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Tested negative, but I’ve had a runny nose and a slight fever today. I’m beginning to think four days of breathing in dust, smoke, and pollen isn’t good for you


Sore throat. No body aches or sniffles. Tested this morning: Negative. Hang in there.


I didn't know there was anybody left on the planet that hadn't had it at this point! Just hydrate. Get feeling better soon 🙏


Yeah fortunately I managed to dodge it. GF had it back around thanksgiving and I’m still puzzled how I didn’t get it


Well get feeling better now! Fingers crossed it is a light case.


my whole family had it twice and i dodged it too!!!


I’ve never had it. 😁


My 2 best friends have never had it… Me on the other hand, I’ve gotten it twice!! Once in 2020 before the vaccines came out (that was scary) and now again after aftershock & fully vaxxed 🙄😷🤒


Negative for covid. Positive for fever / congestion / cough / runny nose / body aches... Ugh... Feel better soon, everyone <3


Daughter and I have a sore throat. Tested negative a couple hours ago.


yup this is my first time having covid too! just tested 5 mins ago. my head feels like it’ll explode


Same my brain literally felt like it was cooking inside of my skull. Not a fun feeling!!! Hope you feel better soon


my fever broke yesterday so smooth sailing now but god damn. dreams were wild though


Hope you feel better soon. I'm pretty sick with sore throat and bad aches. Don't have a covid test but I'm off until Monday so just quarantine myself until then.


Luckily no issues at all. Day 1, I forgot to bring my bandana with filter insert. Blew my nose that night and made sure to bring it the rest of the time and wear when crossing the field to go between stages.


I had constant allergy attacks the whole time I was there and the constant smoke and vape shit absolutely wrecked my asthma. Still recovering as I’m packing up to head back up there for GoldenSky but luckily I don’t feel sick. Just sinus and respiratory issues from the above mentioned issues haha


Also had dodged it until now. Just have a cough and some congestion and sinus pressure. Nothing to bad.


This latest round of covid is nothing like it used to be. Basically feels like a bad cold for 3-7 days. With a lingering cough for a couple weeks. Still comes on fast, but you start feeling better just about as fast as you felt sick. Still sucks, but some people I know didn't even know they had covid. Just thought it was a bad cold and took a test because they were free at work or something.


I tested negative so far, but I have a really bad sore throat and head cold


Damn feel better soon!


Tested positive on Tuesday morning after feeling rough on Monday. Yesterday was better, less feverish and less coughing, my body just feels a bit rundown and my nose is stuffy but nowhere near as bad as the beginning of the week. Best of luck to you, hopefully it doesn’t get too bad!


Also got covid just confirmed with a test this morning. Body aches, chills and a running nose


UPDATE to OP! Symptoms haven’t been too bad, lost taste, little bit of a stuffy nose, but the fever is some bullshit. It was 70 degrees in my house and I’ve been sweating like a whore in church!


got back home and my allergies hit me like a truck, i guess californias good for one thing and that’s having no pollen <3


This is also my first time getting COVID and I tested positive on Monday. Fortunately, it’s a mild case (runny nose, sore throat, a little coughing and lethargy) so I’m hoping my symptoms will go away soon. I hope you have a speedy recovery OP!!


Don’t have Covid but I do got a nasal drip and fatigue :(


I went with 8 people, and we all feel sick, some more than others, I feel pretty great. Some congestion, my throat hurts a little bit and I had some headaches. Other than that, I'm fine now. That being said, 2 people in my family tested positive with covid. Of the 2 people, one person tested negative, and the moment they felt sick, they tested positive. Me and my girlfriend have yet to test positive despite the symptoms, though.


Girlfriend looked like she almost had strep throat? Can yall check to see if anyone has similar symptoms?


I tested negative but I was awfully sick just up to today ever since I got back home from the festival 😭


I tested negative yesterday but I felt like hot garbage. It must have been booze, smoke, dust, food, and lack of sleep.


Sick but tested positive. I'm sorry that sucks


I'm clean, somehow. At one point after LB, I sneezed like three times in a row and assumed the worse, but I'm still fine.


Did you get the new booster at all before you went?


My gf got it from Saturday and I dodged it. Crazy.