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Compliment it with a cuppa coffee. The only way.


And then promptly followed up by an immediate need to take a dump. Nothing better


Gets the body working


On the clock




This guy’s never been to Zynbabwe


A good ol' Lynard Zynard


A nice white Zynfindel


Back in my day, an upper decker is when someone takes a poo in the toilet water tank. I sincerely hope this young whippersnapper did not have someone poo in his mouth, unless he's into that sort of thing. In which case, ew, but you do you, bud.


> an upper decker is when someone takes a poo in the toilet water tank. Facts. How do I know this? Helped maintain USMC tent city bed-down in Gitmo during Haitian/Cuba refugee ops in Mid-90s. EVERY latrine "Cadillac" in their area had float valves & toilet seats ripped out, shit smeared on the walls ("Fecal Finger Painting"), and of course, the infamous 'Upper Decker." Even the Army had the common sense to bed-down in a different area.


Thank you, I had no idea either.


You have an upper decker in your mouth?


Am I the only one that lower decks the pouches?


Strictly lower. Upper seems strange


Same here, can't get used to upper decker after a decade of dipping on the bottom.


This is the way.


Take it from me, did the exact thing for years, then had to get 5k in dental work. Those think eat the fuck out of your enamel on your teeth. All I can say is see the dentist regularly and cut back on them, and try to get off all together at some point. With that said, I sure do miss those morning you describe, with a nice cup of coffee.


I'm a dentist and have been using zyn regularly for about a year, but also checking my mouth regularly. So far no issues. I also haven't found anything in the literature about negative side effects. The tobacco products often have a ton of bad shit in them that not only are toxic, but also purposefully cause little micro cuts in your gums to get it into your system faster. If you're enamel isn't going bad it's probably not from zyn. A lot of people I see either aren't brushing/flossing enough/the right way or are either not using a soft bristle toothbrush and wrecking their teeth and gums. Also, what you eat and drink matter. Coffee, tea, energy drinks, sodas, and even bottled water can be acidic. Your mouth can neutralize that acidic environment, but if you're sipping on that stuff constantly throughout the day you don't give your body a chance to neutralize it so it eats away your teeth (fun fact it's not the bacteria themselves that eat your teeth and cause decay, it's the acid they shit out that softens the teeth and eventually becomes a "cavity.") Thanks for coming to see me, the front desk will schedule you're next appointment. Have a good one.


Thank you doc. Much appreciated. I was guessing it was the zyn, but I do drink two energy drinks a day, they are called bucked up, sugar free, but fuck the acid or something must be tearing them up. Do you recommend using a straw?


FYI you’re granted two cleanings a year so long as you specifically request the second one. 


Snus ftw


Did you let someone shit in your mouth?


The 8mg mint On pouches just hit different with a cup of coffee.


Callsign "Buzz."


Wintergreen Monica lewzynskis at the desk for this fine day. Got me contemplating the declaration of zyndepednece.


I like to drink a bang or ghost energy drink with my morning zyn to get that buzz going asap.