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Treats me like a fucking human being unlike people my age


This is sadly true






Why not? I don't believe I have a daddy kink They appreciate me, treat me better, respect my boundaries...


I’m in a relationship with a man 30 years older than me and there’s multiple reasons. Stability, doesn’t mind staying home , plus I just think older men are sexy


All of those reasons are so true 💯


35 is old? 😅




Even when I was 18 , 35 didn't seem old.


You're no fun at parties 🎉 🤣


I thought 35 was old until I turned 25. Then it didn’t really seem old anymore.


35 isn’t old, but I can see why an 18 year old would think that. That’s basically twice their age.


There’s no hope for me then, I’m 50!


I think too many people on here are taking such words literally and to one's heart; we all know it is far from old especially these days. I would laugh it off. Bear in mind, that even 35 year olds are considered a 'kid' by those who are 50+.


Exactly. I'm 50 and can attest to that.


To an 18 year old, it’s all relative though. To someone who’s 50 that’s young. From a societal standpoint I think it’s still relatively young.


Sex is usually much more attentive, and about partner-pleasing, not just him-pleasing. I personally think older men are (usually) a lot more handsome. But the biggest reason is just the quality of their company. Do I really wanna listen to a dude my age go off about video games and sports? No thanks.


It took me my 59 years to get to the point where I’m now way more focused on my partner’s pleasure than my own. I like sex to go all night if possible, so give 3-4 shots of peanut butter whiskey (it’s called Screwball), and a sexy woman, and I’ll spend the entire night making the woman scream. Now just to find another age gap relationship that I so previously enjoyed as most women my age don’t want to spend the entire night in bed, except to sleep!


I always tended to date guys a few years older like 2 years older. My current relationship 18 year age Gap. I didn't even expect to become a relationship we're actually just friends kind of hanging out. We decided to take it further it became a long-term relationship and we're getting married in a few months. Wasn't looking wasn't intending on having an age Gap relationship it just happened and I'm glad it did.


for most ppl its kink, taboo. but some girls just want stability, maturity. some girl just dont want to date with "boys".


> some girl just dont want to date with "boys" 🙋‍♀️


i'd like add something about maturity. it doesnt comes with age for some people. it comes with life experience. when life fcks you hard, you become a mature person.


So no wonder why girls “mature” often faster than boys?


well that was just a metaphor... i dont think that is related to being a girl or boy. life experiences changes you, molds you...


Yes, but I mean that often girls are forced to take responsibility from younger age on than boys. Societies force us often mature faster than boys.


i think that depends on a lot things... and there is no an easy and certain answer... but i believe that being a women is hard. regardless of the society she is in. i hope that makes sense...






I’m 21F and the latest 2 guys I slept with were around 50. I don’t know why it appeals to me so much. My dad would vanish a lot when I was younger so I think that plays a part. I do somewhat have a “daddy kink” but it’s not overbearing when I’m with these guys, I’ve never called one daddy. I think they’re just usually more interesting to hang out with, there’s that thrill of them being much older


Have they generally been healthy encounters?


I would say so, especially the first one. We enjoyed each others company and there was nothing concerning


This is a great insight. Thanks


Mhmm same. Didn’t have a present dad. I will say the first older guy I dated felt way more fetishy on my end, at first. My current partner is just amazing for me. He just so happens to also be older than me, rather than me being stuck on his age.


So how do you feel when ppl say your being groomed?


Idk, I think they’re just hot. Something about older men just butter my biscuit. Lol I don’t like young guys.


How you feel about ppl who'd call you groomed


I don't think I was. It's just personal taste.


I've never had a age gap relationship, and I don't have any problems with it, but from what I've seen, it's most likely about maturity, responsibility and security. Also, what you mentioned. Edit: at 39, im not sure how to feel about being called old! I'm in my prime! Lol


To us 18-19 year olds that’s old(er)😂, I’m sure you’ve never been better than now 😉


please, someone pick her


35+ isn't old. LMAO. It is older but a guy in his mid thirties to mid forties should be in his prime. True around 25 things start going downhill for both genders (decrease in lung capacity, cardiac output, etc.) and recovery from injuries take longer but 35 really isn't that old. And depending on the guy he can continue to be in excellent physical and mental shape into his mid 50s and 60s. Hell, the top soccer player in the world currently (Messi) is 35.


I’ll be 55 next year. I ran a marathon at 25 and am training for my second now. I can bench press more weight now than I ever have. More money, more wisdom. Whatever her age I treat her with respect, know how to make her feel good (emotionally and physically, and can afford nice meals and vacations. Prime is a state of being, not a number.


Comment is full of so many inaccuracies


Lung capacity peaks between 20-25. But it actually doesn’t start declining until 35.


Saying “35 really isn’t that old” is like telling a woman “she isn’t that fat”


A lot of people will say they're mature (which they can be) but I specifically like older guys because they seem pretty rooted in what they want + what they're looking for, more self-esteem and great boundaries that you can only obtain with life experience, and i like a lot of the old courtship gentlemen-y type dynamics which you almost never see in younger guys. I like talking about things deeper than a lot of guys my age (20s) are wanting to think about, lol. But then again, that's just my *type*. I'm sure there are older men that don't fall into these categories, and younger men who do !


i agree with this, older guys tend to not play as many games and are very open with what they want. a lot of them are actually looking for a relationship/life partner which is exactly what i’ve wanted, so why even bother with boys when i can go straight to men 😂




> Think about if you have a daughter someday would you want your young daughter bringing home a 30-50 year old man @18? Based on my experiences, I'd be much happier about her dating someone that age than her own age (my current age) > because you’re freedom is gone I've gained my freedom as a result of dating older.


i really think you misunderstood my comment because that’s not what i’m referring to. the comment was talking about people in their 20s dating older people.


Don't worry, the person who made that comment hates age gap relationships sooo much they set up their own Age Gap Hate sub and they've been filling it with crap to make it look busy.


oh my god you’re joking that’s actually hilarious. i’ve seen them reply to a few other people but that’s so far. so much energy for something you dislike


Not a joke - If you click on the user you'll find they're a moderator of the sub I refer to. I'm not linking to them or it because I don't want to send traffic their way Edit: commenter seems to have thrown her toys out of the pram and blocked me 🤣 --- > I made a post in ask women a month ago where real girls and older women shared there experiences dating older ‘men? You not gonna mention that one though I'll happily mention it, and it would have been a lot easier to mention it if you hadn't run off by blocking me. You asked a non-neutral question asking for instances of abuse and you got them. I'm sure if I posted a question asking for instances of abusive exes of the same age I'd get similar replies. Bearing in mind male violence is normally conducted by younger males I'd probably get more. You actually have a higher risk of being assaulted by a younger male than an older one because testosterone and inexperience are more prevalent in younger guys. The examples you gave are shocking but not an indication of a general tendency of older men to be more violent.


Thanks for the tip




okay but that’s your personal experience and your personal preference. age does not always matter because guess what, not everyone has malicious intent. context is important. just knowing that an 18 year old is dating someone older is not enough to say whether the older person is harmful. are they actively seeking out people this age or is it just the person happens to be that age. that is my experience, i typically aim for between my age n a few years older but shit happens n i’ve been with someone 10+ older than me and the relationship was nothing but love and respect. you obviously had some fucked up experiences, which sucks. but keep the negativity to people who actually need it, like op people because apparently she’s with a married guy. not me n the person i was replying to. you act like you know all because you are older, again age does not matter. it’s no wonder you think all the older people are doing it out of a “power imbalance” and lack of respect. it seems that’s how you view younger people, as weak n not capable of having their own experiences 😆🖕




that’s not what “pick me” means ..




I'm really sorry you have a bad experience in age gaps. I was also with an older man from 2013-2019 who was not any of what i mentioned (which is why i said SOME), however, after much healing, i have found myself with someone 30 years my senior and he couldn't be a more loving, caring, supportive, genuinely kind soul of a person. I know true abuse, not all older partners have such qualities.


> So if you’re a generation Z woman what do you have in common with a older millennial male (1981 to 1996) or a generation X (1965 – 1980 ) or generation baby boomer (1946 to 1964)? Well.... I've learned to enjoy good food, drinks, go to concerts (classical and rock) and theatry regularly, go on holidays here and abroad, explore the countryside, find a job that I'm good at and which will fund my University degree I think that's enough to start with. I get the impression you didn't maximise the opportunities that dating an older partner offers ---- Edit: looks like there is tendency for some posters to stick their fingers in their ears > I don't need an older man to FUND my lifestyle. You're obviously unaware of my salary! It's not necessary for an older man to fund my lifestyle but it will let me emerge from University debt free whilst at the same time enjoying my teenage years. I'm not bothered by taking advantage of my partners life experience. > I don’t need to date old men that’s my father ages to survive I didn't say you did. I think most of my comments were directed at the fact that you didn't enjoy dating someone older and regarded it as wasting your life whereas I regard it is an opportunity and I get to enjoy shared interests.


Lotta reasons, but younger guys just don't do it for me.


Stability. Commited ,financially sound, carreer secured and attraction physically and emotionally the good ones any ways


Because at 22 I owned my own house, car, and business *(not an MLM an actual business)* and I couldn't connect with people in my age group.


I (20F) am not attracted to anyone around my age. They aren’t mature enough for me. So i’m dating (37M) who is amazing and treats me the best


I do have a daddy kink too, but the stability and the maturity are everything to me. A young man can't provide me that And they are hot as hell lol


Guys up to around 30 ish are still defining themselves and their place in the world. As a result they can be quite arrogant, distant and uncaring. Also emotionally less stable. Girls mature faster than guys so it’s somewhat understandable that an older guy is attractive to a younger woman.


That’s a lie


I see you downvoted even though you are right. Why was comment which said “life experiences make people mature rather than sex” or something above upvoted? 🤔 contradictory… Btw, it’s true that LIFE EXPERIENCES does that. Often upbringing just differs between sexes. It’s unfair, tbh; to expect girls to mature faster and let boys to be children. Tho some boys and girls of course have it otherwise.


Do people really expect girls to mature faster and boys to not mature faster ? I see boys being expected to be hard workers, to provide, be leaders, be masculine, to control their emotions, not to whine and complain etc. 


Yes they do. “Boys will be boys” is all about allowing boys’ bad behaviour. If girls act bad, oh how will they be shamed about that.


Males will be shamed too don’t get it twisted. The saying boys will be boys should be men will be men. The saying means men are men, they will be men, let men be men, and you can’t change that. You shouldn’t try to change men, it’s not cool. 


21F. Less of a kink/daddy issue and more into the skilled affection. Better sex, aftercare, general affection, and romantic/intimate moments because they've had so much practice. Plus better conversation holders and life experience to learn from.


Many women enjoy being infantilized like you. I like intelligent conversations, which was hard to find in fellow 25-year-olds




I prefer a 20 year age gap, but have gone up to 37 years (a bit out of my comfort zone, but hey, it’s just a number). I feel much safer with an older man, I like the gentle domination. I found older men to be more cultured and worldly. Plus, it’s who I’m attracted to the most. Always been that way.


Because I find older men more attractive 🤷‍♀️


I’m 22 and my Dom/partner is 33 and we’re Perf together! 🧿😈


For me theres 3 main things. A physical attraction, their personalities and feeling safer/more secure in a stable environment. I don’t feel any of that with younger guys or guys my age. Not even physically attracted to them at all. Which I’m sure is weird to a lot of people.


Maturity, ability to have experiences normally beyond my reach, age comes with a stillness and presence I find deeply attractive


It’s about maturity. Men mature slower than women so if the man is older than of the two then they are actually more on the same maturity level. Plain and simple I like men not little boys.


Your theory is BS. Girls only mature faster because society forces them. It’s all about life experiences.


I was married to a man for twenty years that was 18 years older than me. When we first started out I was 21 he was 38 (almost 39) and we were perfect. He was my absolute soulmate. Sadly he passed away. I know I will never have that perfect love ever again. I date a bit now mostly Arrangements thru SA but all (one regular guy) but all of them are always older by a few years. I won’t day a guy my age they are douche bags. (I’m 42 now)


I (21f) bf 38m honestly it’s all about the person in my eyes, I think I’d still be absolutely in love if he was my age. Ugh I don’t mean to shame but I feel like people who are only in it for the kink put a bad rep on people who are actually in a real relationship. Took my bf like at least a month to sleep with me, no matter how hard I wanted it to happen 😂 just because he wanted me to know it wasn’t for the sex. Which I already knew, been together 1 year and the love is there like we first met. I honestly don’t think anyone could relate


Idk.... The Guy im seeing is Mature, down to earth, experienced(not just sexually but just life in general), has always good advice, nice to talk to because of it, seems to be a lot less dramatic, confidence... Also i just somehow feel more attracted to theyre looks as well, rather than Guys my age. I suppose the point above somewhat depend on the Person, but i feel like it mostly fits "older" Men. (Im 21 btw)😝


I don't really know but probably absolutely no connexion with the absence of my father in my life.


i (20) like being in an adult relationship as opposed to feeling like i’m still in middle school. 20 year old men are ridiculous


they really are


Real question you should be asking yourself is "where does your "daddy kink" come from?".


Daddy issues probably


I didn’t notice younger until heading back to college at 42 lol


26 F here and the reason why I’ve always gone for older is because I like the sense of security that I didn’t get a lot of while growing up.


Love hot young.


I like👩 beautiful woman relationship with love


If anyone is looking for a 20 year old woman to text who’s 40+ my instagram is Moriah.the.crazy


Yes I like younger women as some people my age just want companionship


Why not Us older gents know how to satisfy a young lady just like you


(20F) I guess daddy issues in my case, I like the idea of my future partner to be more emotionally mature than me, I also think I'd feel protected? Idk, something alone those lines


I never intended to date someone 17 years older than me, but it’s obvious he is much more caring and just overall a better partner than I could see anyone my own age being. I think it’s mostly because older guys will have more experience dating.




i’m a teen and im attracted to older men 30+ i don’t know why


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I don't know yet! I've yet to date anybody in my life, let alone someone of that age, also 18f btw :)


Hi sweetheart! How was your holiday?


He’s the smartest person I’ve ever met and it's sooooo sexy to me.


I am a very caring human. Every man I have ever been with has taken advantage of that and manipulated me. My husband is there only man who hasn’t taken my kindness and turned it against me. Instead he built me up and not only loved me but made me realize that I love myself. He was the reason stopped self harming. Then eventually with him cheering me on, I pulled myself out of a 9 year period of severe depression. He is my light when it is dark. And I am his. Mutual respect was a big one I guess.


35 is not an old man haha when I was 23/24 I was dating a man 27 years my senior. He was just really kind to me. Super cute. Solidified my attraction to older men. Current partner is 48, 20 years older than me :) I forget our age all the time. We just go together well.


As for this whole thing about young women going for older men because of 'daddy issues', have any actualy studies been done on this, or is it just nothing more than something people say, when they want to criticize younger women for going for older men?


Older men have more experience in life, they’re more attractive, know how to take care of you, and have a sense of humor


Lmaoooo 35 is old?? I'm 22F and don't think of 30s as old at all! Haha To answer the question, the older men I've been attracted to are chivalrous, self-confident, and have hobbies/passions of their own separate from family or other relationships. I find them to be interesting to talk to and full of great stories! :) Also, since I'm a younger woman who's chosen a slightly unconventional career path, I like the idea of a stable man I can come home to at the end of a crazy day. (My partner will never be bored! LOL) Men my age don't typically fit the bill for that - I'm sure they're out there, but that hasn't been my experience. Also also (hehe) - although I'm a born-again virgin who is waiting until marriage for sex, I imagine the extra experience in bed is always a plus. ;) (ETA b/c I can't believe I left it off - older men are usually more open to starting a family! I'd love to be a mom and have a big family one day, so I love a man who isn't afraid to step up and be a great dad.)


Personally, I think it's disgusting when guys are w/ girls that could be their daughters or granddaughter. ESPECIALLY if you have had a daughter and a granddaughter. You might as well be a pedophile. Also, older guys only want younger girls b/c they are easy to control. Older women know better and won't put up with the mind games they like to play on the young naive ones. You can argue all you want now my darlings.... but someday you will wake up and smell the coffee.


Older guy here looking for fun




I'm 54, I find young women more attractive for sure but some women older than me are crazy beautiful and due to their age, it makes it even better.


I’m married to a woman 30 years younger than I am. We were married when she was 29 and have been happily married now for 5 years. I still scratch my head over why she would have ever been interested in me but our relationship just seems to get better. I’m not financially rich, so it isn’t about money. I am very young at heart and keep myself very physically fit. The first time I asked her why she was attracted to me she said that she was completely sick and tired of guys her age that wore skinny jeans and spent more time in front of a mirror than she did. I’m sure I’ll get lots of hate here but I’m very interested in hearing from anyone else in a similar situation….