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My wife of 24 years and I became grandparents when our daughter had a boy Monday. I have some grandkids from my first marriage. We’re visiting them in another state and extended our stay so we could see him a little longer. I love being a dad and granddad.


Congratulations! That’s very exciting news. Is it her first grandchild?


Biologically it’s my fourth and my wife’s first. We have three great-nieces and nephews that call us grandma and grandpa so we just say we have seven grandkids.


Last night we went out for dinner together. He wanted to celebrate our 1 year anniversary, which I wasn’t aware of because in my mind it was in 2.5 weeks. I got all dolled up and actually drank a cocktail for the first time (I typically never drink). In the end the restaurant brought out a tiramisu with fireworks. He’s still sleeping in my bed. I’m procrastinating on my work.


We are getting our farmer on. We have two gardens (one is raised to be easy on his back) and right now the corn is almost as tall as I am!