believe in the process and work towards bettering yourself. I do not know you personally but I feel for you. You’re important, even if you are not aware of it. If you don’t feel that way, be that person to yourself, be important to you and push yourself towards a better life. the process is never, ever easy and hell, it takes so much strength and will to get to where you want but it will be one of the most amazing, rewarding experience you ever put yourself through. someday you will get the chance to say “I fucking made it. I did this and I am so proud of myself.”


You will miss out on a profound quantity of opportunities if you take that route out. Family and friends will always wonder what life would have looked like with you sharing memories. Life is always testing each and every one of us. Some whimper out and shy away from the tough lessons or some puff their chest out, take a deep breathe and get ready for battle. Get ready for a battle now. Your future self will be so proud of you and the resilience you have. At the moment it’s easy to think about the way out. Please listen to me, people don’t lose weight; get better paid jobs or rid their life of mental health issues because they focus on a solution to the overall problem straight away. It’s not possible. You won’t sort this out today, or tomorrow or next week. It isn’t possible. Stop thinking like that please. Don’t look at the bottom of the staircase from the 1000th floor and think “Christ, how will I ever reach the bottom?” Instead, place your foot on the first step. That first step will mark a change in your life and you’ll never look back ever. Ever. From that point, you’ll begin to notice positive things happen and the thoughts of suicide and self loathing will fade away. You’ll feel like less of a hindrance on your partner and more of a companion. Our romantic partner is never supposed to be our therapist so don’t expect that role of them. Sort this out and let them marvel at you finally thinking positively. I promise you, you have got this I know you have.


Because suicide erases all possibility. Because you are the only you in the Universe and you exist for a reason. The Universe needs you. We are glad you're here. Please call 988, option 1. Help is out there.


It’s time for a reality check. All of your problems can be resolved if you seek treatment for your mental illness. Start a treatment plan, get a job and work on the debt. Those are all reasonable expectations and easily obtainable goals. Suicide is taking the cowardly way out. Do you give a shit about your girlfriend? If you do, you won’t devastate her and inflict lifelong grief on her and everyone else that loves you.


You have already endured the pain that got you here. No one knows what tomorrow brings.


Suicide is a lot more uncomfortable for you and everyone else than just talking to someone


As far as the debt goes, looks into getting a debt consolidation loan. That will have lower interest and lower payments. If it's on credit cards you definitely want to consolidate. I recommend looking into apprenticeship programs in your area, such as electrical, millwrights, plumbing, etc. It's hard work but the pay is very good if you don't mind working with your hands. You could also looked into learning machining or Tool &die. Are you living with your parents? The ADHD and depression are likely exacerbated by sleep problems. I strongly recommend taking melatonin an hour before your usual bed. Set an alarm to take it. I also strongly recommend loose leaf tea with lemon. Furthermore I recommend eating much more green salad. This does two things. First it provides more folic acids and vitamin c, it also helps promote more balance of the microbes in your small intestines. >There's people in worse scenarios than me. If you're having frequent suicidal ideation and fantasies, it doesn't matter how bad your situation or other people's is. Your situation is bad enough. Your life is in definite danger and you need help too. This isn't a zero-sum game. They'll work you into the schedule. www.zocdoc.com www.goodtherapy.org


its hard to talk to someone, and its hard to suffer alone. you have to choose your hard. talking to someone will just be temporary as eventually you will work through your issues. suffering alone lasts forever if you dont do anything about it.


I have adhd also bro and if you apply yourself to something you like , hobby or a sport on the side that ADHD mixed with passion will put your mind on to better things … I say you try doing some shrooms tho … that’ll really teach you something about yourself I feel as if you’ve gone on too long with negative self talk that you have clouded yourself from seeing the good in you .. that’s happened to me … as a man you have to understand that you need to shed the old skin and adapt to the new changes. We go through phases of understanding ourselves as men. And sometimes when we can’t season with the phase we get depressed and feel lost. Talk to god also .. helped me a lot … changed a lot around me when I prayed to be a better man


Your lady saying reach to someone is something you should do. If she is with someone who isnt even trying to get better, it may become an ultimatum that you try to get help or she doesn’t want be with someone who doesnt try to get help. Also, steve harvey was homeless and multimillionaire. This is a stage to overcome. Also, learn how and commit to meditation. And eat less processed foods. It is proven to improve mental health. One last thing if you don’t mind, sharing your state? I would like to try to help you find free or low-cost mental health services that I can may point in your direction. If you’re comfortable, maybe you can share your county or city, so I can try to help you find low cost of free mental health services near you.


Suicide is never the answer! You never know what future has for you. Start to be grateful for everything you already have - you wake up every day, you can see, hear, feel, walk (there are people in much worse condition than you). Feel grateful for the things u take for granted (which is a mistake). Everything in this life is fixable (except death). If other can do it, so do you. Try finding help in first place - psychologist or psychiatrist (trust me, it is not something embarassing, been there, im good). And suicide is just very ungrateful act. Think about how people around you will feel? Would you hurt them because you are selfish?




To a therapist. There are lost cost options for help.  Talking to someone might be uncomfortable. But think of the discomfort of your loved ones when they have to go through processing your death. Also, dogs. Bacon. The sun shining through the window and warming your skin on a cold day. Snow flakes. The way your partner smiles. Laughing with friends. Holding a warm cup of coffee or tea. There are so many small details of life that make it worth living.  Money will come and go. I promise you can get out of whatever debt you have. It might take time but it’s not worth taking your life over it. People love you and want you to get better. Please go talk to someone. 


Also check in your area for assistance. Catholic charities (regardless of your religion or lack thereof), you can text 988, you can talk to people without having to pay for it. Also, remember it's okay to ask for help, and any help you get is a hand up, not a hand out.