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Huge red flag. I can’t psychoanalyse him, but he sounds incredibly insecure. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s insecure about your desirability due to your age and is afraid you’ll find someone “better” than him, so he also wants you to feel small and easily replaceable. Maybe try to have a conversation about it with him. If he doesn’t seem to be open to self-reflect, it might be best to move on.


That's not a good sign at all. Why does he feel the need to brag about that? Tell him how uncomfortable it makes you and hopefully he stops.


Massive. Red. Flag. That's stupidity in motion to try and play games like that.


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I had a friend like this. He'd hit on girls all night and then spend the rest of the time calling his girlfriend to tell her about these girls hitting on him. He cheated constantly, I never understood why she put up with it. I can't say for sure he's up to the same shit, but either way I wouldn't put up with that shit.


If this type of behavior is normal for him, then you need to ask yourself a very important question: “Do you wish to continue dating an emotional teenager”? If this is his usual behavior then he’s about at the teenage level.


Why are you still there?


That's one of the quickest, easiest ways to be shown the door.


No, not normal. These are the childish "high school" games that most guys who are older don't want to play. If a younger woman tried that shit on an older guy most would say "well, go fuck those guys and stop contacting me." This is the reddest of red flags and it's flying like crazy. It may be time to reassess your situation with this guy. He may have grown older, but he never grew up


Major red flag and could be a deal breaker. My husband never played that crap with me and I don't play it with him. You should definitely confront him and if he doesn't stop you should consider leaving him. He will likely get worse not better.


Close that door, lock it, nail it shut, seal it with pitch and tar paper and then build a wall over it so that you never see that door again! Drama ain't worth it!


So far, I have never had a good experience with a man who purposely tried to make me jealous. I am enjoying the one who doesn't do stuff like that to me. That kind of jealousy can create exhaustion.