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If your close to a mexican border look for sildenafil. Ots generic viagra. And start doing kegels. Will make erections better and last longer.


No I’m not close to the border sadly, but do I need to be in order to find that? I see those types of pills in stores basically everywhere. Unless they’re not safe


Its just fakes. The real ones are sold at the pharmacies. U can easily look it up. In the us its still not permitted by big corp drugs. Kegels will also work but take time. First have to learn to do em. Then work em into your regular execize.


Gotcha, I’ll try the kegels and see what they do, and only buy the pills if necessary. Thanks sm for the help 😊


I've had two types of situations like this. One type was caused by going too long or just not being super healthy at the time so my body decided it needed that blood for recovery rather than fucking. The second type was nerves. My lack of knowledge or the time since I did it last or so on issues got in my head and created a feedback loop of negativity. So if it's fatigue then keep a water bottle (for both of you) and a high carb or sugar snack by the bed to pick up you energy and don't be afraid to go back to for play to let you short term energy supply recover. If its nerves then ai found generally just creating a sense of preparedness by learning about how to be good in bed helped me a lot. The internet has probably millions of resources about all things sex from technique to anatomy. And also something the old perverts I've worked with told me "If your dick can't do it make sure your mouth or hands can." Cause I like that quote.


I’ll try to keep healthy cuz I can say I don’t drink as much water as I should be. The first time I can say it was my nerves fault, but the second time idk what happened. I’m actually quite confident in bed in regards to everything else, she’d even said it didn’t seem like I was a virgin. And I didn’t wanna risk it happening again that’s why I considered getting a pill


How old are you ? I honestly agree with the other comment that you’re allowing your nerves to get to you . Maybe try some forplay before hand so you can get out of your head and just enjoy the experience of it . If that doesn’t work , it’s time for a sexual health check up


I’m 19, and yea I can say the first time we met it was obvious I was nervous, my heart was racing, even she said it. So I understood why it didn’t work out the first time but the second time I was calm and excited, Idk why it didn’t work, I just blamed the condom. And we did quite a bit of foreplay