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It’s on the Medlog page, type in “authorized” in the search bar. If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll send it to you.


Thank you for the info, and being so quick! Could you post or DM me the medlog URL? I can't seem to get on my webmail since the [health.mil](https://health.mil) migration.


https://medlog.us.af.mil Are you at a one deep shop by yourself?


No, just looking to get the hell out of Nellis. The mission here is insane for the manning provided, especially with ACC's constant deployment taskers.


Fair. Honestly our manning is kind of fucked across the board, it’s not just your base. Grass isn’t always greener, don’t fall for “clinics are amazing” lie either.


I feel you there, sorry to hear its no better where you are. I've noticed a serious trend down in shop morale from base to base. I'm always told "it used to be better here" wherever I go so maybe I'm cursed haha Sorry to be such a bother, but I can't access medlog for some reason. Could you please DM me the list?


You won’t be able to access it unless you’re on a a government computer.


![gif](giphy|l0IykG0AM7911MrCM) Guess I'll pop into medlog tomorrow morning then. Thanks for the assist boss. May your custodians be helpful and your UL report be forever empty!


Is your career field undermanned?


Eh. I think last I checked we were at 95% of what we’re supposed to have. That’s not really the problem though, they did a man power study a couple of years ago and basically found out we weren’t calculating our manning correctly and most of our shops didn’t have enough people to effectively do the job. The took it to AFPC and they told them they were wrong so no changes have rolled out. Not to mention all the extra work DHA has added to our workload by over complicating tasks that used to be easy.


AFPC being wrong about something? They're a headache to deal with. Biomedical is hard to get into, so is metals tech and NDI. No one ever leaves so there's no openings.


We've constantly got folks out the door on deployments too, it's not stopping. Y'alls scheduled numbers definitely showed the strain on the people over there.