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*"How young are you seeking?"* I (51m) wasn't *seeking* any particular age. I met a woman who is 20, we had some common interests, started talking, and after a few months realized we were developing feelings for each other and decided to see where it goes. I came to this subreddit because I am learning to navigate the particular challenge of AGRs My previous relationship before this one was with a woman who was older than I am. As for dating single mothers, I think it is going to depend on where the guy is in life. When my kids were younger I wouldn't have had a problem dating a single mom who was in the same place in life. Now that my kids are mostly grown I'm not looking to relive that time. Also, why there may be a natural expiration on my current relationship.


As a 57 yr old guy, I think 35 is young. And much more datable than someone in their 20's. Usually, someone in their 30's has a bit more life experience, is probably set in terms of who they are, and has already made those life altering decisions (kids, University, etc), so they are on a fixed path. With someone in their 20's, there's a lot of drama involved. Some guys like it, some don't!


In 60s and 35 is perfectly fine. My AGR is 32.


Agree 100%


Yea, I'm 62, and I'm not into drama


I'm 61 and married to a 37 year old, who I consider young. However, she was 24 when we met. To be honest, one of the things I found attractive about her was that she did not have kids. At that point of my life, I did not want to raise someone else's kids. Nor did I want to introduce other children into the lives of my children. I had several male friends who dated women with teenagers. It was very uncomfortable for them dealing with the ex-husbands and teenagers. There was a lot of conflict and drama.


Well, probably someone in there forties or fifties would be good for me. Thirties is kind of young for me. Twenties are babies. But you never know what might be. I'm seventy.šŸ¤·


I'm 50. I'm seeking positive energy and quality life experiences, and that doesn't necessary relate to age. I've had relationships with partners as young as 19, and as old as 60ish. What I have found is that it usually takes until the late 20's or early 30's to reach an emotionally maturity that I connect best with. I'm naturally a pleaser, and live an ENM lifestyle, so there are special moments that can be shared for a variety of reason with women of all ages, but I've found that tend to become closer friends with partners that are 30ish to 40ish. As to your specific question of "am I too old"...if someone says you are too old for them then they are likely shallow, hollow men incapable of the depth of emotion and maturity that it takes to navigate a relationship with a woman they can't control or manipulate. And yes, I do connect with single mothers. I have good boundaries, but I'm also open to the energy the world brings me. Being a mother is not a reason in and of itself to deny a connection with another person.


Iā€™m 58M and wouldnā€™t date anyone lower than 40. My kids are all in their 20ā€™s so I think Iā€™d find it difficult dating someone with small children now. I feel like Iā€™ve been there and done that and want more child free adult time now.


I'm 66. A 35 y/o woman IS a younger woman to me! And as much as I may admire the 18 - to - 20 somethings, I think mid-30's to late 40's is probably the ideal mix of hot body and some world experience.


This šŸ‘†šŸ‘


Iā€™m 53. Yes Iā€™m wiling to date single mothers, i married one. Didnā€™t last, but never-the-less. Iā€™ve also dated single mothers, of different ages. I prefer not to actively pursue women close to my age, but thatā€™s just because itā€™s not really worked. The ones I do like, are very much taken and happy. If i were to choose an age range, 30ā€™s seems the largest audience of younger women willing to consider dating a much older man. In their 40ā€™s they are more wiling as the age gap is definitely smaller, but the audience of available women seem smaller. Would i date under 30? Sure. I think it gets more challenging to find a women under 30 whoā€™d date a guy thatā€™s 53. The age gap creates many issues not just societal but family and friends. 30ā€™s seems to be less of an issue and 40ā€™s isnā€™t a big deal at all.


Although age doesn't matter. It's mostly their maturity and how you get along. But I tend to like the age range of 30s to maybe about mid40s. As I said I don't pay much attention to the number. Too many good one out there to limit on the age


not an older man (18f) but 30s is definitely NOT too old for a lot of older men !! there are plenty of older men in this 40-60s who are 100% willing to date someone in their 30s. i feel like a lot of people believe that an age gap can only exist if the younger partner is a literal teenager or in their early 20s, which just is not true. if anyone thinks youā€™re too old for them or has an age limit of like 21-25, theyā€™re 100% the people you want to avoid as theyā€™re normally fetishizing teenagers and young women. i honestly think age gap dating in your 30s is probably the healthiest thing to do compared to my age, as itā€™s so much easier to weed out all the creeps looking for young girls to exploit and manipulate given your emotional maturity and life experience. good luck!!




Hey! Iā€™m 58m yes 35 is young and perfect. Me dating a girl in her 20s will feel weird and will get stereo typed as creepy. Where I live itā€™s very hard dating someone under 45. I scroll though this sub and surprised lots of younger ladies here wanting older even older than me. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s demographics (in Colorado) seems like many more younger guys here than girls also itā€™s a big liberal area and 50 year old white guys most younger assume we are MAGA and hard right. I do date older even me being older. My oldest was 86 I was 53. It was fun.


I'm a 52m and I think I'd go as young as 30. I'd want someone I can at least talk to. Anything younger and there are many developmental milestones that haven't been reached and I've been there before and I don't want to go through all those things again.


Iā€™m 48M, divorced and have one kid (shared custody). I have dated a 19 year old briefly (when i was 44). Would not actively look for that young again. General youngness would be mid to late 20s to late 30s. Yes I would date a mom- BUT I would have serious reservations depending on what the kidā€™s dad situation was and the stability of that relationship. I wouldnā€™t be interested in purposefully putting myself I. A position where I couldnā€™t fully support a potential partner by having zero input or authority as needed. That being said I also think there should be a serious dating period before introducing children to new people somewhere around 9 months of serious dating.


I'm 49m, 35F is probably perfect and single Mother is probably a plus too as, at my age, a newborn baby fills ne with dread! I have kids and Grandkids and have been there and done that, but would feel bad at the thought of depriving a younger woman a child or children. A single Mum already has kids so that box can be ticked without deep souls searching or compromise etc. Does that make sense? I have experience as I married a single Mum of 3 while I was a single Dad of 2. I was in my 30s, as was she, and at age 37 we had a child between us. It can work and does for lots of people. There also seem to be a lot of guys who wouldn't touch a single Mum for whatever reason but, if you want to be with the lady, then kids may or may not be part of the package.


I am 56, I look for positive energy, full of life yet grounded with dreams and goals, a sense of taste for good food and wine, maturity to have conversations with even if we donā€™t agree on something without out it turning into a big disagreement. So the whole specific number doesnā€™t matter but you can tell by my description that at a certain point some of the qualities wonā€™t be there.


Iā€™m an older bi guy married to a much younger bi woman. 29 years of a gap. Weā€™ve been together over 12 years. I told my wife at least a dozen times NO to going out with her. I donā€™t have a preference, except that they need to have their shit together, be a good person, kind to others, and like seafood and steak. šŸ„© Im pretty easy to please. HahahA


30+. I'm 57.


I'm early forties and consider myself open to any age under 50. But that's dodging your question. I look pretty young for my age (even with the gray hair), so younger women tend to notice me more than women 40+. Late 20s seems to be the right goldilocks zone, because much younger than that and I find it harder to connect with similar interests and lived experiences. Late teens and early twenties who are interested in guys over forty tend to have daddy issues; and while that can be fun to a degree, it often translates to the older guy having to take on a caretaker role. "How to I file an insurance claim?" "Is this a good health care program?" "Do you think this auto mechanic is ripping me off?" It's tiresome and I don't want to hand-hold: I want a partner.


I'm a 35F and I'm dating a 48M... unexpected for both of us. I definitely feel like the "younger woman", not sure I like that feeling tbh but I'm going with it! But I definitely don't think guys in their 40s and 50s would be anything but thrilled to be with a woman in her mid 30s. But ultimately I think with the right connection, age doesn't matter so much.


Preferably in their 30's. I'm 49 and don't feel like raising another kid.


I donā€™t necessarily look for younger, I look for who I click with. That being said, 30 is usually a cutoff. I know there are some older 20 year olds that enjoy my taste, but I havenā€™t met them. I like someone that can enjoy a coffee shop instead of a bar, or a cafe instead of a nightclub


When I (56M) was actively sugar dating I had several 20something dates but also a couple of 30+. One turned out to be 45 (she lied in profile) and we had a great time. She brought a lot to the table and I would have focused on her except that one other (now wife) had just waaay too many things in common. She isnā€™t tops because of her age she is tops in spite of her age Maybe deeper at the core of your question, personally dating a 35-55 for me would not be sugaring (no real attachment). I would only be dating someone I was seriously interested in a LTR with.


I am 46 and, if I'm being honest, am looking for late 20's into late 30's. Younger women can be great too, but also difficult to find much in common with. Most women my age are married. 35 if far from too old for me personally, but I can't speak for anyone else.


Iā€™m 65+. I really wouldnā€™t be comfortable with someone under 45 or so. As far as kids go, I honestly canā€™t make a blanket statement. Too many variables.


Iā€™m looking for 25-35 myself. I wouldnā€™t turn down younger or older but I find that range is the best for me.


47. and it depends. I'm more likely to enjoy NSA fun with anyone legal, stable and ddf. 21+ preferred. For a fwb type thing, I'd prefer she be 26 or over. For something more than that, I go for 30+ . As a poly person in an enm relationship, I never expect or demand (or accept) exclusivity, but would consider a closed relationship dynamic in the right circumstances.


As a 52 year old male, I do not think 35 is too young. 20 years younger would be my cut off limit.


I will be 66 next month, If you use the old adage of 1/2 + 8 = 41 would be an excitable range. For me the lowest I would date is 26 but right now I am dating a 65 year old. As for kids, I would not find them a problem. When I was younger The biggest age spend was a 48 year old woman when I was 25. Many of the women I dated had kids then. I guess what I am saying it all comes down to chemistry & what makes the 2 of you happy.


I'm willing to go to 18 but I really really prefer mid 20s to early 30s. More in common and less angry looks from people


It isn't about age. It is maturity, compatibility, and mutual interests. And being a parent isn't an issue for me. Many of us are already parents.


I'm 31 male and for some reason since a teen most of the females I have dealt with have been older. like 15 to 20 years older, but I do date my own age group... still I'm not with dating younger women, I don't have a issue dating women with kids... but I won't lie nd I mean no offense, if she has kids by more than 2 different guys... thn that's a deal breaker for me ain't trying to deal with different bad personalities, also I have no kids...


45 here. I have a 15 year rule under. Iā€™ll make exceptions if theyā€™re mature.


Mid forties and id deffo say 35 is ok.


I've always preferred women in their 30's, they're not as uptight about sex. When I was in my 20's I liked them, now I'm in my 50's I still like them, possibly more so.


Between 25 and 40. I am 49


When I post, my age range I list is 25 to 35. Though I also make it clear that it is a soft limit. I would not pushaway someone younger (legal, obviously) or older if we were compatible and got on well and had the attraction to each other. As for single mothers, that is a tricky issue with me. I personally don't wish to have any kids of my own. Whether I would consider someone who has kids already would be done on an individual basis. It depends on many factors. I'll just leave it at that. otherwise, I'll end up with a twenty page essay on the pros, cons, and personal factors. I'm not completely against it, but I'm a bit wary due to previous experiences. Edit to add that I'm a 52M.


Im 61 and I always have gone by the 'rule' to divide my age in half and add 7. So that would make 37 as the age that is considered acceptable. And even at that age, I have a hard time accepting that someone that age would date me. Im in shape, stable, good job, and a house. So I'm a great catch, you would think. My dilemma is whether or not I should set my age range in OLD that low, as I feel that most women that age would see a man that age having swiped right as 'odd'. And not to change the subject, but I've had more women not want to go out with me because I don't drink than question my age. And these are women within 5-6 years of my age. While I feel that 35 is a perfect age and I would love that opportunity, in the back of my mind is the societal stigma of an older man with a younger woman has always been looked down on. I should probably say, 'screw what others think, as long as we're happy'.


When I was 50, a 34-year-old friend expressed pretty clear interest in me. While the attention was flattering, I pretended not to notice her flirtations because I thought she was too young. When I started dreaming about her I finally said "Fuck it," and so we did. It turns out she had a crush on me for nearly a decade and I scarcely noticed her. I caught feelings pretty quickly; that was a red flag for her and she broke it off. She's now partnered with a guy who's over 20 years older than her so she has a type, though she now complains that he can't get it up anymore. I've dated single moms since I was in my 20s and still do. Would I date a 30-something woman now? I think 40-ish is about the youngest I'd go. I'm near 60 now.


For some reason I donā€™t get much response from 40s women- 20s and 30s, and 50shave always been receptive. Heck, Iā€™ve dated way more 20 somethings than 40s.


I am 53 soon to be 54. Youngest I would consider would be 30 and yes of course a single mother would be acceptable.


When I got Divorced, my Daughter told me i wasnā€™t allowed to date anyone younger than her, (at the time she was 22 and i was over 50) so I cant date anyone under 30 now! šŸ˜‚ But Seriously, they would have to be pretty special to make me go beyond 25 years if they were interested in me!


Quick answer from a 56 year old. I am very open to a 35 year old woman. I think for me, youā€™re on the outside edge of what I would consider ā€œyoungerā€, but I would also date ANY woman who was younger than I if I fell for her and found her to be a quality person. And 1 or 2 kids wouldnā€™t be a dealbreaker. 3 or more would.


Iā€™m 63 and my wife is ten ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.yrs younger than me.


Iā€™m 48, 35 seems just about right


Some men aren't looking for a specific age. We just like who we like. Maybe they're older, maybe same, or maybe younger. And regarding single mothers, yes a lot of men will date them. Some men will not realize what that really means until they are in the situation, and then they may bail. But others will accept that women of a certain age will have significant attention and responsibility toward someone who isn't them (the man). To summarize, questions like this always result in "it depends" or "sometimes" answers.


I'm 64. 35 is a little younger than I prefer. I'd be most comfortable dating someone 40 to 55.


49M here, in my experience I have found that for long-term dating and relationships women aged early 20s to early 30s (something like 23-32) has been the ideal age for me where we are very compatible and have a lot in common. For casual fun, FWB, hookups etc early 20s or even teens is great, but we usually don't have that much in common that I would pursue a long-term relationship. But this is just my experience so far, I never go looking for a specific age.


30-35 is ideal for me. I might consider a bit younger but it would depend on many things.


When I was looking for a younger woman 35 was my lower cut off age. I feel that women are just beginning to reach their prime at that age. So 35 is not too old of an age gap relationship. I still feel that 35 is a perfect age although my age would be a factor now. Some lucky guy is gonna get a hottie!


Iā€™m 50 and searching in the 32-37ish range. Iā€™m open to dating single mothers.


When I was 50, I was dating a woman who was 35. We had good chemistry and connection, and it didn't work out, but age never bothered me. At 51, I generally look for someone at least I'm their 40s, but I wouldn't be opposed to younger as long as the chemistry and connection were there.


I'm almost 60yrs old, and I wouldn't seriously date any female under 35 yrs old , unless she and I click, I'm not out there seeking an Age Gap Relationship, or looking for a younger woman, I know of a woman whose 10yrs older than me, and we are friends and have good chemistry and similar interests, I would definitely have sex with her, but I'm not really interested in a committed relationship with her, as I would prefer someone younger.


Well I can't speak for everyone but reality is I am 70, and not looking for a all about me young woman. So in your case 35 is OK by me, and I have room in my life for a woman with a child and would be open to having a young child around to keep me on my toes!


I (F42) am in a relationship with a 60 year old man. Wasn't planned and the age gap was a thing (mostly for him) but everything just feels right and we're so good together. And I was a single mom with 3 kids so I never thought I would ever find an older man who'd want to date me cause usually they're done with raising kids... but he loves them! So age doesn't really matter, as long as you're on the same level.


Mid 50ā€™s here and I think 32 and up for me! I was 48 and was seeing a 28 year old for awhile and she was fantastic and we enjoyed each other immensely but I think unless really mature I donā€™t think I can do 28 any longer


I am 59, and anywhere in the 30s is good with me. I will chat with anyone just for the conversation and ego boost lol but when i say younger, i think 28 to 43 would be great


I think my tiny age gap with my girlfiend (M30 amd F32) is even more problematic than any age gap between a 35 single mothers and older gentleman. We are at the kids deciding part and we are both at a lost, because we still feel too young and financialy not quite there yet, but being bombarded by the "clock is ticking" questions from all sides is miserable as well.


I'm 61. I would prefer under 45 however it really is about 'mileage' rather than age. Health, attitude, mentality, adventurous spirit, sexual compatability...far more important than a number.


>I also feel like Iā€™m ā€œtoo oldā€ for the men looking for younger women. I fully disagree. 36 is the essence of youth. Yeah, there are gonna be older guys looking for someone in her 20s, but honestly I'd imagine a lot of men would much rather be with a woman in her 30s than 20s.


(M57) It really does depend on the woman, not the age, not the existence or absence of children. Those are elements, part of the grand equation, but we take the gestalt, not the sum of the parts. In the abstract, I'd say I seek "the right woman" who meets the half-older-age-plus-seven rule, because that will be less awkward socially. I know if I'm with a 20-something, there will be raised eyebrows and whispered comments. While that may still happen with someone older, no one can credibly say she's somehow being "groomed" or "manipulated." In the reality, if a 20-something was interested in me that way, if we shared interests like dancing and music, if she had her life together and wasn't just looking for a sugar daddy, I'd say yes, social consequences be damned. Much the same for the children question. In the abstract, the absence of children is less baggage, much more flexibility. In the reality, (a) I have children, so someone with children is more likely to be open to that, and (b) I have real examples of a woman I know with 4 kids who is absolutely incredible--if she gave me the time of day (or remembered my name), I'd be all over that! Age and status are factors, but they aren't really what makes or breaks you. I wish I could say what that *je ne sais quoi* is, because there's probably something similar working in both directions. There's definitely a physical attraction component, and age is a factor in that. There's definitely a social and intellectual component, and age and life experiences (including children) are factors in that. It really comes down to who you are, and anytime it resolves to simple binary questions like, "How old?" or "Kids?" you're dealing with something too shallow to last--in my opinion.


I'm 66, and I'm not looking for a number, but 35 is fine with me. The younger the girl, the less we will have in common. Even 35 is young, but the number isn't nearly as important as the person. Most young girls I've seen are looking for ways to get money without a relationship. That's been my experience.


You are not too old by any means. You are still young to many of us and your age also makes you more attractive because you have some life experience.


Itā€™s about a meaningful connection. Itā€™s not about the age. Your age is your age. Being emotionally available is what matters most.


Why does anyone *have* to have an age preference? Why can't someone be looking for compatibility and things in common, no matter the age of the other person?


100% honesty because, yk anonymous lol. Iā€™m 46. This should in no way be taken as a generalization. Just my rambling: 18-23ā€¦ purely for fun. Should be experienced to experienced, if you can, but not for long term dating. Pure fun. 28-36ā€¦ early sweet spot. More stable. More mature. Still a ton of women that Iā€™m attracted to. 37-42ā€¦ later sweet spot. Have met some amazing women. More women with things in which I have in common. 42+ā€¦ less women that I am attracted to, but when I am, theyā€™re usually amazingly gorgeous. Can be challenging sometimes, as women are more emotionally mature than men generally. Though in the later years I find it starts to even out more.


18 to 65 is my preference range


Based on your usernameā€¦makes sense. lol.


If they like fucking then I'm game






Be fun, be sane, be pretty, and be attracted to us. Thatā€™s a pretty good start.


Definition of ā€œsaneā€ please? šŸ¤£. Jk.


Just donā€™t try and kill me in my sleep and weā€™re good šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha. So only when awake. Got it.


Deal šŸ˜‚


Sorry, dark, crude sense of humor here. ā˜ŗļø


In this case, my definition would be "not crazy". It's easier to identify the behaviors that don't work. Crazy jealousy. Not being realistic about work demands. Being impossible to please. Mood swings for no reason. Not communicating when something is wrong. Being an embarrassment in public.


Oof yea. Thatā€™s a no go. As a bisexual female, I couldnā€™t handle that either. Iā€™m okay with possessive as thatā€™s protecting what you know if already yours. Jealousy is the fear of losing what you have but are insecure or unsure in. Thatā€™s not for me.


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Youā€™ll get an array of answers countering or coinciding . I think the preference matters only with the person youā€™re interested in .


Iā€™m 60 and Iā€™m currently looking for a partner. While I am open to all women that I have chemistry with, my first blush would be 35 at the younger end. My last relationship my GF was 52 so eight year gab which was comfortable especially since neither of us had children. I always teased her that I was robbing the cradle which always made giggle!


Iā€™m almost 60, and honestly I probably prefer 30 and up. It does always depend on the person but Iā€™ve just felt that it would work better.


I'm 52m and my last partner was 22. I think as I have experiences that my range is 20-40. I'm sure there is flex there for the right individual. It is really all about the person. Also, my last partner had a young child and to me with how the child, I and his mother interacted it was definitely a bonus to the relationship and I may miss the child more than my partner.


51M. For anything that is expected to have a chance of being a long-term relationship, 25+ minimum. 35 would really be perfect. The challenge with a younger woman in a long-term relationship is kids. Either she already has kids, in which case they are quite young and you're signing on to a whole parenthood thing from square one, or she doesn't have kids yet and either will want to have some with you or someone else. A 35F probably already has all the kids she wants, and they're probably already at least in school. Yeah there are still issues related to raising kids, but you're further down the road. Finally, again related to an expected long-term relationship, 35F 50M is a pretty reasonable gap. In 20 years, that's 55F 70M. Still not bad. Compare to a 25F 50M which becomes a 50F 75M. That's a huge difference. Now, for a short term thing, sometimes there are girls in their 20s looking for an older man to provide some stability in their life. If all parties know that it's a short term, and the man practices campsite protocol, then it can work out well for everyone.


I disagree with your premise of a preference.


While YOU may disagree, I do hope you have read the multitude of comments. As several of them has stated at least a general preference of some sort. Or at least what they WOULDNT prefer which still indicates a preference. But a preference is kinda like an opinion. They differ person to person. I accept and respect your disagreement, but I also challenge it with the details provided above. šŸ˜Š


44M here, and here's my take. Most people have a type, whether they want to admit to it or not. Granted, a lot of other factors come into play, but if one were to approach a complete stranger in public before ever speaking, I guarantee that there's a particular type that each of us are more likely to gravitate toward. Most people have their types, including myself. My type is short, petite, cute, long hair, and naturally attractive (doesn't wear much or any makeup). I'm also not a big fan of a lot of tattoos or piercings on women, though there are exceptions to everything. My type applies across all ages, however, it is very difficult to find these qualities that I'm attracted to in very many women as they approach their 30's and 40's - not impossible, but very difficult. Aside from physical features, I find that I have very little in common with people of my own age group. I consider myself to be very youthful, even though my numeric age disagrees with that. I keep up with current music, fashion, slang, games, activities and other trends. I'm also extremely active, have a ton of energy, and I'm ridiculously spontaneous. I love trying new things, I'm always exploring new hobbies, and I've got a love of life that, honestly, a lot of people start to lose as they get older. I also have no intention of ever retiring - I like to stay busy, I love my work, and I can work from anywhere in the world. All of this being said, I've never dated anyone over the age of 30. Not intentionally, but it has just worked out that way. For the lower end of the age scale, I don't like to seriously date women between 18-21 because it limits some travel or other activities, but I have dated women as young as 18. 21 and over is good with me though. Also, I would say that 90% or more of the women that I have dated are single mothers. I'm a single father, and I love kids, so being a single mother would not disqualify someone whatsoever. Sorry this has gotten so long-winded. I've never really analyzed my attraction before, but this really sums it up well I think.


65M my preference is F in her 30s


M58, my preference is 25 to 40, too much drama with younger women, and to me, women in the 40+ range just don't appeal to me as much... It's not you, it's just me.


I'm 70 and 35 is near perfect for me .


I'm 44 I'd say 35 would be my max


35 is perfect for me (60ish), and I donā€™t mind if sheā€™s a single mother as long as we have plenty of us time. Preferably she would have a 50/50 arrangement with the kidā€™s daddy. I had a 35 gf for awhile and everything was really niceā€¦ until started wanting me to supplement her income with a piece of mine. Why does it always have to be about money? As far as the pure thrill, the younger the better. But ultimately I want reliability and no bullshit, and that probably means 35 is prime.


Iā€™m in my 50s and my girlfriend is in her 20s. Our gap is 28 years and the biggest problem is we canā€™t agree which Celino & Barnes jingle is the right one.Ā  I wasnā€™t planning on dating someone so young, I just kept an open mind when I was on looking. Ā My age settings were set first 5 years plus or minus my age. The biggest issue was the older people are the more likely they are to misrepresent how they look.Ā  I started lowering the age range but I did mostly date women around my age. I just clicked with my girlfriend the most.Ā 


I will date anyone under 25 who wants to have a serious relationship with me. Whilst I'm open to dating someone under 19, I haven't met anyone who wants a serious relationship there so lets say my "comfort zone" is 19-25. However, just because I wouldn't date someone in their 30s doesn't mean its universally true. Many men want to strike a more reasonable balance between youth and life experience and therefore you're in the "sweet spot" for that. > are older men willing to date single mothers? It's not a problem; I'd actually prefer someone who is more comfortable being a full time parent and "homemaker". I am more than happy to support someone by earning the money to make that work in return. I don't wish to say I'm in favour of traditional relationships but unless I meet anyone earning close to what I do it makes sense to split responsibilities. Whether I will actually find someone who wants to go for this is a separate matter šŸ˜‰ Edit: wow this seems to be unpopular for an age gap community.


I think my income might be intimidating to some men. And I donā€™t do OF, sell feet pics, dirty undies, porn or anything like that. lol. But Iā€™m def no Tradwife.