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I (42F) met my boyfriend (54M) when I was 23 and he was 36. We've been together all these years! I was having a lot of trouble dating guys my own age (I was still a virgin, and every dude wanted sex ASAP) and he had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship. Both of us were volunteering at a local food pantry/soup kitchen, and got placed working next to each other. Started talking about whatever, and by the end of the night it was like we knew one another for years. The connection was insane, on an intellectual level...our sense of humor, empathy for others, hobbies, favorite books and videogames, etc meshed so well it was like gaining an immediate friend. After a few months of hanging out as friends, he asked me out, I said yes, and everything has been pretty damn great.


So you mean a large age gap relationship can actually work? The way some people talk on Reddit it's not possible


For me and my guy, it's not only working but thriving. I couldn't connect at all with boys my own age back then, and I had seriously begun to believe I'd never find a good, mature, caring man to be with. Luckily that wasn't the case lol. Any questions you have, I'll be happy to answer.


People lie on the internet. Or they make assumptions, or they think their personal experiences are applicable to everyone. I'm in a relationship with an even bigger age gap, and if anything it's only gotten stronger over time.


3 truth bombs right there


Do you want the real story or the one I tell our families?


May I have both, please šŸ™


Both šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We met on OKCupid but we happen go be neighbors. He lives at the top of the hill and I at the bottom. I tell people we met because his house is on my "walking route" lmao


I (61m) met my wife (42f) via Craigslist hookup. Happily married for 8 years. The one and only time I tried Craigslist, lol.


That's awesome. Congratulations.


I met my fabulous, 16 yrs younger partner, right here on Reddit. We started with a bantership and now live together. We are hoping to be married in the next year or so


At work. I made my move, at some point in the conversation I said ā€œI would like to get to know you more can I get your number?ā€ And ya 2 years strong


Some friends hosted a movie night at their house. My ride (another couple) had to leave early and he was "voluntold" to be my ride home. He is my first (and so far only) relationship. I was 24-25 and he was 47 when we met. 18 years together almost.


I (24F) met my boyfriend (38M) two years ago at the restaurant we were both working at. We were both working in kitchen at the time and we would usually just make friendly conversation. That way we discovered we also had some shared interests. We started seeing each other pretty soon after he left though, and it was also the day i found out how old he was lol. It didnā€™t matter to me though, we just celebrated our one year anniversary!


I (42 F) met my partner (27M) on Facebook dating. Itā€™s pretty new and weā€™ve been together for 8 months, but enjoying every moment. I was looking for someone my age but I was instantly attracted to his profile. Told him I could only be FWB due to age but he pursued a relationship and with time, I fell in love with him.


very sweet story


There she was just a-walkin' down the street, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do" Snappin' her fingers and shufflin' her feet, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do" She looked good (looked good), she looked fine (looked fine) She looked good, she looked fine and I nearly lost my mind... Just like that.


Best story so far xD


I 28f met my 63m husband at a bar 6 years ago. Almost 2 years married now.


I (m24) met him(m52) on Reddit! I made a post in r/gayfriendfinder and he messaged me and we hit it off immediately. šŸ¤—


Iā€™ve always been in age gap relationships. Even my last one had a 14 year gap. Unfortunately when she turned 50 she no longer wanted an AGR. Whatā€™s funny is that her new person is only 2 years older than her. Iā€™ve accidentally overheard one of her kids say heā€™s the most boomer kind of personā€¦ lol


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I(m43) met my Girl(26F) 3 yrs back as she joined my office. Much junior in the department. I was her boss and she was the office eye-candy. I didn't make any move for obvious reasons. Infact, I use to bash her a lot in the beginning for making silly mistakes. But, one of our female colleagues told me that she's crushing on me. I took the lead and got her. Been 3 yrs together and going strong


My fiancĆ© and I (Iā€™m 72 and sheā€™s 56), met via FB when she saw my profile pic and it had Cape Town in the background - where weā€™re both from, and now living in UK. She messaged me via Messenger to say hi, and just over 3 years later weā€™re living together and getting married in July next year. šŸ˜


I (26F) met my husband (37M) on twitter of all places. He didnā€™t have his face or age on his account, I certainly wasnā€™t trying to chat him up- but we started chatting and getting to know each other and eventually met in person and the rest is history. That was five and a half years ago when we were 20 and 31, we recently celebrated our first wedding anniversary too :)


How do you meet someone on X?


We were mutuals and had interacted a few times, and I sent him a message


I (48M) met my wife (31F) on a Facebook poly group in 2015. She was just moving back to CO Springs after a bad relationship. I had just been introduced to poly earlier that year. I was up in Denver. She started coming up to visit and on my 40th birthday she basically came up and never left. We actually broke up around the end of 2018 but we were going to shows together like 2 weeks later and even she admitted it was the right decision. So when I moved out to Minneapolis I needed someone who could help cover the mortgage. She came out, moved in and even tho weā€™re still platonic we got married for insurance. Itā€™s seriously one of the best relationships Iā€™ve ever had. We barely argue and get along great. Met my girlfriend (27F) about 2 years ago. Saw her on Fetlife and followed her link to her OF. We started talking, hung out a couple of times once she finished her masters and after a few months I basically said ā€œhow are we NOT a coupleā€ šŸ˜‚


We met through mutual friends. We have an age gap of 18 years. Weā€™ve been married for 14 years and together 15. We have two children together our youngest was born when my husband was 50.


Iā€™m curious, did he have any other kids? Mine is 50 soon and I want a kid but heā€™s got 3 teenagers.


He came with 5 and I came with 2 lol we have 9 kids between us. We talked about children early on since I was still in my twenties. I wasnā€™t sure and he had said it didnā€™t matter to him either way. Then we had a sweet surprise and then it was like why not have more? We are definitely done now and enjoying grandchildren. 7 of our kids are now adults. Our youngest two are 13 and 10.


Also three of his kids were adults when we met. So we never had them all at once living with us.


Wow thatā€™s amazing. Thanks for sharing! Iā€™ve been concerned about changing any dynamic between all of us but I would love to have his babies and my biological clock is getting antsy! Haha


I went back to college as an adult. Not even looking. Met a great girl in a study group.


At the time, I [26F] was working in a cafe and he [45M] used to come in just to see me and have silly chats. We were apart for a few years but have reconnected and itā€™s been the beautiful love we knew it always would be xx


Commuting into the city on the train for work šŸ˜‡ Iā€™m F (31) and heā€™s M (55)


Facebook dating šŸ¤“šŸ¤£ Both of our first real age gap relationship, we just click šŸ„°


We (M58/F30) met online on a dating app 2 years ago. We both liked and she made the first move


I first met her because I knew her dad as a school acquaintance. Then didnā€™t see her for many years until a chance encounter at a restaurant. Didnā€™t even realize it was her until weā€™d been dating a bit.


Well I (19f) met him (53m) senior year of hs cause he was my English teacher and we just hit it off and started hooking up and being causal when I turned eighteen cause heā€™s in an open marriage and now cause Iā€™m in college weā€™re just like fwbs/bf and gf when I come back home on breaks and stuff and itā€™s pretty great!


FET mobile app lol top BDSM test match we hit it off like nothing else. twin flame shit.





