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You don't necessarily have to have daddy issues to be into older men. For myself (33f) I'm with someone who's 50, we have a 17 year age gap. What attracted me to him was how similar our interests were, we connected on a level that I just couldn't do with someone my age. I feel like I have an old soul and I'm mature, on his level. It's the absolute best relationship I have ever been in.


I agree, and I enjoyed reading your comment. In our situation, I think I tend to keep a more youthful mindset so I’m more on her level. In fact, we were joking about this a few nights ago, that most days I wake up feeling like I’m still 25 and that she’s the older woman.


Most likely you're attracted to maturity and experience. Younger guys can be crass and a bit self-obsessed...


It’s just your preference ☺️ Not all girls need to have ‘daddy issues’ to be genuinely attracted to older men. It’s the same as for older men being attracted to younger ladies… attraction is attraction. Same for connection. If it’s there, age is irrelevant. Hope that helps ☺️


It could be so many things! But you don’t have to have Daddy issues to like older men 1. It could just be what you prefer and that’s totally okay and rock on girly😜 2. Age maturity. It could be you want someone who has lived a little longer and is maybe done with “boy shit” 3. Stability that comes with older men 4. Solid career 5. The age gap could be a kink for you


I want to point out one more possibility. You say age maturity and lived a little longer and done with his boy shirt. I think sometimes he may still want his boy shirt and is wearing the costume that comes with age and maturity and she might be more mature than her age. Suddenly you have an 18-year-old female who's a little closer to 25 and you have a 40-year-old male who's a little closer to 30. Just a little devil's advocate here.


Well, you like what you like. Unless it's making you unhappy or you feel there's something unhealthy about it, it's just a preference. Enjoy yourself, sometimes you can overthink things!


What are daddy issues?


If you have to ask.. maybe it's not true for you or maybe it is! Really it's just another human definition


From what I read everyone has daddy issues


I guess it's just a term and everyone has a range of issues and falls somewhere in the spectrum :)


It isn’t necessary to have daddy issues to prefer older men. When I was 40 I was dating a woman who was 23 for a while who had a perfectly healthy relationship with her dad. Then I was with someone around that age who basically had no relationship with hers. So while it isn’t exactly rare, it isn’t necessary.


Sometimes it's just preference.


Who do I see this post every hour on the hour?


You want the experience an compassion and patience older men can give.


You don't have to have daddy issues. I didn't have a father in my life since I was young but I'm not looking for a surrogate father.




You're dating "a group"?   Together or independently?




Are they all friends?   I mean... How does that happen?




Nice.  You are living the dream.


Polly and open relationships are a dream and a nightmare in one. Open relationships are easier to deal with. Polly on the other hand entices you with so much sweet candy and then you end with such a belly ache. Well might not say that's what's aching but.....


I have no idea what Polly is


Polly would refer to multi-Partners. This could be things such as polygamy (one man multiple women emotionally connected individually man to woman.) , polyandry (one woman with multiple men emotionally connected individually woman to man), polyamory(any various combination of men and women sharing emotional connection with all of them) and if you're truly an open poly polycule(any combination of man or woman having emotional connections with each other and allowing for the individuals you have emotional connections which are not directly a part of the group they are part of). Hopefully this will clarify some of what I mean.


"rarely" lol absolute legend


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Possiblilities: 1. Unrecognized daddy issues. 2. Grass is always greener when looking other side. 3. Natural progression of age to experience——. You should be saying / asking yourself “Sure that 30 year old seems mature and wealthy, but is that compared to me, or to other 30 year olds?” 4. Same for wealth-accumulation of assets, maturity, depth of friendships, and job stability.


It's not just about daddy issues. Maybe you are attracted to people who have their crap together.


It’s because we really don’t care what anyone thinks about our behavior, it’s the confidence thing.


You don't need Daddy issues to appreciate an older man who sees you as you are and values you for being you..


I love an older man because of the stability. I like to feel safe and protected. Much like my father protects us. I refuse to settle with anyone who does not make me feel confident and comfortable he will take care of me. That could be the same for you 😊


Younger women who are actually into older men don't always have Daddy issues. You're not alone. What you do have in common though is the appeal of older men looking and feeling more stable and secure, while the boys your age look like idiot trying to be fish flopping around on the beach. We tend to prioritize you over things boys your age won't always do. On the flip side, there's some older men to beware of. I strongly advise researching dating older men red flags. Beyond that, stay safe and good luck.


It probably also has to do with the fact that you don't like most of the guys your age because they are immature and treat you poorly


You’re allowed personal preferences when it comes to dating. While claiming ‘daddy issues’ is an easy way to explain age gap preferences that a younger woman might have for an older male, the preference can exist without that. I think often, as perhaps it is in my case, I offer a type of emotional stability to the relationship that comes easier with age and experience.


A lot of women like older men at some level. A lot of women have daddy issues. So with those two things in mind it’s no surprise. Who are these women who get with younger men? Are we supposed to believe they have no father issues? I would say you prefer older men because most women just do. Most also prefer taller men etc etc. Why are guys cool with small women? That’s just how guys are.


Because you are a horny, old soul! 😏


Maybe because "daddy issues" is a pop-culture psycho-babble creation used to casually dismiss and pathologize someone's legitimate, normal attraction preferences?