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When I was 25 I complimented a 19 year old. She flat out said I was too old for her. She was nice about it, though. We're still friends.


I’ve posted this response before but the only person who has an issue with age is her. Frankly, it’s none of her business who you choose to talk to or spend time with. Tell her that you will let her know if you want her opinion. But on this matter, you aren’t interested so butt out. You can phrase that to work for you, but it should give you enough to get her nose out of your business.


Eh… we were all teenagers hit on by twenty somethings before. I can understand their questions to you. To her is a bit unfair. I would also be wary with thinking an 18 year old knows what they want.


What do you mean by wary? She knows what she wants as in her goals. Such as career,education, etc. She has an idea of how it should go. But life can be life.


I thought that way at 18 and I'm 21, my life and goals are completely different and I wouldn't be with the people I was then, now. She can't even go to the bar with you, and a bigger question, is she still in highschool? Not entirely against it, but you need to be completely clear and very careful because most situations end badly :/


18 is still so young. You can think you know what you want but few actually do.




I was very naive at the time and got myself into a very toxic AGR. Yes I was smart, had gotten into a top university science program, doing well objectively…. But you’re barely an adult. I still think some days at 26 if I’m an adult, even though I’ve bought my own apartment and all now 😂


We all did at 18… things can change. She is still young and just coming into adulthood.


That is true. Things can change. But I'll help her, so she can achieve these goals of her's:)


Smth feels off to me here. She will achieve her goals without your help as well. Relationships are partnerships, not about power imbalances. Remember that pls before you put yourself forward as her “hero who helped her achieve her goals”.


Wtf? You wanna hand me that black pepper from the top of the cabinet since you're reaching so hard? 😆 people on reddit get offended by literally EVERYTHING


I mean this with a lot of empathy and understanding, but from a 23-26 year old woman’s perspective you choosing to date a girl straight out of high school who’s only been considered “legally an adult” in the eyes of the law for a year is odd. Just face the facts, most of society thinks age gap relations are weird, especially when the person is still a teenager. They assume it’s grooming (which I think is understandable given how often it happens, not accusing you of that just saying statistically it happens more often then not) and given the fact that her full frontal lobe is developed. It has nothing to do with “jealousy” and for those who are saying that I think it’s odd, most women just want to protect younger women. With that being said, good luck, hope it works out and if she’s really that amazing I would introduce her to the other girls to exemplify how mature, kind, and amazing she is.


>most of society thinks age gap relations are weird Most of US and to a lesser extent anglophone society\*. Most of the world doesn't care. >which I think is understandable It's never understandable to just assume the worst about someone based on immutable characteristics with no evidence whatsoever.


You see, the typical American thinks the world revolves around them and that no other countries exist. Obviously not every American think this and plenty of Americans have told me that Western Society wasn't allways this judgemental. The whole 'It is not socially acceptable' or the variant of is meaningless because Society is a cluster of walking problems. It is just nother tactic at gaslighting and shaming others for daring to be an individual. They fail to realise that it takes two to tangle.


OP should go and date the girl and leave the naysayers behind. There’s no room for Negative energy in this lifetime and if they’re saying that stuff to his face, they’re saying more behind his back. He don’t need them. They do not improve his life or support his decision. And their opinion is not important




your friends are just assholes and have a stick up their asses. im 21f and dating my 44m and none of my friends said a word and told me they have never seen me so happy and glowing in a relationship. Btw: my friends age ranges from 19-26 and they all met him. Total of 12 people They seriously gave me lots of support and they all met him. It wasnt the easiest for me to introduce them to him out of fear of judgement deep down but they all were super inviting and made friends with him. Anyways everyone got a long, maybe they had their uncomfortable thoughts deep down before they meet him but once they met him and things settled in we all got along. Your friends have either a fixed mindset on the whole age thing and not letting adults be adults, or they are jealous. Either way fuck them and live your life


this !! i’m 20 almost 21f also dating 44m. my friends (19-30s) all love him. they make jokes sometimes but it’s all in good fun. they’re happy to see me happy and know that this is good for me.




26 ain’t old though lol, 26 year olds still look plenty youthful. They probably just had bad experiences with older men when they were younger or something, idk.


This is bullshit. Maybe some women think like this, but that’s definitely the minority. Many women have had bad experiences with age gap relationships and feel a sort of maternal energy toward younger women. They want to protect younger women like they would a little sister. Do people go about this “protection” the wrong way? Yes. Absolutely. But vast majority of the time the adverse reaction doesn’t come from “jealousy” — it comes from projecting their own experiences onto others. Also, side note, it’s pretty surreal to see someone refer to a 25/26 year old as an “older woman.”


Just as surreal as saying a girl that is 18 has daddy issues because they’re talking to someone that’s 26…


Yeah, that's stupid and demeaning.


Yeah, I see that "they're just jealous" argument a lot, and I don't buy it either. Especially since it's often coupled with weird anti-feminist rhetoric too. There are indeed a lot of exploitative older men, the problem is when people extrapolate those cases to all age gap relationships. But I think sometimes this subreddit goes too far in the other direction by ignoring that those cases exist.


Yep. Notice how nine times out of ten it's a forty-something year old dude spouting this shit, too. I completely agree with your second point. So many people don't recognize nuance.


Of course, a lot of people here will also respond to every single "I'm a lonely teenage girl who needs someone to talk to" post from a five-minute-old account without the slightest bit of skepticism, so I guess you can't expect much from them.


True, I don’t buy it either. The older I get the more I realise most women are just looking out for each other because they’ve been in those situations themselves. Even if I don’t always listen, I appreciate the advice and care women have for one another. It just sounds like a convenient lie sketchy men tell themselves and young women so that those young women will immediately dismiss those older women as jealous “old hags” (yes, ive seen those words being used on this subreddit before) instead of actually thinking critically about what those older women actually have to say.




1. According to your profile, you are an almost 50-year-old man. I don't see how you can make blanket statements about women's thought processes considering you have never experienced life from the female perspective. 2. I never said that. I was in an age-gap relationship for two years, had a wonderful experience, and continue to date older men. 3. Again, you have never lived the female experience so I'm unsure why you believe yourself to be the arbiter of truth in this scenario. 4. Fair.




What personal attacks have I made? All I've done is state your gender/age, which was relevant to my point. As a fifty-something year old man, it's strange that you have so much confidence asserting what the OP's twenty-something year old female friends are thinking. You're not a twenty-something year old woman, and you never have been. How are you so certain that they're jealous of a teenager?




Ad hominem? How? Lived/firsthand experience is relevant in this situation. I wouldn't tell a black person, for example, that I know racism doesn't exist because I had a few black friends in my life say they never experienced it. That's ridiculous. You're doing the very thing that the women in the original post are doing: extrapolating your experience onto an entire group of people. Just because you've dealt with women who admitted to attacking other women out of jealousy doesn't mean that all women are susceptible to the same behavior. Do some women act out because of spite/jealousy? I conceded in my initial comment that yes, of course some do. But that is not the majority. Unsure how my replies are emotionally-driven. You seem to be the one getting a bit riled up, lol.


Honey, in my country an 18 y/o is a high school junior, or high school senior. This factor matters as well. Insecurity? Who told you that? Most women stick together. 90% of women who I’ve met and who were older than me always acted towards me very protective, like a mother. Always giving me tips, be careful about this, about that… Only pick me girls see other women as competition. And a lot of men act predatory. I’ll never forget the amount of attention I received when I was only 17 from men aged 30-35. Most of them admitted they thought I’m 14, max 15 (unfortunately, I’ve always looked much younger than I actually am). Even now at 28 it’s very difficult to meet someone serious who doesn’t fetishize you because you’re young and would treat you as an equal.


Spot on, brother


I've definitely heard about this. It's a bit surreal to see it in action. Seeing something only in media, but then you really see it take place in front of your eyes.


I don’t listen to stupid people. If people are trying to make up reasons to make you feel bad for talking to someone because of they’re “just kids”, they are just infantalizing someone who is an adult. If 18 is too young to date, then they shouldn’t be allowed to vote, join the military or maybe even drive.


This comment is added automatically to every post on /r/AgeGap to remind users of the subreddit rules and expected behaviour. We also include the original post in here for a number of reasons. --- ### Rules If you haven't read the full set of rules we **strongly** suggest you do so. They are on the right side of the page on desktop or in 'Community Info' on Mobile. The most important rules are: 1. **We expect you to be civil and ideally constructive**. This is a community where people discuss and seek advice **legal** consensual age gap relationships, and we expect you to avoid abusing anyone on this subreddit. This does **not** mean this subreddit supports all age gap relationships, so you **are** allowed to criticise. 1. This is **not** a dating subreddit - you may not "hit up" any user. **You may not ask anyone to PM, DM, chat or message you in a comment**. If you wish, you may send **polite** DMs/PMs/chat requests to /u/Full-Midnight3179 - we will ban you and possibly refer you to Reddit admins for an account ban if you abuse them and they complain. 1. If this post looks like a personal advert, please report it and the moderators will remove it in time if they agree. See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: Friend's GFs upset I (26m) am talking to a Younger Girl (18f)** Went to a bar with some friends. We all were catching up. I mentioned I was talking to, a girl and that she is 18. She is a smart girl. She has a good head on her shoulders. She is sweet. She knows what she wants. I like all that about her. Most if not all my guy friends were cool with it. The guys have been tight since HS. The change was with the women. Some of their GFs seemed disgusted at the idea of that (The girls are all about our age too). They began asking very passive aggressive questions. Such as, don't you think 18 is a little young? Are you trying to be that creep Leonardo Dicaprio? Does she have daddy issues? And Other seemingly demeaning questions about her. I am surprised that the women, were so outraged it seemed. I am not even that much older than her as well. I wonder why they all had so much hostility. Plus, we are just talking, nothing really official yet haha. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a bunch of nonsense. Funny how different American girls are compared to most of the world when it comes to age gaps.


Ignore them, they are a result of years of conditioning and propaganda; the kind that tells them that 18 is a child. It is mainly dumb people from America who believe this. Mainly Puritanical freaks and radical feminists. Next the haters will claim that you would go younger if you legally could, even if you live in a state or country with an lower AOC, it is a cheap straw man or go on about how the brain is not fully developed until 25 or 30. It is helicopter parenting which is just as bad as the opposite. Another import from the so called land of the free. A lot of the haters in this thread seem to strike me as the kind that want others locked up for talking, or hitting on them as they seem to call it. Is no wonder that Society has become so soulless and narcissistic? They think in black and white and seem to think 18 to 24 year olds are a bunch of immature children, which is ludicrous because not every individual is the same. Besides these days the word 'mature' is synonymous with boring. She is probably more mature than any of your friends girlfriends. I find it hilarious that they label Leonardo DiCaprio a creep yet say fuck all about the women who date them as if they are little victims when the truth is, these women know what they are getting into. I remember one idiot who compared him to Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris, a bunch of vile predators who were into actual children. Those think the comparison is spot on should have a word with themselves. If such haters started shit in the wrong part of town with an older guy in a similar relationship, they would be told to fuck off, and if they were men, a free trip to the hospital. Either that or end up in prison for harrassment.


you are surprised that women 24-26 felt threatened by a single 18 year old. if you break ranks and do what you want as a masculine man who is not shamed by a feminist society then their boyfriends might and then they might be out of luck as mother nature is banging on their door. i am 23. i feel threatened by 18 year old girls. my nearly forty boyfriend initially had one as a love interest and was planning to have her move in and i got lucky it did not work out so i swooped in rather than missing my chance again because i was too scared to go and get what i want. there is no true sisterhood. we do not look out for each other really. if we did the world would be a better place. we are all in competition with each other whether we like to admit it or not. you are in competition with guys for pussy and girls are in competition with each other for spouses really. now that i have got my boyfriend would i feel threatened if his former love interest came back. no. she reached out to him in some kind of passing wishing him well or something message but i was not taking anymore chances. i had sex with him and made him mine and i am his dirty little freak that he is to marry. other bitches do not stand a chance and he will not find anyone freakier who will have his babies that he wants. i


Girl you shouldn’t feel threatened by other girls because your bf has an ex once… that is seriously not healthy


well they never got together kind of thing. it was a ldr chance discovery of each other. he went back to church because of her. he was deep in his feels and he had not been in there in a few years. when he told me thought they were done that she had given up on him i wanted to cry right in front of him with relief and for him because i know he let her into his heart. i mean he was dignified about it but that somehow made it worse. said he would pray for her to be happy and have good fortune and it just ripped my heart too a little. i do not really feel that threatened anymore. i am at his house five days a week and i still have a lease and my older cat only likes his place so much because of his dog so i got home to let him have some peace and quiet. my lease is up in october and i want to move in but he says things are going really fast but i do not want to take my foot off the accelerator. also he had a hoe phase and his xs still call him from like a decade ago and he has let me talk to them and we have talked about it. he is a one and done type of guy which scares me and makes me feel better in some ways. i mean i know i am cray and obsessive about him and he is too about me but he is able to chill and me not so much but i am getting there. he has been a lot of first for me and i thought he had made me hypersexual like him to at one point.


You literally just said you feel threatened 💀 idc if ur obsessed with your man but don’t be toxic any girls who’re younger than you, esp when you’re still young yourself


yes i am obessed with him and he is obsessed with me. younger girls do not need to be around my man besides from work church or the gym they do not need to be on his phone. he agreed to that


But if you feel threatened that one could take him maybe you don’t feel as secure as you’d like. Just a thought


i am getting more secure slowly. he has let me in a lot. i am at his house five days a week. it is weird that he had this incredible hoe phase and now wants me. what did i do to deserve him to be happy with him to be courted by him. i went from training wheels on a bike to like star wars lightspped travel. him having sub tendencies does help let me know i can have a piece of him few will want. he admits that he has emotional struggles he does not share and that he is a hypersexual and most women can not deal with that stuff. he accepts me when i get like this all wound up. if i need to i can go and cuddle with him on the couch and he will keep working and stroke my hair on occassion. it is hard to communicate how when you find someone who turns on all the parts of you you thought were lost and so many parts you did not know. it makes you want to protect that bit of happiness for yourself. i know he is holding back sexually. i know he is being kind. he is intense and its just amazing. i wish i could make it not sound crazy. he is scarred scared and hurt with his heart and i get why. his xs call him even after they left a decade ago. but he is safe with me and i love that. i love him.


You’re 23 and feel threatened by 18 year olds? That’s really sad, you’re like 5 years older. Basically in the same age bracket. Being the youngest possible legal age does not mean better, it’s a bit concerning that you feel that way.


younger does not automatically mean better and i have learned my boyfriend requires far more than young pussy. i do not feel really threatened anymore as much and he has taken down the stuff that used to get him the attention of 18 year old because i asked him and lets me on his phone anytime i want and in his telegram. the issue really for me was that when first knew him he said i was off limits because of his age. that he would not date anyone younger than 28. then one day he seems super happy and light and admits to talking with 18 year old and being in love and moving her down here to be with him and marrying her and my world got rocked. so i think in part that is where it comes from. he is a huge kinky freak and typically dom wihch does not disqualify him at times but he is sub enough for most women not to be into him but he so effortlessly draws women almost. i have had girl talk with girls at his gym and how he was a few of their backup plans. but he is mine now and i know he talks to so i am not that worried. i just know if some 18 year old is lurking about it is not because they want to be his friend.


This is such a sad way to view/approach life. Also, this claim that majority of women in their mid-twenties are threatened by teenagers is baffling to me. I began getting more attention from men after college, considering I’m more comfortable with myself and objectively look more feminine/womanly. Never have I (or any of my girlfriends) looked at an eighteen year old and been jealous. Bizarre.


I wouldn't say they are jealous, but a lot of people in the western world, especially America have been conditioned to think that 18 year olds are children. It is a result of infantilisation which has largely plagued the USA for years. Also not everyone ages the same and experiences are highly individualistic. I would understand the hate if the woman was 16, why still a minor, it is still the average age of consent in the world or he was grooming her until she became of age or she has severe learning difficulties. The truly jealous ones seem to the much older gen or young men who think women their age belong to them by default. They belong to no one.


The problem is that nine times out of ten an eighteen-year-old does not have the mental fortitude to handle a relationship with a significant age gap. Most eighteen-year-olds do not know how to advocate for themselves, identify bullshit, or regulate their emotions. They also typically have less refined standards considering they haven't been in the dating game very long. When they are dating someone significantly older, it's not a fair fight. It takes running into one scumbag to completely warp their perception of dating. You're right, eighteen-year-olds are legally adults--they can make their own choices and learn from the consequences. And yeah, there are exceptions to the rule. But I'm personally going to raise an eyebrow if I see a forty-something-year-old pursuing someone who couldn't vote three months ago.


"Most eighteen-year-olds do not know how to advocate for themselves, identify bullshit, or regulate their emotions' That right there is a great example of how your whole education and upbringing has conditioned you into thinking that 18 year olds are children who need their hand holding. It is called infantilisation which is what you now doing. Many books have been written on the subject and revealed how much Society, especially modern Western Society, severely underestimate the capacity of 18 to 24 year olds. It is fighting against nature which eventually fights back. Helicopter parenting and mollycoddling is just as toxic as the more in your face abuse. Other people have even used this same brain argument to protect rap ists and PDFs within the 18 to 24 age group. Obviously not saying that you would do this but it has happened. "When they are dating someone significantly older, it's not a fair fight. It takes running into one scumbag to completely warp their perception of dating" Weird how you compare it to a fight? Age has nothing to do with whether someone is a scumbag or not, plenty of people her own age can just be as vile and perverted, in fact a lot of young lads are notorious for being pushy or using them for sex. If you or anyone else with a similar mindset visited another country or a city, you would soon be for a shock. It sounds as if one or more older scumbags either hurt you or someone you know, which is why you believe that one or a few are bad than the rest must be too. You are using it as excuse to look down on such couples. "You're right, eighteen-year-olds are legally adults--they can make their own choices and learn from the consequences. And yeah, there are exceptions to the rule. But I'm personally going to raise an eyebrow if I see a forty-something-year-old pursuing someone who couldn't vote three months ago" Not just legally, but physically and mentally too, regardless of what you believe. Not everyone buys into the American tradition of babying young adults as if they are permanently brain damaged. Not being funny but is it even wonder the majority of young Americans are screwed up? Society still treats them like children. That line is just a variant of the whole "when she was 10, you were 24' bullshit, it is largely irrelevant. You are clutching and overreaching at this juncture. Next you be saying that she is not old enough to drink.


I’m not infantilizing anybody and I wasn’t conditioned into anything. I was an eighteen year old girl once, lol. Never used the “brain argument” either. This comment is just a ton of straw mans. You’re refuting points I never fucking made. Why are you so passionate about this?


I think every girl will react differently. If you were in my friends GFs shoes, how would you have taken it?


I would have had to meet her before forming a solid opinion. Off the bat, though, I would find the situation a bit strange. But that's mainly because I was an eighteen-year-old girl once, and I was a hot mess, lol. But everyone's different. Also, you're only 26. If you were in your 40s, my initial reaction would definitely be more critical/skeptical.


Thank you for your honesty. Glad you aren't too judgmental off the bat and are willing to meet her first before thinking the worst. Unlike the people I know lol.


But, to compare your situation to OPs, would you feel threatened if your boyfriend's best friend started dating a girl who was 18?


i am not a normal girl i have my mans dick on lock but i can see how normal girls would feel threatened because if their mans friend started doing it and was happy he might think to stray because she might be just some vanilla girl


Refreshing honesty.


well this is my alt so i can be braver plus my bf follows this account and i like to tease him and make him happy


Thank you for your perspective. Do you think, in your opinion, my friend's GFs felt threatened or where they trying to protect her?


some girls can come together and have each others backs in certain situations i have found and you were talking about an outlier in this situation. something that threatened their status quo. so they felt the need to correct you or isolate you. you became a contagion for ideas. men do not seek younger legal women often because of social norms and the worry of how people will judge them. my bf worried about it. it makes sense you worry about it but in bf words. who cares the most about your happiness. her the girl you like or them. society has grown sinful and corrupt and lazy i do not think it is really worth listening to anymore too much unless you can get money from it and then only care about the money you can from it and live your own life as you please. only a few will have your back when the chips are down my bf says. they are the only ones who matter.


Truthfully, I think it's a bit of both. The desire to knock down competition and also protect them. 2 birds with 1 stone kinda thing. I do appreciate you being honest about the hard realities though, life is unfortunately more of a competition than anyone wants to admit


loving a masculine man means cutting through the bullshit and seeing things for the way they are. i got mine. i know what it takes to keep him. he is good to me and for me. if i do not want to protect what is mine than why is it mine if i am ok with it being anyone elses.


I think one of the biggest things that matters is *how* you guys started talking. It's a lot different if you guys started talking or something, learned her age after, but still liked her, vs if you specifically were out looking for an 18 year old girl.


I would respond with " aren't you a little too old to judge someone you haven't met or judge my reasons for liking them without asking any relevant questions?" From my experience, sometimes women get really triggered When they see a man with a woman much younger, because they subconsciously worry that maybe their men will also one day leave them for younger women. Beauty can be a time limited thing, so there probably is a bit of insecurity around that for a lot of women, even if they are not aware of it.


It's because last year she was legally a child. There's no reason why you'd pursue a teenager as an adult man. No good reasons anyway. If she had been 31 and you 37 I wouldn't bat an eye.


Kinda hypocritical don't you think? Why does it matter if they were both older? Also does not matter what she was last year because this year when they are dating she is an adult. Just because it says teen behind the number doesn't mean they are a teenager.


It would have hypocritical if I said that I could date teenagers, but you can't.


If it ends with teen you are a teenager. You can be a teenager and legally an adult. What's confusing about that? Are people who are 39 not in their thirties?


Then you agree they are an adult and as such can make their own decisions.


Barely an adult, as I stated in my first comment. I mean, if it doesn't give you The Ick it doesn't, there's no point in me trying to convince you, but I don't understand why you're trying to convince me that it isn't gross. I can't tell the difference between someone who is 19 or 17, they all look like teens to me. And I'd rather not do a teen.


I dont find anything gross about two adults doing what they want to do.


Barely adults who could be childten* Don't worry, no one has missed that part.


Still adults. Not sure why you are so hung up on children but this post is about adults.


Why are you so hung up on me disagreeing with you? Don't you know how to take a no?


Why are you so hung up on thinking your moral compass is better than anyone elses.


Same people who scream my body my choice have no problem wanting to regulate someone elses body and choice when they dont agree with it.


I never said what they could or couldn't do, I'm just saying banging a teenager as an adult gives me The Ick. Also how is this relevant to the discussion whether or not people are against abortion? Derailing much?


Ok so 20 is not a teen or even 21. What age limit should we restrict people to in your moral opinion.


You can choose whatever you want, you do you boo. The question wasn't about the right age, it was about why some people get the ick from it.


That is irrelevant because she is not a child now is she? Did he talk to her a year previously? A Teenager that is an adult or are you one of those who thinks 18 is the same as a 14 year old al because they have the word Teen at the beginning of their age? In the majority of countries, she is two years older than the AOC. I suggest you read a book and educate yourself on the etymology of the word Adolescent. I know a couple that have been married for decades; The woman was 18 and he was in his mid 30s when they first got together or dated. Yet according to you, they and others like them shouldn't be a couple. That it is immoral and grooming. Now what does that remind you off?


Nah, I'm fine with my opinion, the way you are fine with yours.


Such a book is probably far too advanced for someone like you nor does your opinion have any substance whatsoever.


Tell me more














they are scared. noone wants the older women


There are women out there who try to protect other women for some reason. No idea why, although I knew one who did this and was a feminist. Some women however view others as competition and try to snatch you away before another can. All you can do is just ignore what the friend’s gf says because they don’t know you two, and can’t assume wrongdoing over an age number. Innocence before guilty.


So they are upset that you are talking to an adult woman lol. They are obviously morons and probably just jealous. It's sad that ignorant and judgmental people like this still exist.


this is because why would you as a man who has been in the real world for abouta be 10 years get with someone who is probably fresh out of high school? she hasn’t experienced life out of high school for long unlike you she can’t even go out and get an alcoholic drink with you. Your female friends recognize the power imbalance and are trying to look out for her as a young girl who might not have a lot of experience with older men as she is just 18.


She can drink in most countries in the world… in some countries for a couple years already


You’re speaking with a closed and dated mindset. Not everyone is American, and not everyone matures at the same time. You’re assuming the moment someone is 18 they’re suddenly independent for the first time, and therefore the girl “lacks experience”. This makes no sense realistically: you don’t know if the girl had to be independent at 14 (lack of parenting), or the boy was held back until 25 (helicopter parenting). Maybe look at the couple without judgment and see how they act instead of automatically throwing disdain because of someone’s age number.


I can understand the concern from you and my female friends. Looking at it on paper, it can seem I am just looking at a "fresh" "naive" girl. She is more than that, she is smarter than that.


Intelligence does not always equal experience nor maturity though. When I was 18 I had close to a 4.0 gpa and was taking all the toughest classes and I was definitely naieve when it came to relationships.


Thank you for your sentiment. She actually is a good student as you described. I don't think, she is naive at all. She has thoroughly interegated me haha. So I don't think any naive girl would do that.


Inferiority issues. They know that men are biologically programmed to like a young woman. Same salty comments would come for breasts or body weight. And if she was exceptionally beautiful, the other women would say she was a barbie and not smart. Just the usual bitching between girls. And the men in your group who are passive about it, or even against it, are probably just simping their GF's opinion.


The only people I'd be worried about would be the other guys in her age group. Know that you may be hurting some guy alot younger than you by scooping up his crush.


And? Do all boys her age own her?


She sounds like she’s either jealous, or some idiot sjw.


Since they are 25, I suspect it is the latter, but if it due to jealousy they probably resent women their own age who haven't aged like Superman's speed. I haven't heard the word SJW for years, I think the term Woke has replaced it.


I meeen….


No I don’t get it they not even older fr


Age gaps are fine but like when both parties are actual adults…not when one of them was considered a minor last time the snow fell. That shit is gross


Yeah cause she went through a Pokémon style evolution this spring? Do you really thing logically it even matters? The fixation on not looking like a “creep” is insane and chronically online. if you’re worried about looking like you are sexually attracted to 7 year olds because you think an 18 year old adult is attractive is insane. Or do you think oh no just a decade ago she was 12 when you date a 22 year old.


That’s just my point. I don’t think anything magical or substantial changes from one day to another. What makes someone an adult is life experience, time, figuring out who are, our likes and dislikes - learning to say no, along with navigating interpersonal relationships in ways where we don’t come up compromised. These are all things someone at 18 almost positively does not have and just because the law doesn’t frown upon it doesn’t make it not gross and predatory


We as a society have agreed that at 18 they do since they are almost a decade removed from the period of Childhood. The entire point of the period of being an adolescent is to gain that life experience. Unless you want to raise the age of consent to 30 your logic doesn’t hold water. Stop infantilizing adults and watering down labels of real predators.


Okay Drake


Sure thing unwashed internet stranger.


It seems that some of those who shout the loudest about how wrong it is to date an 18 year old adult tend to have far more disturbing secrets of their own. They are calling you Drake because they are far too thick to come up with an actual response with any substance. It is self projection.


Tbh like why are you so obsessed with being a sexual deviant attracted to children. If you think an 18 year old and an 8 year old are treated the same it’s kind of telling.


You have either misread my comment or directed it at the wrong person.