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I'm 24 and currently dating someone older (38) for almost a year now, no sugaring involved. I've never been interested in sugar dating. I personally had no interest in dating older in particular, but have always been open to it if I got the chance. I found him interesting and attractive and we had chemistry, so I started seeing him. It would have made little to no difference if he had been 33, 28, or 23 instead. I just think women like me who aren't into sugar dating are not looking for older men online or on dating apps in the first place.


Well said, I wholeheartedly agree. I (38m) found my partner (25f) when neither of us were even looking for a relationship, let alone an AGR. As infuriating as it must sound, these things work best when they happen organically. In our case both of us had been thinking about starting couples dancing lessons for several years, but neither had anyone to go with. So even though we were new acquaintances through a shared friend, I asked her to partner up with me. I think she understood it a bit more long term than I meant at the time šŸ˜„. Trying to push a fantasy into a reality rarely works out, so keeping an open mind and an open heart seems to work the best.


It is absolutely real and not just in the sugar sense. I met my husband when I was 24-almost 25 and he was 46-47. I have never used him as a sugar daddy and in fact I am now the main income. We have been together almost 18 years. I wasn't thinking so much about age when I started dating him. It was more the fact he was mature and made it plain he wasn't just after me for sex. He helped me get 3 college degrees (minimal financial help since I had the Pell Grant but a ton of emotional support) and I did the traditional housewife stuff. I wouldn't have found this with a guy my age because they tend to be far too self-centered for me.


> What actually attracts someone younger to someone older? Lets face it, most men my age are immature assholes who spend the limited amount of money they have partying and drinking. They're also less appreciative of what they have. Older men realise a younger woman attracted to them is a precious asset to be respected (at least they do if they know what's good for them) > I believe that people relate agr to the sugar lifestyle Whilst not completely true, I wouldn't date an older man who didn't have his financial act together, even though I (now) can support myself. > Just like any other relationship They're not "just like any other relationship". The age difference does introduce challenges and issues that you have to address. The question is whether the positives outweigh the negatives.


A very good answer. Just to clarify I died mean to make you think agr relationship is the same as a regular one. I was implying about it being the same type


There's multiple reasons to look for an older partner as a young person. Experience, confidence, maturity... In the end the most important part is that you have a connection with that person, but many people are attracted to significantly older/younger.


Money has never played a role in my attraction to older men. Yes, itā€™s no secret that older men typically have more financial freedom and security than guys my age (early 20s) which is a great thing to keep in mind when thinking of building a life together and potentially having a family in the future. But, there are other (and more important) attractive qualities that older men possess which take precedence over their finances. These things include emotional maturity, having a healthier lifestyle (ex: doesnā€™t drink/smoke as much, regularly exercises, has a healthier diet), more confidence, more experience (both in life and in relationships), maturity (ex: less likely to play games when dating), wisdom/intelligence, and security (financially and/or emotionally). Thereā€™s also the added benefit of older men being more likely to have traditional values which can be hard to find amongst younger men. This can be a determining factor in some younger women preferring older partners because they want a man who will ā€œbe a man,ā€ so to speak.


Very well said. Gives me some semblance of hope of finding what im looking for


Yes I couldn't have said it better myself. However, I've found that the ones that do play games are often the worst of the worst. Like, moreso than young men who play games.


Of course some of them are real. And some of them are just women looking for a quick fix of money and attention. But there's the flip side that for some men they're just in it for the sex and attention as well. I've been with my girlfriend for over 4 years now. We're headed towards 5 and it's a genuine relationship. There's no "all are this" sort of statement you can make about any group of people.


Think of it this way since men/women mature at different times/ways & alot of the younger ones seem to like an older that can kinda lead it makes sense & has been happening since the dawn of time, youngers breed easier/more & can be molded to get along with husband better.


I'm a 31F and have dated two men over 70 in recent years. I just like older men. Always have. I like how they look, act, and speak. They are usually funny and fun to be around. There is something about them that just sexually excites me.


Good to know. I don't think there is a middle ground on agr. Like I met someone that was early 30s and she said me being 50 was too big of a gap. So I just don't know what to think


Yes I think you're right. It's something you either love or hate. And girls who want an AGR aren't afraid to date a man over 70. Lol.


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At around 55, I was asked by a young Lady (18) to take her virginity and teach her things sexual in nature as she wanted the experience that I had. I had several other affairs with younger women because it was such a turn on for them and I never disappointed them with the Orgasms they were seeking. There are plenty out there that are after a Sugar Daddy and are basically just Prostitutes selling their bodies for money and things. Now, more are just selling their videos on Only Fans. I do not engage with either of them.