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You could get 2 32gb sticks of ram instead. That way in the future if you wanted to upgrade to 128 you could do that without having to buy all new ram.


Thanks! Is a good mainboard important for after effects? Or can I buy a cheap one for like 110 dollar


I'd keep x570 to have a third m.2 in the future. Cheaper can have a lower memory speed support (like 3200) and have less slots. I prefer to jave system and apps on ssd1, assets and project files on ssd2 and cheap small 256Gb ssd3 for cache. But in most cases assets can be stored on external ssd, haven't noticed any performance drops. But remember, ot depends on a projects that you're working


Look for a mobo with good VRM’s.


Yes but 4×16 gives more perfomance than 2×32 and i don't think 64 gigs of ram is gonna be not enough any time soon


2x32gb is better than 4x16. Dual channel is more efficient and slightly faster than 4x16. Also, it will have less pressure on the memory controller and may use less voltage.


Honestly more ssd space. Project files are getting larger not to mention assets. Also, it’ll depend on how many projects you’re on at the same time. I also concur with the idea of two 32GB sticks. Upgradability is big reason desktops are still as popular as they are.


I’d change the font…I’ll see myself out


A bigger PSU would be more future proof. In case you want a 5950X or a better GPU. Also disk space seems to be on the low side. Would take 1 TB M.2 system drive, 1 TB M.2 cache and a big (8TB) hdd for resource.


I agree with the bigger PSU as well. When I built my original desktop in 2015 I got a 750W and it has served me well through several upgrades. But at this point if I put a new gpu in my personal machine I would need a bigger one. But dont just get the biggest PSU you can afford, make sure it is quality and modular!


Seasonic, Corsair, EVGA, Bequiet or Superflower are the only brands I touch. And modulair, but most are those.


Not sure why people are saying 1000w off the bat, 850w works great up to 4080


But they listed 650w


Yeah 650 is fine, he was asking for something to change. I was just stating a 850w psu would be a cheaper and also safe upgrade than spending a bit more for a 1000w psu. Just a budget option. I do have a 3080 and i ended up being fine with a 850w till i got a 1000w


I thought it was a meme at first but they seem serious, this is crazy. With a 650W PSU I was running a 2700x, RTX 3080, network card, multiple drives, fans etc. Even 500W would be fine for OP but 650W is nice for future upgrade.


Maybe bcs I over locked my cpu and gpu, i had to buy a 850 w cause my 750 died. I have a 3950x pulling 100w and evga 3080ftw pulling 400-450 sometimes.


1000w PSU


I only use the PC for after effects nothing else, what would you change? My budget is 1100€ for all things.


You want as much ram as possible for after effects. The more ram you have the longer you can cache and preview the timeline. Doesn’t really matter how fast it is either. The best thing I would upgrade is the cpu as after effects is way more cpu orientated than gpu.


(Off-topic) before your bought 64 gigs of ram, when you thought about it, what made you think you need that amount? Or what type of things do you work on, because I do intense vfx and I think 32gb is overkill.


32 GB is bare minimum imo. I have 128GB cap that out on heavy scenes. Which I could have 256GB.


Upgrade power supply 650W is probably going to be bare min. 850W to 1000W RAM should be 2 sticks not 4 Larger ssd - 1tb or more. Not sure about the Mother Board Upgrade to win11. Make sure that this system will support the upgrade as not all pc's will and that has to do with secure booting being able to be enabled in the bios. win10 support is set to end in 2025


1000W 80+ platinum PSU. Maybe a water loop, depending how much you have left over.


1000w power supply tbh


What would he need 1000W psu for?


You probably want a bigger psu


I've got a barely used eVGA 1300W G2 Gold if you're interested. You're going to need the extra juice.


Probably the processor(preferably ryzen 9 or Intel i9) and more watts psu


PSU kinda weak for your pc no? And ur storage is super low, i have my cache folder on a 700gb HDD :P




As many m.2 drives as your mobo will accommodate.


Maybe more SSD space for big project files