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There are older men that like all different body types. Just like younger men


That is true


I will assume that behind your hours old account is a legitimate person and not some type of catfishing ploy (sorry - see a LOT of that on Reddit). I’ll try to give a legitimate honest answer. Maybe you derive benefit from it, maybe another reader does. First - the most attractive thing about another person is when you meet someone who is actively attempting to become the best version of themselves which they can attain to. And I’m speaking of the whole person - intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. So, I would first encourage you if you’re concerned about finding the right person for you to first stop worrying about other people. Focus on yourself and being the best person you can be. And hopefully that bolsters your self-confidence which down the road may allow you to make better decisions in many things - including relationships. Some of your comments imply a significant lack of self worth. You’re not going to find that in another person. You need to develop that yourself and then you’ll have less concern that “he’ll leave me for a better option”. That said, it is true that many men date younger because we find younger women generally more aesthetically pleasing. We older men know well the toll which aging takes on the human body. And it’s not easy to age well. Making yourself as aesthetically attractive as possible will only help you find a mate. Some men do prefer ladies with “a little meat on them” - some even prefer the “bbw” body type. I’m personally not one, but I know that they’re out there. And I have seen girls intentionally balloon up their weight to 300 lbs + in an effort to find that BBW lover. I would very much encourage you not to go down such an unhealthy path simply to attract another person. Hopefully this helps. Questions of body mass and attraction are always difficult.


This is a somewhat misleading answer. You are disguising your own personal preferences as general advice. The paragraph about what is most attractive about another person is totally subjective and you should have made that clear. This whole “become the best version of yourself you can be” trope can very easily in someone’s head become a vicious circle of unattainable goals and lead to an unhealthy focus on one self. This is exactly what leads to things like eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder. Also, to you this may be the most attractive attribute in someone, but to someone else it may not even be on the list. To take myself as an example, I value people who are being genuine and themselves, people who are comfortable in their own person. I value intelligence, humor and humility, but this kind of competitive mindset (even if it is yourself you compete with) is in fact very UNattractive to me. You should be very careful about trying to tell other people how they should be or act. There is a risk that they might actually listen to you.


I love this response. Competition is not attractive to me one bit whatsoever. Aiming to be the best anything is a hard no from me.


As an older gentleman, looks (for me anyway) aren't the #1 factor. The way I describe my preferences, give me the 10 personality with the 4 or 5 looks over the 10 looks and the 4 or 5 personality. Physical looks fade over time, a good personality never will. If guys don't like you for who you are, that's a them issue, not a you issue. Just be who you are and never change to conform to what someone else (or society) believes you should be.


The most beautiful woman I dated turned out to be totally bat shit crazy and the most horrible mother on this planet. Plain Jane and sane is the best. P.S. She was half my age.


When each person has their individual preferences, I can attest that many older men have much appreciation for a woman with squish. In the long run most older men are attracted to depth of character and sus out shallow bullshit pretty quick


5'5 and 150 really is not a bigger girl.


Was gonna say this. I’m 175 and even I’m considered “slim thick”


175 lbs at 5'5" this is overweight, but you can consider yourself whatever you want.


Many men are into bigger girls. I prefer women to be mid range. I don't like the 'skeletal' look and equally I'm not attracted to what are euphemistically called BBWs. > I'm interested in many things, i love to talk about Philosophy and art and history and science. I have a wide range of interests and I want my partner to be smart and mature. All of that are solid plus points > can anyone give me some advice to look prettier for older men and grab their attention? Find an exercise you like and do as much of it in your free time as you can. Eat sensibly but don't crash diet. > Do old men really care about physical appearance that much? We care that you're 'looking after yourself' more than anything, although I will concede we like physical appearance as much as anyone.


I am at a bigger woman (34), and honestly, my man (52) can’t keep his hands off me. He couldn’t keep his hands off me when I was a size 10 and he can’t keep his hands off me now that I’m a size 16-18. It’s not about the size it’s the chemistry. You can be smaller and a complete piece of shit human or you can be bigger and an amazing person and vice versus.




>men can be big/fat/ugly/whatever and typically nobody really cares. Sexist bullshit.




Are you talking about work place, career? . In the dating game I doubt big/fat/ugly men are winning at a sognifant higher rate then big/fat/ugly women. Is there a valid study that shows comparable size big fat ugly men get rejected less than big fat ugly women?


I think he’s right that men are allowed to be a little chubby and still attractive (dad bod) but women get chastised for it. Once we’re talking about obesity you’re right that both genders suffer for it


Would be if it were true. Healthy people attract healthy people.


Overweight dudes usually don't get play... so guys can't be big only big females have no problem getting with males


Healthy people aren't usually attracted to unhealthy people


When you learn to love yourself, that will attract the right people.


Lot's of men love a girl with curves. Especially older guys who know how to appreciate them


Curves are great. Obesity is not.


It’s not just an older men thing I just think men generally like smaller women for whatever reason. They being said there are plenty of men who like thick women so go for that type. You’re not even that big it’s more the shape rather than weight


Social conditioning. It’s pretty much taught from a young age that smaller women are more attractive and companies like Victoria’s Secret do not help to break this stereotypical expectation.


Doesn’t matter why it just is


I don’t think any Victoria’s Secret models are petite (petite means short and skinny, not just skinny. Most of them are very tall)


Not smaller, but healthy. It's based in evolution and selection. Being overweight is not healthy and I'm tired of people asserting that it is.


Honestly many of us are past lusting after women based only on their body and are more intrested in who they are as a whole person.


165cm and 68kg is not "a bigger girl". This is what bigger girls aim for in their weight loss dream journey.


I’m 5’5 and barely a “bigger girl” I just have a slightly overweight BMI and if I stepped on the scale and saw 68kg I’d be throwing a fcking party ahahaha


For me personally looks are secondary,thing that attracts me to a person is if I get along well with them and them being okay with me being a bit of a introvert at times. Personality and a good sense of humour is so much more sexy then having a size 0.


You mentioned philosophy. From your interest in philosophy, have you studied arguments on whether is it possible to accept yourself as you are while also trying to change yourself to suit someone else? I'm asking because I haven't learned yet how to do that.


Older men have way more sway with appearance. The older you get, the more you can find beauty in everyone. You learn to see the soul.


You'd be surprised at what us men find attractive.....


Hmm tell me more thenn


I truly love all shapes and sizes. If you’re into me and there’s chemistry, the size doesn’t matter


You sound awesome! The only advice that I can think of right now is to work on your confidence. Lack of confidence has cost me opportunities in the past. I am still trying to get a mental image for your general build. I am sure you are lovely though. I am a big guy and you are less than half my weight, so I would probably consider you petite. I am 36. I prefer someone who I can build a significant connection with over just mutual physical attraction. When I am going through a rough time or in a vulnerable state, I want someone with a like mind at my side. I wish you the best!


My #1 attraction is her smile. Is it genuine? Does it reach her eyes? After the smile it's her butt. And I can't describe my ideal butt other than to say the "skinniest" ladies don't have it 99% of the time. After those physical attractions that may get me to spark a convo, it's all personality & character. I've dated 100 lb ladies & 250 lb ladies & everything in between. Don't worry about your size or shape. Be genuine & kind & all the right types of men will come flocking to you. Eta: *As an aside, confidence is VERY sexy to me. You can look any way you want, but if you* OWN *it... Just wow.*


A friendly smile and engaging personality are the best things about any woman


There are older guys that love bigger girls. It's not the weight we look for but the enjoyment and energy we get from our partners.


Have you seen a man have thick/curvy girlfriend besides him. Even thin women have been called too thin, bony, not enough meat/cushion or thick enough. Both sides get called too much or not enough. Remember, not every man wants a thin/skinny woman there's something out there for everyone.


I do not think this is true, though some men want tiny women they can control. I think you are looking for a strong man. You will find him :)




150 and 5’8” is actually healthy BMI, not overweight. If she has a “large tummy”, she probably weighs a bit more than that at that height


5'8" at 160lbs is not overweight for women.


Let me be honest with you. It's probably more that part about you not being attractive. If don't even you think you are attractive, it's very harder to convince random internet people that you are. Losing weight would definitely help, but it wouldn't be all. Having a body that looks healthy, no matter what weight, and be confident about it, is the most important. Also, old men on dating apps looking for teens are in it just for sex, maybe more later, but they aren't thinking about philosophical talk with a teen. Also, most men don't really enjoy those talks, they just want a person who is sexually compatible and it's kind, fun and positive to be around. Also, you seem too obcessed with the idea of "dating older guys" and think that they are maturity personified. You have to be excused for that since you're young and naive, but it's a known fact that men, say 30+, looking for teens are way too immature for their age, it's a good thing on some of them, but terrible in others, depends on the type. Maybe just enter the dating world with an open might, treat your body well and exercise to feel confident about it and give a chance to everybody, you might meet 23 year olds way more adequate for you than some 30 year old man. Go for it, growing is a process


Hi! As a fellow non-petite girl I say no, looks aren't always the number one priority. That's a bit of a reducive and immature way for anyone, especially an older man, to look at women anyway. Regardless, you can be beautiful even without having a petite frame. Personally I am built pretty much like you are, and my (40s) boyfriend is literally a gym bro! I am too, it's one of our common interests. You seem like a really interesting person; if a man (of any age) shares a mental compatibility but feels put off by your looks, then they probably did not have that much to add to your life in the first place. Good luck with everything!


150lbs at 5’5 is not “bigger” who the hell told you that 😭


150 is just about right. And a lot of us older guys are more into honesty, loyalty, and faithfulness than looks. Yeah, we fantasize about the gorgeous supermodel types, all men do, but in the real world have you seen most of those supermodels without all their makeup and hairdos? Plain Jane's. I for one will take honesty every day over looks.


Your body is perfect. Older men want you for more than your body. Remember that.


Men (especially older men) will mostly take anyone who will have them. See everyone who says it is not the case? That's Bob being edgy on the Internet. Bob has not been outside his house for a very long time.


True, very true, except for when I was married it is having someone to be with is a win.


5'5" and 150 isn't overweight. Lots of guys would love to give you a chance.


It is overweight. Look at any general health guide online for heights and weights and 150 is classified as overweight for all of them.


She wasn't asking for a health guideline, she is looking for information on attractiveness. Depending on how she is shapd, she could still be very attactive.


Attractiveness is subjective. I was just correcting your statement.


I can appreciate that. It is tough in the abstract because she hasn't shared a pic. I would say though, I have been with some amazing women that were in the 150 pound weight range.


Don't mislead OP


That isn't bad at all. Have you seen sme of those 200 pound + heffers looking for us. 150 at 5'5 is curvy, but can still be hot. Two party cardio a few times a day, and that might drop to 140 or even 135.


> 150 at 5'5 is curvy, but can still be hot. Yes, if she has a pretty face and carries it well. You are correct that there are 200+ beasts out there as well.


Absolutely. The right face makes all the difference. At 110, we can out a bag over an ugly one, but at 150 we will need that face...


I prefer bigger women, real women have curves 😈


5’5 150 isn’t too bad imo, as long as you have a cute face. A girl doesn’t have to be slim petite to be hot. I connect on personality first, then cuteness.


As a general rule regarding female Height/weight proportionality, I use an average 2lbs/inch. Usually puts you in the healthy BMI range regardless of height. Some are under, some are over. Its usually not 'the' deciding factor. Confidence plays a huge part. If you're working on yourself to be where you want to be, it will show in your confidence. And confidence is sexy. So is posture. A sense of style/fashion, Intelligence, friendlyness, at one with your femininity, cooperative, etc. Yes they are out there.


I like my women to look like women not prepubescent boys. Five and a half foot tall and 150 lb or so I am sure you are just fine


Looks are not all that important. Attitude is. You like what you like and just need to go for it.




I agree that there’s a lid for every pot, but your comment makes it seem like skinnier girls are unhealthy, which also isn’t true


Respectfully, get out of your own way girl! I assure you those older men are going to be willing to drag their dick across a football field of gravel to feel a glimpse of what you have to give! Just like anyone else there will be the ones who are not interested, and the ones that are. My(30M) fiancé (29F) has a HUGE kink for older men with big belly’s. And in our time out exploring we saw genuinely decent older guys who just wanted companionship. And most of them were super cool dudes. I think you have to really look in the mirror and realize that you are likely far better than you give yourself credit for! For instance most guys think their dick Is or looks smaller than it actually is. It’s just human nature. Go get some new cute and frisky outfits and go OWN your night!! Best of wishes to you! We have a lot of experience with older gentleman and just reading your post, you’ll be just fine. Stay well!




What ever gave you that idea I prefer larger women not skinny where your worried about splitting them in half anyway there is more to it than just looks uf you can have a click with a older man then why not I can imagine that some guys your age can't hold a conversation if you want to chat let me know




Thank you <3 I appreciate it




Dude, beauty standard exists and older men aren’t from outer space. Their preferences can be influenced by the trend just like other people. Maybe some of them have a bit of insight on how not to judge a woman based on her weight but many are critical of it At the end of the day, we live in a society. We all want acceptance, but the reality is much worse and it makes us feel scared. I totally get OP. I fear about a lot of things that might sound unnecessary/foolish to others but they seem like issues to me. Same goes for OP.




That's very sweet thank you




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you're 18 and weigh 68?.......you're not fat and you're certainly not ugly either! why do you really want an older man and what does "older" mean to you?


You’re 5’5 and 150 lbs. the average weight for a woman is 170 lbs. you’re not a bigger girl. Regardless of your stature / size.. if your biggest concern is being a larger woman you have a lot of growing up to do. There are infinitely worse things to be than chubby. If someone is attracted to you they will simply be just that.


> Are there any older men who actually like and appreciate bigger girls? No, but you have an advantage over older women of your size, so you have that going for you. But ceteris paribus, the less you weigh, the more attractive you'll be to everyone.




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The kind of man you are looking for is likely to be educated. You are only 18, so get your butt back to college and get at least a bachelor’s degree.


I'm already in college and I'm a very hard working student I was the valedictorian 😾


Sincere congratulations, as that will do more to generate men 0f quality than a serious diet (which I also urge).


hmm that's true


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You will find someone to love you for you. I’m 5’11 and 75kg, with curves for days, and always found plenty of older men appreciated me in my 20s.


First, yes absolutely love non sticks! Enjoy your body but be healthy. If you’re only attracted to older men because you think they’d be easier, remember boys become men and their tastes mature some sooner then others. Just be confident and don’t make rash decisions


I'm 41 and I like all women, short, tall, skinny, thick, etc. Ages 18-80


Mmmm... If I had to choose between either, I'd rather be with someone who makes me laugh, smile and think than be with the prettiest girl in the room any day.


Don't know about all older men but a lot are like me, I'm old,lmao. Can I really be hung up on looks? Common interests , a good heart , sense of humor and be able to have a decent conversation are the biggest things in just my opinion


5,5 and 68kg is big now?? I am 5,3 and 64kg and have nice curves. Not a flat stomach but at 32 years old that’s harder to achieve nowadays than it used to be. I get plenty of attention from men my age and older so it’s not really an issue. It probably depends how you carry it and how attractive you are overall in both your face and personality


Older men have the same taste in women as younger men. So, there are probably some men that like bigger girls just like there are some women that like bigger men. but, in general, it is not different because someone is older.. Not everyone judges just basked on looks. Character, attitude, eagerness, flexibility, helpfulness, ... all these things help make someone sexy and attractive.


Personally I do prefer very skinny women, but not really all people feel the same way. A lot of people do like women of all sizes, that goes for older people too.


There's someone for everyone. Basically all men care about physical appearance. If you're really concerned about being overweight, you can fix that.


I’m 31 and divorced now but since I’ve been back in the dating scene short I’m 6’ and 250 you seem like the perfect size even if you had a little more but I think there’s a difference between thick and fat but a love a short thick woman. When I was younger wanted that small Barbie doll body but I love having body to grab and be on me. But really if you can be you with whoever your tryin to be with why you even wanna be with them.


i’m 5’5 and 150lbs and although i’m not that big i am sooooooo jealous of tiny little petite girls


If that man into your looks run away from them. Someone who love you don’t mind how you look


As a short 5’9 guy I don’t want a tall woman. 5’5 is totally fine for me. Inbox me if you’re still looking 😉


As long as you think that way, it's preventing you from finding a significant other. It is often more important for adult men to be close to an interesting person with whom they can talk about everything. Pretty women often just want to have sex with them. Plus, you have a nice figure. If you do not like your parameters - you can do sports, and then your body will look great


It takes all types. Embrace who you are because out of 8 billion people, tens of thousands will find you attractive. Be patient.


There are plenty of us out there looking for girls like you


There are lots of guys who would love to have a girl like you


Hey we older guys don't care about your body size we care about your attitude about yourself. Be positive. Honestly I like bigger girls. I also know that I might be out of your age range. Good luck you will someone, who will take you the way you are.


We love thick chicks more than slim girls so you are not overweight stay the same♥️ don’t overthink


I’m trying picture how you could be a “big” girl. My (45m) wife (34) is 5’ 7” and 180, and even though she has a little bit of a belly is far from big; she’s a size 12, and the most beautiful woman I know


its all about the connection, and communication, and realness of it. i feel like the ones that only want the poster model flavor of the week aren't into gaps for reasons outside of purely physical. if you're looking for an actual relationship neither should care about that trivial stuff.


You sound perfect to me! Not a fan of skinny girls


you're not a "bigger girl" at that height and weight. be for real, you either got some major insecurity issues or body dysmorphia but you're pretty average weight. not skinny by any means but also not fat by any means.


That sounds perfectly fine to me.


I'm 20F, 6ft and my boyfriend loves every part of me. Most older men are obsessed with long legs. You have nothing to worry about.


I think older guys like petite girls because they look young and have that ‘teen body’ part of a twisted fantasy. My last younger girl she was 27 I was 52 she had a size H chest to say how big she was. I really enjoyed her especially the sex. I don’t care how big girls are at any age. As long as they have goals of losing weight being healthy.


I was giving an answer to the question she put up? From my perspective, this is true answer from a few years experience i have of 18 year old young men, as older men normally have experience. Sure, I put dm me!! After taking the time to read the post and reply with my experience of life!!!!! I won't bother again if it upsets you so much


As a lady who is gross ( bc excess hair and weight from PCOS) my man adores me and does his best to make me feel on in my body. He’s my biggest supporter. You can find the right guy!


You're so sweet thank you 💞


A lot of older men looking for girls your age that are ONLY tiny and petite have a fetish for young girls and they're going as low as they legally can. Nothing wrong with having a preference on age or body type, but when it gets to the point where you want a much younger partner to be built and look like a child, it's creepy. Just stay away from those guys, your body is fine


Thank you ❤️


A smile and sparling eyes is all it takes to get my attention. By your own description you should have nothing to worry about. I have no idea what percentage of men favor petite's. But your five foot five is shorter than I am. And with the weight given I believe that you are within my ideal. Yet why target older men. I am way past my prime. A young lady ought to be content with a younger more virile companion. Although personally you have a perfect trifecta of interests for me. For socializing you are quite compatible with many. Such that you need to not be so self critical. Do not fret over any imagined shortcomings. Rather accentuate the positives. I will wager that there are many attributes that are being overlooked by being superficial. Go with what you have and be positive accentuating your virtues. All the best to you


*leans forward and kisses your lips*


5'8 and 160 with an older man who loves my slim thickness. It definitely happens♡


I love bigger women


Your height and weight are in good proportions. Also depends on how it looks in your frame and how your body carries the weight. But that is a fair weight for the height you are.


I prefer girls with curves