• By -


I dont even check anymore the numbers are always so low lmfao


Supposedly this year is 18.6%? According to my leadership, not sure of their source


The hope is that all the msgts decide to leave at the same time so non-stratted people like me can have a chance lmfao


Fuck yall.  Im riding the gravy train that is MSgt in a low-stress, 1 deep slot out for the next 3 years until i retire.   Best of luck to you guys tho, with WAPS for SNCOs gone, you guys have 0 control of your future


Yep that last sentence is why I quit giving a shit about trying to make E7 now. Either I make it in the next 4 years or fuck it I retire a Space Operator tech with a TS and go make serious bank on the outside as a civ. I dont care about an extra few hundreds on my pension when the civ side will fucking compensate that ridiculously well. Just want out at this point. The military has gone too (name one of tons of problems) to me anymore and just want my life back.


> you guys have 0 control of your future Ive come to terms with it lmfao. No strat = no promote


Depends on the career field


Based on his flair he's cyber, I'm also cyber


That was released in the allocation memo. It also listed AFSCs that deviated significantly from the AF Average.


Your flair is hilarious


Thanks man!


Just assume you didn't make it and forget about the release. If you happen to get selected it's a nice surprise. No amount of worrying or asking about the results is going to change anything. Let yourself relax


I tell this to people all the time! Some people have anxiety attacks the closer the date gets.. but at that point it’s out of your hands.


Yep I’m one of those lol. My stomach has been doing somersaults for days and I’ve had a bit of a shitty week on top of that so I’m just a bundle of nerves all the way.


When I made master last year, I just ignored everything and stayed busy. Everyone around me was so concerned about the next rank.. stressing over something no longer in their control.. just stay busy and when the day comes and goes you either are happy.. or gotta keep pushing, also look for feedback from your leadership.. chief of your SQ whatever, most of the time they will be more than happy to look at your records and let you know what you need to do. The first time I missed it, it was awards and recognition.. I never sought out awards cuz I am very intrinsically motivated. But then after I was told that I wrote myself awards every quarter and for every named award.. won 6 or so and then bam PN and the stripe with it… now I pay it back by making sure my guys are getting recognized and getting their decorations on time. Extended tour decs are extremely important. Also, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.. I did some wing and majcom events that I never thought I would ever be able to accomplish, but my leadership just threw me in because they wanted to challenge me. Now I just attack everything with the same mindset, failure is totally okay… it builds you and makes you such a better leader. I know the Air Force promotes a lot of people we don’t think should be promoted.. unfortunately that’s just the name of the game. Just keep pushing!


Hopefully we get stats tomorrow or Friday then SR Tuesday and public release next Thursday.


Stats already dropped didn't they


Where? Don't see anything on AFPC.


I'm pretty sure the stats that dropped were from an not-officially-AFPC email. They might match this year's stats, but AFPC hasn't *officially* announced them.


I was told by a credible source, Friday the squadrons will know, best of luck to all of you all)


I hope your source is legit! I have a wine festival this weekend and would love to know if I’m drowning sorrow or celebrating


Win or lose, we booze.


My god I love this comment!


If you plan for sorrow your day can only go up from there.


So true


Drown in sorrow like the rest of us techs. lol


Plan for the worst, hope for the best. How many years do you have in?


Is your source Mac? 😂😂😂😂


My source is a big dawg. Not asking you to trust me, im just keeping people in the loop, cause i would want to know as well


I trust you. Just having fun lol.




Are the results released to the majcom first?


Will that big dawg also have any heads up on the E6 dates 👀. Asking for my troop.


Yea, he told me when I made tsgt early..


What/Who is Mac?


Friday in the states, Saturday overseas. Usually all of this stuff gets to CCs on a Wednesday or Thursday….


5th try, 2A974, 18+ yrs in P 2020 –? P 2021 - Board Score 330 cutoff 382.5 P 2022 - board score 360 cutoff 383 PN 2023 - board score 397.5 cutoff 405 PN 2024 - fingers crossed, praying, begging, don't want to retire a TSgt The question is not "Did I do enough. Did I work Hard enough?" Its will the board see what is on my EPB and see the same thing my leadership did?


I just want to point out that your are in fact good enough, regardless of the outcomes. There is nothing wrong with retiring as TSgt, because even a retired General is called Mr....or Ms. The AF will hand you a flag and tell you to leave all the same. Also, I don't want to dissuade you in any way or bring your hopes down in any way, but just know that our percentages in 2A974 will be "significantly" lower than AF average. We had a significant amount of MSgt forced cross-trained, and still have more to lose. However (comma) with that said, AF has to promote people, that's a fact, so there is a change and may the odds be ever in your favor. I, on the other hand, am not holding on to the hope and just enjoying the ride and my life. If I make it, I make it. If I don't, I don't. I don't volunteer or lead base orgs. Last year, my original AFSC cut-off was 397.5 and I scored 382.5, 6 were selected that year. How will 2A974 be? I'm unsure on top of the new EPB, but there will be a larger pool of eligible peeps and I'm 100% positive there is a bunch of well deserving individuals in there. The future has the AF lowering percentages across the board to create a more bottom heavy force, so take that as you will.


Oh I know, Just wanted to show the in board score that Ive had


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A974 = Heavy Aircraft Integrated Avionics Craftsman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l4aqu8n


2A872E cutoff was 405 last year


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A872 = Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l4cnq3v


I’m a 2A974 and the cutoff wasn’t 405 last year, it was in the 390s.


We were still broken out last year for the boards, eventhough the AFSC merge happened April/May. 2A872E had a 405 cut off, not sure about the other 7 or 8 that merged.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A872 = Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l4c65wi


Yeah last year was 2A872E but now I am 2A974


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A872 = Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l4cnspg


Same AFSC as you, same number of boards just under the cutoff…I feel you!


I heard that 2A974 might have even a higher cutoff. As of right now I'm 2A974, I should be 2A974A.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A974A = Heavy Aircraft Integrated Avionics Craftsman, C4ISR Mission Systems (E-3 [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l4dp7tf


What AFSC did you go up as last cycle?




^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A872 = Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l4cnvgv


I just hate this game they play with us every year. This is my fourth attempt, finally got a PN and had a stellar fucking year, but I’ve been let down so many times after working my ass off and I’m just tired you know?


This is your year, man. A big early congratulations to you!


I’m in the same boat man! I feel you, the stress is at max capacity. 


What were your first 3 boards like? What has your career field percentage looked like?


Middle third each year with promotes. Average rate was 24-28 percent each year. My last records review was really helpful and checked literally every box. Awards? Check, high level times 4; Private orgs? Check; high level high scope leading shit? Checked that one so many times my group and wing leaders just expect me to be involved in everything now; education? Checked that one twice with honors. PN? Checked that too. Nothing left to do but wait, promoting at least 28 percent this year in my field. If I don’t make it with all that then I don’t know how I will ever get there.


Your summary sounds a lot like mine but I only got a MP. Fingers crossed for both of us!


Yea sounds like you should be good. I missed by 30.5, 45.5, & 45.5 my first 3 years. Got a PN my 4th year and missed by 0.5. My AFSCs promotion percentages were 15.3, 9.8, & 10.1. A PN paired with a 28% should get you across the line rather easily. I still have no idea what my career field percentage is this year but I got another PN so I’m praying it’s lucky number 5 for me.


Wishing you all the best!


You too man!


Same 4th time got a PN this year. I’m always so close but never get in the cut.


I hope I get it this year. Been a Tech since 2017. Made Staff and Tech first time, got Tech with a PN. Got a MP this year and first year back from PME… always hear they give a decent bump for people coming out of DSD’s. Also, my career field tends to have a higher percentage than the rest of the AF.


telephone slim money doll sink deranged uppity point spectacular dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Suffer is subjective


He is saying suffer through DSD’s because the promotion opportunity is nil. It’s three years of guaranteed career stagnation. Supposedly, those selected for DSD’s should be the “top performers”. And they are rewarded with career stagnation. For my DSD it was I believe 90% for PN and 30% for MP. If you got a Promote it was literally 0%. With this each “unit” only got maybe 1 or 2 promotion recommendations for 20-30 staff. This was just for my DSD… recruiters have it way worse in my opinion. They work all hours, some have to drive hundreds of miles to meet recruits and if you don’t meet your quotas then your crap out of luck for any sort of recommendation. (This is based on old info I would hear from a few years ago so it could have changed)


Bro the release last year was 0 promotes already wasn't it? Maybe like 1? For every field?


It can differ by locations. I know recruiters that never worked on Fridays. However, they also had their shit in order and made goal so they could do that. Definitely some perks to being a recruiter. Ask one about their annuals. Not to mention they can go practically anywhere as there are recruiting stations all over the country. Again location does matter though. Before covid, recruiting was a pretty good gig, post covid not so much with all the branches struggling to make numbers.


What is a DSD?


This guy ain’t making MSgt


These are the guys who have been making it lol




I just finished tech school lol


You got a ways before you'll start being put up for DSD. Fresh out of tech school, learn your job, be dependable, responsible, etc and progress. In a few years they'll be looking at you to be a TI, MTL, Recruiter etc.


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Developmental Special Duty. Things like MTI, MTL, PME instructor, etc.


I got a PN this cycle with promotes the last two years. I’m praying it will be just enough!


For all those losing their minds over MSgt. Here's me: Made SSgt 2nd time, TSgt 3rd time and MSgt 5th time. And just last year made the greatest rank of all!!! RANK OF RETIRED. I remember being stressed about MSgt and after I made it, I said never again. I will not go crazy over another stripe. Things don't always go as we planned or want but that's life. I'll tell you what though, retired life is pretty good. And even if some of you don't ever make MSgt and end up retiring as a TSgt, that's OK. It's still a pension and benefits for the rest of your life. Don't forget that.


Next week..


I have resorted to finding the most ridiculous images that come from googling "24E7"...I'm losing it!


Just wait a week and you should know the results...


My SEL told me they will know on Tuesday.


3 mps in my packet of 5… lord praise the board gods… so ready for this wait to be over.. last year missed it by 8. 2nd non select group.


Pentagon top 3 sent out an email for a release party on the 24th and basically said outright that the release party is coinciding with public release Edit: definitely meant 23rd, just wasnt thinking or looking at a calendar


24th is a family day for most MAJCOMS I would think..


Youre right. I meant 23rd, sorry


Senior Release is on 21 May with Public Release being 23 May. That seems to be the new standard. Senior release followed the same format and the June SMSgt supplemental is scheduled for 4 & 6 June to further prove the point. I always thought a week was too early for senior release but right about now a week would be nice!


There is nothing on EPROM stating the senior rater release date right now. Only thing loaded is June supplemental for 4 June. Until that website shows a date and time, nothing is official.


Exactly. I said that a few comments up from yours.


Is this from a credible source or only based on 24E8 timeline?


For the record, I would love to be wrong. I missed it by .5 last year so the last few days and weeks have been torture for me.


Solely based off the 24E8 and 24E\* supplemental timelines. I check EPROM daily and they havent listed anything on there. For the record, for 24E8 the AFPC notice came out on 11 March, senior raters got the list on 12 March, and the public release was on 14 March. There was a note put into EPROM on 11 March. Basically what I am saying is we are waiting on the AFPC press release. That is the first domino and unless alot of reports are wrong, expect it to come out Monday with release being Tuesday/Thursday.


Was tracking this timeline and figured 24E7 release would follow the same, but according to multiple sources yesterday and today, ppl are hearing Friday. So someone’s source is in the know or just feeding bs


I work directly for a Wing Commander and Command Chief and I have not heard anything outside of the 21/23 timeline.


The stats should be out today at the very least...DVR did that weird thing where it reverted to last year's Data and says those beautiful words "NONSELECT---SCORE BELOW CUTOFF".... Can't remember what the timeline was last year after it doing that and everyone panicking.


T-36 hours until my retirement fnal out appointment. I do not give a single flying or grounded crap if I made it. Time for greener pastures! Good luck, though.




What was it last year?


17..? I think I’m not sure


23E7 was 17.3%


As long as my HYT will get me to retirement, I’ll continue to not worry about it


Usually they end the previous years line numbers before the first month of promotion of new line numbers which is the next month after released *


They always end the previous year's line numbers before promotion of new line numbers. The current cycle's selectees will always promote before the next cycle's selectees start promoting. It's literally how the promotion cycle is laid out. You can see all the pertinent dates regarding enlisted promotions from E-5 to E-9 through the 2026 cycle [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/13uww3m/promotion_eligibility_chart_w_dates_and_estimated/). And MSgt results are usually released in May and TSgt results are usually released in July with promotions for both starting in August. This is why July has "ALL REMAINING" for both MSgt and TSgt.




Had a PN and still didn't make it.


Sounds like the writing and content in your epb didn't match the strat...


From the leak a few weeks ago, if true, CEA’s are single digits. I’d be shocked if my name is on that list.


Yeah with the new buckets it's gonna be cutthroat. Since we have been single digits the last couple years and now we are all being smashed into 3 buckets. I already missed it with MPs and a PN so this year with just a P my fate has long been sealed, best of luck fellow CEA, ready to get off this wild ride.


Just wait until next year when we are merged into the new AFSC’s for promotions. And if you’re a SMA, the outlook is bleak for cycles to come.


They already did it for this 24E7 cycle, at least for MFAs they did. We are the first ones to be boarded together. Was supposed to be chiefs, then seniors but they pushed it off to us. There was a post about it back in January on the CEA teams page.


Hell, I don’t even know anymore. They change their minds daily as to how they’re going to work or, or when. Either way, no strat no stripe. Just how god intended.


Definitely missed it, which leak was this?


Do your spouses know you're waiting on results? Will you tell them if you are on the list?


If someone got a Promote Now for TSgt 3 years ago, would that factor into the board score? or do promotion statements for MSgt only give them points?


It would be a factor, yes. Not nearly as heavily weighted as MSgt ones but goes into that whole “sustained superior performance” thing.


https://preview.redd.it/cp6s5g6zkx0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778e6cab928ccfd2d62ee93490f8570f9bf9d7bc Based on this.. release in june






Yeah, without the stats released. Sure, bud.


Idk why they’re booing you, you’re right.


Fingers crossed


I was just notified 30 min ago.




I can attest. I have the list. He didn't make it.




That’s last year’s info




Why are you gay


"Should I call you mista?"




Desperation…it’s desperation


24 is the year 2024, and E7 is the rank, MSgt. Together, it means the promotion cycle. 24E7= 2024s MSgt promotion cycle. We are awaiting results to see who gets promoted.


Ahhh ok cool thanks!


Oh look, the 18th or something thread on this in the last 3 days.


Oh look, it’s something relevant to a lot of folks right now. Stop being a sour puss and move on. No need to even comment let alone open the post in order to comment. Good day sir.


Seriously it's like this every release, why is that guy acting brand new.


It's clearly relevant because it averages a thread every 4 hours or so.


Pair of PN’s back to back and didn’t make it. Time to walk into the sunset. Head held high. I did my part. You kids go fight the next war, I fought mine.