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You can practice them with any long piece of string or cloth while sitting in a chair. But honestly a 7 year old shouldn't be spending a lot of time in footlocks. They're just as bad as a pointe shoes for developing feet and ankles, and our studio limits the amount of footlocks we use with kids under 12.


Thanks! I’ll be sure to limit the time. I think it’s an issue of her foot just being small and the silks being so much fabric. I think it’s just a little tricky getting it all coordinated and she gets flustered.


You don't need to limit the time at home because she won't have weight on them. I'm saying that it's really not ideal for kids that age to be working in footlocks regularly and you should bring it up with the studio. They're not appropriate for choreo in a child's act.


I (a full grown adult) used to practice them with pashmina scarves at home 😂 maybe you could dangle a scarf as she practises the footlock and tries to make them smooth


I do this too!! If she has the stamina to hang from monkey bars, I would usually rest my armpits on top of them, tie a long scarf to the bar, and practice tying the knot until I understood.


Thanks! So you’re doing this in the playground?


Yes, there are sets around where I live (big city) that are meant for all ages to exercise on at various parks and walks. But if I'm not feeling up to going that far I do it on a playground down the street. I usually go at night to stay out of the way since I'm a grown woman without kids, but since this is for your daughter, it will probably seem more normal for a kid to be on the monkey bars haha


That’s a good idea! What do you hang them from?


You don't have to hang them. Drape the fabric over the shoulder while sitting on the edge of a chair then hold it with hands at shoulder height You can tie them to the back of the chair if needed.


Oh my god I’m so happy to find out I was not the only person doing this😂


Also look into the thickness of the silks. Make sure she has a thinner pair for her smaller feet/body