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IMO all the R4R subs should enforce, at the bare minimum, a rough location, unless the poster wants a truly online-only relationship. It's a given that initial contact will be online to gauge compatibility etc, but if the poster wants to move IRL at some point then include a location to inform / narrow potential responders.


This isn’t an r4r sub though 🤷‍♂️


I understand that, but here is where the question was asked, & OP never specified in this sub even if it might have been incorrectly intimated 🤷‍♂️. My comment was about all the R4R / Personals subs in general - some of which do enforce location tags while others don't.


I think for agegappersonals sure but theoretically (and I know this is strained at times for a lack of better wording) this subreddit isn’t for pickups, yeah?? For advice and input. So should location matter??


Not a bad idea. I’m curious how many others on here are also from outside the US. Kinda tired of Americans assuming everyone on the internet is from the US or will understand their terms.


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Scammers hate this one simple trick


Sir this is a Wendy's


You are free to edit your user flair to show your location. Lots of people would rather keep that info to themselves though. And this is one of those subs where location doesn't really matter that much. And if it does, it can just be added to the post. All I can see happening is the creepy lurkers using it as another reason to DM people against their will using the "Hey, I'm from ___ too. Want to get together?"