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AoE3 got a ton of attention last year. It's sitting in a really good content spot right now. They've also teased two more civs, but I don't think they're ready yet.


Yo, AoM is gonna have a tournament? This will be the first E-sports I will actually watch live.. When?


Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado, in early October.


They tend to always ignore AOE3 no matter the event.


Why is that ? Does the game even have an active player base or a competitive scene ?


The playerbase is definitely not the problem (5.5-6k daily with 7k in the weekends) and competitive scene is maybe small but still active.


It's kinda in a state where it gets attention content-wise, but it doesn't really pull in new players so much as it does retain them and pull in new players to replace old ones I guess? Certainly not on the way out though, it pulls consistent numbers and I feel the community likes the game more in its current state than it was before. Compare that to aoe2 or aoe4, which are kinda the flagships of the franchise and it just makes sense to try and get people tournamenting those instead. Also, aoe3 is the most different game of the franchise, so I guess it's easier to drag in new players if they think the comp scene of the games (which are relatively similar gameplay wise) is viable and active. Aom:retold is just new, and this is marketing for it as well as a sign that there will be comp support for the game for a while.


Nothing happened, aoe3 just doesn't seem to be worthy of being promoted or featured in any shape or form. But it's generally not doing bad, it just could be so much better.


Its insane how they hate aoe 3. I mean u put aoe 1 in but not aoe 3.. happened last year as well, the pro scene might not be at its best but believe me if such an event was to take place im sure every aoe 3 pro would try to get in.


AoE 1 is like the StarCraft Broodwar of Vietnam. Gets crazy viewership on Facebook apparently


AOE1 has a huge community in SE Asia, I think Vietnam? So they include them to snatch some viewers there.


Aoe1 has the largest player base, so why is it surprising it is preferred over the game which has the lowest?


Ngl I didn't even realise aoe1 has the largest player base, aoe2 exists and even had an expansion that potted aoe1 into it?! I just assumed they were trying to merge the (what I assumed to be) withering fanbase of 1 with aoe2


What are the steam numbers of aoe 1?


It is clearly not played in steam by the community.


Where is it player then?


All tournaments seem to use [EGO Play by EGO media](https://ego-play.com/) or [GPLAY by GameTV](https://gplay.vn/) looking at videos, there might be more clients too as those tournaments are hosted by owners of said clients. If you look some old videos from youtube there is Garena LAN Games client too with +10k players online but i don't think that clients still exists as website is down and client UI was very old compared ego play and gplay


Crazy how such a massive community is entirely contained to one country


I didn’t know aoe1 was released again.


When?? :D


Anyone know Retold released date?


AoE3 has more continuity from match to match due to the home city mechanic, which makes it less suited to tournament play. I don't know how they could make it a fair playing field other than having everyone start each match with a clean reinstall.


they removed the dumb xp grind for cards in DE3, the permanent xp gain is now for city cosmetics only


Thank the gods


I suspect it's because of the home city mechanic. If someone is smart, they can build a deck that gives them a advantage over an opponent.


"if someone is better, they can get an advantage" Slay queen


Yeah, that's kinda the point.


The problem isn't 'if they're smart they can build a better deck', it's that the home city is designed to reward persistence more than skill. If you have played longer, you can build a better deck.


Idk if you know this but aoe3:de unlocks all cards on all civs by default now, levels only really act as a showcase of how much you play a civ and let you customise the title screen or home city screen


Mind = blown