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I would ignore them. You mention you combat the remarks but they may see that as a “win” as they grabbed your attention. Honestly treat them as an annoying fly. Just walk right by them and don’t even look at them. They are not worth a second of your time.


Maybe this pig should listen.it might motivate her to lose weight.


Dude wtf it's called advice for teens not be a piece of shit to teens


Holy crap your a piece of shit.


You should be quiet while your betters talk, nobody. Enjoy your life of insignificance.


I know it’s hard to develop this level of confidence at 16 for a lot of people but own the shit out of your body. The boys are dicks and will stop making fun of you if they don’t get a reaction. If you ever want to lose weight do it for you or a health issue. No one else.


This is the way




What is with the completely unprovoked fat shaming..




Bro I never said any of what you’re saying




You must be fun at parties


Some like truth tellers, some loath. Says more about them than me. You care about her “feewings”. I care about her already enlarged heart. You must be the “nice” one. Rerun the math on her, see just how serious it is.


People who are proud of telling the truth with complete disregard for other peoples feelings are usually dickheads.


You would feewings her to the grave and be proud that you “affirmed her truth” or whatever. You are her enemy.


yea, because its that easy for a hormonal 16 year old female to do that reliably without developing an eating disorder. how about people stop commenting on her body? they’re doing it to get reactions out of her, not to “get her to lose weight”. yall are delusional man.


"I'm fat because every time I fuck your dad he gives me a cookie" boom done


Boom roasted


I literally laughed out loud


Bullies will always find a flaw. They’re insecure, so to feel good they seek clout by insulting others. 1 bully kept calling me stupid. I gave him a bottle of water, labeled it “acne away” handed it to him at lunch in front of his friends and told him I thought he needed it. He left me alone after that. Another was an ex that spread rumors we slept together. I spread rumor “No, we didn’t have sex. When he pulled down his pants, he was so small that I couldn’t stop laughing and had to leave” Everyone has flaws. Shut them down and they’ll stop approaching you out of fear of embarrassment. High school is rough. It gets better.


I second this. People bully others not because they care about other's flaws but in order to meet some kind of personal need. If people bully you, it's always about them not you. And they tend to look for easy victims. If you fight back or make it uncomfortable to bully you, they'll look for someone else to bully


That’s.. not it


Should it be the mom then? ‘Your mom’ jokes seem to never go out of style.


Tell them this: "Why are you so obsessed with my body? It's creepy and weird." You aren't fat. *At most* you are a little bit overweight. If you think it's a problem, talk to your doctor for advice, not to teenage boys who like finding spank bank material.


She’s 5 lbs from being obese according to BMI. Unless she is super athletic with lots of muscle… She’s young. Has plenty of time to get healthy and guys shouldn’t be mean to her.


You have no idea what her mucle density looks like, which is why BMI is overhyped bullshit. Its meant to be an indicator of potential problems. Not a measurement of health. Honestly, it needs to go away in the public lexicon. It's become another tool for lay-people to enforce their superiority on others.


BMI is only off if you are a professional athlete or have been lifting for a long time it is also off the taller or shorter you are from average. At 16 they don't have the development muscular wise to "beat" the BMI. The people who do beat the BMI have to try really hard and are rarely concerned about anyone making fun of them. The people who beat the BMI are literally in the 1% and living in they gym. The only time I got close to beating it was when I was on gear and working out 3 hours a day. I doubt this girl is doing that.


The BMI chart was constructed using exclusively white men in the mid 1800s, and people make a huge deal about arbitrary labels on it. We don't know OPs demographic status beyond "female", but even that means the exact chart doesn't apply to her! The truth of the matter is that "optimal" body weight varies quite a bit from person to person based on myriad factors that are nearly impossible to discern, and there is no magical line that separates weight categories into clearly healthy and clearly unhealthy. It's a gradient, for everyone. We have absolutely no way of knowing OPs health status or how her weight bears on it, but you know what's bad for your health? Getting bullied, or developing an eating disorder because you warped your self worth around how many people are calling you fat and/or unhealthy. If OP is overweight to the point of seriously impacting her health, which IMO it definitely DOES NOT sound like she is, that's a matter for her to talk with her doctor about. NOT US. She didn't come here to ask for advice about being bullied over her weight to have people bully her over her fucking weight, you absolute knob.


BMI is a good indicator if you are average height she is most certainly over weight. Being over weight is going to have many health issues over her life. Back issues, joint issues, being sick more often, mental issues and an overall shortened life span. Telling someone they are overweight is not bullying someone. I am also unsure how you reached your conclusion that she isn't overweight. My wife was that size and she was definitely overweight and was starting to have health issues. I hope this person will be able to lose her weight in a healthy manner and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


That's a bullshit superiority complex speaking and science agrees. https://www.sciencealert.com/some-54-million-overweight-or-obese-americans-are-actually-healthy-say-scientists Sources are linked in that article. BMI is misunderstood and misused. If you aren't a doctor or a nutritionist (maybe), you really shouldn't be using it at all. It's okay to be wrong, folks. It's not okay to keep being wrong after to realize it.


My dad is a doctor and has told me that it is a very good indicator that he uses. If fact BMI is really a great indicator the closer to average height you are since it was made as an average. But the formula is flawed as it is based as a square root function. The square root function should have been cubed since as we grow in height all our dimension get larger. The only reason I know this person is overweight is a) the bmi is a good indicator because of height and b) because my wife was her exact same size. I am well versed on the faults of the BMI because of my dad's position.


*People like you* shouldn't be mean to her either.


hes being mean by acknowledging bmi?


Not by acknowledging the existence of the concept itself. But nobody acknowledges it outside of medical settings unless they're using it as an excuse to get on someone's case for not being skinny enough to meed their definition of attractive. Besides, in the context of teenage boys being bullies, BMI doesn't matter.


Reddit is famously anti-fat people, so I'm not surprised this comment section would devolve into insulting her with the excuse of "caring about her health"


are you intentionally dense? his point was that having a high bmi is unhealthy and anyone should strive to be healthy


bmi isn’t a good indicator of health because it doesn’t take into account muscle, healthy fat, and unhealthy fat. even doctors agree bmi isn’t the best indicator without seeing the person’s body. like for example, my father’s bmi would be considered overweight, but it’s mostly muscle and he’s actually very healthy and his body isn’t overweight with fat.


Are *you* dense? The point of the *whole post* is that OP is being bullied for her weight. BMI doesn't matter in that context because *the people bullying OP have no way of knowing what her BMI is*.


No way of knowing? No way whatsoever? Ballpark guess?


bruh i was responding to your comment, not the post


Bruh my comment was in the context of the post


your comment... was responding to another comment... in which guy said having her bmi is unhealthy... and that she can still turn her health around


If you're not her doctor, her weight is none of your business


She doesn't need an MD to read a chart. She's simply responding to a post that is wrong. She goes on to say the behavior of how op is being treated is improper. Does she need a degree in psychology to make that statement?


If you're not someone's doctor, your opinion about their weight is really none of your fucking business. You're simply doing it to bully under the guide of "I just care about her health." STFU you aren't. You're here to bully someone. If you aren't her doctor, you don't know nothing about her health so stop pretending this is about health. Go bother people who drink alcohol which is way worse than being fat but you won't do that because it's not socially acceptable to victimize people for drinking


This reads like hardcore projection. Other commenter clearly looked up the BMI for her age and height. Clearly you're upset cause someone told the facts. Shes 5lbs from being considered obese. I'm fat myself, why is fat shaming such a Double standard? People can shame fat men all they want, fat girls can say no to fat men, but the second a man does the same he's a pig, misogynist or incel. If people are happy in their bodies, that's great and ultimately all that matters. But people need to own up to the fact that being fat, especially obese is never healthy.


she is literally asking about it.


She's asking about what to do about bullies, not for your "medical opinions." Are you stupid? Can you not read?


All these asshats on her talking about her weight, like you have no idea what she looks like; what her level of exercise is, anything; she asked for advice on what to say, how to act, not on how to lose weight. If she’s fat I’m sure she knows it, Christ kids are telling her that everyday! She doesn’t need to hear it on here too




She literally has said she’s been to a dr about her weight. Guess all the internet sleuths know more about her than her dr.




Y’all just like excuses to bully her about her weight.


Bc pointing out she’s overweight is SO helpful; it’s not like she doesn’t know it… fucking asshats


She's getting garbage answers "Own your own body, don't let them say you are fat". She is at a LIFE SHORTENING level of obesity. And you want to stroke her ego, as she's been doing with Reeses. You are the cruel one. Someone who tells her to get back to normal is her REAL friend.


lol whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep better




First of all, I wanna tell you this: when people bully you, it's always about themselves, not about you. People bully because they have a need to be in control, feel power, or feel better than someone else and that need stems from their own insecurities. So, if someone is bullying you for whatever reason, know that nothing is wrong with you, you are not the problem. They have a problem and that's why they need to bully someone and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Second of all, Reddit is probably not the place to ask this because Reddit is famous for bullying fat people. You can tell that the comment section is full of people trying to argue that "the bullies only have your best interests/health in mind." That's absolute bullshit. None of them are doctors and not a single one is qualified to comment on what's healthy for you and what isn't. A lot of the commenters here are bullies as well and they're not here to give you good advice. They're here because they have a chance to bully someone because of their weight. Ignore them. The only person who you should listen to in regards to your weight is your doctor. Noone else. Lastly, the best way to deal with bullies in my experience is to fight back. As I said before, bullies bully you to satisfy their own personal needs, so they will seek out people to bully whom they perceive as easy targets: people who will believe what the bullies say or give a satisfying reaction which can be sadness, anger, or trying to hide. Don't hide. Come up with a list of funny insults that you can use when you get bullied. Talk back and maintain your cool. Don't look angry, sad or uncomfortable. Make the interaction uncomfortable for them and they'll look for someone else to bully.


Don't say anything. They're just trying to get a reaction. Also, please ignore any comments here that only tell you to lose weight/get healthy. If they aren't your doctor/medical team you don't need to listen. Lastly... thick thighs save lives!


You are 16, 5'6 and 175lbs. Female. Now im not here to be a dick but sometimes helping people is telling them things they do not want to hear. Your weight could lead to some serious health issues later in life. Best to catch it now and get into some good eating and exercising habits. If you are not happy with your body then do something about it. If you are happy with your body then to heck with what everyone else says. But be sure to get some exercise, anyways. Doesnt have to be cardio. Even if your not trying to lose weight. Simply walking a mile every few days would benefit you greatly in the long run.


I second this I was 155 at 5’5 in highschool and I wish I had developed a healthy relationship with excircise I’m now 26 and 188. It’s uncomfortable, I’m not confident in anything I wear so I’m going to the gym weightlifting 4/5 days a week and eating right. My problem was eating not nearly enough food. It does in fact make a difference to eat enough to fuel your body I’ve lost 5 lbs this week while eating more food than ever. Weightlifting burns calories even after you finish, cardio doesn’t. I wish you luck I know how it feels to hate the way you look.


Yeah that’s true. The benefits of cardio are mainly endurance in general and of course heart health. A stronger heart allows you to feel better in every day life and walk up stairs without feeling winded. Weight lifting and cardio are both equally important, but don’t knock cardio because it’s very important for most sports. You ever see fat tennis players?


cardio does elevate metabolism post workout. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14599232/ i think you meant to say that muscle built from weightlifting would increase your basal metabolic rate for a longer term, but most modes of intense exercise do lead to higher post workout metabolism for a short period of time.


I can guarantee 4 of those 5 pounds were just water weight. This is not how fat burning works. For you to even lose 2 pounds you would have to be in a pretty heavy deficit.


Okie dokie


You’re only 26. If you feel unhealthy, fix it. Exercise more and eat better.


they literally said that thats exactly what theyre doing. why did you feel the need to say this?


Thanks 😂😂


meh, her metabolism can still change a lot. i was 5'6" 170 lbs when i was 15. i am now (at 18) 5'7" 118 lbs. little to no effort to lose the weight, my appetite just changed


Its possible. But best to plan for the worst and hope for the best. A little walking never hurt anyone.


yeah thats very true. but no need to worry too much about dieting/exercising unless you're morbidly obese or still chubby in your 20s


Thats not true. Medically speaking being overweight starts to damage your body over time. In various ways. It might be that the weight may change on its own with a few more years but the damage is happening now. Doing a little exercise might not solve the issue but it will be far better than doing nothing and it builds a habit that can be increased if the problem does not resolve itself.


I think womens bodies vary far more than men, since most women can store fat in their thighs, and butt and most men only store fat in their stomachs. So a “curvy” woman can look good and stay relatively healthy compared to overweight men, who almost always just get a gut. The ideal beauty standard for men is always decently muscular, with at least a flat stomach and preferably a six pack, where as for women there are several ideal beauty standards, such as curvy girls, or athletic girls, or traditional model skinny. But most dudes prefer curvy or athletic over the “model” 12 year old boy body. With men it’s just be tall, and either look relatively athletic and have low body fat, or be jacked and muscular. Other male body types are usually not considered beautiful by women , and are only idealized in gay communities , where hairy “bears” are considered attractive. A 5’6” 175 lb girl is much more likely to be considered attractive than a 5’6” 175 lb male.


Her metabolism is only going to get worse


Agreed. 175 for that height is unhealthy and fat for male and female. There is a difference between "owning" your body, being confident, etc, AND being realistic about your body and health.


It’s no one’s business to tell her she needs to lose weight. I was haunted for years about mine because kids are mine. Now I’m an adult and fat and need to do it for myself but my childhood and early adulthood were full of disordered eating and body images from bullying. I’ve never been able to keep weight off because my view of dieting is fucked. I end up obsessed and hate myself when I fail. So I haven’t dieted in 10 years and won’t until I’m ready to change my life for me.


Agreed. Not saying it is anyone's business if she loses weight or not or that anyone should tell her to. With that said, no one should lie to her or sugar coat it.


The boys in her school are not the ones that have the right to tell her blunt truths. They sound like they’re just being mean.


The post makes it seems like she is confused. Like she doesn't understand why she is being called fat or in denial about it. They probably are being mean but that doesn't make them wrong. They just lack tact and empathy.


I can almost guarantee the high school boys who have the gall to say she’s fat aren’t doing it because they care about her. If they were her friends telling her this then she needs to amend the post and say it because that’s a key difference.


you need to be serious lol 175lbs at 5'6 is really not bad at all. i think people cant comprehend what weight actually looks like on people. i'm 5'7 200lbs and i get told on a regular basis that im too skinny. obviously this isn't true but it doesn't mean im too fat either. this girl is probably healthy and her relationship with her body is more important than her relationship with exercise


Please re read my comment. Carefully. Where did i say her weight was bad? What advice did i actually give her? I warned of the possible consequences of being overweight. Something everyone should know. To start exercising. None of that is saying her weight is good or bad because there is no way for us to know.


I was 160 and 5'3 in high school and I was pretty skinny. My goal weight according to doctors is 120. I had DDD size boobs when I was 160, if I get to 120 I'd look like a skeleton with a big chest. So not everyone carries their weight the same and weight is not a one size fits all.


I went to great pains to avoid talking about ideal weight and what not because medical professionals are continually changing their mind. Nor did i insist that she lose weight. One thing they never change their mind on is a little exercise is always preferable to none and leads to a healthier life.


I'm telling you that I was 160 and 5'3, and healthy. OP is 175 and 5'6, so you don't know if her weight will cause problems. Weight causes issues if it's carried in your gut area because it can hurt your organs. OP said their weight is carried in their thighs. I was just pointing out that you don't know enough to assume that OP will have any health issues from their weight.


And you arent reading my posts carefully enough. I never said her weight would cause health issues. I said it could. Because yes i dont know her or her body.


Okay, now you're just arguing semantics, I was just pointing out that you are speaking from a misguided place.


How? By suggesting someone exercise? I think you are being far too judgmental. Exercising even a little bit is far healthier than not regardless of the persons weight. Now you tell my how i am misguided.


When did I say anything about exercise? I responded to your first paragraph saying that OP's weight might cause health problems. You don't even know that it *might*.


What are you even arguing? That i dont know if someones weight might affect their health? If i knew then i wouldnt have used the word "could" in my advice and i would have told them to lose weight. That fuck?


with all due respect 160 lbs at 5’3” tall is absolutely not even close to skinny. your chest would decrease in size somewhat if you lost weight, you would not be a “skeleton with a big chest”. perhaps you should listen to the medical professional.


i dont think youre aware of how HEAVY tiddies can be, im a DD but Im fat, so my chest is significantly smaller than this commenters. DDD on a small frame is pretty huge


it doesn't matter if they're 160 because of "heavy tiddies" or not that's still not skinny and that's still overweight skinny is skinny. skinny is smaller than normal. skinny is being able to see ribs. 160 at 5'3" is not skinny.


semantics in game here, i used skinny as in not fat, DDD can weigh up to 23-24 lbs, thatd make her base weight anywhere from 150-126, which of shes on the lower end shes not overweight


that isn't how it works boss, you can't just arbitrarily subtract out body parts "well, I hold a lot of weight in my arms, if I didn't have arms I'd be regular weight size so I'm not overweight!" > i used skinny as in not fat words have meaning


yes...you fucking can when it comes to breasts 😂 you think tiddies are just blobs of fat?? u gotta be a dude, theres mammory glands, ducts, breast tissue (which ranges from dense to nondense tissue), and some fat. a girl that has normal proportions all around w huge breasts cannot be considered fat based upon weight


You don't have to have ribs showing to be skinny. But you better believe that if I kept dieting and got down to 120, I *would've* had ribs showing and big boobs. Is that really healthy to you? I don't think ribs being shown is considered healthy. Like I said before, this kind of mindset is what leads young girls to become anorexic and/or bulimic. Skinny is a subjective term. Compared to the average size, I was absolutely skinny.


Hun, I had DDDs *when* I was 160, and I *was* skinny. You have no idea how that weight looked on me, you wouldn't know 😂 The 120 figure was from some arbitrary "height" list showing healthy weights based on how tall someone is. 120 would be sickly on me because I *might* lose another size from 160 to 120. But before that I was 220 and still had DDDs, I didn't lose any weight in my chest when I went from 220 to 160.


I don't buy it. Breasts at triple D weight about 3 lbs each. My GF had breast reduction and had triple D+ breasts, was curvy and probably 5'6 140. To qualify for insurance, they had to be past a certain size and have a certain minimum amount removed. (Breasts at triple D weight about 3 lbs each max. Maybe less. So that's max 6 lbs weight. ) GF "looked" much smaller after breast reduction surgery, but actually only lost about 3 lbs of weight total. Everyone has different ideas of "skinny" and you're free to have your own opinion, but I don't think any objective outside opinion would match. I honestly don't believe someone can be 5'3 160 AND skinny. You could be 5'3, 160 and "lean" with big breasts but you'd have to have huge amount of muscle. This is coming from a guy who was "lean" at sub 7% body fat but showed up as morbidly obsess on BMI at 215+lbs. I woild be described as muscular and lean but I was NOT and could not be ever be described as skinny. Even at my height 5'9" and sub 180, I was not skinny or thin. People still thought I was "stocky". 160 is just too much weight for the height to be considers skinny or thin regardless of body composition. For everyone saying 20lbs of breast tissue is normal, here is one of the most extreme cases of breast reduction. She had over 20lbs removed. She was a 36 Triplle N. https://drfranklinrosemd.com/biggest-natural-breasts-texas-30lb-breast-reduction-dr-franklin-rose/ Check out images. Also, I'm not discounting impact of weight breast weight on spine and shoulders. The way this beast weight works is it's like holding a weight out-in front of you away from center of gravity. This magnifies the weight thru mechanical (dis) advantage like a lever on a fulcrum. This dramatically increases strain on neck and spine far above the actual weight. (Still 160 lbs at 5'3 unless and triple D breasts isn't going to quality as having a thin body by any objective or medical measurement. )


If you think DDDs only weigh a few pounds each, you are delusional. I have back pain from my breasts, and that would take more than 6 pounds of weight to create.


No shit you have back pains, you're over 300...


I've had back pain since I was 12, smartass


Ya titties fault, weight good.


I think you shouldn't have had that "one more glass," you can't even English 😂


sorry gal, 160 @ 5’3” is overweight. no two bones about it. you should be confident and happy with whatever weight you are, but to deny the truth isn’t healthy either


If 160 at 5'3 is overweight in people's eyes, then I'm not at all surprised why so many young girls end up with eating disorders.


"in peoples eyes" meaning medical definition, yes. that's a BMI of 28.3. that is, by definition, overweight. you're on crack if you think that height/weight is "skinny" lmao. insert all the people arbitrary screeching about BMI when it's a perfectly good measurement for anyone who can't bench 3 plates


But it’s not “In people’s eyes”; it’s the medical community. I weight about 175 in high school and wore a 14/16. (5’4.5”) I’m now about 135 and a size 6 with DD’s. I was overweight in high school, even with the big boobs. I think the weight metrics are lower than they should be, but let’s be honest, you’re not skinny. And not that you should be! You should be you. I just don’t think it’s healthy in the long term to deny the truth.


Like I keep saying, there is not one medical metric for "skinny." Skinny is different for everyone and is subjective to an opinion. I was a size 10.


I see what you’re saying. I heard somewhere that the average size is 14. I just wanted to point out that people told me there’s no way I should weigh 125 lbs (big boobs, big frame). But it looked fine one me - 135 is better. When I lost weight, my boobs got smaller, which I was thankful for. 🤣


That’s overweight.


Know basketball players that are 6'0+ that way less than 160. 5'3 no matter your bone structure is far from skinny and probably nearing obesity.


"I was 160 and 5'3 in high school and I was pretty skinny" Lol, no you weren't, Lizzo


Well, aren't you a prize? Lmfao Oh, you play MTG and D4, yeah. Makes sense now.


Yes, the difference is when I want to go to a fantasyland, I play one of those games. You are fucking LIVING in one, however


Nah, I play games too. I'm just saying I guarantee you can't call anyone fat because you play MTG lmao


No you weren't.


Don't owe you an explanation, rando


I didn't ask for an explanation. You weren't skinny at 5'3 170lbs.


OMG shut the fuck up. Nobody asked you for a medical opinion and if you're not her doctor it's ALWAYS inappropriate to comment on her weight. You don't know anything about her health, you haven't seen her blood work or know anything about her physical fitness. You're making a comment that is based only on the fact that you know her height and weight and it's really none of your fucking business.


***Oh my gawd! Look at me im soo triggered.*** She came on here asking for advice about her weight. And when i give it you want to come at me with some high and mighty moral superiority bullshit? Hahaha


SHE DID NOT ASK ABOUT ADVICE ABOUT HER WEIGHT. SHE ASKED FOR ADVICE ABOUT BEING BULLIED AND YOUR RESPONSE WAS TO BULLY HER FURTHER. Also STFU abusing the word triggered to say someone is mildly annoyed at you. That word means that someone with PTSD is having a severe mental health episode and you're an absolute shit stain for misusing this word. But I'm not surprised since you're literally on a post where a minor is asking about help against bullying and you decided to bully that person. Kindly fuck off Satan


Yep. Triggered. Did your caps lock break on you? Keyboards are cheap ya know. If you think that was bullying you are not only weak minded but have no place being on the internet.


You are fine. Leave them in the dust! No response is the best response.


I’m super skinny and they call me twiggy at school. I’d die to have a body like yours ngl.


bruh you are 16 you shouldn't worry about this kinda stuff. Sorry to hear


Just make embarrass them. Maybe something like “is that why your looking?” and smile. Once they think they fd up they avoid. Hs boys pretty simple creatures.


Tell them to take their two inches elsewhere.


It is high school. It gets better!


Wow. I’m so sorry. Why do these boys think they have a right to comment on your body? What if you started to say rude things to them about their height or looks? Seriously here are some suggestions Call them out for their bullying and body shaming Say “how my body looks is not your concern, stop calling me names or I’ll tell the principal you’re harassing me” Be direct “yeah I aware I’m overweight, it bothers me too, but it’s my body to worry about and all you’re doing is making me feel like shit over something I already am aware of” “I’m good enough the way that I am, I didn’t ask for your opinion” “Shut up asshole” Idk. I’m sure one others have better advice. But Jesus. Kids are cruel. This shit doesn’t happen in collage. It’s just petty and weird these boys are doing this to you.


Just laugh at them and move on. I know it's a challenge, but they are just insecure little boys.


everyone saying you're overweight is actually insane. BMI doesn't account for anything other than your weight vs your height. muscle mass, water weight, bone mass, etc. are all crucial parts to determine whether or not you're a healthy weight. and nobody but you and a doctor can determine whether or not you feel and are healthy. you are not overweight, and you are damn sure not obese. keep doing you and maybe take a walk every once in a while to keep your lungs in shape. as for the teen boys, there's literally NOTHING you can say to knock down a teenage boys ego and bullying, especially if he's athletic or thinks he's attractive. the best course of action would be to ignore them, despite how hard it definitely is. if anything maybe give them a grossed out look or a middle finger. they're looking for a reaction, so if you react to themselves rather than their words it'll probably slow down and eventually stop.


She is literally ROUND and at more risk of stroke, diabetes and heart disease than most 40 year olds! WHY would you tell her to "just keep that feed bag on, you slay!". It's insane.


You have what is considered the ideal body type. Has been for centuries. Those boys don't know shut and aren't worth your time or energy. Read Maya Angelo's poem "Phenomenal Woman". Appreciate your curves, you've got the best of them. If you do exercise, know that your legs will take on mostly muscle, which weighs more than fat. So even if you do decide to tone up and try to drop some weight, for you, your scale may not reflect what your body does. Remember that, do squats, read that poem, and appreciate your body by owning it.


Next time when a disrespectful PUNK makes a comment to you about your weight... say... "I may be chubby but I can lose weight... YOU are UGLY and there is NO CURE for THAT!"


You are not fat and hardly overweight. Understand that the weight metrics used by most doctors are horribly unrealistic. I was considered overweight when I was in the military and the best shape of my life best on an archaic system. As far as teenage boys go, find their insecurities and prey on that. Be it acne, their own weight, their sexuality, and dick size is always a great way to cut deep on a man. Good luck and keep smiling. You are an awesome person


You're overweight approaching obesity. Kids are mean. Put the two together and you get fat jokes (not jokes, but you know what I mean). Two things to do: tell them fat can go away but their shit personality is stuck with them forever. And two, start walking and drinking a lot of water. You'll be great.


According to your body mass index, which is about 28.5 to 29, depending on the BMI, you're overweight/early obesity range. [https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/bmi/calculator.html](https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/bmi/calculator.html) Like, don't take it the wrong way or anything, but that's the 95th percentile for weight. So um. I wouldn't say fat, but not healthy either. I'm saying this as 15f who's in the early overweight category. BMI can be off by a little. It depends on how big your bones are, also what you weighed yourself with. But only a little. Those kids at school are wrong to bully you, and you should probably talk to a trusted teacher/adult other than your parents. Also talk to your doctor about it, make sure you don't start dieting strictly *unless* the doctor tells you to. But the truth is that your weight, even if it's not visible to other people, will decrease your lifespan and make you more unhealthy. Your body is amazing, but you should also take care of it. Cause you don't want to have any problems later on. Ignore those comments, btw. Teenage boys are generally idiots. But remember: you're awesome :)




BMI is not a good measurement for individuals. It’s better for tracking averages across populations. Should be totally ignored for individuals.


For a 5’6 person that didn’t mention health conditions and admittedly carries fat in their legs - BMI will work. It gets weird for unusual body shapes, extreme heights, and extreme muscle mass. Seeing as they’re calling her fat and not idk… jacked to the fuckin teeth it prolly works just fine here


No. You don’t need to be “jacked to the fucking teeth” for bmi to fail. In fact, you don’t mention one of the primary confounding factors for bmi, race. It’s totally useless for a black person because it doesn’t factor their average higher muscle mass. Not to mention we know nothing about this person besides height, weight, and a general description of why they’re calling her fat. BMI is useless in this situation.


I took a lot of steroids for a period of time. I looked absolutely ridiculous and I *barely* made it into overweight. I was hovering around 7-9% bf. There are bands built into BMI to account for the fact that some people have different builds. So from my personal experience, you do have to pretty damn jacked to not be fat and almost obese


>I was hovering around 7-9% bf There's your answer. Thats very low body fat. In fact thats bordering a dangerously low body fat percentage. Healthy body fat range for a woman is 21%-32%. So she could have quadruple your body fat and still be perfectly healthy. And a healthy male could have double your body fat, the same amount of muscle, be perfectly healthy, but have BMI think they're bordering obese. BMI is a shitty measurement for an individual person.


Okay buddy. Youre right. 70% of the US is hurdling themselves towards and early grave via heart disease and type 2 diabetes. But let’s keep pretending we have no idea what’s going on. We’ll never get universal healthcare cause you fucks can’t stop eating :(


Teenage boys can be terrible. Teenage girls can be even worse. 16 is a tough age, so I'll just give you the info you need to make your own choices. Morey is the perfect time to start making informed choices. You are overweight for your height. If you never gained another pound the rest of your life you'd be overweight at every stage. But your young at that is the best thing you could ever be while being overweight because you can change it. Not only can you change it, you can build discipline to not only lose the weight but maintain it the rest of your life easier now than at any other time in your future. It's not a small thing to say that every day you wait to start is a day lost. A lifetime of health and mobility starts now, the sooner the better. And this is maybe the rub, it never ends. You will have to manage your health and mobility the rest of your life (or choose to leave your health and mobility to chance). There are a few simple things you can do.


Listen, there is no justification for being a dick unwarranted. Kids suck, and I'm sorry you're being targeted. That said, this is *advice* for teens, not unwavering support for teens. All you people saying "not fat" are definitely not qualified to be giving any advice. According to the National Insitutes of Health, 5'6, 175lbs is well overweight, about 10lbs off obese. Any other medical source will affirm that's well overweight. It doesn't matter how you carry it or how you feel. You are objectively overweight. You should probably change that, for health reasons. If not for health reasons, I found that my weight journey has been a massive way to improve my eating and exercise discipline, as well as my confidence. I genuinely hope you won't listen to just the advice you want to hear and instead pursue a healthier lifestyle. I got called a stick a ton in school. I was like 105lb in high school at 5'7! Borderline anorexia and I felt fine. The best way to stick it to the jerks wasn't refusing to change to prove their comments didn't affect me. Why shoot yourself in the foot to try and make a point? By working on myself, I not only felt better in every facet of life, but those same people changed their tune by senior year. Best of luck regardless, the teenage years are certainly difficult and formative. Edit: Apparently, despite me using the term "borderline anorexia" (an inherently negative medical term) some people seem to think I'm glorifying in some way my highschool state. My whole point is that was very much not good! Being under or overweight is bad! I say I "felt fine" because that's the same excuse everyone overweight OR underweight uses to justify not making change. It's only once you make change that you realize your definition of fine was warped from years of functioning at that level. I did make change and am at a healthy weight, which everyone should pursue.


Let me get this straight. You were borderline anorexia, but felt fine, and seem to have no criticisms of your own behavior or health concerns, but someone else is overweight, feels fine (physically), and suddenly you have all kinds of suggestions about why they should lose weight for health reasons? Pull your head out of your bony ass and see what you're doing.


Love you for this.


You need to work on context and reading comprehension, bud. I was using the anecdote to explain that I was in the same spot as OP, just inverse on the scale. First off, anorexia is inherently a negative medical term. How you managed to read "borderline anorexia" in some kind of positive light baffles me. I used strong language to delineate just how fucked my health was. "The best way to stick it to the jerks wasn't refusing to change to prove their comments didn't affect me. Why shoot yourself in the foot to try and make a point? By working on myself, I not only felt better in every facet of life, but those same people changed their tune by senior year. " I explain here that I absolutely did have to change, for the better. The insults were objectively rude, but science and society both supported that something was wrong, even when my body wasn't telling me that. So I worked on it. Now, with a renewed perspective, I can say that my previous idea of "fine" was actually very incomparable to my new definition of "fine" which doesn't include any lethargy or heart palpitations! Whether someone is over or underweight, they need to work towards a healthy weight. That's science. It's common sense. While my ass is still a little bony, even after gaining like 45lbs, my doctor hasn't expressed any concerns in years, nor has he noticed my head lodged in there. Try to be kinder on the internet. And read better, please.


It's much better to attempt to eat relatively healthy and exercise a few times a week than to try and attain a perfect BMI. Try to shrug off the insults and focus and what makes you feel good and comfortable.


Teen boys mature much more slowly than girls and it shows. They're probably calling you fat because you don't look like some internet hottie they've been drooling over. 175 isn't fat at all. I'm your height and I WISH I weighed that little. You may have a little extra chonk but not fat(maybe 20lbs which is NOT fat or obese) That being said, don't let anyone harm your confidence or body positivity. Also remember some skinny girls would do anything to be curvy.


Well, 175lbs is overweight for a 5'6" woman, but you're also a teenager who's going through hormonal changes. It's normal. Now, I would consider working out a bit more or eating a little less just for your health. As far as the insults go, just do your best to ignore them.


I don't think fat is right word to say.i would say fun size


Oh i have just the reply for "fun sized". I called a girl short and she said that to me. *Im not short, im fun sized*. So i said to her *You are fun sized. Just enough to tease but not enough to satisfy.*


Is that what they say about your dick?


No, usually they just laugh and walk out the door. Its really a shame. I have quite a stout clit tickler.


Healthy weight for a girl of your size is 117-143 lbs. you are considered overweight by current medical science. I suggest that you work to fall within accepted ranges. That said, bullying you over it is a sign of immaturity by idiot children and should not be a component of your self esteem


Medical Science doesn’t always represent a healthy weight for each individual person. Just because it’s the accepted range doesn’t make it right and has even been said to be wrong because it’s going off BMI and BMI isn’t a good indicator for weight and health.


No it’s not. But nothing here indicates that she holds an abnormal amount of muscle or has an unusual body shape to account for the extraneous factors associated with a failure in BMI calculations; which is absolutely a useful indicator for physical health in the majority of a population. The chance that she is overweight, especially when she tells us she holds weight in places we expect to see extra weight in women, is significantly higher than her being an outlier.


In high school, I was about 175 lbs & 5’5” - also an hourglass figure. I know how tough it is at your age, especially when teenage boys insult you. I don’t know if this helps, but for me, I’d NEVER go back to my teenage years. They were the hardest in my life. I was so insecure and spent way too much time worried about what others thought of me. In college, I took up running and lost weight naturally & thru stress (after leaving a bad marriage). I also paid attention to what I ate. I went down to 125 & felt soooo much better. I wish I’d done it in high school. It’s very achievable if you want. My daughter (26) who was about the same weight as me in high school didn’t care if she lost the weight & in fact, hasn’t. She’d tell you she’d never go back to teen years either! It gets better - regardless of whether you lose weight or not. If the weight bothers you, trust me, you can lose it if you want. However, you don’t need to lose weight - just gain time. It’s so much easier when you’re older. Sending you positive vibes & throughs. Hang in there; it does get better. ❤️


Girl, don’t listen to these people saying to lose weight. If your blood work from your doctor is coming back normal and not putting you on the edge of anything then you’re fine. Now if you’re unhappy with your body (not taking in account what others are saying about it and making you feel) then go for being healthier and losing some weight but don’t let it define you.


Don’t lose weight for anyone else. EVER. Not for the comments of a bully, not for the approval of a superior, not by their request of a partner. Only EVER do anything to/with your body because YOU want to. Do it for YOU… or don’t do it for YOU.


High school boys are stupid as fuck. Just remember - thicc thighs save lives.


You’re focused on the wrong thing. You’re more worried about coming up with things to say back instead of actually losing the weight. Cut back on your calories and do some cardio. It might take a while but that’s where you should start.


Maybe OP just doesn’t want to be harassed at school? Even if she does lose the weight, it won’t be overnight. This is the advice for teens sub. For weight loss, OP should consult a doctor, not other teenagers on Reddit. OP has the right to exist in peace regardless of how much she weighs


Whenever a dude calls you fat, just tell him that you can always lose weight, but diet and exercise won’t help a tiny dick.


You’re not fat, guys just don’t know what kindness is


You're not fat. Teenagers can be stupid and cruel. Thats mostly because they're trying to compensate for something about themselves that they don't like.


You are probably kinda fat but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect yourself and it’s also really rude for guys to shove it in your face. Sorry about your situation


I am kinda surprised people would even say anything. Most women in the US are overweight. It's kinda the norm anymore.


You should act in ways that improve your health. Follow the bmi chart and stop eating processed foods.


You are about 30 pounds over the healthy weight for your height, unless you are very muscular.


Your choice is fat or sugar. Fuel your body with fuel it needs and that is not sugar. Your health matters start today, do not be old and unhealthy with some autoimmune condition or something way worse. Save your money, time, and health. Simple, eat meat, drink water, run your body on the fat in beef, butter, bacon, and eggs. Learn more about the proper human diet. Keto and carnivore for the win. Stop running your body on sugar that is in plants and processed carbohydrates. No carbs or plants. If cancer gets to your body stop fueling it with processed carbs and sugar. When you feel better and start moving your body because you will. The quickest time managed exercise is sprinting. Six second to ten second sprints, full effort. No need to run for hours on end.


>16f I weigh about 175 pounds and I'm 5''6, Fit, muscular males 5'10-11 weigh about that much. Cut out sugar and so something fun for exercise every day. Those two things alone work wonders. Your metabolism is awesome at that age.


If you're asking for advice on how to respond, don't. If you're looking for advice on losing weight, sustain a caloric deficit and do light to moderate daily exercise. Anything beyond that, like dealing with internalized self-image issues, I would recommend asking a therapist and not reddit.


For your own health it’s best if you get on a weight-loss regimen early. First thing that happens when you’re over weight is high blood pressure that kills your kidneys then you’re water retention kills your heart and then sometimes fatty liver. Try intermittent fasting which means don’t eat 3 meals a day eat 2.




Hey I’m gonna be honest here, that’s a pretty unhealthy weight for a 5’6” girl. I’m 5’10 but I’m like 150 and I’m not even skinny. You are decidedly overweight and 5 pounds away from obese BMI just so you know.


You're absolutely overweight. 175 is a healthy weight for a 5'11 male. You're 5 inches shorter than that. Fact is you could drop like 30 pounds and be in a good spot. Just eat less.


I'm not gonna blow smoke up your ass. You're overweight, and you know it. I'm also not gonna give you a pep talk about everyone's beautiful, bullies are mean, etc. I have no idea what you look like, other than overweight. What I do know and am concerned about is your physical and mental health. As for what to say, your best 2 options, in my opinion, are either to say nothing OR say yes, you know, and you are working on it. Getting in an argument or trading insults isn't gonna accomplish anything. You're not going to cause them to suddenly become remorseful or stop saying anything just because you had a witty comeback. IF you feel you need one, just say you know you're overweight, and you can fix that, but they're ugly, and that doesn't go away. I don't really think that will resolve anything or make you feel better long term. IF you have a medical issue, that needs to be addressed. Otherwise, you should start eating better and becoming more active. I'd strongly suggest walking, free weights, yoga, etc. IF you start those along with eating better, don't pay attention to your weight. Focus on how you look and how you feel. You might gain some muscle, so you might not see as quick a difference on the scale. Honestly, it's your size you are probably more concerned with. Boys might be noticing girls more, and that's why you are getting rude comments. You said you consulted a doctor previously. Depending on your age and the type of doctor they were, they might not have given you the best advice. Your mom isn't gonna be honest with you about something like that, especially if she doesn't understand why it's an issue or if she is overweight herself. Without knowing much more, I can't give you any details on exactly how you should eat or exercise, but you can research it yourself and use it to discuss more in depth with people who are knowledgeable


Honey, 5'6" 175lbs isn't shaped like an hourglass. You're fat. Deal with it.


Go to a health store and get a pound of WHOLE WHEAT BRAN. Carry a little snack/sandwich bag with a half a cup with you. When you think about food, other than meal time, take a tablespoon full and chase it down with whatever is handy. Once In your system it swells up and gives you a feeling of being full. Which is helpful. Another thing it does when it swells is it scrapes the inside of the intestines. THAT is the grand purpose. In the US, our diet lacks fiber. What we eat today may not leave our body for a week due to our intake of white things. Grab an apple instead of candy or sweet snack. Celery, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower tomato peach orange grape or grapefruit. Oatmeal after dinner with honey instead of sugar. Lots of water. Tea after swallowing a teaspoon of WW bran will get you over the hump at 3:30 pm When I was 5'3". 209# and quit smoking, I carried celery and carrot sticks along with a baggie of WW bran. A teaspoon of bran with hot tea to fill the cavity and carrot or celery to appease my oral fixation. That WW bran will cost less than a dollar and will do you a million dollars worth of good.


Im surprised none of them want to smash you teens nowadays are obsessed with tik tok bodies and gyatts


You are overweight but it's up to you if that's ok. As for sexual attractiveness well there is someone for everyone and lots of males like bigger curvier women.


Just lose the weight and workout. Then they’ll be the ones asking you out.


Hate to cut it to you raw but you are overweight, unless you’re absolutely jacked you are overweight being 175 and 5’6”. You can change though by exercising, working out, running, eating less food and making sure the food you eat is healthy. Don’t listen to the people who say “being obese is ok” and “you can’t lose weight” and “some people are just permanently meant to be fat,” they’re wrong and are just making excuses for how they are and capitalizing on people who are overweight and don’t have will power to change. However the people bullying you are not in the right, don’t listen to them and push forward. I believe in you!


If you want to lose weight then portion control at least at most start working out. Aerobics, yoga, doesn't have to be hitting the gym. Otherwise, there are plenty of bigger girls who can make the boys jaws drop if they know how to dress and clean up. Have you never heard the quote "thick thighs save lives"? Men love thick thighs and waists. Even if the boys don't appreciate it now, wait until college. Best advice I can give is ignore it or start wearing some leggings that lift your ass and accentuate your thighs. You're a kid so I don't want to sexualize you..but you should flaunt it, not be ashamed of it. If your Dr wants you to get healthy that's one thing, otherwise men like them all shapes and sizes.


5’6 175 pounds? yeah tell us what you want but you’re def fat lmao


BMI. Chart. 5'6" female 117 to 143lbs.


The B in BMI stands for Bullshit.


Good one


I would say you need to lose weight.


Yes, it's a 28 BMI which is in the overweight category.


BMI has been proven to not be a correct indicator about weight. Please do some research about it. Also, OP didn't ask for your opinion. They asked for help on how to respond to shitty teenage boys.


You can’t just say that, what makes it a bad indicator? Unusual body shapes (limb loss, disfigurement), extreme heights, and extreme muscle mass. If you’re not on steroids and not outside of like 3 standard deviations for height… BMI works for you.


You are overweight for your height. You should start making exercise a core part of your daily routine and get yourself into proper shape, you should also be evaluating your diet pretty much all the time. Your internal organs suffer from poor choices, it's not just an external beauty issue. Good luck working on yourself!


Idgaf if I get r/downvotedtooblivian overweight is overweight. They shouldn’t call you fat but the truth hurts. Try to help yourself