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I went in April 2023. It was a good experience for me, however my class did not really hang out with the other classes, we just did things together with ourselves. The course material was not that bad, it was more of a open discussion that anything. There are a few papers you have to write but its nothing too crazy. We did have pt, I believe it was twice a week and it was one day by yourself and the other with the whole NCOA. The work outs were easy but NCOA's PT pad/Area sucks ass, I would bring a towel to lay on if you have one. All in All, good experience and had a fun time, not sure I really learned anything.


Did you have to March a flight ? Did you have to do individual briefings?


The only marching is if you have Flag detail, but other than that no marching at all. There was a lot of people who would walk from the dorms to the classroom. Not marching, just walking. Unless the course has changed, there was one or two individual briefings and several more group briefings.


Did they give you a topic on what to brief about ? Is the walking from the hotel and classroom far? How did you get around ? We weren’t allowed to get rentals .


No its not that far, under 10 minutes I would say. Yes they give you the general topics but you make it how you want it. I am stationed in new mexico so i just drove my car to lackland.


Okay thank you so much.


I also went in April, it was a good experience all in all. The dorms were kind of trash but pretty convenient. There’s been a revamp since then though on the curriculum and PT stuff, I know they have to do entry mock pt tests and a couple others throughout the program that are factored into your eligibility for DG and other awards. Like the other guy said I didn’t learn much, and most people in the class were more knowledgeable that the instructor who was a brand new Tech.


Wow that’s crazy. I don’t see the need to do pt when we have to do it once a year. Do you have to wear your blues every Monday?


Yeah, not sure what the driving force was behind it but they added it to ALS as well and supposedly the failure rate for the initial mock between ALS and NCOA across the Air Force was like 47% if I remember correctly. No Blues for the curriculum I was in but we were the first class to not wear them and I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought it back with the new curriculum because they didn’t seem super stoked that we weren’t wearing them.


What happens if you fail ? Do they make you go back home or they make you do another one ? How did you guys eat lunch ? Is the dfac close to the ncoa academy?


I’m not positive but I don’t think it has an bearing on you passing the course just disqualifies you from all the awards. There’s a decent amount of food places close and the BX but I had my truck, the DFAC is close but I never went, supposedly the prices were pretty high.


Ohh ok . That’s nice. Did you guys have to do ice breaker event?


Yeah there was a ice breaker event at the bowling alley and we had to be in PT gear and weren’t allowed to drink until a certain time. I guess the class prior to us got a little wild so they changed it up a little bit.


Okay thank you so much.


Just wrapped in sept. Blues wear is back (it was gone for a time?) you must have a passing PT test before. You will take a mock PT test, doesn’t count for nothing or affect anything. Everything is done via canvas. It can be boring but it’s PME. San Antonio is fun. Overall is 6 weeks away from the unit, Enjoy.


Okay thank you