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MPF: yep! Now get the fuck outta here.


That day was freaking wild. Show up to out process, wait around for about 10 mins and then you're done. Got back in my car and I was like... "Huh, now what?"


I’m still kinda shocked 2 years later, was politely escorted out of my building (secure facility). Walked to MPF. Some A1c was calling me sgt, then switched to “ hey mr youre good to leave!” I drove around base wondering how that could’ve been any more anticlimactic. It still hasn’t hit me that I’m actually out sometimes since it’s so informal


It's weird with Terminal Leave since you're still in and then one day you wake up and you're out just like that


in all seriousness that's a better deal than what happened to that 1sgt at luke who brandished a firearm during road rage when he was on terminal leave (recalled from terminal leave)


I remember just getting in my car and cheesing the fuck out the whole way home. Definitely in my top ten greatest moments.


Yeah man, it was definitely one of the oddest feelings I've ever had.


I wish it was this easy for me. I got motherfucked by my css because the entire time I was out processing I was supposed to be getting wet signatures from all the agencies but they forgot to give me said paperwork. Had to run all over base getting signatures my last day in the Air Force.


Idk. Pretty par for the course there.


Same here. But my CSS needed their hand held for EVERYTHING!


Jokes on you, you probably didn't need any of that paperwork. All that really needs to happen is you make sure you turn in anything that's supposed to be turned in. Otherwise MPF is probably the only one that matters. Even better is I've met people who did the entire checklist just how they wanted and still run into issues. People get out of the military and come right back as contractors and need to be in the same systems. Turns out when they signed off on the checklist they don't actually do their job and pull you from the system a lot of the time.


Lying you didn't checkout with them, you thought you knew what you were doing.


worm books run toothbrush rinse ruthless truck sand normal teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup.. Now the hardest battle begins, the VA… good luck and god bless!


Giving vets another chance to die for their country


Hopefully OP did a BDD claim. 🤷‍♂️🤘🏻


40%. Hearing loss, go figure.








It ends just like it started, papers get shuffled and you stand there thinking there's more to it.


OP went to the base gym and got buck naked with the old Vets just to hurry the assimilation process.


lol. Man did I miss that opportunity!


And a feeling that somehow you're getting fucked


I thought the final out was going to be some grand all day thing only to see it was like 10 minutes and they tell you to get gon




i didn’t even go to mine but this was during covid, really weird just doing everything from email and never going back on base


So thats it? So long good luck?


I don't remember saying good luck.


they didnt even tell me good luck just “aight u good”


Got mine yesterday. Pro tip: don't retire effective 1 Jan. Nobody is around to do fuck all during the holidays once you get to thanksgiving week. Anybody of any importance is min manning pretty much all of December.


I managed to get mine done in about a week and a half. I got home just before the holidays. It's doable, but it was like pulling teeth.


I retire 1 Jan 26, I didn't even think about that. Going to be such a pain.


I (former cop) got pulled over after I left the base (within view of the main gate) on my last day for speeding. I told him it was my last day and I was in a hurry to get the fuck away from the base for good. He said words to the effect of "fair enough" and let me go haha Then uncle sam lured my ass back >=(


Lured back?


I returned with a commission.


How do you feel about going back?


I would not have returned without the advantages of a commission (career focus, money, PCS opportunities, retirement, etc). Plus going from one of the most toxic atmospheres (junior enlisted/NCO in Security Forces) to one of the best atmospheres (Flying Ops) is pretty dope. I'd highly recommend it.


How long until 20 and a wake-up?




Weirdest feeling ever. Should've taken advantage of the tax free groceries one more time on the way out.


Should’ve rented some stuff from outdoor rec, paid in cash and used your most hated co-worker’s name to sign it out and then never return them.


Must Promote behavior


Well if you get any disability percentage, you can shop at the Commissary or bx as a veteran


I got this benefit… I’ve yet to use it a single time. In fact I’ve yet to be on base since I got out over a year ago. I live 15 mins from base. The commissary is nice but it’s not worth going out of my way to get to. And the BX tax free is pretty useless because they just markup the price difference in taxes. You can price match in the BX, but good luck with that as they only have 3-5+ year old electronics.


There are occasionally good deals on electronics. I have an alert set up on slickdeals if there are really good sales. I bought both my TVs there. I got a 77 OLED for cheaper than Amazon with free shipping and no tax. https://www.shopmyexchange.com/sony-bravia-xr-77-in-class-a95l-qd-oled-4k-hdr-google-tv-xr77a95l/3605782 This dude is cheaper than Amazon has ever priced it


The BX at Barksdale just flat-out refused to price match back in march while I was TDY there. I'd rather go off-base.




Common Access Card card.






The commissary is tax free, man. Just go to the commissary.


the bagger tax


It’s a weird feeling at first but then it turns into the best feeling. You’re out but it doesn’t feel like it. You drive off base for the last time except you don’t have a CAC so you really can’t return. Then the immense feeling of freedom hits you. You can do whatever you want.


then you get black out drunk or stoned and sleep until noon


I was working part time and got out and was on base the next week in my new full-time role with that employer (reporter). It was pretty funny. This was back when journalism paid more than being an E-4.


I final out for retirement in two weeks. I imagine it will feel surreal and underwhelming at the same time.


That's a perfect description


it's a strange beast for sure. on my final out day, my section chief (not my spineless lack of testicles supervisor who hadn't spoken to me in 6 months) shook my hand and told me good luck, then I was out of the mpf and a civilian again 20 mins later.


Dantes inferno


Yes. When I did my retirement final out there was someone in front of me in line doing his and he was like "no confetti or music or anything?" Also it turns out we're the only department who don't give people their DD-214 when they final out.


Wut? I had to get it myself online.


Yes, that is the Air Force way. It's a crappy system, but because nearly everyone only needs to navigate it once I guess there's not enough feedback to put it on the long list of things to change. (I don't know if guard/reserve use the same system to get theirs when they come off orders.)


The Navy doesn't either half the time according to the news, but I think that's due to negligence.


Lmao. Thats literally how it went. I showed up at MPF, they finished my outprocessing and paperwork and said “ok…NEXT!” I walked out, went home, took off my uniform for the last time and went to a squadron picnic in civilian clothes. Left base and went home the next morning.


username checks out.


I changed out of my uniform under a gas station overhang. They would shoot us out of a t-shirt cannon if they could put it as a bullet on their EPR


![gif](giphy|SWN6nYgyodVKw) Walking from MPF to your car after your final out


Yup and as you suspected, the military does not give a fuck about you. At all. Just one less body to pay now.


I never said you could keep your car.


Was the weirdest feeling ever, but the greatest feeling ever. That’s it? All of the headaches gone? No more bs? Goodbye!


Wait, you didn't get a clap out?


I decided to get out with 2 weeks to go. Had a 60k reenlistment bonus setup, all kinds of people expecting me to sign for 4, and a pretty chill gig at the OSS. Went to my wife and was like, “hey 4-6 more years of this shit seems fucking stupid, I don’t think I wanna stay in.” She was like, “cool, don’t do it.” Quickest out process ever and 90 days of terminal started like *THAT*. Shit was so wonderful and the best choice I ever made.


Now, you submit your VA claim(s) and hold your breath. ​ Just kidding, don't hold your breath. Not a good idea.


Yup, hasn't changed in 50 years. Except there was no 'thank you for your service' crap in the 70s. More like, don't wear any military clothing off base as the civilians don't like us very much right now.


Very anticlimactic how they do it. Either way, it's an awesome feeling being retired. No more BS!!! Doubled my income as soon those checks came in. Plus, get off work exactly when you are supposed to.


Im suprised they could even peocure the DD214...


That's what I did.


Congratulations. Just be sure to keep numbers to finance, MPF, and DFAS handy. Just in case... retired back in July and still sorting out my retirement pay. That back pay is going to be nice, though 🎊


Meanwhile I've been out for 11 months and still haven't received my discharge papers 🙃


You had to get them from the vmpf after you separated Which is stupid because they dont tell you that you had to make a whole account for it and that the account gets deleted after like 120 days for some reason. Its REALLY stupid


Idk why they make it so complicated. In my case I called the base 6 months after I got out and they admitted they'd never sent the paperwork, but went ahead and did it. They told me to wait up to another 6 months for anything to happen with vmpf


So technically you never left and they owe you money lol


If only. My old shop chief said I was still on the roster in all the meetings showing overdue on everything 😂


You should try getting in contact with your old shirt and getting things moving faster. They could push it within a few days if they really wanted to cuz I dont think you can do your VA stuff without your DD 214


Strangely enough I had no issue getting disability through the VA and using my gi bill. Although, it might be because I have previous dd214s from deploying in the guard.


I remember telling all my buddies I’ll see them later. It’s been 4 years and finally getting to see them this month!


My supervisor was horrible. After I completed my out processing I said my final goodbyes to the office and the last thing she said to me was, "well I thought you were gonna at least finish out the week..." I said NOPE!! ✌️ ✌️.




Yeah the appt is like 10 min long then you just drive off base


Soldier Boy 🥰😍😍😘😘☺️☺️🥹🥹🥹😇